blob: fb7dba095878a3dccd6a919274763a4780a7164c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package servo_lib
import (
// ServoType is the used servo type, as reported by `dut-control servo_type`.
// ServoType determines arguments to use with futility when flashing.
type ServoType struct {
func NewServoType(servo_type string) ServoType {
return ServoType{servo_type}
func (s *ServoType) IsV2() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "servo_v2")
func (s *ServoType) IsV4() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "servo_v4")
func (s *ServoType) IsC2D2() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "c2d2")
func (s *ServoType) IsCCD() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "ccd")
func (s *ServoType) IsMicro() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "servo_micro")
func (s *ServoType) GetSerialNumberOption() string {
if s.IsV4() && s.IsCCD() {
return "ccd_serialname"
if s.IsV4() && s.IsMicro() {
return "servo_micro_serialname"
return "serialname"
func (s *ServoType) IsMultipleServos() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.string, "_and_")
// PickServoSubtype allows to pick a single servo from dual servo types,
// such as "servo_v4p1_with_servo_micro_and_ccd_cr50".
// PickServoSubtype assumes that the servo is dual, use IsMultipleServos()
// function to check for that.
// |preferCCD| tells the function to pick the CCD servo, otherwise other servo
// type (likely servo_micro) will be chosen. Example:
// If preferCCD is true, string above will return "servo_v4p1_with_ccd_cr50".
// If preferCCD is false, it will return "servo_v4p1_with_servo_micro".
func (s *ServoType) PickServoSubtype(preferCCD bool) string {
withSplit := strings.Split(s.string, "_with_")
if len(withSplit) <= 1 {
return strings.Split(s.string, "_and_")[0]
// for "servo_v4p1_with_servo_micro_and_ccd_cr50" this would return "servo_v4p1"
servoVer := withSplit[0]
servoSubtypes := strings.Split(withSplit[1], "_and_")
subtypeToUse := ""
for _, servoSubType := range servoSubtypes {
subtypeToUse = servoSubType
isCCD := strings.Contains(servoSubType, "ccd")
if isCCD && preferCCD {
if !isCCD && !preferCCD {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v_with_%v", servoVer, subtypeToUse)