blob: 7090c49f2d15d53f09b3de216485c38a570da529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package finder find all matched tests from test metadata based on test criteria.
package finder
import (
type tagMatcher struct {
tags map[string]struct{}
excludes map[string]struct{}
testNames map[string]struct{}
testNameExcludes map[string]struct{}
func newTagMatcher(criteria *api.TestSuite_TestCaseTagCriteria) *tagMatcher {
tags := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, tag := range criteria.Tags {
tags[tag] = struct{}{}
excludes := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, tag := range criteria.TagExcludes {
excludes[tag] = struct{}{}
testNames := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, testName := range criteria.TestNames {
testNames[testName] = struct{}{}
testNameExcludes := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, testNameExclude := range criteria.TestNameExcludes {
testNameExcludes[testNameExclude] = struct{}{}
return &tagMatcher{
tags: tags,
excludes: excludes,
testNames: testNames,
testNameExcludes: testNameExcludes,
func (tm *tagMatcher) match(md *api.TestCaseMetadata) bool {
if len(md.TestCase.Tags) < len(tm.tags) {
return false
// If the test id is in ANY excluded names, do not match it
for testNameExclude := range tm.testNameExcludes {
if matched, _ := filepath.Match(testNameExclude, md.TestCase.Id.Value); matched {
return false
// If the test tag is in ANY of the excludes, do not match
// Every tag in the matcher must be found in the TC.
// EG: if a test has: `tag1, tag2`` and the matcher has `tag1, tag2, tag3` the matcher will not hit.
// Additionally, if a test has: `tag1, tag2` and the matcher has `tag1, ag3`, the matcher will not hit.
matchedTags := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, tag := range md.TestCase.Tags {
if _, ok := tm.excludes[tag.Value]; ok {
return false
if _, ok := tm.tags[tag.Value]; ok {
matchedTags[tag.Value] = struct{}{}
// If the ANY names are provided, and the test matches ANY name, include it
matchTestNames := len(tm.testNames) == 0
for testName := range tm.testNames {
if matched, _ := filepath.Match(testName, md.TestCase.Id.Value); matched {
matchTestNames = true
return len(matchedTags) == len(tm.tags) && matchTestNames
// MatchedTestsForSuites finds all test metadata that match the specified suites.
func MatchedTestsForSuites(metadataList []*api.TestCaseMetadata, suites []*api.TestSuite) (tmList []*api.TestCaseMetadata, err error) {
tests := make(map[string]struct{})
var tagMatchers []*tagMatcher
for _, s := range suites {
tcIds := s.GetTestCaseIds()
if tcIds != nil {
for _, t := range tcIds.TestCaseIds {
tests[t.Value] = struct{}{}
criteria := s.GetTestCaseTagCriteria()
if criteria != nil {
// create one tag matcher for each test suite that has tags
tagMatchers = append(tagMatchers, newTagMatcher(criteria))
defer func() {
// Get all the metadata for matched tests.
for _, tm := range metadataList {
if _, ok := tests[tm.TestCase.Id.Value]; ok {
tmList = append(tmList, tm)
delete(tests, tm.TestCase.Id.Value)
if len(tests) > 0 {
// There are unmatched tests cases.
var unmatched []string
for t := range tests {
unmatched = append(unmatched, t)
err = fmt.Errorf("following test ids have no metadata %v", unmatched)
if len(tagMatchers) == 0 {
return tmList, nil
for _, tm := range metadataList {
if _, ok := tests[tm.TestCase.Id.Value]; ok {
// The test has already been included.
for _, matcher := range tagMatchers {
if matcher.match(tm) {
tests[tm.TestCase.Id.Value] = struct{}{}
return tmList, nil