blob: ce1af2e8164e174c09b2649671001f7aced6f5ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package internal
import (
func TestCLIParse(t *testing.T) {
for name, test := range map[string]struct {
args []string
target string
opts Options
"defaults": {
args: []string{"dut"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: true,
"clobber": {
args: []string{"dut", "--clobber-stateful=yes"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: true,
ClobberStateful: true,
ClearTpmOwner: true, // follows --clobber-stateful by default
"clobber-but-not-clear-tpm": {
args: []string{"dut", "--clobber-stateful=yes", "--clear-tpm-owner=no"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: true,
ClobberStateful: true,
ClearTpmOwner: false,
"disable-rootfs-verification": {
args: []string{"dut", "--rootfs-verification=yes"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: false,
"milestone": {
args: []string{"dut", "-R123"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
MilestoneNum: 123,
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: true,
"version": {
args: []string{"dut", "-R123-4.5.6"},
target: "dut",
opts: Options{
MilestoneNum: 0,
VersionString: "R123-4.5.6",
FlashOptions: dut.FlashOptions{
DisableRootfsVerification: true,
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
qt := quicktest.New(t)
target, opts, err := cliParse(test.args)
qt.Assert(err, quicktest.IsNil)
qt.Check(target, quicktest.Equals,
qt.Check(opts, quicktest.Equals, test.opts)
func TestCLIParseErrors(t *testing.T) {
for name, test := range map[string]struct {
args []string
errString string
"excess-args": {
args: []string{"a", "b"},
errString: "error: unexpected b, try --help",
"missing-dut": {
args: nil,
errString: `error: required argument 'dut-host' not provided, try --help`,
"invalid-flag": {
args: []string{"dut", "--invalid-flag"},
errString: `error: unknown long flag '--invalid-flag', try --help`,
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
qt := quicktest.New(t)
_, _, err := cliParse(test.args)
qt.Check(err, quicktest.ErrorMatches, regexp.QuoteMeta(test.errString))