blob: 97609e484033eebd151bf4bca518a1f9529b5e7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package driver implements drivers to execute tests.
package common
import (
const NO_STATUS = "----"
const START = "START"
// Example: START ---- timestamp=1670924318 localtime=Dec 13 09:38:38
// The first %s is to optionally add a tab.
const baseStr = "%s%s\t%s\t%s\ttimestamp=%d\tlocaltime=%s\t%s\n"
// PublishTkoStatusFile publishes the responseProto into a TKO status log in the given resultsDirectory.
func PublishTkoStatusFile(resultsDir string, results []*api.TestCaseResult) error {
// NOTE: this entire file can be pulled out of cros-test and places somewhere else in the stack if needed, as long as the resultsProto is provided.
// Used in the event a test is skipped and/or reported without a time, as TKO needs one.
defaultInt := time.Now().Unix()
content, err := generateTkoLog(results, defaultInt)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := writeInfoToStatusLog(content, resultsDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func generateTkoLog(results []*api.TestCaseResult, defaultInt int64) ([]string, error) {
// Default int will be used when there is no start time.
var content []string
for _, result := range results {
name := result.GetTestCaseId().GetValue()
verdict := result.Verdict
reason := result.GetReason()
startInt := defaultInt
rTime := result.GetStartTime()
if rTime != nil {
startInt = result.GetStartTime().Seconds
duration := int64(0)
dur := result.GetDuration()
if dur != nil {
duration = result.GetDuration().Seconds
finishTime := startInt + duration
tm := time.Unix(startInt, 0)
startStr := tm.UTC().Format("Dec _2 15:04:05")
finsihTm := time.Unix(finishTime, 0)
finishStr := finsihTm.UTC().Format("Dec _2 15:04:05")
// Translate the verdict type to a tko string.
var verdictStr string
switch verdict.(type) {
case *api.TestCaseResult_Crash_:
verdictStr = "FAIL"
case *api.TestCaseResult_Fail_:
verdictStr = "FAIL"
case *api.TestCaseResult_Abort_:
verdictStr = "FAIL"
case *api.TestCaseResult_Pass_:
verdictStr = "PASS"
case *api.TestCaseResult_Skip_:
verdictStr = "SKIP"
case *api.TestCaseResult_NotRun_:
verdictStr = "NOT_RUN"
content = writeStartLine(content, name, startInt, startStr)
content = writeInfoLine(content, verdictStr, name, finishTime, finishStr, reason)
content = writeEndLine(content, verdictStr, name, finishTime, finishStr, reason)
return content, nil
func writeInfoToStatusLog(content []string, resultsDir string) error {
fn := filepath.Join(resultsDir, "status.log")
wf, err := os.Create(fn)
if err != nil {
return err
defer wf.Close()
for _, line := range content {
return nil
func writeStartLine(content []string, name string, timestamp int64, localtime string) []string {
return append(content, fmt.Sprintf(baseStr, "", START, NO_STATUS, name, timestamp, localtime, ""))
func writeInfoLine(content []string, result string, name string, timestamp int64, localtime string, info string) []string {
return append(content, fmt.Sprintf(baseStr, "\t", result, NO_STATUS, name, timestamp, localtime, info))
func writeEndLine(content []string, result string, name string, timestamp int64, localtime string, info string) []string {
return append(content, fmt.Sprintf(baseStr, "", fmt.Sprintf("END %s", result), NO_STATUS, name, timestamp, localtime, ""))