blob: f6b4c94fde71594b2e063022119b6699c76ee9df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package device implements utilities to extract device information.
package device
import (
labapi ""
// DutInfo stores information of a ChromeOS DUT.
type DutInfo struct {
Addr string // The address of the DUT.
Role string // The role of the DUT.
Servo string // The address of the servo.
DutServer string // The address of the dutServer.
LibsServer string // The address of the libsServer.
ProvisionServer string // The address of the provision server
DevboardServer string // The address of the devboard server.
Board string // The board of the DUT
Model string // The model of the DUT
ServoHostname string // The hostname of the Servo paired with the DUT
ServoPort string // The port of the Servo paired with the DUT
ServoSerial string // The serial of the Servo paired with the DUT
ChameleonAudio bool // If the DUT has a ChameleonAudio peripheral
ChamelonPresent bool // If the DUT has a Chameleon peripheral
ChamelonPeriphsList []string // The list of Chameleon peripherals
AtrusAudio bool // If the DUT has a AtrusAudio label
TouchMimo bool // If the DUT has a TouchMimo label
CameraboxFacing string // The direction the camerabox is facing, ie "front" or "back"
CableList []string // The list of cables attached
CarrierList []string // the list of carriers
HwIDList []string // HwIDlist
Sku string
Phase string
BTPeers int
CacheServer string
HWID string
FrontendAddress string
PowerUnitHostName string
PowerUnitOutlet string
HydraHostName string
SimInfos []string
WifiSecretSsid string
WifiSecretSecurity string
WifiSecretPassword string
DUT *labapi.Dut
// joinHostAndPort joins host and port to a single address.
// Example 1: "" "" -> "".
// Example 2: "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1" "2" -> "[0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1]:2".
// Example 3: "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1" "" -> 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1"
func joinHostAndPort(endpoint *labapi.IpEndpoint) string {
if endpoint == nil {
return ""
if endpoint.Port == 0 {
return endpoint.Address
return net.JoinHostPort(endpoint.Address, strconv.Itoa(int(endpoint.Port)))
// AndroidInfo stores information of a Android device.
type AndroidInfo struct {
AssoicateAddr string // A hostname of the device that the Android DUT is attached to.
Serial string // A string created by adb to uniquely identify the device.
ModelName string // The model name of the device.
DUT *labapi.Dut // The DUT topology.
// Address returns the address of a DUT.
// TODO: Remove this after no test drivers are using this.
func Address(device *api.CrosTestRequest_Device) (string, error) {
if device == nil {
return "", errors.New("requested device is nil")
dut := device.Dut
if dut == nil {
return "", errors.New("DUT is nil")
chromeOS := dut.GetChromeos()
if chromeOS == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("DUT does not have end point information: %v", dut)
return joinHostAndPort(chromeOS.Ssh), nil
// dutAddress extract the dut address from the Device information.
func dutAddress(dut *labapi.Dut) (string, error) {
if dut.GetDevboard() != nil {
// Ignore DUT address if the devboard server is set.
return "", nil
crosSsh := dut.GetChromeos().GetSsh()
if crosSsh == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("DUT does not have end point information: %v", dut)
return joinHostAndPort(crosSsh), nil
// FillDUTInfo extracts DUT information from a device.
func FillDUTInfo(device *api.CrosTestRequest_Device, role string) (*DutInfo, error) {
if device == nil {
return nil, errors.New("requested device is nil")
dut := device.Dut
if dut == nil {
return nil, errors.New("DUT is nil")
addr, err := dutAddress(dut)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get DUT address: %v", dut)
cacheInfo := dut.GetCacheServer()
chromeOS := dut.GetChromeos()
// Servo address.
var servo string
var servoHostname string
var servoPort string
var servoSerial string
if chromeOS.GetServo().GetServodAddress() != nil {
servo = joinHostAndPort(chromeOS.GetServo().GetServodAddress())
servoHostname = strings.ToLower(chromeOS.GetServo().GetServodAddress().GetAddress())
if chromeOS.GetServo().GetServodAddress().GetPort() != 0 {
servoPort = fmt.Sprintf("%v", chromeOS.GetServo().GetServodAddress().GetPort())
servoSerial = chromeOS.GetServo().GetSerial()
// Address to the frontend service for accessing the RPM.
// The frontend service is an HTTP service that supports XMLRPC calls.
frontendAddress := joinHostAndPort(chromeOS.GetRpm().GetFrontendAddress())
// Hostname of a particular PDU that assigned to the DUT.
powerUnitHostName := joinHostAndPort(chromeOS.GetRpm().GetPowerUnitHostname())
// Outlet name/number assigned to the DUT
powerUnitOutlet := chromeOS.GetRpm().GetPowerUnitOutlet()
// (Optional) Hydra hostname if the PDU access require a hydra.
hydraHostName := joinHostAndPort(chromeOS.GetRpm().GetHydraHostname())
// DUT Server address.
var dutServer string
if device.DutServer != nil {
dutServer = joinHostAndPort(device.DutServer)
// DUT Server address.
var libsServer string
if device.LibsServer != nil {
libsServer = joinHostAndPort(device.LibsServer)
// Provision server address.
var provisionServer string
if device.ProvisionServer != nil {
provisionServer = joinHostAndPort(device.ProvisionServer)
// Devboard server address.
var devboardServer string
if device.DevboardServer != nil {
devboardServer = joinHostAndPort(device.DevboardServer)
board := chromeOS.GetDutModel().GetBuildTarget()
model := chromeOS.GetDutModel().GetModelName()
// - Chameleon
var chameleonAudio bool
var chamelonPresent bool
var chamelonPeriphsList []string
chameleonAudio = chromeOS.GetChameleon().GetAudioBoard()
if len(chromeOS.GetChameleon().GetPeripherals()) > 0 {
chamelonPresent = true
for _, v := range chromeOS.GetChameleon().GetPeripherals() {
lv := "chameleon:" + strings.ToLower(v.String())
chamelonPeriphsList = append(chamelonPeriphsList, lv)
atrusAudio := chromeOS.GetAudio().GetAtrus()
touchMimo := chromeOS.GetTouch().GetMimo()
var cameraboxFacing string
if camerabox := chromeOS.GetCamerabox(); camerabox != nil {
facing := camerabox.Facing
cameraboxFacing = strings.ToLower(facing.String())
var cableList []string
if cables := chromeOS.GetCables(); len(cables) > 0 {
for _, v := range cables {
// TODO: Figure out why this proto has an empty space at end
// eg. USBAUDIO is returning "USBAUDIO "
cableList = append(cableList, strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(v.String()), " "))
var carriers []string
if car := chromeOS.GetCellular(); car != nil {
if len(car.GetOperators()) > 0 {
for _, v := range car.Operators {
lv := "carrier:" + strings.ToLower(v.String())
carriers = append(carriers, lv)
// Include DUT carrier label as a 'carrier:', 'Operators' refers to the individual
// SIMs in DUT and is currently unused as it has been superseded by the SimInfo labels.
if car.GetCarrier() != "" {
lv := "carrier:" + strings.ToLower(car.GetCarrier())
carriers = append(carriers, lv)
var hwids []string
if hwid := chromeOS.GetHwidComponent(); len(hwid) > 0 {
for _, v := range hwid {
// TODO: Figure out why this proto has an empty space at end
// eg. USBAUDIO is returning "USBAUDIO "
lv := "hwid_component:" + strings.ToLower(v)
hwids = append(hwids, lv)
sku := chromeOS.GetSku()
var phase string
phase = strings.ToUpper(chromeOS.GetPhase().String())
hwid := chromeOS.GetHwid()
btpeers := 0
if peers := chromeOS.GetBluetoothPeers(); len(peers) > 0 {
for _, v := range peers {
state := v.State
if strings.ToLower(state.String()) == "working" {
cacheServer := ""
if cacheInfo != nil {
cacheServer = fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", cacheInfo.GetAddress().GetAddress(), cacheInfo.GetAddress().GetPort())
wifiSecret := dut.GetWifiSecret()
wifiSecretSsid := ""
wifiSecretSecurity := ""
wifiSecretPassword := ""
if wifiSecret != nil {
wifiSecretSsid = wifiSecret.GetSsid()
wifiSecretSecurity = wifiSecret.GetSecurity()
wifiSecretPassword = wifiSecret.GetPassword()
return &DutInfo{
Addr: addr,
Role: role,
Servo: servo,
DutServer: dutServer,
LibsServer: libsServer,
ProvisionServer: provisionServer,
DevboardServer: devboardServer,
Board: board,
Model: model,
ServoHostname: servoHostname,
ServoPort: servoPort,
ServoSerial: servoSerial,
ChameleonAudio: chameleonAudio,
ChamelonPresent: chamelonPresent,
ChamelonPeriphsList: chamelonPeriphsList,
AtrusAudio: atrusAudio,
TouchMimo: touchMimo,
CameraboxFacing: cameraboxFacing,
CableList: cableList,
CarrierList: carriers,
HwIDList: hwids,
Sku: sku,
Phase: phase,
BTPeers: btpeers,
CacheServer: cacheServer,
HWID: hwid,
FrontendAddress: frontendAddress,
PowerUnitHostName: powerUnitHostName,
PowerUnitOutlet: powerUnitOutlet,
HydraHostName: hydraHostName,
SimInfos: simInfoConverter(chromeOS.GetSimInfos()),
WifiSecretSsid: wifiSecretSsid,
WifiSecretSecurity: wifiSecretSecurity,
WifiSecretPassword: wifiSecretPassword,
DUT: dut,
}, nil
// AppendChromeOsLabels appends labels extracted from ChromeOS device.
func AppendChromeOsLabels(dut *DutInfo) (map[string]string, []string, error) {
// attrMap is the map of attributes to be used for autotest hostinfo.
// example: {"servo_host": "servohostname.cros"}
attrMap := make(map[string]string)
// labels is a list of labels describing the DUT to be used for autotest hostinfo.
// example: "servo chameleon audio_board"
var labels []string
if dut.Board != "" {
labels = append(labels, "board:"+strings.ToLower(dut.Board))
if dut.Model != "" {
labels = append(labels, "model:"+strings.ToLower(dut.Model))
// - Servo
if dut.Servo != "" {
labels = append(labels, "servo")
if dut.ServoHostname != "" {
attrMap["servo_host"] = dut.ServoHostname
if dut.ServoPort != "" {
attrMap["servo_port"] = dut.ServoPort
if dut.ServoSerial != "" {
attrMap["servo_serial"] = dut.ServoSerial
// HWID needs to be an attr
if dut.HWID != "" {
attrMap["HWID"] = dut.HWID
if dut.ChamelonPresent == true {
labels = append(labels, "chameleon")
if dut.ChameleonAudio == true {
labels = append(labels, "audio_board")
if len(dut.ChamelonPeriphsList) > 0 {
labels = append(labels, dut.ChamelonPeriphsList...)
if dut.AtrusAudio == true {
labels = append(labels, "atrus")
if dut.TouchMimo == true {
labels = append(labels, "mimo")
// - Camerabox
if dut.CameraboxFacing != "" {
labels = append(labels, "camerabox_facing:"+dut.CameraboxFacing)
// - WifiSecret
if dut.WifiSecretSsid != "" {
labels = append(labels, "wifisecret_ssid:"+dut.WifiSecretSsid)
if dut.WifiSecretSecurity != "" {
labels = append(labels, "wifisecret_security:"+dut.WifiSecretSecurity)
if dut.WifiSecretPassword != "" {
labels = append(labels, "wifisecret_password:"+dut.WifiSecretPassword)
if len(dut.CableList) > 0 {
labels = append(labels, dut.CableList...)
if len(dut.CarrierList) > 0 {
labels = append(labels, dut.CarrierList...)
if len(dut.HwIDList) > 0 {
labels = append(labels, dut.HwIDList...)
if dut.Sku != "" {
labels = append(labels, "sku:"+dut.Sku)
if dut.Phase != "" {
labels = append(labels, "phase:"+dut.Phase)
if dut.BTPeers > 0 {
labels = append(labels, fmt.Sprintf("working_bluetooth_btpeer:%v", dut.BTPeers))
if dut.SimInfos != nil && len(dut.SimInfos) > 0 {
labels = append(labels, dut.SimInfos...)
return attrMap, labels, nil
// simInfoConverter converts SIMInfo labels to Autotest labels
// converter logic is copied from go/src/infra/libs/skylab/inventory/autotest/labels/siminfo.go
func simInfoConverter(simInfos []*labapi.SIMInfo) []string {
var labels []string
for _, s := range simInfos {
sim_id := ""
if v := s.GetSlotId(); v != 0 {
sim_id = strconv.Itoa(int(v))
lv := "sim_slot_id:" + sim_id
labels = append(labels, lv)
if v := s.GetType(); v != *labapi.SIMType_SIM_UNKNOWN.Enum() {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_type:" + v.String()
labels = append(labels, lv)
if eid := s.GetEid(); eid != "" {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_eid:" + eid
labels = append(labels, lv)
if s.GetTestEsim() {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_test_esim:True"
labels = append(labels, lv)
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_num_profiles:" + strconv.Itoa(len(s.GetProfileInfo()))
labels = append(labels, lv)
for j, p := range s.GetProfileInfo() {
profile_id := strconv.Itoa(j)
if k := p.GetIccid(); k != "" {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_" + profile_id + "_iccid:" + k
labels = append(labels, lv)
if k := p.GetSimPin(); k != "" {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_" + profile_id + "_pin:" + k
labels = append(labels, lv)
if k := p.GetSimPuk(); k != "" {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_" + profile_id + "_puk:" + k
labels = append(labels, lv)
if k := p.GetCarrierName(); k != *labapi.NetworkProvider_NETWORK_OTHER.Enum() {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_" + profile_id + "_carrier_name:" + k.String()
labels = append(labels, lv)
if k := p.GetOwnNumber(); k != "" {
lv := "sim_" + sim_id + "_" + profile_id + "_own_number:" + k
labels = append(labels, lv)
return labels
// FillAndroidInfo extracts Android information from a device.
func FillAndroidInfo(device *api.CrosTestRequest_Device) *AndroidInfo {
android := device.Dut.GetAndroid()
return &AndroidInfo{
AssoicateAddr: joinHostAndPort(android.GetAssociatedHostname()),
Serial: android.GetSerialNumber(),
ModelName: android.GetDutModel().GetModelName(),
DUT: device.Dut,
// GenLabConfig gemerates DUT lab config proto.
func GenLabConfig(primary *DutInfo, companions []*DutInfo, androidCompanion []*AndroidInfo) (*protocol.DUTLabConfig, error) {
chromeOSDUTLabConfig := make(map[string]*labapi.Dut)
androidDUTLabConfig := make(map[string]*labapi.Dut)
devboardDUTLabConfig := make(map[string]*labapi.Dut)
if primary.DUT.GetChromeos() != nil {
chromeOSDUTLabConfig[primary.Role] = primary.DUT
} else if primary.DUT.GetDevboard() != nil {
devboardDUTLabConfig[primary.Role] = primary.DUT
for _, c := range companions {
if c.DUT.GetChromeos() != nil {
chromeOSDUTLabConfig[c.Role] = c.DUT
} else if c.DUT.GetDevboard() != nil {
devboardDUTLabConfig[c.Role] = c.DUT
for _, a := range androidCompanion {
androidDUTLabConfig[a.AssoicateAddr] = a.DUT
return &protocol.DUTLabConfig{
ChromeOSDUTLabConfig: chromeOSDUTLabConfig,
AndroidDUTLabConfig: androidDUTLabConfig,
DevboardDUTLabConfig: devboardDUTLabConfig,
}, nil