blob: ceba4f86622fd269edd936f379291d799c011197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package policies
import (
// PassRatePolicy is a helper struct for GetFile.
type PassRatePolicy struct {
ctx context.Context
req *api.FilterFlakyRequest_PassRatePolicy
variant string
milestone string
forceMapEnable map[string]struct{}
forceMapDisable map[string]struct{}
requiredPassRate float64
requiredRuns int
numOfMilestones int
missingTcList map[string]struct{}
data map[string]structs.SignalFormat
otherData map[string]structs.SignalFormat
requiredRecentPassRate float64
requiredRecentRuns int
type resSchema struct {
Build string
Normalized_test string
Board string
Success_permille float64
Total_runs int
Fail_runs int
Rec_Success_Permille float64
Rec_Total_Runs int
// Helper method to turn a list into a set. Because Go doesn't have built in sets. nice.
func listToMap(forced []string) map[string]struct{} {
listMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, test := range forced {
listMap[test] = struct{}{}
return listMap
// Helper method to turn the policy FilterTestConfigs into a set.
func policyFilterTestConfigsToMap(cfgs []*api.FilterTestConfig, board string) (map[string]struct{}, map[string]struct{}) {
enabled := make(map[string]struct{})
disabled := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, filterconfig := range cfgs {
if filterconfig.GetSetting() == api.FilterTestConfig_ENABLED {
if slices.Contains(filterconfig.GetBoard(), board) || slices.Contains(filterconfig.GetBoard(), "*") {
enabled[filterconfig.GetTest()] = struct{}{}
} else if filterconfig.GetSetting() == api.FilterTestConfig_DISABLED {
if slices.Contains(filterconfig.GetBoard(), board) || slices.Contains(filterconfig.GetBoard(), "*") {
disabled[filterconfig.GetTest()] = struct{}{}
return enabled, disabled
// StabilityFromPolicy returns the stability information computed from the policy given. Uses BQ results directly for test history.
func StabilityFromPolicy(req *api.FilterFlakyRequest_PassRatePolicy, variant string, milestone string, tcList map[string]struct{}) (map[string]structs.SignalFormat, error) {
policy := PassRatePolicy{
req: req,
variant: variant,
milestone: milestone,
forceMapEnable: make(map[string]struct{}),
forceMapDisable: make(map[string]struct{}),
requiredPassRate: float64(req.PassRatePolicy.PassRate),
numOfMilestones: int(req.PassRatePolicy.NumOfMilestones),
requiredRuns: int(req.PassRatePolicy.MinRuns),
requiredRecentPassRate: float64(req.PassRatePolicy.PassRateRecent),
requiredRecentRuns: int(req.PassRatePolicy.MinRunsRecent),
missingTcList: tcList,
data: make(map[string]structs.SignalFormat),
otherData: make(map[string]structs.SignalFormat),
err := policy.stabilityFromPolicy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return, nil
func (q *PassRatePolicy) determineSignalFromQuery(testname string, passRate float64, recPassRate float64, recRuns int, minRuns int, filterRemaining int) (bool, int) {
// If the test is force_enabled, do this.
if _, found := q.forceMapEnable[testname]; found {
log.Printf("testname %s marked as forced disabled.", testname)
return true, filterRemaining
} else if _, found := q.forceMapDisable[testname]; found {
return false, filterRemaining
} else if passRate >= float64(q.requiredPassRate) {
return true, filterRemaining
} else if q.requiredPassRate != 0 && q.requiredRecentRuns != 0 {
if recPassRate >= q.requiredRecentPassRate && recRuns >= q.requiredRecentRuns {
return true, filterRemaining // Was bad, but recent signal is very strongly good.
// reduce the filter remaining by one, and if there is <=0 remaining, allow it.
if filterRemaining <= 0 {
log.Printf("testname %s < required PassRate %v with %v: IS UNSTABLE BUT ALLOWED DUE TO MAX FILTER # REACHED.\n", testname, q.requiredPassRate, passRate)
return true, filterRemaining
// Only decrement the filter remaining if the TC is actually in the list of TC.
_, ok := q.missingTcList[testname]
if ok {
return false, filterRemaining
func (q *PassRatePolicy) stabilityFromPolicy() error {
mileStone, _ := strconv.Atoi(q.milestone)
mileStroneRegex := mileStoneRegex(q.numOfMilestones, mileStone)
q.forceMapEnable, q.forceMapDisable = policyFilterTestConfigsToMap(q.req.PassRatePolicy.Testconfigs, q.variant)
// Query using all possible milestones. We will only search for results in the current on the first iterations.
bqIter, err := interfaces.QueryForResults(q.variant, mileStroneRegex)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to determine stabily: %s", err)
// Iterate through the results.
// TODO, consider combining results from different milestones.
// Might be useful when # runs required is like "20"; but we have 10 from 2 different milestones. = q.iterThroughData(bqIter, q.milestone)
if len(q.missingTcList) > 0 && q.numOfMilestones > 0 {
return nil
func (q *PassRatePolicy) populateMissingTests() {
for k := range q.missingTcList {
_, ok := q.otherData[k]
if ok {
log.Printf("Populating test %s from previous milestone.\n", k)[k] = q.otherData[k]
func maxAllowedToBeFiltered(req *api.PassRatePolicy, totalTests int) int {
maxI := req.MaxFilteredInt
if maxI == 0 {
maxI = math.MaxInt32
maxP := req.MaxFilteredPercent
if maxP == 0 {
maxP = 100
percentAsInt := math.Round(float64(totalTests * int(maxP) / 100))
return int(math.Min(float64(maxI), percentAsInt))
func (q *PassRatePolicy) iterThroughData(bqIter *bigquery.RowIterator, milestone string) map[string]structs.SignalFormat {
data := make(map[string]structs.SignalFormat)
totalTC := len(q.missingTcList)
filtersRemaining := maxAllowedToBeFiltered(q.req.PassRatePolicy, totalTC)
for {
var resp resSchema
err := bqIter.Next(&resp)
if err == iterator.Done { // from ""
if err != nil {
// Intentionally do not rause this error, just log it for now.
// Sometimes something silly can happen and we get `NULL` from the query for some items,
// this is where its going to be raised. For now, lets log && continue to not break every test.
log.Printf("INFORMATIONAL ERR - could not decode error on loop: %s\n", err)
var signal bool
signal, filtersRemaining = q.determineSignalFromQuery(
resp.Normalized_test, resp.Success_permille, resp.Rec_Success_Permille,
resp.Rec_Total_Runs, int(q.req.PassRatePolicy.MinRuns),
// Not enough runs? skip!
if resp.Total_runs < int(q.req.PassRatePolicy.MinRuns) {
if !signal {
log.Printf("testname %s < required PassRate %v with %v: MARKED UNSTABLE (might still run due to overrides).\n", resp.Normalized_test, q.requiredPassRate, resp.Success_permille)
fmted := structs.SignalFormat{
Runs: resp.Total_runs,
Failruns: resp.Fail_runs,
Passrate: resp.Success_permille,
Signal: signal,
PassrateRecent: resp.Rec_Success_Permille,
RunsRecent: resp.Rec_Total_Runs,
// Not in milestone save in memory for later use!
if resp.Build != milestone {
q.otherData[resp.Normalized_test] = fmted
data[resp.Normalized_test] = fmted
// Found and is current milestone, remove from the missing list.
delete(q.missingTcList, resp.Normalized_test)
return data