blob: 64630064798fa4b29e1ef510b6dd83e5af9f847d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package service
import (
common_utils ""
rdb_pb ""
const (
// Path to rdb executable
RdbExecutablePath = "/usr/bin/rdb"
// Path to result_adapter executable
ResultAdapterExecutablePath = "/usr/bin/result_adapter"
// Path to temp directory for rdb-publish
RdbTempDirName = "rdb-publish-temp"
// File name for test result json
TestResultJsonFileName = "testResult.json"
// File name for invocation-level properties json
InvPropertiesFile = "invProperties.json"
// File name for code sources under test
CodeSourcesJsonFileName = "sources.jsonpb"
// Result format for rdb
ResultAdapterResultFormat = "cros-test-result"
// MaxSizeInvocationProperties is the maximum size of the invocation level
// properties stored in ResultDB.
MaxSizeInvocationProperties = 16 * 1024 // 16 KB
type RdbPublishService struct {
RetryCount int
CurrentInvocationId string
TestResultProto *artifact.TestResult
TesthausURL string
TempDirPath string
Sources *metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources
BaseVariant map[string]string
func NewRdbPublishService(req *api.PublishRequest) (*RdbPublishService, error) {
m, err := unpackMetadata(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = common_utils.ValidateRDBPublishRequest(req, m); err != nil {
return nil, err
retryCount := 0
if req.GetRetryCount() > 0 {
retryCount = int(req.GetRetryCount())
return &RdbPublishService{
RetryCount: retryCount,
CurrentInvocationId: m.GetCurrentInvocationId(),
TestResultProto: m.GetTestResult(),
TesthausURL: m.GetTesthausUrl(),
Sources: m.GetSources(),
BaseVariant: m.GetBaseVariant(),
}, nil
func (rps *RdbPublishService) UploadToRdb(ctx context.Context) error {
rdbClient := rdb_client.RdbClient{RdbExecutablePath: RdbExecutablePath, ResultAdapterExecutablePath: ResultAdapterExecutablePath}
rdbLib := rdb_lib.RdbLib{CurrentInvocation: rps.CurrentInvocationId, RdbClient: &rdbClient}
// Create temp dir if required
if rps.TempDirPath == "" {
dirPath, err := common_utils.MakeTempDir(ctx, "", RdbTempDirName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during creating temp dir for rdb publish: %w", err)
rps.TempDirPath = dirPath
// Write test result to file
testResultFilePath := path.Join(rps.TempDirPath, TestResultJsonFileName)
err := common_utils.WriteProtoJsonFile(ctx, testResultFilePath, rps.TestResultProto)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during writing test result proto to file: %w", err)
log.Printf("test result file created in path: %q", testResultFilePath)
// Write test invocation proto to invocation-level properties file
testInv := rps.TestResultProto.GetTestInvocation()
invPropertiesFilePath := path.Join(rps.TempDirPath, InvPropertiesFile)
err = common_utils.WriteProtoJsonFile(ctx, invPropertiesFilePath, testInv)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during writing test invocation proto to file: %w", err)
log.Printf("invocation properties file created in path: %q", invPropertiesFilePath)
sourcesFilePath := path.Join(rps.TempDirPath, CodeSourcesJsonFileName)
hasSources, err := downloadSources(ctx, sourcesFilePath, rps.Sources)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("downloading sources: %w", err)
if hasSources {
log.Printf("code sources under test stored at path: %q", sourcesFilePath)
// Upload invocation artifacts
if rps.TesthausURL != "" {
artifact := rdb_pb.Artifact{ArtifactId: "testhaus_logs", ContentType: "text/x-uri", Contents: []byte(rps.TesthausURL)}
err := rdbLib.UploadInvocationArtifacts(ctx, &artifact)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during rdb invocation artifact upload: %w", err)
// Upload test results
baseTags := map[string]string{}
config := &rdb_client.RdbStreamConfig{
BaseTags: baseTags,
BaseVariant: rps.BaseVariant,
ResultFile: testResultFilePath,
ResultFormat: ResultAdapterResultFormat}
if hasSources {
config.SourcesFile = sourcesFilePath
if validateInvProperties(testInv) {
config.InvPropertiesFile = invPropertiesFilePath
} else {
log.Printf("invocation properties file is skipped from the upload because it exceeds the maximum size of: %d bytes", MaxSizeInvocationProperties)
err = rdbLib.UploadTestResults(ctx, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during rdb test results upload: %w", err)
// Apply exonerations
err = rdbLib.ApplyExonerations(ctx, []string{rps.CurrentInvocationId}, test_platform.Request_Params_NON_CRITICAL, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error during exonerations: %w", err)
return nil
// unpackMetadata unpacks the Any metadata field into PublishGcsMetadata
func unpackMetadata(req *api.PublishRequest) (*metadata.PublishRdbMetadata, error) {
var m metadata.PublishRdbMetadata
if err := req.Metadata.UnmarshalTo(&m); err != nil {
return &m, fmt.Errorf("improperly formatted input proto metadata, %s", err)
return &m, nil
// downloadSources prepares the sources.jsonpb file required by the `rdb`
// command at the given destPath, using information in the given sources proto.
func downloadSources(ctx context.Context, destPath string, sources *metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources) (ok bool, err error) {
if sources == nil {
return false, nil
// Create Google Storage client with default credentials file.
gsClient, err := storage.NewGSClient(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error while creating new gs client: %s", err)
return false, fmt.Errorf("creating new gs client: %w", err)
err = gsClient.DownloadFile(ctx, sources.GsPath, destPath)
if err != nil {
if err == storage.ErrObjectNotExist {
// Not all builds will have source metadata available.
// This is normal.
log.Printf("Google storage file %s not found, continuing without sources", sources.GsPath)
return false, nil
return false, errors.Annotate(err, "downloading sources.jsonpb").Err()
sourcesProto := &rdb_pb.Sources{}
err = common_utils.ReadProtoJsonFile(ctx, destPath, sourcesProto)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Annotate(err, "reading sources.jsonpb").Err()
// IsDirty indicates whether the source code tested is completely
// described by the commit and changelists contained in the Sources
// proto.
// If the build used other sources (e.g. uncommitted changes,
// such as a new version of a dependecy) or if the deployment was
// dirty (e.g. a custom version of Lacros was deployed), this
// shall be set to true.
if sources.IsDeploymentDirty {
sourcesProto.IsDirty = true
err = common_utils.WriteProtoJsonFile(ctx, destPath, sourcesProto)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Annotate(err, "writing sources.jsonpb").Err()
return true, nil
// validateInvProperties returns false if properties is invalid.
func validateInvProperties(properties *artifact.TestInvocation) bool {
return proto.Size(properties) <= MaxSizeInvocationProperties