blob: a05b8a469e20e5c6330f9ff981aea43a9863b217 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package priority
import (
// RandomWeightedSelector selects from a list of boards, with a random choice
// weighted by BoardPriorities. The algorithm is as follows:
// 1. The sign of priorities is flipped, so that the board with the most
// negative configured priority now has the most positive priority.
// 2. If a priority is not defined for a board, it is implicitly 0, as defined
// in the BoardPriority proto comment.
// 3. Priorities are shifted so that the minimum priority is 1.
// 4. Priorities are divided by the sum of the shifted priorities. At this
// point, the priorities form a probability distribution (each is in the
// range (0, 1], and they sum to 1). Each board's probability is proportional
// to its original configured priority, i.e. the board with the most negative
// configured priority has the highest probability.
// 5. Sample a board from the probability distribution.
type RandomWeightedSelector struct {
rand *rand.Rand
boardToPriority map[string]*testplans.BoardPriority
// NewRandomWeightedSelector returns a RandomWeightedSelector based on
// boardPriorityList.
func NewRandomWeightedSelector(rand *rand.Rand, boardPriorityList *testplans.BoardPriorityList) *RandomWeightedSelector {
boardToPriority := make(map[string]*testplans.BoardPriority)
for _, boardPriority := range boardPriorityList.GetBoardPriorities() {
boardToPriority[boardPriority.GetSkylabBoard()] = boardPriority
return &RandomWeightedSelector{rand: rand, boardToPriority: boardToPriority}
// floatPriority is similar to the BoardPriority proto, but supports float
// priorities for internal computations.
type floatPriority struct {
board string
index int
priority float64
// BoardInfo represents a (chosen) board and its index in the original input
// boards list. This is done by exposing relevant floatPriority fields to
// external packages.
// Index is needed for multi-dut tests where the input may have repeating boards
// for different multi-dut combinations.
type BoardInfo = floatPriority
// GetBoard exposes the internal field: board.
func (p *BoardInfo) GetBoard() string {
return p.board
// GetIndex exposes the internal field: index.
func (p *BoardInfo) GetIndex() int {
return p.index
// getPriority looks up the configured priority for a given (board, pool)
// combination. The bool return value indicates whether a configured priority
// was found for the combination (similar to a map's return values).
// Currently only DUT_POOL_QUOTA has priorities configured.
// TODO(b/224916762): Modify this to look up by pool once the configuration is
// available.
func (rw *RandomWeightedSelector) getPriority(board, pool string) (*testplans.BoardPriority, bool) {
if pool != "DUT_POOL_QUOTA" {
glog.Warningf("no priority data configured for pool %q", pool)
return nil, false
pri, found := rw.boardToPriority[board]
return pri, found
// RandomWeightedSelector makes assertions that computed values fall within
// expected ranges, e.g. probabilities are <= 1.0. Add some tolerance to avoid
// panics due to possible small floating point imprecisions.
const floatErrorTolerance = 0.001
// Select is a wrapper of SelectPriority.
// TODO(mingkong): remove the wrapper once the code is fully migrated to the new
// method signature.
func (rw *RandomWeightedSelector) Select(pool string, boards []string) (string, error) {
priority, err := rw.SelectPriority(pool, boards)
return priority.GetBoard(), err
// SelectPriority randomly chooses a board from boards, with the probability a
// board is chosen proportional to its configured probability. Returns a
// BoardInfo object that contains the board name and its index in the input
// boards list.
// The index can be used to choose the board for companions accordingly to the
// board selection of the primary device in multi-dut tests.
// It is likely that multi-dut config to have repeating values in the input
// boards list, which means the priority for repeating boards is double
// weighted using the existing algorithm.
// TODO(mingkong) evaluate the side effect and check if global priority config
// (http://shortn/_NmJHlrSPiZ) should be used by multi-dut tests, which has its
// own specialized pools.
func (rw *RandomWeightedSelector) SelectPriority(pool string, boards []string) (BoardInfo, error) {
if len(boards) == 0 {
return BoardInfo{}, errors.New("boards must be non-empty")
var normalizedPriorities []floatPriority
// For each board in boards, look up its priority and store a floatPriority
// with the sign flipped from the configured priority. If a board is not
// found in the configured priorities, it gets priority 0.
for i, board := range boards {
if priority, found := rw.getPriority(board, pool); found {
normalizedPriorities = append(normalizedPriorities, floatPriority{
board: board, index: i, priority: float64(-priority.GetPriority()),
} else {
normalizedPriorities = append(normalizedPriorities, floatPriority{
board: board, index: i, priority: 0,
sort.SliceStable(normalizedPriorities, func(i, j int) bool {
return normalizedPriorities[i].priority < normalizedPriorities[j].priority
// Shift the priorities so the minimum is 1, and compute the sum of the
// shifted priorities.
minPriority := normalizedPriorities[0].priority
sumPriorities := 0.0
for i := range normalizedPriorities {
normalizedPriorities[i].priority -= (minPriority - 1)
sumPriorities += normalizedPriorities[i].priority
// Divide each priority by the sum, each priority must be in the range
// (0, 1] after.
for i := range normalizedPriorities {
normalizedPriorities[i].priority /= sumPriorities
if normalizedPriorities[i].priority <= 0-floatErrorTolerance || normalizedPriorities[i].priority > 1+floatErrorTolerance {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("normalized priorities must be in range (0, 1], got %f", normalizedPriorities[i].priority))
// randFloat is in the range [0.0, 1.0). Compute the cumulative probabilites
// and find the first value for which randFloat < cdf(priority).
randFloat := rw.rand.Float64()
cumulativePriority := 0.0
for _, priority := range normalizedPriorities {
cumulativePriority += priority.priority
if cumulativePriority > 1+floatErrorTolerance {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cumulative priority must be <= 1, got %f", cumulativePriority))
if randFloat < cumulativePriority {
return priority, nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("rand.Float64() is > cumulativePriority (%f > %f)", randFloat, cumulativePriority))