blob: f4a6d50d7018ef82567ac8752ee1380eb6f9ddd0 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.
<script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
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<script src="client.js"></script>
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[status='red'] { color: red; }
[status='green'] { color: green; }
[status='pending'] { color: #888 }
[status='progress'] { font-weight: bold }
span[status='progress']:before { content: 'Working: ' }
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#entd-message {
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<body onload="client.onLoad()">
<div id="page">
<div id="modal-shade">
<div class="modal-dialog" id="alert-dialog">
<b class="dialog-title">Dialog Title</b>
<div class="dialog-graphic"></div>
<div class="dialog-message"></div>
<center><textarea readonly class="dialog-details"></textarea></center>
<div class="dialog-buttons">
<input type="submit" class="dialog-ok"
onclick="client.onAlertOk_(); return false"
<button class="dialog-cancel"
onclick="client.onAlertCancel_(); return false"
<a class="dialog-details" href="javascript:client.toggleDetails();"
>Show Details</a>&nbsp;
<div class="modal-dialog" id="cert-query">
<b>Required Input</b>
The certificate &ldquo;<span id="cert-query-label"></span>&rdquo;
requires user input to complete the installation.
<form onsubmit="client.onCertSubmit_(); return false">
<ul id="user-vars"></ul>
<div style="height:2em">
<div class="dialog-buttons">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<button onclick="client.onCertCancel_(); return false"
<div class="modal-dialog" id="token-status">
<b>Initializing PKCS#11 Token</b>
Please wait while the PKCS#11 Token
&ldquo;<span id="token-desc"></span>&rdquo; in slot
<span id="token-slot"></span> is initialized...
<li><span class="status token-init">Initialize token.</span>
<li><span class="status token-so">Reset Security Officer PIN.</span>
<li><span class="status token-user">Reset User PIN.</span>
This may take a minute or longer, depending on your hardware.
Please <b>do not</b> reload this page or reboot your computer
during the initialization process.
<div class="modal-dialog" id="cert-status">
<b>Installing Certificate</b>
Please wait while the certificate
&ldquo;<span id="cert-status-label"></span>&rdquo; is installed...
<li><span class="status cert-key">Generating New Signing
<li><span class="status cert-csr">Send Signing Request.</span>
<li><span class="status cert-request">Request Certificate.</span>
<li><span class="status cert-install">Configure Network.</span>
<!-- This onclick handler can be useful for testing, when you want
-- to reload the page with the "search" portion of document.location
-- cleared.
<h1 onclick="document.location.href = document.location.pathname"
>Enterprise policy options</h1>
<div class="content">
<ul class="object-list" id="overview-list">
<table width="100%">
<td class="label">Policy</td>
<td id="policy-status">Unknown</td>
<td class="label">Daemon</td>
<td id="entd-status">Unknown</td>
<td class="label">User</td>
<td id="user-status">Unknown</td>
<td class="label">PKCS#11</td>
<td id="pkcs11-status">Unknown</td>
<td id="entd-message" colspan="4"></td>
<ul class="object-list" id="token-list">
<!-- client.js will populate this with the known tokens -->
<li><center>Waiting for response</center></li>
<ul class="object-list" id="cert-list">
<!-- client.js will populate this with the known certs -->
<li><center>Waiting for response</center></li>