blob: ce563a57d1745c70d81455b46439c734e2d737af [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module contains methods for interacting with online resources."""
import contextlib
import formatter
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib
import cb_constants
import cb_util_lib
from htmllib import HTMLParser
from cb_constants import BundlingError
class UrlLister(HTMLParser):
"""List all hyperlinks found on an html page.
It contains the following fields:
- urls: list of urls found
The href attribute of all anchor tags will be stored in urls, so if the page
has relative links then for those urls stored they will be relative links.
<a href="">Google</a> -> ""
<a href="">My file!</a> -> ""
Modified from
def __init__(self, given_formatter):
HTMLParser.__init__(self, given_formatter)
self.urls = []
def reset(self):
"""Reset the parser to clean state."""
self.urls = []
def start_a(self, attrs):
"""Add urls found to list of urls.
attrs: attributes of the anchor tag
href = [v for k, v in attrs if k == 'href']
if href:
class NameResolutionError(Exception):
"""Error to be thrown upon URL naming resolution failure."""
def __init__(self, reason):
Exception.__init__(self, reason)
logging.debug('Name resolution failed on:\n' + reason + '\n')
def DetermineUrl(url, pattern):
"""Return an exact URL linked from a page given a pattern to match.
Assuming links are relative from the given page.
If more than one URL is found to match, the first will be returned.
Any other matches will be logged as a warning.
url: html page with a relative link matching the pattern
pattern: a string, a regex pattern to match within links present on page
a string, an exact URL, or None if URL not present or link not found
usock = urllib.urlopen(url)
except IOError:
logging.warning('Could not open %s.', url)
return None
htmlformatter = formatter.NullFormatter()
parser = UrlLister(htmlformatter)
link = MatchUrl(parser.urls, pattern)
return os.path.join(url, link)
def MatchUrl(url_list, pattern):
"""Return a URL from a list given a pattern to match.
If more than one URL is found to match, the first will be returned.
Any other matches will be logged as a warning.
url_list: a list of URLs to match against
pattern: a string, a regex pattern to match
a string, a matching URL, or None if no matching URL found
pat = re.compile(pattern)
if url_list:
matches = [u for u in url_list if]
if matches:
if len(matches) > 1:
logging.warning('More than one resource matching %s found.', pattern)
for match in matches[1:]:
logging.warning('Additional match %s found and ignored.', match)
return matches[0]
return None
def Download(url):
"""Copy the contents of a file from a given URL to a local file.
Local file stored in a tmp dir specified in "cb_constants.TMPDIR" variable.
If local file exists, it will be overwritten by default.
Modified from
url: online location of file to download
a boolean, True only when file is fully downloaded
with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen(url)) as web_file:
local_file_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.TMPDIR, url.split('/')[-1])
with open(local_file_name, 'w') as local_file:
return True
except IOError:
logging.warning('Could not open %s or writing local file failed.', url)
return False
def DetermineThenDownloadCheckMd5(url, pattern, path, desc):
"""Determine exact url then download the resource and check MD5.
url: html page with a relative link matching the pattern
pattern: a string, a regex pattern to match within links present on page
path: absolute path of directory to put resource
desc: a short string description of the resource to fetch
a string, the absolute path to the resource, None on failure
BundlingError when resources cannot be fetched or download integrity fails.
url = DetermineUrl(url, pattern)
if not url:
raise NameResolutionError(desc + ' exact URL could not be determined.')
return DownloadCheckMd5(url, path, desc)
def CheckResourceExistsWithMd5(filename, md5filename):
"""Check if a resource exists in the local file system with a good MD5.
filename: name of file to check for
md5filename: name of file containing golden MD5 checksum
a boolean, True when the file exists with good MD5
return (os.path.exists(filename) and
os.path.exists(md5filename) and
cb_util_lib.CheckMd5(filename, md5filename))
def DownloadCheckMd5(url, path, desc):
"""Download a resource and check the MD5 checksum.
Assuming a golden md5 is available from <resource_url>.md5
Also checks if the resource is already locally present with an MD5 to check.
url: url at which resource can be downloaded
path: absolute path of directory to put resource
desc: a short string description of the resource to fetch
a string, the absolute path to the resource, None on failure
BundlingError when resources cannot be fetched or download integrity fails.
name = os.path.join(path, url.split('/')[-1])
if CheckResourceExistsWithMd5(name, name + '.md5'):'Resource %s already exists with good MD5, skipping fetch.',
else:'Downloading ' + url)
if not Download(url):
raise BundlingError(desc + ' could not be fetched.')
if not Download(url + '.md5'):
raise BundlingError(desc + ' MD5 could not be fetched.')
if not cb_util_lib.CheckMd5(name, name + '.md5'):
raise BundlingError(desc + ' MD5 checksum does not match.')
logging.debug('MD5 checksum match succeeded for %s', name)
return name