blob: e11211855740f9989a3acaa94db9265bcd0378ed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module contains methods interfacing with pre-existing tools."""
import cb_archive_hashing_lib
import cb_constants
import cb_name_lib
import cb_url_lib
import logging
import re
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from cb_constants import BundlingError
from cb_name_lib import ResolveRecoveryUrl
USER = os.environ['USER']
HOME_DIR = '/home/%s/trunk/src' % USER
IMG_SIGN_DIR = HOME_DIR + '/platform/vboot_reference/scripts/image_signing'
CHROOT_ROOT = '/home/%s/chromiumos/chroot' % USER
CHROOT_REL_DIR = 'tmp/bundle_tmp'
class CommandResult(object):
"""An object to store various attributes of a child process.
Borrowed from <chromeos_root>/chromite/lib/
def __init__(self):
self.cmd = None
self.error = None
self.output = None
self.returncode = None
def RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=False, redirect_stderr=False, cwd=None):
"""Runs a command using subprocess module Popen.
Blocks until command returns.
Modeled on RunCommand from <chromeos_root>/chromite/lib/
cmd: a list of arguments to Popen
redirect_stdout: a boolean, True when subprocess output should be returned
redirect_stderr: a boolean, True when subprocess errors should be returned
cwd: working directory in which to run command
a CommandResult object.
BundlingError when running command fails.
# Set default
stdout = None
stderr = None
cmd_result = CommandResult()
cmd_result.cmd = cmd
# Modify defaults based on parameters
if redirect_stdout:
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
if redirect_stderr:
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
# log command run'Running command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
except OSError as (errno, strerror):
raise BundlingError('\n'.join(['OSError [%d] : %s' % (errno, strerror),
'OSError running cmd %s' % ' '.join(cmd)]))
(cmd_result.output, cmd_result.error) = proc.communicate()
cmd_result.returncode = proc.returncode
return cmd_result
def IsInsideChroot():
"""Returns True if we are inside chroot.
Method borrowed from <chromeos_root>/chromite/lib/
a boolean, True if we are inside chroot.
return os.path.exists('/etc/debian_chroot')
def CheckEnvironment(image_name, firmware_dest, mount_point):
"""Checks requirements for the script to run successfully.
In particular:
- script is run from <ChromeOS_root>/src/scripts
- uudecode utility is available
- given SSD image name follows naming convention and is an existing file
- given firmware destination is an existing directory with write access
- mounting point is available for mounting
image_name: absolute file path to SSD release image binary
firmware_dest: absolute path to directory firmware should go
mount_point: dir to mount SSD image, defaults to cb_constants._MOUNT_POINT
a boolean, True when the conditions checked are all satisfied
BundlingError when running a command fails
# TODO(benwin) refactor so this check comes at the beginning of the script
res = True
if not'/src/scripts$', os.getcwd()):
logging.error('\nPlease run this script from the src/scripts directory.\n')
res = False
cmd_result = RunCommand(['which', 'uudecode'],
output_string = cmd_result.output
if not output_string:
logging.error('\nMissing uudecode. Please run sudo apt-get install '
res = False
if (not os.path.isfile(image_name) or
not'.*ssd.*[.]bin$', image_name)) :
logging.error('\nBad SSD image name given : %s\n', image_name)
res = False
if not os.path.isdir(firmware_dest):
logging.error('\nFirmware destination directory %s does not exist!\n',
res = False
if not os.access(firmware_dest, os.W_OK):
logging.error('\nFirmware destination directory %s not writable.\n',
res = False
if mount_point:
if os.path.isdir(mount_point) and os.listdir(mount_point):
logging.error('\nMount point %s is not emtpy!\n', mount_point)
res = False
logging.error('\nNo mount point specified!\n')
res = False
return res
def UploadToGsd(filename):
"""Uploads a file or directory to Google Storage for Developers
Assuming proper keys for gsutil are set up for current user.
filename: absolute path name of file or directory to upload
BundlingError when file specified by filename does not exist
if not (filename and os.path.exists(filename)):
raise BundlingError('File %s does not exist.' % filename)
RunCommand(['gsutil', 'cp', filename, cb_constants.GSD_BUCKET])
def ListFirmware(image_name, cros_fw):
"""Get list of strings representing contents of firmware.
Only handles Alex firmware at present.
image_name: absolute file path to SSD release image binary
cros_fw: absolute path of firmware extraction script
a tuple of strings (ec_name, bios_name)
BundlingError when necessary files missing.
if not os.path.exists(cros_fw):
raise BundlingError('Necessary file chromeos-firmwareupdate missing '
'from %s.' % image_name)
cmd_result = RunCommand([cros_fw, '-V'], redirect_stdout=True)
output_string = cmd_result.output
if not output_string:
raise BundlingError('Failed to get output from script %s.' % cros_fw)
lines = output_string.split('\n')
searches = ['[.]/(.*)', line) for line in lines]
firmfiles = [ for match in searches if match]
if cb_constants.EC_NAME not in firmfiles:
raise BundlingError('Necessary file ec.bin missing from %s.' % cros_fw)
# TODO(benwin) add additional branching for h2c binary
if cb_constants.BIOS_NAME not in firmfiles:
raise BundlingError('Necessary file bios.bin missing from %s.' % cros_fw)
ec_name = cb_constants.EC_NAME
ec_pat = re.compile('EC image:.*(Alex.*)')
ec_searches = [ for line in lines]
ec_matches = [ for match in ec_searches if match]
if ec_matches:
ec_name = ec_matches[0]
logging.warning('Proper renaming of ec.bin firmware failed.')
bios_name = cb_constants.BIOS_NAME
bios_pat = re.compile('BIOS image:.*(Alex.*)')
bios_searches = [ for line in lines]
bios_matches = [ for match in bios_searches if match]
if bios_matches:
bios_name = bios_matches[0]
logging.warning('Proper renaming of bios.bin firmware failed.')
return (ec_name, bios_name)
def ExtractFiles(cros_fw):
"""Extract necessary firmware files from an SSD image.
cros_fw: absolute path of firmware extraction script
a string, directory of extracted files, None on failure
if not os.path.exists(cros_fw):
logging.error('Necessary firmware extraction script %s missing.', cros_fw)
return None
cmd_result = RunCommand([cros_fw, '--sb_extract'], redirect_stdout=True)
output_string = cmd_result.output
# TODO(benwin) can this regex be future-proofed?
dirsearch ='/tmp/tmp[.].*', output_string)
if dirsearch:
firmdir =
if firmdir and os.path.exists(firmdir):
return firmdir
logging.warning('Failed to extract necessary firmware directory.')
return None
def ExtractFirmware(image_name, firmware_dest, mount_point):
"""Extract firmware from an SSD image to help prepare a factory bundle.
Requires current directory to be <ChromeOS_root>/src/scripts.
Requires sudoer password entry to mount SSD image.
Requires use of uudecode utility available in package sharutils.
Requires mount_point is free to mount SSD image.
Requires firmware destination directory exists and is writable.
image_name: absolute file path to SSD release image binary
firmware_dest: absolute path to directory firmware should go
mount_point: dir to mount SSD image, defaults to cb_constants._MOUNT_POINT
BundlingError when necessary tools are missing or SSD mounting fails.
if not CheckEnvironment(image_name, firmware_dest, mount_point):
raise BundlingError('Environment check failed, please fix conditions '
'listed above.')
image = image_name.split(os.sep)[-1]
# mount SSD image at mount_point'Mounting SSD image.')
RunCommand(['./', '--read_only', '--safe',
'--from=' + cb_constants.WORKDIR, '--image=' + image,
'--rootfs_mountpt=' + mount_point])
if not os.path.exists(mount_point) or not os.listdir(mount_point):
raise BundlingError('Failed to mount SSD image at mount point %s' %
cros_fw = os.path.join(mount_point, 'usr', 'sbin',
(ec_name, bios_name) = ListFirmware(image_name, cros_fw)
firmdir = ExtractFiles(cros_fw)
if not firmdir:
raise BundlingError('Failed to extract firmware files.')
shutil.copy(os.path.join(firmdir, cb_constants.EC_NAME),
os.path.join(firmware_dest, ec_name))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(firmdir, cb_constants.BIOS_NAME),
os.path.join(firmware_dest, bios_name))
shutil.copy(cros_fw, firmware_dest)
RunCommand(['./', '--unmount'])
filename = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, image_name)
md5filename = filename + '.md5'
if not cb_archive_hashing_lib.CheckMd5(filename, md5filename):
raise BundlingError('SSD image MD5 check failed, image was corrupted!')
def HandleGitExists(force):
"""Detect if git directory already exists and handle overwrite confirmation.
force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted
BundlingError when git directory exists and user does not confirm overwrite
if os.path.exists(cb_constants.GITDIR):
if force:
msg = ('Old recovery conversion script git repo exists, please '
'confirm overwrite')
if AskUserConfirmation(msg):
raise BundlingError('Vboot git repo exists, use -f to update')
def HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force):
"""Detect if ssd image already exists and handle overwrite confirmation.
ssd_name: absolute path name of ssd image to check for
force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted
BundlingError when ssd image exists and user does not confirm overwrite
if os.path.exists(ssd_name):
if not force:
msg = 'SSD file %s already exists, please confirm overwrite' % ssd_name
if not AskUserConfirmation(msg):
raise BundlingError('File %s already exists, use -f to overwrite' %
def MoveCgpt(cgpt_file, dest_file):
"""Concentrate logic to move cgpt and assign permissions.
cgpt_file: absolute path to cgpt file
dest_file: absolute pathname of file destination
BundlingError when a command fails
RunCommand(['sudo', 'cp', cgpt_file, dest_file])
RunCommand(['sudo', 'chmod', '760', dest_file])
def InstallCgpt(index_page, force):
"""Install necessary cgpt utility on the sudo path.
index_page: html page to download au-generator containing correct cgpt
force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted
BundlingError when resource fetch and extract fails or overwrite is denied
au_gen_url = os.path.join(index_page, cb_constants.AU_GEN)
if not cb_url_lib.Download(au_gen_url):
raise BundlingError('Necessary resource %s could not be fetched.' %
au_gen_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, cb_constants.AU_GEN)
cgpt_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, 'cgpt')
if not cb_archive_hashing_lib.ZipExtract(au_gen_name,
raise BundlingError('Could not extract necesary resource %s from %s.' %
(cgpt_name, au_gen_name))
cgpt_dest = os.path.join(cb_constants.SUDO_DIR, 'cgpt')
if os.path.exists(cgpt_dest):
if force:
MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest)
msg = 'cgpt exists at %s, please confirm update' % cgpt_dest
if AskUserConfirmation(msg):
MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest)
raise BundlingError('Necessary utility cgpt already exists at %s, use '
'-f to overwrite with newest version.' %
MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest)
def ConvertRecoveryToSsd(image_name, options):
"""Converts a recovery image into an SSD image.
Default ssd option requires chroot setup and script running in src/scripts.
image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert
options: an object containing inputs to the script
please see cros_bundle_lib/CheckBundleInputs for possibilities
a string, the absolute path name of the extracted SSD image
BundlingError when resources not found or conversion fails.
if options.full_ssd:
# TODO(benwin) convert recovery image to full ssd image inside chroot
return RecoveryToFullSsdNoChroot(image_name, options)
return RecoveryToStandardSsd(image_name, options)
def RecoveryToFullSsdNoChroot(image_name, options):
"""Converts a recovery image into an SSD image with stateful partition.
This method does not depend on a chroot setup.
image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert
options: an object containing inputs to the script
please see cros_bundle_lib/CheckBundleInputs for possibilities
a string, the absolute path name of the extracted SSD image
BundlingError when resources not found or conversion fails.
force = options.force
board = options.board
recovery = options.recovery
ssd_name = image_name.replace('recovery', 'ssd')
HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force)
# fetch
RunCommand(['git', 'clone', cb_constants.GITURL, cb_constants.GITDIR])
# fetch zip containing chromiumos_base_image
(rec_url, index_page) = cb_name_lib.RunWithNamingRetries(None,
if not index_page:
raise BundlingError('All naming schemes failed attempting to resolve '
'recovery URL for recovery version %s' % recovery)
if not rec_url:
raise BundlingError('Could not find URL match for recovery version %s on '
'page %s' % (recovery, index_page))
rec_no = recovery.split('/')[0]
zip_pat = '-'.join(['ChromeOS', rec_no, '.*', board + '.zip'])
zip_url = cb_url_lib.DetermineUrl(index_page, zip_pat)
if not zip_url:
raise BundlingError('Failed to determine name of zip file for pattern %s '
'on page %s' % (zip_pat, index_page))
if not cb_url_lib.Download(zip_url):
raise BundlingError('Failed to download %s.' % zip_url)
zip_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, os.path.basename(zip_url))
InstallCgpt(index_page, force)
script_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.GITDIR,
RunCommand([script_name, image_name, zip_name, ssd_name])
# TODO(benwin) consider cleaning up resources based on command line flag
return ssd_name
def RecoveryToStandardSsd(image_name, options):
"""Converts a recovery image into an SSD image.
Assumes a chroot setup.
Requires sudo privileges to run cros_sdk.
Requires the script to run in <ChromeOS_root>/src/scripts.
image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert
options: an object containing inputs to the script
please see cros_bundle_lib/CheckBundleInputs for possibilities
a string, the absolute path name of the extracted SSD image
BundlingError when resources not found or conversion fails.
force = options.force
board = options.board
recovery = options.recovery
chromeos_root = options.chromeos_root
if not'/src/scripts$', os.getcwd()):
raise BundlingError('ConvertRecoveryToSsd must be run from src/scripts.')
image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_name)
ssd_name = image_name.replace('recovery', 'ssd')
HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force)
# make copy of recovery image to consume
if not options.chromeos_root:
chroot_work_dir = os.path.join(CHROOT_ROOT, CHROOT_REL_DIR)
if not (chromeos_root and os.path.isdir(chromeos_root)):
raise BundlingError('Provided ChromeOS source tree root %s does not '
'exist or is not a directory' % chromeos_root)
chroot_work_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot', CHROOT_REL_DIR)
# ensure we have a chroot to work in
chroot_work_parent_dir = re.match('(.*/).*', chroot_work_dir).group(1)
if not os.path.exists(chroot_work_parent_dir):
raise BundlingError('Chroot environment could not be inferred, '
'failed to create link %s.' % chroot_work_dir)
if not(chroot_work_dir and os.path.isdir(chroot_work_dir)):
ssd_chroot_name = ssd_name.replace(image_dir, chroot_work_dir)
shutil.copy(image_name, ssd_chroot_name)
cmd = (['cros_sdk',
os.path.join(IMG_SIGN_DIR, ''),
if options.force:
cmd.insert(5, '--force')
# move ssd out, clean up folder
shutil.move(ssd_chroot_name, ssd_name)
return ssd_name
def FindRepoDir(path=None):
"""Returns the nearest higher-level repo dir from the specified path.
Copied verbatim from <ChromeOS_root>/chromite/lib/
path: The path to use. Defaults to cwd.
a string, the nearest higher-level repo dir from the specified path.
if path is None:
path = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.abspath(path)
while path != '/':
repo_dir = os.path.join(path, '.repo')
if os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
return repo_dir
path = os.path.dirname(path)
return None
def ReinterpretPathForChroot(path):
"""Returns reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside.
Modified insignificantly from <ChromeOS_root>/chromite/lib/
path: The path to reinterpret. Must be in src tree.
a string, the reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside.
BundlingError when given a path not in src tree.
root_path = os.path.join(FindRepoDir(path), '..')
path_abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
root_abs_path = os.path.abspath(root_path)
# Strip the repository root from the path and strip first /.
relative_path = path_abs_path.replace(root_abs_path, '')[1:]
if relative_path == path_abs_path:
raise BundlingError('Error: '
'path is outside your src tree, cannot reinterpret.')
new_path = os.path.join('/home', os.getenv('USER'), 'trunk', relative_path)
return new_path
def AskUserConfirmation(msg):
"""Interactively obtain consent from user.
msg: a string describing the permission sought
a boolean, True when the user gives assent
""" + ' (y/n): ')
ans = str(raw_input())
return ans.lower() == 'y'