blob: dd12aaf2edd7585d0909b179d7a972e73377e5e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module contains methods for image naming and bundle input parsing."""
import datetime
import logging
import os
import cb_constants
import cb_url_lib
from cb_constants import BundlingError
from cb_url_lib import NameResolutionError
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y_%m_%d'
def GetBundleDefaultName(version=None):
"""Generates factory bundle default name.
version: optional key and version for bundle naming, e.g. mp9x
a string, the default name of the factory bundle
today =
items = ['factory', 'bundle', today]
if version:
items.insert(2, version)
return '_'.join(items)
def GetNameComponents(board, version_string, alt_naming):
"""Determine URL and version components of script input.
board: target board
version_string: string with image version information
alt_naming: try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
url, a string, the image index page URL
num, a string, the image version number
cha, a string, the image channel
key, a string, part of the image signing key label
num, cha, key = version_string.split('/')
cha = cha + '-channel'
if alt_naming == 1:
url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX, cha, board + '-rc', num)
elif alt_naming == 2:
url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX.replace('chromeos-official', ''),
cha, board, num)
url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX, cha, board, num)
return (url, num, cha, key)
def GetReleaseName(board, release, alt_naming=0):
"""Determines release page URL and naming pattern of desired release image.
board: target board
release: release candidate version, channel, and signing key
alt_naming: optional try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
rel_url: a string, the release page URL
rel_pat: a string, the naming pattern for the release image
(rel_url, rel_no, rel_ch, rel_key) = GetNameComponents(board,
rel_pat = '_'.join(['chromeos', rel_no, board, 'ssd', rel_ch,
rel_key + '.*[.]bin$'])
return (rel_url, rel_pat)
def GetFactoryName(board, factory, alt_naming=0):
"""Determines release page URL and naming pattern of desired factory image.
board: target board
factory: factory version and channel
alt_naming: optional try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
fac_url: a string, the release page URL
fac_pat: a string, the naming pattern for the factory image
fac_no, fac_ch = factory.split('/')
fac_ch = fac_ch + '-channel'
if alt_naming == 1:
fac_url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX, fac_ch, board + '-rc', fac_no)
elif alt_naming == 2:
fac_url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX.replace(
'chromeos-official', ''),
fac_url = os.path.join(cb_constants.PREFIX, fac_ch, board, fac_no)
fac_pat = ''.join(['ChromeOS-factory-', fac_no, '.*', board, '[.]zip$'])
return (fac_url, fac_pat)
def GetShimName(board, shim, alt_naming=0):
"""Determines release page URL and naming pattern of desired install shim.
board: target board
shim: factory install shim version, channel, and signing key
alt_naming: optional try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
rec_url: a string, the release page URL
rec_pat: a string, the naming pattern for the install shim
(shim_url, shim_no, shim_ch, shim_key) = GetNameComponents(board,
shim_pat = '_'.join(['chromeos', shim_no, board, 'factory', shim_ch,
shim_key + '.*[.]bin$'])
return (shim_url, shim_pat)
def GetRecoveryName(board, recovery, alt_naming=0):
"""Determines release page URL and naming pattern of desired recovery image.
board: target board
recovery: recovery version, channel, and signing key
alt_naming: optional try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
rec_url: a string, the release page URL
rec_pat: a string, the naming pattern for the recovery image
(rec_url, rec_no, rec_ch, rec_key) = GetNameComponents(board,
rec_pat = '_'.join(['chromeos', rec_no, board, 'recovery', rec_ch,
rec_key + '.*[.]bin$'])
return (rec_url, rec_pat)
def ResolveRecoveryUrl(image_name, board, recovery, alt_naming=0):
"""Resolve URL for a recovery image.
image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert
board: board name of recovery image to convert
recovery: a string containing recovery image version/channel/signing_key
alt_naming: optional try alternative build naming
0 - default naming scheme
1 - append '-rc' to board for index html page and links
2 - remove chromeos-official for index html page and links
a tuple containing:
a string, the resolved URL
a string, the html page where a link to the resolved URL is found
NameResolutionError on failure
(index_page, rec_pat) = GetRecoveryName(board, recovery, alt_naming)
rec_url = cb_url_lib.DetermineUrl(index_page, rec_pat)
# TODO(benwin) common logic with DetermineThenDownloadCheckMd5, refactor?
if not rec_url:
raise NameResolutionError('Recovery image exact URL could not be '
'determined for version %s.' % recovery)
return (rec_url, index_page)
def RunWithNamingRetries(default, funcname, *args):
"""Executes a function with arguments on various URL naming schemes.
Assumes function provided accepts alt_naming as final parameter.
Assumes function provided raises NameResolutionError to trigger retry.
default: return value on failure
funcname: name of function to run
*args: arbitrarily many arguments to provide to the function
result of the first successful function call or default return on failure
alt_naming = 0
while(alt_naming < NUM_NAMING_SCHEMES):
try:'Trying function %s with naming scheme %d' %
(funcname.__name__, alt_naming))
return funcname(*args, alt_naming=alt_naming)
except NameResolutionError:'Tried naming scheme %d; trying alternative naming scheme' %
alt_naming = alt_naming + 1
return default