blob: e8f368b0b525a86a40a2492d1bf44b93e937444e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Instalog plugin loader.
If this module is imported directly as `plugin_loader` instead of its full
`instalog.plugin_loader`, and the plugin it is loading also includes
`instalog.plugin_loader`, it will cause duplicate copies of this module to be
loaded. Beware.
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
import logging
import sys
from six import reraise as raise_
import instalog_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from instalog import plugin_base
from instalog.utils import arg_utils
_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PREFIX = 'instalog.plugins.'
class PluginLoader(object):
"""Factory to create instances of a particular plugin configuration."""
def __init__(self, plugin_type, plugin_id=None, superclass=None, config=None,
store=None, plugin_api=None,
_plugin_prefix=_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PREFIX, _plugin_class=None):
"""Initializes the PluginEntry.
plugin_type: See plugin_sandbox.PluginSandbox.
plugin_id: See plugin_sandbox.PluginSandbox.
superclass: See plugin_sandbox.PluginSandbox.
config: See plugin_sandbox.PluginSandbox.
plugin_api: Reference to an object that implements plugin_base.PluginAPI.
Defaults to an instance of the PluginAPI interface, which
will throw NotImplementedError when any method is called.
This may be acceptible for testing.
_plugin_prefix: The prefix where the plugin module should be found.
Should include the final ".". Defaults to
_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PREFIX. For testing purposes.
_plugin_class: See plugin_sandbox.PluginSandbox.
self.plugin_type = plugin_type
self.plugin_id = plugin_id or plugin_type
self.config = config or {}
self._store = store
if self._store is None:
self._store = {}
self._plugin_api = plugin_api or plugin_base.PluginAPI()
if not isinstance(self._plugin_api, plugin_base.PluginAPI):
raise TypeError('Invalid PluginAPI object provided')
self._plugin_prefix = _plugin_prefix
self._plugin_class = _plugin_class
self._possible_module_names = None
# If we have access to the superclass already, store it.
if superclass:
self.superclass = superclass
# Since _plugin_class is for testing, it does not check against
# given superclass argument.
elif self._plugin_class:
self.superclass = self._GetSuperclass(self._plugin_class)
if not self.superclass:
raise TypeError('Provided _plugin_class is not a plugin class')
self.superclass = plugin_base.Plugin
# Check that the provided plugin_api is valid.
if not isinstance(self._plugin_api, plugin_base.PluginAPI):
self._ReportException('Provided plugin_api object is invalid')
# Create a logger for the plugin to use.
self._logger = logging.getLogger('%s.plugin' % self.plugin_id)
def _ReportException(self, message=None):
"""Reports a LoadPluginError exception with specified message.
Uses the current stack's last exception traceback if it exists.
message: Message to use. Default is to use the message from the current
stack's last exception.
_, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
exc_message = message or '%s: %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc))
new_exc = plugin_base.LoadPluginError(
'Plugin %s encountered an error loading: %s'
% (self.plugin_id, exc_message))
raise_(new_exc.__class__, new_exc, tb)
def _GetPossibleModuleNames(self):
if not self._possible_module_names:
self._possible_module_names = [
'%s%s.%s' % (self._plugin_prefix, self.plugin_type, self.plugin_type),
'%s%s' % (self._plugin_prefix, self.plugin_type)]
return self._possible_module_names
def _LoadModule(self):
"""Locates the plugin's Python module and returns a reference.
The plugin's Python module object.
LoadPluginError if the plugin could not be found, or if some other problem
was encountered while loading (for example, a syntax error).
for search_name in self._GetPossibleModuleNames():
# Get a reference to the module. This will raise ImportError if it
# doesn't exist.
# TODO(kitching): This is confusing when there is an error in the
# plugin_name/, since the error reported
# back is that plugin_name/ doesn't contain any
# of the proper classes. Improve this.
if search_name in sys.modules:
# If the module already exists, use reload instead of __import__.
# Why? In the case that the file no longer exists on re-import,
# __import__ would silently ignore and pass a reference to the old
# module, but reload throws an ImportError.
return reload(sys.modules[search_name])
return sys.modules[search_name]
except ImportError as e:
if str(e).startswith('No module named'):
# Any other ImportError problem.
except Exception as e:
# Any other exception -- probably SyntaxError.
# Uses traceback from the last ImportError.
self._ReportException('No module named %s'
% ' or '.join(self._GetPossibleModuleNames()))
def GetClass(self):
"""Returns the Python class object of the plugin.
LoadPluginError if the plugin could not be found, if some other problem
was encountered while loading (for example, a syntax error), or if the
plugin file does not contain a subclass of the requested plugin type.
# If _plugin_class was provided in __init__, directly return it.
if self._plugin_class:
return self._plugin_class
# Search for the correct class object within the module.
module_ref = self._LoadModule()
def IsSubclass(cls):
return (inspect.isclass(cls) and
issubclass(cls, self.superclass) and
# If we are not allowing any type of plugin class
# (plugin_base.Plugin), then make sure to check that the classes
# match exactly. This is needed since OutputPlugin is a subclass
# of InputPlugin.
(self.superclass is plugin_base.Plugin or
self.superclass is self._GetSuperclass(cls)) and
cls.__module__ in self._GetPossibleModuleNames())
plugin_classes = inspect.getmembers(module_ref, IsSubclass)
if len(plugin_classes) != 1:
'%s contains %d plugin classes; only 1 is allowed per file'
% (self.plugin_type, len(plugin_classes)))
# getmembers returns a list of tuples: (binding_name, value).
cls = plugin_classes[0][1]
# Store the superclass of the plugin for future reference.
self.superclass = self._GetSuperclass(cls)
# Return the plugin class.
return cls
def _GetSuperclass(cls, target_class):
"""Returns the superclass for the given plugin class, or None otherwise."""
# Since OutputPlugin is a subclass of InputPlugin, OutputPlugin must be
# checked before InputPlugin.
for superclass in [plugin_base.BufferPlugin,
if issubclass(target_class, superclass):
return superclass
return None
def GetSuperclass(self):
"""Get the superclass of the plugin class.
None if _plugin_class is not specified and GetClass() has not yet been
run. Afterwards, one of BufferPlugin, InputPlugin, or OutputPlugin.
if self.superclass is plugin_base.Plugin:
return None
return self.superclass
def Create(self):
"""Create an instance of the particular plugin class.
core: A handle to the core object. Injected into the plugin instance.
LoadPluginError if the plugin file does not exist.
# Instantiate the plugin with the requested configuration.
plugin_class = self.GetClass()
return plugin_class(self.config,, self._store,
except arg_utils.ArgError as e:
self._ReportException('Error parsing arguments: %s' % str(e))
except Exception: