blob: 3e534b3b52f65747b5b7b322006806ebede28793 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.probe import function
from cros.factory.probe.lib import cached_probe_function
from cros.factory.utils.arg_utils import Arg
from cros.factory.utils import process_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
KNOWN_CPU_TYPES = type_utils.Enum(['x86', 'arm'])
class GenericCPUFunction(cached_probe_function.LazyCachedProbeFunction):
"""Probe the generic CPU information."""
ARGS = [
Arg('cpu_type', str, 'The type of CPU. "x86" or "arm".', default=None),
def GetCategoryFromArgs(self):
if self.args.cpu_type is None:'cpu_type is not assigned. Determine by crossystem.')
self.args.cpu_type = process_utils.CheckOutput(
'crossystem arch', shell=True)
if self.args.cpu_type not in KNOWN_CPU_TYPES:
raise cached_probe_function.InvalidCategoryError(
'cpu_type should be one of %r.', list(KNOWN_CPU_TYPES))
return self.args.cpu_type
def ProbeDevices(cls, category):
if category == KNOWN_CPU_TYPES.x86:
return cls._ProbeX86()
if category == KNOWN_CPU_TYPES.arm:
return cls._ProbeArm()
return function.NOTHING
def _ProbeX86(cls):
cmd = r'sed -nr "s/^model name\s*: (.*)/\1/p" /proc/cpuinfo'
stdout = process_utils.CheckOutput(cmd, shell=True, log=True).splitlines()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return function.NOTHING
return {
'model': stdout[0].strip(),
'cores': str(len(stdout))}
def _ProbeArm(cls):
# For ARM platform, ChromeOS kernel has/had special code to expose fields
# like 'model name' or 'Processor' and 'Hardware' field. However, this
# doesn't seem to be available in ARMv8 (and probably all future versions).
# In this case, we will use 'CPU architecture' to identify the ARM version.
CPU_INFO_FILE = '/proc/cpuinfo'
with open(CPU_INFO_FILE, 'r') as f:
cpuinfo =
def _SearchCPUInfo(regex, name):
matched =, cpuinfo, re.MULTILINE)
if matched is None:
logging.warning('Unable to find "%s" field in %s.', name, CPU_INFO_FILE)
return 'unknown'
# For ARMv7, model and hardware should be available.
model = _SearchCPUInfo(r'^(?:Processor|model name)\s*: (.*)$', 'model')
hardware = _SearchCPUInfo(r'^Hardware\s*: (.*)$', 'hardware')
# For ARMv8, there is no model nor hardware, we use 'CPU architecture' as
# backup plan. For an ARM device project (reference board and all follower
# devices), all SKUs should be using same ARM CPU. So we don't really need
# detail information. In the future, we can consider adding other "CPU .*"
# fields into model name if we think they are important.
architecture = _SearchCPUInfo(r'^CPU architecture\s*: (\d+)$',
if model.strip() == 'unknown' and architecture != 'unknown':
model = 'ARMv' + architecture.strip()
logging.error('Unable to construct "model" of ARM CPU')
cores = process_utils.CheckOutput('nproc', shell=True, log=True)
return {
'model': model.strip(),
'cores': cores.strip(),
'hardware': hardware.strip()}