goofy: internationalization support.

Add support for proper internationalization for pytests and test list,
by using GNU gettext.

Also change some randomly selected pytests to use the new multilingual
format for testing.

TEST=make test
TEST=manually, try make init, make update, make build in po directory
     inside chroot, and check the output is correct.
TEST=manually, build a toolkit and check we can switch languages for the
     modified pytests.

Change-Id: I3036b11de722adde1f317fbe9360491efe52aa0d
Commit-Ready: Pi-Hsun Shih <>
Tested-by: Pi-Hsun Shih <>
Reviewed-by: Hung-Te Lin <>
24 files changed
tree: e03fa8bd44ff393fd2708d8f32ca7bbca4c6fd09
  1. bin/
  2. devtools/
  3. doc/
  4. go/
  5. init/
  6. misc/
  7. po/
  8. proto/
  9. py/
  10. py_pkg/
  11. setup/
  12. sh/
  13. .dockerignore
  14. .gitignore
  15. .local.vimrc
  16. COMMIT-QUEUE.ini
  18. Makefile
  19. OWNERS
  20. PRESUBMIT.cfg

Google Chromium OS Factory Software Platform


This repository contains tools and utilities used for manufacturing solution. The Chromium OS reference factory software provides a sample factory install and test flow for manufacturing Chrome devices. It is available as part of the public Chromium OS repository on This code is meant as a starting point, to modify and adapt to different projects.

The Chromium OS Factory Software Platform has three major components:

  • DUT Software: Everything runs on DUT (Device-under-test), including a test harness, qualification, calibration and functional test programs, and steps for finalization like battery cutoff or wiping.
  • Factory Server: The bridge between DUT and partner's shopfloor service, including imaging service, shopfloor proxy, and a management console.
  • Google Backend: The solution for sending manufacturing logs back to Google infrastructure.


  • Test image: the Chromium OS test image (built by build_image test).
  • Release image: the (usually signed) release image that end user is using (built by build_image base).
  • Recovery image: the (usually signed) release image with recovery installer so it's in install-able form (built by build_image base; mod_image_for_recovery and can be downloaded directly from ChromeOS Buildbots or CPFE).
  • Factory shim image: a special multi-purpose image that provides:
    • Installation from USB (also known as RMA shim).
    • Installation from remote server (mini-omaha). Also known as Factory Install shim in this case.
    • Reset or cutoff a device after OOBE. Also known as Reset Shim in this case.
  • Factory toolkit: a self-extraction package that contains a set of python programs, YAML/JSON configuration, and shell scripts that will install itself into /usr/local/factory. This is also considered as the main “factory test program” (built by running emerge-$BOARD factory or make BOARD=$BOARD toolkit inside factory repository).
  • Factory Bundle: An archive containing everything: a release (recovery) image, test image, factory shim image, factory toolkit, and few setup programs.

Typical Factory Flow

The basic steps are:

  1. An initial/bootable version of the firmware for AP (and EC) is pre-flashed onto the SPI-ROM (and Chromium EC chip) before system assembly.
  2. After system assembly, insert the Factory Install Shim USB stick. After the device boots and the DEV mode screen displays, press Ctrl-U to boot from USB. The shim contacts a mini-Omaha server to request an install image. The netboot version of firmware also supports booting and installing from a network location using tftp, without a USB stick.
  3. The factory toolkit, test image, signed release image, and AP/EC firmware are installed or updated. Included on disk are two full Chrome OS images: the test image and the shipping image.
  4. The system automatically reboots using the test image and begins manufacturing tests. This test suite is based on pytest. The software supports sequencing tests, configuration, firmware and configuration updates, reboots, and other events in a configurable sequence.
  5. Functional, Run-In, and manual tests run as configured. Upon completion, results are displayed on the screen. Results are also available as an electronic pass/fail record with detailed logs for uploading to the shopfloor server.
  6. The test image and test code are automatically erased, leaving the release image as bootable in the “finalization” step.
  7. On failure, the system continues running subsequent tests and reports failures on completion. Alternatively you can configure it to halt on failure at specific break points. For details, see the Options class in src/platform/factory/py/test/ and generic test lists under src/platform/factory/py/test/test_lists/* .
  8. The factory test image and release image can be combined into an SSD image and imaged onto the internal drive before assembly. The first time the device boots, the sequence starts at step 4 above, using the factory test image.

Building Factory Toolkit

Under chroot, after setting up board, you have two ways to get factory toolkit.

  1. Using emerge. Simply run emerge-$BOARD factory and find it in /build/$BOARD/usr/local/factory/bundle/toolkit/

  2. Build manually. In factory repo, run make BOARD=$BOARD toolkit and find it in build/

If you encounter build problems, try to update chroot and rebuild necessary dependencies by running build_packages and then try again.

The toolkit can be installed into a Chromium OS test image, by either running that locally on a DUT, or apply to a test image directly as blow:

./ PATH_TO/chromiumos_test_image.bin

Building Test Image

Under chroot, after setting up board, you can get the test image by running following commands in trunk/src/scripts:

build_image test

After image is built, you can flash it into an USB stick (assume your USB appears as sdX):

# outside chroot
cros flash usb:// chromiumos_test_image.bin

# outside chroot
sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/image/chromiumos_test_image.bin of=/dev/sdX \
        iflag=fullblock oflag=dsync

Building Factory (Install) Shim

Under chroot, after setting up board, you can get the factory shim by running following commands in trunk/src/scripts:

build_image factory_install

There are few options that you may want to change. Run setup/ to get more information.

After image is built, you can flash it into an USB stick (assume your USB appears as sdX):

# outside chroot
cros flash usb:// chromiumos_install_shim.bin

# outside chroot
sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/image/factory_install_shim.bin of=/dev/sdX \
        iflag=fullblock oflag=dsync

On boot, the factory shim displays a download status and downloads the image from the server. On completion, the shim reboots. If you are using legacy firmware (not Chrome OS firmware), you might need to remove the SD card to allow booting the newly-installed image.

After the image starts downloading and the status message turns green, you can remove the SD card—it is not needed after that point.

Building an SSD image

To pre-image the machines rather than image them over the network, you can generate the disk image from a factory test image and a release image.

A generic factory package can be built from a release image and a factory image:

./ --diskimg=ssd_image.bin \
  --test=/path/to/chromiumos_test_image.bin \
  --factory_toolkit=/path/to/ \
  --release=/path/to/chromiumos_image.bin \

You can image directly to a device, or to a .bin file. Available options are:

  • --diskimg=XX specifies the destination device or file
  • --sectors=XX specifies the number of sectors in the bin file
  • --preserve prevents wiping of the unused space for faster imaging

Booting your (factory) test image via USB

For development and local testing, it is possible to boot the factory test image from a USB memory stick rather than using a network installation. The following steps sare optional:

  1. Copy the test image to USB storage.
  2. On your device, switch to developer mode. For most recent devices, this is done by pressing Esc-F3-Power (F3 is the refresh key on top row) then press Ctrl-D when the screen said that you need to insert a recovery USB stick, and press ENTER when the screen asked you to do.
  3. After system reboot, enter VT2 by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 (F2 is the right-arrow key on top row).
  4. Log in as root with password test0000 if required.
  5. Run the following command: sudo chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=todev
  6. Insert the USB memory stick and press Ctrl-U at the dev mode warning screen. You can also enter VT2 and install the image to SSD using the chromeos-install command.

Preparing a factory package set

By default, a factory installation places the factory test image in the first slot of Chrome OS image partitions (#2 and #3), and the release image in the second slot (#4 and #5).

You can build a generic factory package from a release image and a factory image as follows:

# (cros-chroot)
~/trunk/src/scripts/ \
  --test=/path/to/chromiumos_test_image.bin \
  --factory_toolkit=path/to/ \
  --release=/path/to/chromiumos_image.bin \

Modifying factory test image or adding test cases

The factory test image runs the series of pytests located at src/platform/factory/py/test/pytests/ (installed in /usr/local/factory/py/test/pytests/ on the DUT). The sequence of pytest cases are determined by test_lists files under /usr/local/factory/py/test/test_lists/. Status is logged to /var/log/factory.log and more details can be found under /var/factory/*.

After modifying the source code, you can run the following commands to push files to the DUT. The host machine and DUT must be on the same subnet.

  1. Enter chroot.

  2. Update factory source code on DUT:

    ./bin/goofy_remote DUT_IP_ADDRESS

For more information on adding test cases, build the Chromium OS Factory SDK documentation:

  1. Enter chroot.

  2. Build the SDK documentation

    make doc

  3. Open the following file in a browser window:


Developer Notes

The layout of /usr/local/factory, as installed on devices' stateful partitions, is as follows. Most of these files are installed from this repository, and follow this repository's directory structure.

  • bin/: Symbolic links to executable scripts and Python modules.

  • build/: Folder to contain build output artifacts.

  • doc/: Document templates and resources.

  • go/: Programs written in Go language.

  • init/: Initialization of factory environment for Chrome OS.

  • misc/: Miscellaneous resources used outside of Goofy

  • proto/: Proto-buf schema definition.

  • setup/: Scripts and programs for partner to setup the environment.

  • sh/: Shell scripts.

  • py_pkg/: Symbolic link to enable importing Python packages

  • py/: Python source code in the cros.factory module and sub-modules. See py/ for more information.

  • board/: Board-specific files (optional and only provided by board overlays, not this repository.) in board overlay:

    • A script to add board-specific arguments when starting the Goofy (the factory test harness).
    • Other files needed by board-specific tests.

Within the build root (/build/$BOARD), /usr/local/factory/bundle is a “pseudo-directory” for the factory bundle: it is masked with INSTALL_MASK so it is not actually installed onto devices, but any files in this directory will be included in factory bundles built by Buildbot. For example, the shopfloor and mini-Omaha servers are placed into this directory.

Within board overlays, the chromeos-base/factory-board or chromeos-base/chromeos-factory-board package may overlay files into this directory structure.

For instance, a board overlay may install:

  • A board-specific test into /usr/local/factory/py/test/pytests.

  • /usr/local/factory/bundle/README to include a README in the factory bundle.

  • Any arbitrary board-specific file (e.g., a proprietary tool licensed only for use on a particular board) into /usr/local/factory/board.

  • /usr/local/factory/board/board_setup_{factory,x}.sh to customize Goofy or X arguments.