blob: 66588cf91ffd706eb8196ab8af8fd8f6ea57e30c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module to handle i18n arguments in goofy tests."""
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test.i18n import translation
from cros.factory.utils import arg_utils
def I18nArg(name, help_msg, optional=False, default=None,
"""Define an argument for i18n text.
See docstring of ``ParseArgs`` for detail on what the argument accepts.
name: The name of the argument.
help_msg: The help message of the argument.
optional: Whether the argument is optional.
default: The default value of the message.
accept_tuple: If true, also accept tuple of (en, zh) input.
The ``arg_utils.Arg`` object.
# TODO(pihsun): accept_tuple argument is for backward compatibility, and
# should be removed when all tests / test_lists are migrated to the new
# format.
return arg_utils.Arg(
name, (basestring, dict, tuple) if accept_tuple else (basestring, dict),
help_msg, optional=optional, default=default)
def BackwardCompatibleI18nArgs(name, help_msg, default=None):
"""Define arguments for i18n text in a backward compatible manner.
This would also defines ``name``_en and ``name``_zh, so that the old argument
format in test list would work.
See docstring of ``ParseArg`` for detail on what the argument accepts.
name: The name of the argument.
help_msg: The help message of the argument.
default: The default value of the message.
A list of ``arg_utils.Arg`` objects.
if default is not None:
default = translation.Translated(default, translate=False)
return [I18nArg(name, help_msg, optional=True, default=default),
name + '_en', basestring, help_msg + ' (in English)',
default=(default['en-US'] if default else None)),
name + '_zh', basestring, help_msg + ' (in Chinese)',
# default should always have zh-CN when goofy runs. The fallback
# value is only used when there's no .mo file available (e.g. when
# in `make doc`.)
default=(default.get('zh-CN', default['en-US'])
if default else None))]
def ParseArg(test, name, backward_compatible=True):
"""Parse arguments for i18n text.
The argument should either be a string that would be passed to i18n._, or a
dict looks like:
'en-US': 'Default English value',
'zh-CN': 'Chinese Translate'
The key 'en-US' is mandatory and would be used for locales that don't have
value specified.
If backward_compatible is set to True, then the arguments can be specified
either by ``name``, or by ``name``_en and ``name``_zh. This function
would parse the arguments into ``name``, and delete the rest.
test: The instance of pytest itself.
name: The name of the argument, same as argument ``name`` passed to I18nArg
or BackwardCompatibleI18nArgs.
backward_compatible: Whether backward compatible mode should be enabled.
# TODO(pihsun): The argument is always mandatory (or needs a default value)
# for now. Add support for optional=True if ever needed.
# TODO(pihsun): backward_compatible mode should be removed when all tests /
# test_lists are migrated to the new format.
# TODO(pihsun): When merge this back to arg_utils, we can make the call
# implicit for I18nArg, so people don't need to call this function manually.
args = test.args
arg = getattr(args, name, None)
name_en = name + '_en'
name_zh = name + '_zh'
if backward_compatible and hasattr(args, name_en):
if arg is not None:
arg = translation.Translated(arg)
arg_en = getattr(args, name_en, None)
arg_zh = getattr(args, name_zh, None) or arg_en
if arg_en is not None or arg_zh is not None:
arg_dict = {}
if arg_en is not None:
arg_dict['en-US'] = arg_en
if arg_zh is not None:
arg_dict['zh-CN'] = arg_zh
arg_dict = None
default = next(a for a in test.ARGS if == name).default
if (arg_dict != default and arg != default) or (
default is None and arg is None and arg_dict is None):
raise ValueError(
'Please specify exactly one of %s or [%s, %s].' % (
name, name_en, name_zh))
if arg_dict != default:
logging.warn("Use of argument %r: %r and %r: %r is deprecated. "
'Please use %r: %r instead.',
name_en, arg_en, name_zh, arg_zh, name, arg_dict)
arg = arg_dict
delattr(args, name_en)
delattr(args, name_zh)
if arg is None:
raise ValueError('{name} is mandatory.'.format(name=name))
arg = translation.Translated(arg)
setattr(args, name, arg)