blob: 5c55c379f09e97125b02adfef7f42206ac3ed259 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -u
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implementation of HWID v3 encoder."""
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.hwid import common
from cros.factory.hwid.base32 import Base32
def BOMToBinaryString(database, bom):
"""Encodes the given BOM object to a binary string.
database: A Database object that is used to provide device-specific
information for encoding.
A binary string.
bit_length = database.pattern.GetTotalBitLength()
size = ((bit_length + Base32.BASE32_BIT_WIDTH - 1) /
binary_list = size * [0]
# Fill in header.
binary_list[0] = bom.encoding_pattern_index
for i in xrange(1, 5):
binary_list[i] = (bom.image_id >> (4 - i)) & 1
# Fill in each bit.
bit_mapping = database.pattern.GetBitMapping()
for index, (field, bit_offset) in bit_mapping.iteritems():
binary_list[index] = (bom.encoded_fields[field] >> bit_offset) & 1
# Set stop bit.
binary_list[bit_length - 1] = 1
return ''.join(['%d' % bit for bit in binary_list])
def BinaryStringToEncodedString(database, binary_string):
"""Encodes the given binary string to a encoded string.
database: A Database object that is used to provide device-specific
information for encoding.
binary_string: A string of '0's and '1's.
An encoded string with board name, base32-encoded HWID, and checksum.
b32_string = Base32.Encode(binary_string)
# Make board name part of the checksum.
b32_string += Base32.Checksum(database.board.upper() + ' ' + b32_string)
# Insert dashes to increase readibility.
b32_string = (
'-'.join([b32_string[i:i + 4] for i in xrange(0, len(b32_string), 4)]))
return database.board.upper() + ' ' + b32_string
def Encode(database, bom, skip_check=False, rma_mode=False):
"""Encodes all the given BOM object.
database: A Database object that is used to provide device-specific
information for encoding.
bom: A BOM object.
skip_check: A bool value to skip the verification when constructing the HWID
object. Needed when creating a HWID skelton to be further processed.
rma_mode: If set to True, deprecated components will be allowed.
A HWID object which contains the BOM, the binary string, and the encoded
string derived from the given BOM object.
# Convert all encoded fields with None value to the default index 0.
components_to_update = {}
for field, index in bom.encoded_fields.iteritems():
if index is None:
for comp_cls, comp_name in database.encoded_fields[field][0].iteritems():
# Check every component classes that this encoded field consists of.
for probed_comp in bom.components[comp_cls]:
if probed_comp.component_name is not None:
if comp_cls not in database.components.probeable:
# Only convert unprobeable components.
components_to_update[comp_cls] = comp_name
raise common.HWIDException(probed_comp.error)
updated_bom = database.UpdateComponentsOfBOM(bom, components_to_update)
for field, index in updated_bom.encoded_fields.iteritems():
if index is None:
err_msg = ('Unable to determine index for encoded field %r. Probed '
'components are:\n') % field
for comp_cls in database.encoded_fields[field][0].iterkeys():
for probed_comp in bom.components[comp_cls]:
err_msg += ' %r: %r\n' % (comp_cls, probed_comp.component_name)
raise common.HWIDException(err_msg)
binary_string = BOMToBinaryString(database, updated_bom)
encoded_string = BinaryStringToEncodedString(database, binary_string)
hwid = common.HWID(database, binary_string, encoded_string, updated_bom,
return hwid