blob: 1d8fded1fbcee072f3248c9ab78c5f3878ba27af [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import division
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import os
import re
import struct
import time
from six.moves import xrange
from six import viewitems
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.device import sensor_utils
from cros.factory.device import types
_IIO_DEVICES_PATH = '/sys/bus/iio/devices/'
IIO_SCAN_TYPE = namedtuple('IIO_SCAN_TYPE', ['endianness', 'sign', 'realbits',
'storagebits', 'repeat', 'shift'])
_IIO_SCAN_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^(be|le):(s|u)(\d+)/(\d+)(?:X(\d+))?>>(\d+)$')
_GRAVITY = 9.80665
def _ParseIIOBufferScanType(type_str):
"""Parse IIO buffer type from a string.
See for detailed spec.
type_str: A string describing channel spec, e.g. 'le:s12/16>>4'.
Parsed result of type IIO_SCAN_TYPE.
match = _IIO_SCAN_TYPE_RE.match(type_str)
if not match:
raise ValueError('Invalid channel spec string: %s' % type_str)
endianness =
sign =
realbits = int(
storagebits = int(
repeat = int( if else None
shift = int(
return IIO_SCAN_TYPE(endianness, sign, realbits, storagebits, repeat, shift)
class AccelerometerException(Exception):
class AccelerometerController(sensor_utils.BasicSensorController):
"""Utility class for the two accelerometers.
name: the name of the accelerometer, e.g., 'cros-ec-accel', or None.
This will be used to lookup a matched name in
/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/name to get
the corresponding iio:deviceX.
At least one of name or location must present.
location: the location of the accelerometer, e.g., 'base' or 'lid', or
None. This will be used to lookup a matched location in
/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/location to get
the corresponding iio:deviceX.
At least one of name or location must present.
Raises AccelerometerException if there is no accelerometer.
def __init__(self, board, name, location):
"""Cleans up previous calibration values and stores the scan order.
We can get raw data from below sysfs:
However, there is no guarantee that the data will have been sampled
at the same time. We can use existing triggers (see below CL) to get
simultaneous raw data from /dev/iio:deviceX ordered by
super(AccelerometerController, self).__init__(
board, name, location, ['in_accel_x', 'in_accel_y', 'in_accel_z'],
self.num_signals = 3 # (x, y, z).
self.location = location
self.trigger_path = None
self.iio_bus_id = self._device.path.basename(self._iio_path)
trigger_name = self._GetSysfsValue('trigger/current_trigger')
self.trigger_path = sensor_utils.FindDevice(
self._device, self._device.path.join(_IIO_DEVICES_PATH, 'trigger*'),
scan_elements_path = os.path.join(
_IIO_DEVICES_PATH, self.iio_bus_id, 'scan_elements')
# 'in_accel_(x|y|z)_(base|lid)_index' contains a fixed value which
# represents the so called scan order. After a capture is triggered,
# the data will be dumped in a char file in the scan order.
# Stores the (scan order -> signal name) mapping for later use.
self.index_to_signal = {}
for signal_name in self.signal_names:
index = int(
self._GetSysfsValue('%s_index' % signal_name, scan_elements_path))
scan_type = _ParseIIOBufferScanType(
self._GetSysfsValue('%s_type' % signal_name, scan_elements_path))
self.index_to_signal[index] = dict(name=signal_name, scan_type=scan_type)
def CleanUpCalibrationValues(self):
"""Clean up calibration values.
The sysfs trigger only captures calibrated input values, so we reset
the calibration to allow reading raw data from a trigger.
for signal_name in self.signal_names:
self._SetSysfsValue('%s_calibbias' % signal_name, '0')
def GetData(self, capture_count=1, sample_rate=20):
"""Returns average values of the sensor data.
First, trigger the capture:
echo 1 > /sys/bus/iio/devices/trigger0/trigger_now
Then get the captured data from /dev/iio:deviceX.
capture_count: how many records to read to compute the average.
sample_rate: sample rate in Hz to read data from accelerometers.
A dict of the format {'signal_name': average value}
The output data is in m/s^2.
Ex, {'in_accel_x': 0,
'in_accel_y': 0,
'in_accel_z': 9.8}
Raises AccelerometerException if there is no calibration
value in VPD.
# Each accelerometer data is 2 bytes and there are
# 3 signals, so the buffer lenght of one record is 6 bytes.
# The default order is in_accel_(x|y|z).
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | x | y | z |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+
# TODO(phoenixshen): generate the struct from scan_type instead of using
# hardcoded values
buffer_length_per_record = 6
# Initializes the returned dict.
ret = dict((signal_name, 0.0) for signal_name in self.signal_names)
# Reads the captured data.
file_path = os.path.join('/dev/', self.iio_bus_id)
data_captured = 0
retry_count_per_record = 0
max_retry_count_per_record = 3
while data_captured < capture_count:
self._SetSysfsValue('trigger_now', '1', path=self.trigger_path)
# To prevent obtaining repeated data, add delay between each capture.
# In addition, need to wait some time after set trigger_now to get
# the raw data.
time.sleep(1 / sample_rate)
with open(file_path) as f:
line =
# Sometimes it fails to read a record of raw data (12 bytes) because
# Chrome is reading the data at the same time.
# Use a retry here but we should figure out how to stop Chrome
# from reading.
# TODO(bowgotsai): Stop Chrome from reading the raw data.
if len(line) != buffer_length_per_record:
retry_count_per_record += 1
# To prevent indefinitely reading raw data if there is a real problem.
if retry_count_per_record > max_retry_count_per_record:
raise AccelerometerException(
'GetData failed, exceeded maximum retry: %d)' %
logging.warning('Failed to read data (length=%d), '
'retry again (retry_count=%d).',
len(line), retry_count_per_record)
data_captured += 1
retry_count_per_record = 0
raw_data = struct.unpack_from(FORMAT_RAW_DATA, line)
original_raw_data = {}
# Accumulating.
for i in xrange(self.num_signals):
name = self.index_to_signal[i]['name']
scan_type = self.index_to_signal[i]['scan_type']
original_raw_data[name] = raw_data[i] >> scan_type.shift
ret[name] += original_raw_data[name]
'(%d) Getting data: %s.', data_captured, original_raw_data)
# Calculates average value and convert to SI unit.
for signal_name in ret:
ret[signal_name] = (
int(round(ret[signal_name] / capture_count)) * self.scale)'Average of %d data: %s', capture_count, ret)
return ret
def IsWithinOffsetRange(data, orientations, spec_offset):
"""Checks whether the value of sensor data is within the spec or not.
It is used before calibration to filter out abnormal accelerometers.
data: a dict containing digital output for each signal, in m/s^2.
Ex, {'in_accel_x': 0,
'in_accel_y': 0,
'in_accel_z': 9.8}
orientations: a dict indicating the orentation in gravity
(either 0 or -/+1) of the signal.
Ex, {'in_accel_x': 0,
'in_accel_y': 0,
'in_accel_z': 1}
spec_offset: a tuple of two integers, ex: (0.5, 0.5) indicating the
tolerance for the digital output of sensors under zero gravity and
one gravity, respectively.
True if the data is within the tolerance of the spec.
for signal_name in data:
value = data[signal_name]
orientation = orientations[signal_name]
# Check the sign of the value for -/+1G orientation.
if orientation and orientation * value < 0:
logging.error('The orientation of %s is wrong.', signal_name)
return False
# Check the abs value is within the range of -/+ offset.
index = abs(orientation)
ideal_value = _GRAVITY * orientation
if abs(value - ideal_value) > spec_offset[index]:
logging.error('Signal %s out of range: %f', signal_name, value)
return False
return True
def CalculateCalibrationBias(self, data, orientations):
# Calculating calibration data.
calib_bias = {}
for signal_name in data:
ideal_value = _GRAVITY * orientations[signal_name]
current_calib_bias = (
int(self._GetSysfsValue('%s_calibbias' % signal_name))
* _GRAVITY / 1024)
# Calculate the difference between the ideal value and actual value
# then store it into _calibbias. In release image, the raw data will
# be adjusted by _calibbias to generate the 'post-calibrated' values.
calib_bias[signal_name + '_' + self.location + '_calibbias'] = (
ideal_value - data[signal_name] + current_calib_bias)
return calib_bias
def UpdateCalibrationBias(self, calib_bias):
"""Update calibration bias to RO_VPD
A dict of calibration bias, in m/s^2.
Ex, {'in_accel_x_base_calibbias': 0.1,
'in_accel_y_base_calibbias': -0.2,
'in_accel_z_base_calibbias': 0.3}
# Writes the calibration results into ro vpd.
# The data is converted to 1/1024G unit before writing.'Calibration results: %s.', calib_bias)
scaled = dict((k, str(int(v * 1024 / _GRAVITY)))
for k, v in viewitems(calib_bias))
mapping = []
for signal_name in self.signal_names:
mapping.append(('%s_%s_calibbias' % (signal_name, self.location),
'%s_calibbias' % signal_name))
for vpd_entry, sysfs_entry in mapping:
self._SetSysfsValue(sysfs_entry, scaled[vpd_entry])
class Accelerometer(types.DeviceComponent):
"""Accelerometer component module."""
def GetController(self, location):
"""Gets a controller with specified arguments.
See AccelerometerController for more information.
return AccelerometerController(self._device, 'cros-ec-accel', location)