blob: 6200a1a0cc51f3f4eb0ce867008a019029917342 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Database classes for HWID v3 operation.
The HWID database for a Chromebook project defines how to generate (or
to say, encode) a HWID encoded string for the Chromebook. The HWID database
contains many parts:
1. `components` lists information of all hardware components.
2. `encoded_fields` maps each hardware component's name to a number to be
encoded into the HWID encoded string.
3. `pattern` records the ways to union all numbers together to form an unique
fixed-bit-length number which responses to a set of hardware components.
`pattern` records many different ways to union numbers because the
bit-length of the number might not be enough after new hardware
components are added into the Database.
4. `image_id` lists all possible image ids. An image id consists of an
index (start from 0) and a human-readable name. The name of an image id
often looks similar to the factory build stage, but it's not necessary.
There's an one-to-one mapping relation between the index of an image id
and the pattern so that we know which pattern to apply for encode/decode
the numbers/HWID encode string.
5. `encoded_patterns` is a reserved bit and it can only be 0 now.
6. `project` records the name of the Chromebook project.
7. `checksum` records a checksum string to make sure that the Database is not
8. `rules` records a list of rules to be evaluated during generating the HWID
encoded string.
This package implements some basic methods for manipulating a HWID database
and the loader to load the database from a file. The classes in this package
represents to each part of the HWID database listed above. The detail of
each part is described in the class' document.
import collections
import copy
import hashlib
import logging
import re
from six import iteritems
from six import itervalues
from six.moves import xrange
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import common
from cros.factory.hwid.v3.rule import Rule
from cros.factory.hwid.v3.rule import Value
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import yaml_wrapper as yaml
from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
from cros.factory.utils import schema
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
class Database(object):
"""A class for reading in, parsing, and obtaining information of the given
device-specific component database.
_project: A string indicating the project name.
_encoding_patterns: An EncodingPatterns object.
_image_id: An ImageId object.
_pattern: A Pattern object.
_encoded_fields: An EncodedFields object.
_components: A Components object.
_rules: A Rules object.
_checksum: None or a string of the value of the checksum field.
def __init__(self, project, encoding_patterns, image_id, pattern,
encoded_fields, components, rules, checksum):
This constructor should not be called by other modules.
self._project = project
self._encoding_patterns = encoding_patterns
self._image_id = image_id
self._pattern = pattern
self._encoded_fields = encoded_fields
self._components = components
self._rules = rules
self._checksum = checksum
def __eq__(self, rhs):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return (isinstance(rhs, Database) and
self._project == rhs._project and
self._encoding_patterns == rhs._encoding_patterns and
self._image_id == rhs._image_id and
self._encoded_fields == rhs._encoded_fields and
self._components == rhs._components and
self._checksum == rhs._checksum)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self == rhs
def LoadFile(file_name, verify_checksum=True):
"""Loads a device-specific component database from the given file and
parses it to a Database object.
file_name: A path to a device-specific component database.
verify_checksum: Whether to verify the checksum of the database.
A Database object containing all the settings in the database file.
HWIDException if there is missing field in the database.
return Database.LoadData(file_utils.ReadFile(file_name),
if verify_checksum else None))
def Checksum(file_name):
"""Computes a SHA1 digest as the checksum of the given database file.
file_name: A path to a device-specific component database.
The computed checksum as a string.
return Database.ChecksumForText(file_utils.ReadFile(file_name))
def ChecksumForText(db_text):
"""Computes a SHA1 digest as the checksum of the given database string.
db_text: The database as a string.
The computed checksum as a string.
# Ignore the 'checksum: <hash value>\n' line when calculating checksum.
db_text = re.sub(r'^checksum:.*$\n?', '', db_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return hashlib.sha1(db_text).hexdigest()
def LoadData(raw_data, expected_checksum=None):
"""Loads a device-specific component database from the given database data.
raw_data: The database in string.
expected_checksum: The checksum value to verify the loaded data with.
A value of None disables checksum verification.
A Database object containing all the settings in the database file.
HWIDException if there is missing field in the database, or database
integrity veification fails.
yaml_obj = yaml.load(raw_data)
if not isinstance(yaml_obj, dict):
raise common.HWIDException('Invalid HWID database')
if 'board' in yaml_obj and 'project' not in yaml_obj:
yaml_obj['project'] = yaml_obj['board']
for key in ['project', 'encoding_patterns', 'image_id', 'pattern',
'encoded_fields', 'components', 'rules', 'checksum']:
if key not in yaml_obj:
raise common.HWIDException(
'%r is not specified in HWID database' % key)
project = yaml_obj['project'].upper()
if project != yaml_obj['project']:
logging.warning('The project name should be in upper cases, but got %r.',
# Verify database integrity.
if (expected_checksum is not None and
yaml_obj['checksum'] != expected_checksum):
raise common.HWIDException(
'HWID database %r checksum verification failed' % project)
return Database(project,
def DumpData(self, include_checksum=False):
all_parts = [
('checksum', self._checksum if include_checksum else None),
('project', self._project),
('encoding_patterns', self._encoding_patterns.Export()),
('image_id', self._image_id.Export()),
('pattern', self._pattern.Export()),
('encoded_fields', self._encoded_fields.Export()),
('components', self._components.Export()),
('rules', self._rules.Export()),
return '\n'.join([yaml.dump({key: value}, default_flow_style=False)
for key, value in all_parts])
def DumpFile(self, path, include_checksum=False):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def can_encode(self):
return self._components.can_encode and self._encoded_fields.can_encode
def project(self):
return self._project
def checksum(self):
return self._checksum
def encoding_patterns(self):
return list(self._encoding_patterns)
def image_ids(self):
return list(self._image_id)
def max_image_id(self):
return self._image_id.max_image_id
def rma_image_id(self):
return self._image_id.rma_image_id
def GetImageName(self, image_id):
return self._image_id[image_id]
def AddImage(self, image_id, image_name, encoding_scheme,
if new_pattern:
self._pattern.AddEmptyPattern(image_id, encoding_scheme)
self._pattern.AddImageId(self.max_image_id, image_id)
self._image_id[image_id] = image_name
def GetImageIdByName(self, image_name):
return self._image_id.GetImageIdByName(image_name)
def GetEncodingScheme(self, image_id=None):
return self._pattern.GetEncodingScheme(image_id)
def GetTotalBitLength(self, image_id=None):
return self._pattern.GetTotalBitLength(image_id)
def GetEncodedFieldsBitLength(self, image_id=None):
return self._pattern.GetFieldsBitLength(image_id)
def GetBitMapping(self, image_id=None, max_bit_length=None):
return self._pattern.GetBitMapping(image_id, max_bit_length)
def AppendEncodedFieldBit(self, field_name, bit_length, image_id=None):
if field_name not in self.encoded_fields:
raise common.HWIDException('The field %r does not exist.' % field_name)
self._pattern.AppendField(field_name, bit_length, image_id=image_id)
def encoded_fields(self):
return self._encoded_fields.encoded_fields
def GetEncodedField(self, encoded_field_name):
return self._encoded_fields.GetField(encoded_field_name)
def GetComponentClasses(self, encoded_field_name=None):
"""Returns a set of component class names with optional conditions.
If `encoded_field_name` is specified, this function only returns the
component classes which will be encoded by the specific encoded field.
If `encoded_field_name` is not specified, this function returns all
component classes recorded by the database.
encoded_field_name: None of a string of the name of the encoded field.
A set of component class names.
if encoded_field_name:
return self._encoded_fields.GetComponentClasses(encoded_field_name)
ret = set(self._components.component_classes)
for encoded_field_name in self.encoded_fields:
ret |= set(self._encoded_fields.GetComponentClasses(encoded_field_name))
return ret
def GetEncodedFieldForComponent(self, comp_cls):
return self._encoded_fields.GetFieldForComponent(comp_cls)
def AddNewEncodedField(self, encoded_field_name, components):
self._encoded_fields.AddNewField(encoded_field_name, components)
def AddEncodedFieldComponents(self, encoded_field_name, components):
self._encoded_fields.AddFieldComponents(encoded_field_name, components)
def GetComponents(self, comp_cls, include_default=True):
"""Gets the components of the specific component class.
comp_cls: A string of the name of the component class.
include_default: True to include the default component (the component
which values is `None` instead of a dictionary) in the return
A dict which maps a string of component name to a `ComponentInfo` object,
which is a named tuple contains two attributes:
values: A string-to-string dict of expected probed results.
status: One of `common.COMPONENT_STATUS`.
comps = self._components.GetComponents(comp_cls)
if not include_default:
comps = {name: info for name, info in iteritems(comps)
if info.values is not None}
return comps
def GetDefaultComponent(self, comp_cls):
return self._components.GetDefaultComponent(comp_cls)
def AddComponent(self, comp_cls, comp_name, value, status):
return self._components.AddComponent(comp_cls, comp_name, value, status)
def SetComponentStatus(self, comp_cls, comp_name, status):
return self._components.SetComponentStatus(comp_cls, comp_name, status)
def device_info_rules(self):
return self._rules.device_info_rules
def verify_rules(self):
return self._rules.verify_rules
def AddDeviceInfoRule(self, name_suffix, evaluate, **kwargs):
self._rules.AddDeviceInfoRule(name_suffix, evaluate, **kwargs)
def GetActiveComponentClasses(self, image_id=None):
ret = set()
for encoded_field_name in self.GetEncodedFieldsBitLength(image_id).keys():
ret |= self.GetComponentClasses(encoded_field_name)
return ret
def _SanityChecks(self):
# Each image id should have a corresponding pattern.
if set(self.image_ids) != set(self._pattern.all_image_ids):
raise common.HWIDException(
'Each image id should have a corresponding pattern.')
# Encoded fields should be well defined.
for image_id in self.image_ids:
for encoded_field_name in self.GetEncodedFieldsBitLength(image_id):
if encoded_field_name not in self.encoded_fields:
raise common.HWIDException(
'The encoded field %r is not defined in `encoded_fields` part.' %
# The last encoded patterns should always contain enough bits for all
# fields.
for encoded_field_name, bit_length in self.GetEncodedFieldsBitLength(
max_index = max(self.GetEncodedField(encoded_field_name))
if max_index.bit_length() > bit_length:
raise common.HWIDException(
'Number of allocated bits (%d) for field %r is not enough in the '
'encoded patterns for image id %r' %
(bit_length, encoded_field_name, self.max_image_id))
# TODO(yhong): Perform stricter check against the encoded fields that are
# excluded in the latest encoded pattern. Currently it's allowed as
# this feature is often applied to solve exceptional HWID submittion
# flows like b/124414887.
# Each encoded field should be well defined.
for encoded_field_name in self.encoded_fields:
for comps in itervalues(self.GetEncodedField(encoded_field_name)):
for comp_cls, comp_names in iteritems(comps):
missing_comp_names = (
set(comp_names) - set(self.GetComponents(comp_cls).keys()))
if missing_comp_names:
raise common.HWIDException(
'The components %r are not defined in `components` part.' %
def _VerifyEncodedFieldComponents(self, components):
for comp_cls, comp_names in iteritems(components):
for comp_name in comp_names:
if comp_name not in self.GetComponents(comp_cls):
raise common.HWIDException('The component %r is not recorded '
'in `components` part.' % comp_name)
class _NamedNumber(dict):
"""A customized dictionary for `encoding_patterns` and `image_id` parts.
This class limits some features of the build-in dict to keep the HWID
database valid. The restrictions are:
1. Key of this dictionary must be an integer.
2. Value of this dictionary must be an unique string.
3. Existed key-value cannot be modified or be removed.
def __init__(self, source):
super(_NamedNumber, self).__init__()
if not isinstance(source, dict):
raise common.HWIDException(
'Invalid source %r for `%s` part of a HWID database.' %
(source, self.PART_TAG))
for number, name in iteritems(source):
self[number] = name
def Export(self):
"""Exports to a dictionary which can be saved into the database file."""
return dict(self)
def __getitem__(self, number):
"""Gets the name of the specific number.
common.HWIDException if the given number is not recorded.
return super(_NamedNumber, self).__getitem__(number)
except KeyError:
raise common.HWIDException(
'The %s %r is not recorded.' % (self.NUMBER_TAG, number))
def __setitem__(self, number, name):
"""Adds a new number or updates an existed number's name.
common.HWIDException if failed.
# pylint:disable=unsupported-membership-test
if number not in self.NUMBER_RANGE:
raise common.HWIDException('The %s should be one of %r, but got %r.' %
(self.NUMBER_TAG, self.NUMBER_RANGE, number))
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise common.HWIDException('The %s should be a string, but got %r.' %
(self.NAME_TAG, name))
if number in self:
raise common.HWIDException('The %s %r already exists.' %
(self.NUMBER_TAG, number))
if name in self.values():
raise common.HWIDException('The %s %r is already in used.' %
(self.NAME_TAG, name))
super(_NamedNumber, self).__setitem__(number, name)
def __delitem__(self, key):
raise common.HWIDException(
'Invalid operation: remove %s %r.' % (self.NUMBER_TAG, key))
class EncodingPatterns(_NamedNumber):
"""Class for holding `encoding_patterns` part in a HWID database.
`encoding_patterns` part records all encoding pattern ids and their unique
An encoding pattern id is either 0 or 1 (1 bit in width). But since the
encoding method is not defined for the encoding pattern id being 1, this
value now can only be 0.
In the HWID database file, `encoding_patterns` part looks like:
0: default # 0 is the encoding pattern id, "default" is the
# encoding pattern name.
PART_TAG = 'encoding_patterns'
NUMBER_TAG = 'encoding pattern id'
NAME_TAG = 'encoding pattern name'
class ImageId(_NamedNumber):
"""Class for holding `image_id` part in a HWID database.
`image_id` part in a HWID database records all image ids and their name.
An image id is an integer between 0~15 (4 bits in width). Each image id has
an unique name (called image name) in string. This class is a dictionary
mapping each image id to the corresponding image name.
In the HWID database file, `image_id` part looks like:
0: PROTO # 0 is the image id, "PROTO" is the image name.
1: EVT # 1 is another image id.
2: EVT-99
PART_TAG = 'image_id'
NUMBER_RANGE = list(range(1 << common.IMAGE_ID_BIT_LENGTH))
NUMBER_TAG = 'image id'
NAME_TAG = 'image name'
"""Preserve the max image ID for RMA pattern."""
def GetImageIdByName(self, image_name):
"""Returns the image id of the given image name.
common.HWIDException if the image id is not found.
for i, name in iteritems(self):
if name == image_name:
return i
raise common.HWIDException('The image name %r is not valid.' % image_name)
def max_image_id(self):
"""Returns the maximum image id."""
return self.GetMaxImageIDFromList(list(self))
def rma_image_id(self):
return self.GetRMAImageIDFromList(list(self))
def GetMaxImageIDFromList(cls, image_ids):
return max(set(image_ids) - {cls.RMA_IMAGE_ID})
def GetRMAImageIDFromList(cls, image_ids):
if cls.RMA_IMAGE_ID in image_ids:
return cls.RMA_IMAGE_ID
return None
class EncodedFields(object):
"""Class for holding `encoded_fields` part of a HWID database.
`encoded_fields` part of a HWID database defines the way to convert
hardware components to numbers (and then `pattern` part defines way to union
all numbers (each encoded field generates a number) together).
`encoded_fields` defines a set of encoded field. Each encoded field contains
a set of numbers. A number then maps to a hardware component, or a set
of hardware components. For example, in the HWID database file, this part
might look like:
wireless: super_cool_wireless_component
wireless: not_so_good_component
- ram_4g_1
- ram_4g_2
- ram_8g_1
- ram_8g_2
ec_firmware: ec_rev0
main_firmware: main_rev0
ec_firmware: ec_rev0
main_firmware: main_rev1
ec_firmware: ec_rev0
main_firmware: main_rev2
If the Chromebook installs the wireless chip `super_cool_wireless_component`,
the corresponding number of `wireless_field` is 0. `dram_field` above is
more tricky, 0 means two 4G ram being installed on the Chromebook; 1 means
two 8G ram being installed on the Chromebook. If the probed results tell
us that one 4G and one 8G rams are installed, the program will fail to
generate the HWID identity because the combination of dram doesn't meet
any case.
A number respresents to a combination of a set of components, and it's even
okey to be a set of different class of components like `firmware_field` in
above example. But for each class of components, it should belong to one
`encoded_field`. For example, below `encoded_fields` is invalid:
class1: comp1
class1: comp2
class1: comp3
The relationship between the encoded fields and the classes of components
should form a `one-to-multi` mapping.
_fields: A dictionary maps the encoded field name to the component
combinations, which maps the encode index to a component combination.
The component combination is a dictionary which maps the component
class name to a list of component names.
_field_to_comp_classes: A dictionary maps the encoded field name to a set
of component class.
_can_encode: True if this part works for encoding a BOM to the HWID string.
Somehow there are some old, existed HWID databases which has an encoded
field which maps two different indexes into exactly same component
combinations. In above case the database still works for decoding,
but not encoding.
_SCHEMA = schema.Dict(
'encoded fields',
key_type=schema.Scalar('field name', str),
'encoded field',
'index number', int,
# list(range(1024)) is just a big enough range to denote
# that index numbers are non-negative integers.
key_type=schema.Scalar('component class', str),
schema.Scalar('empty list', type(None)),
schema.Scalar('component name', str),
'list of component name',
element_type=schema.Scalar('component name', str))])),
def __init__(self, encoded_fields_expr):
This constructor shouldn't be called by other modules.
# Verify the input by constructing the encoded fields from scratch
# because all checks are implemented in the manipulaping methods.
self._fields = yaml.Dict()
self._field_to_comp_classes = {}
self._can_encode = True
for field_name, field_data in iteritems(encoded_fields_expr):
self._RegisterNewEmptyField(field_name, list(field_data.values()[0]))
for index, comps in iteritems(field_data):
comps = yaml.Dict([(c, self._StandardlizeList(n))
for c, n in iteritems(comps)])
self.AddFieldComponents(field_name, comps, _index=index)
# Preserve the class type reported by the parser.
self._fields = copy.deepcopy(encoded_fields_expr)
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return isinstance(rhs, EncodedFields) and self._fields == rhs._fields
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self == rhs
def can_encode(self):
return self._can_encode
def Export(self):
"""Exports to a dictionary so that it can be stored to the database file."""
return self._fields
def encoded_fields(self):
"""Returns a list of encoded field names."""
return list(self._fields)
def GetField(self, field_name):
"""Gets the specific field.
field_name: A string of the name of the encoded field.
A dictionary which maps each index number to the corresponding components
combination (i.e. A dictionary of component class to a list of
component names).
if field_name not in self._fields:
raise common.HWIDException('The field name %r is invalid.' % field_name)
ret = {}
for index, comps in iteritems(self._fields[field_name]):
ret[index] = {c: self._StandardlizeList(n) for c, n in iteritems(comps)}
return ret
def GetComponentClasses(self, field_name):
"""Gets the related component classes of a specific field.
field_name: A string of th name of the encoded field.
A set of string of component classes.
if field_name not in self._fields:
raise common.HWIDException('The field name %r is invalid.' % field_name)
return self._field_to_comp_classes[field_name]
def GetFieldForComponent(self, comp_cls):
"""Gets the field which encodes the specific component class.
comp_cls: A string of the component class.
None if no field for that; otherwise a string of the field name.
for field_name, comp_cls_set in iteritems(self._field_to_comp_classes):
if comp_cls in comp_cls_set:
return field_name
return None
def AddFieldComponents(self, field_name, components, _index=None):
"""Adds components combination to an existing encoded field.
field_name: A string of the name of the new encoded field.
components: A dictionary which maps the component class to a list of
component name.
_index: Specify the index for the new component combination.
if field_name not in self._fields:
raise common.HWIDException(
'Encoded field %r does not exist' % (field_name,))
if field_name == 'region_field':
if len(components) != 1 or list(components) != ['region']:
raise common.HWIDException(
'Region field should contain only region component.')
if set(components.keys()) != self._field_to_comp_classes[field_name]:
raise common.HWIDException('Each encoded field should encode a fixed set '
'of component classes.')
counters = {c: collections.Counter(n) for c, n in iteritems(components)}
for existing_index, existing_comps in iteritems(self.GetField(field_name)):
if all(counter == collections.Counter(existing_comps[comp_cls])
for comp_cls, counter in iteritems(counters)):
self._can_encode = False
'The components combination %r already exists (at index %r).',
components, existing_index)
index = (_index if _index is not None
else max(self._fields[field_name].keys() or [-1]) + 1)
self._fields[field_name][index] = yaml.Dict(
sorted([(c, self._SimplifyList(n)) for c, n in iteritems(components)]))
def AddNewField(self, field_name, components):
"""Adds a new field.
field_name: A string of the name of the new field.
components: A dictionary which maps the component class to a list of
component name.
if field_name in self._fields:
raise common.HWIDException(
'Encoded field %r already exists' % (field_name,))
if field_name == 'region_field' or 'region' in components:
raise common.HWIDException(
'Region field should always exist in the HWID database, it is '
'prohibited to add a new field called "region_field".')
self._RegisterNewEmptyField(field_name, list(components))
self.AddFieldComponents(field_name, components)
def _RegisterNewEmptyField(self, field_name, comp_classes):
if not comp_classes:
raise common.HWIDException(
'An encoded field must includes at least one component class.')
self._fields[field_name] = yaml.Dict()
self._field_to_comp_classes[field_name] = set(comp_classes)
def _SimplifyList(cls, data):
if not data:
return None
elif len(data) == 1:
return data[0]
return sorted(data)
def _StandardlizeList(cls, data):
return sorted(type_utils.MakeList(data)) if data is not None else []
class ComponentInfo(type_utils.Obj):
def __init__(self, values, status):
super(ComponentInfo, self).__init__(values=values, status=status)
class Components(object):
"""Class for holding `components` part in a HWID database.
`components` part in a HWID database records information of all components
which might be found on the device.
In the HWID database file, `components` part looks like:
value: <a_dict_of_expected_probed_result_values>|null
status: unsupported|deprecated|unqualified|supported|duplicate
value: <a_dict_of_expected_probed_result_values>
status: unsupported|deprecated|unqualified|supported|duplicate
For example, it might look like:
status: deprecated
tech: Battery Li-ion
size: '2500000'
status: unqualified
tech: Battery Li-ion
size: '123456789'
values: null
idVendor: 89ab
idProduct: abcd
name: Cellular Card
In above example, when we probe the battery of the device, if the probed
result values contains {'tech': 'Battery Li-ion', size: '123456789'}, we
consider as there's a component named "battery_small" installed on the device.
A special case is "value: null", this means the component is a
"default component". In early build, sometime maybe the driver is not ready
so we have to set a default component to mark that those device actually
have the component.
Valid status are: supported, unqualified, deprecated, unsupported and
duplicate. Each value has its own meaning:
* supported: This component is currently being used to build new units and
allowed to be used in later build (PVT and later).
* unqualified: The component is acceptable to be installed on the device in
early normal build (before PVT, not included).
* deprecated: This component is no longer being used to build new units,
but is supported in RMA process.
* unsupported: This component is not allowed to be used to build new units,
and is not supported in RMA process.
* duplicate: This component has been merged into another component. This
component won't be used to encode new HWID, but can still be used to
If not specified, status defaults to supported.
After probing all kind of components, it results in a BOM list, which records
a list of names of the installed components. Then we generate the HWID
encoded string by looking up the encoded fields to transfer the BOM list
into numbers and union them.
_components: A dictionary which maps the component class name to a list
of ComponentInfo object.
_can_encode: True if the original data doesn't contain legacy information
so that the whole database works for encoding a BOM to the HWID string.
As the idea of non-probeable components are deprecated and the idea of
default components are approached by rules, the HWID database contains
non-probeable or default components will be mark as _can_encode=False.
_default_comonents: A set of default components.
_non_probeable_component_classes: A set of name of the non-probeable
component class.
_SCHEMA = schema.Dict(
key_type=schema.Scalar('component class', str),
'component description',
'items': schema.Dict(
key_type=schema.Scalar('component name', str),
'component attributes',
'values': schema.AnyOf([
'probed key-value pairs',
key_type=schema.Scalar('probed key', str),
schema.Scalar('probed value', str),
'probde value regex', Value)]),
schema.Scalar('none', type(None))])},
'default': schema.Scalar(
'is default component item (deprecated)', bool),
'status': schema.Scalar(
'item status', str,
'probeable': schema.Scalar(
'is component probeable (deprecate)', bool)}))
_DUMMY_KEY = 'dummy_probed_value_key'
def __init__(self, components_expr):
This constructor shouldn't be called by other modules.
self._components_expr = copy.deepcopy(components_expr)
self._components = {}
self._can_encode = True
self._default_components = set()
self._non_probeable_component_classes = set()
for comp_cls, comps_data in iteritems(self._components_expr):
self._components[comp_cls] = {}
for comp_name, comp_attr in iteritems(comps_data['items']):
self._AddComponent(comp_cls, comp_name, comp_attr['values'],
if comp_attr.get('default') is True:
# We now use "values: null" to indicate a default component and
# ignore the "default: True" field.
self._default_components.add((comp_cls, comp_name))
if comps_data.get('probeable') is False:
'Found non-probeable component class %r, mark can_encode=False.',
self._can_encode = False
def __eq__(self, rhs):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return isinstance(rhs, Components) and self._components == rhs._components
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self == rhs
def Export(self):
"""Exports into a serializable dictionary which can be stored into a HWID
database file."""
# Apply the changes back to the original data for YAML, either adding a new
# component or updating the component status.
for comp_cls in self.component_classes:
components_dict = self._components_expr.setdefault(
comp_cls, {'items': yaml.Dict()})['items']
for comp_name, comp_info in iteritems(self.GetComponents(comp_cls)):
if comp_name not in components_dict:
components_dict[comp_name] = yaml.Dict()
if comp_info.status != common.COMPONENT_STATUS.supported:
components_dict[comp_name]['status'] = comp_info.status
components_dict[comp_name]['values'] = comp_info.values
if comp_info.status != components_dict[comp_name].get(
'status', common.COMPONENT_STATUS.supported):
if comp_info.status == common.COMPONENT_STATUS.supported:
del components_dict[comp_name]['status']
components_dict[comp_name]['status'] = comp_info.status
return self._components_expr
def can_encode(self):
"""Returns true if the components is not the legacy one which let the whole
database unable to encode the BOM."""
return self._can_encode
def component_classes(self):
"""Returns a list of string of the component class names."""
return list(self._components)
def GetComponents(self, comp_cls):
"""Gets the components of the specific component class.
comp_cls: A string of the name of the component class.
A dict which maps a string of component name to a `ComponentInfo` object,
which is a named tuple contains two attributes:
values: A string-to-string dict of expected probed results.
status: One of `common.COMPONENT_STATUS`.
return self._components.get(comp_cls, {})
def GetDefaultComponent(self, comp_cls):
"""Gets the default components of the specific component class if exists.
comp_cls: A string of the name of the component class.
None or a string of the component name.
for comp_name, comp_info in iteritems(self._components.get(comp_cls, {})):
if comp_info.values is None:
return comp_name
return None
def AddComponent(self, comp_cls, comp_name, values, status):
"""Adds a new component.
comp_cls: A string of the component class.
comp_name: A string of the name of the component.
values: A dict of the expected probed results.
status: One of `common.COMPONENT_STATUS`.
if comp_cls == 'region':
raise common.HWIDException('Region component class is not modifiable.')
self._AddComponent(comp_cls, comp_name, values, status)
def SetComponentStatus(self, comp_cls, comp_name, status):
"""Sets the status of a specific component.
comp_cls: The component class name.
comp_name: The component name.
status: One of `common.COMPONENT_STATUS`.
if comp_cls == 'region':
raise common.HWIDException('Region component class is not modifiable.')
if comp_name not in self._components.get(comp_cls, {}):
raise common.HWIDException('Component (%r, %r) is not recorded.' %
(comp_cls, comp_name))
self._components[comp_cls][comp_name].status = status
def _AddComponent(self, comp_cls, comp_name, values, status):
if comp_name in self.GetComponents(comp_cls):
raise common.HWIDException('Component (%r, %r) already exists.' %
(comp_cls, comp_name))
if values is None and any(
c.values is None for c in itervalues(self.GetComponents(comp_cls))):
logging.warning('Found more than one default component of %r, '
'mark can_encode=False.', comp_cls)
self._can_encode = False
for existed_comp_name, existed_comp_info in iteritems(self.GetComponents(
existed_comp_values = existed_comp_info.values
# At here, we only complain if two components are exactly the same. There
# is another case that is not caught here: at least one of the component
# is using regular expression, and the intersection of two components is
# not empty set. Currently,
# `cros.factory.hwid.v3.probe.GenerateBOMFromProbedResults` will raise an
# exception when the probed result indeed matches two or more components.
if values == existed_comp_values:
if (status != common.COMPONENT_STATUS.duplicate and
existed_comp_info.status != common.COMPONENT_STATUS.duplicate):
logging.warning('Probed values %r is ambiguous with %r',
values, existed_comp_name)
logging.warning('Did you merge two components? You should set status '
'of the duplicate one "duplicate".')
self._can_encode = False
self._components.setdefault(comp_cls, yaml.Dict())
self._components[comp_cls][comp_name] = ComponentInfo(values, status)
_PatternDatum = collections.namedtuple('_PatternDatum',
['encoding_scheme', 'fields'])
_PatternField = collections.namedtuple('_PatternField', ['name', 'bit_length'])
class Pattern(object):
"""A class for parsing and obtaining information of a pre-defined encoding
The `pattern` part of a HWID database records a list of patterns. Each
pattern records:
1. `image_ids`: A list of image id for this pattern. When we are decoding
a HWID identity, we will use the pattern which `image_ids` field
includes the image id in the HWID identity.
2. `encoding_scheme`: Either "base32" or "base8192". This is the name of
the algorithm to encoding/decoding the binary string.
3. `fields`: Bit positions of each type of components. Since the hardware
component might be added into the HWID database in anytime and we can
only append extra bits to the components bitset at the end so that
old HWID identity can be decoded by the same pattern, the index number
of the installed component might have to be splitted into multiple part
when we union all numbers into a big binary string. For example, if the
`fields` defines:
- battery: 2
- cpu: 1
- battery 3
Then the first 2 bits of the components bitset are the least 2 bits of
the index of the battery. The 4~6 bits of the components bitset are the
3~5 bits of the index of the battery. Here is the corresponding mapping
between the components bitset and the index of the battery of above
example. (note that the bit for cpu is marked as "?" because it is not
related to the battery.)
bitset battery_index bitset battery_index
00?000 0 00?100 16
01?000 1 01?100 17
10?000 2 10?100 18
11?000 3 11?100 19
00?001 4 00?101 20
01?001 5 01?101 21
10?001 6 10?101 22
11?001 7 11?101 23
00?010 8 00?110 24
01?010 9 01?110 25
10?010 10 10?110 26
11?010 11 11?110 27
00?011 12 00?111 28
01?011 13 01?111 29
10?011 14 10?111 30
11?011 15 11?111 31
The format of `pattern` part in the HWID database file is:
- image_ids: <a_list_of_image_ids>
- encoding_scheme: <base32_or_base8192>
- fields:
- <component_class_name>: <number_of_bits>
- <component_class_name>: <number_of_bits>
- image_ids: <a_list_of_image_ids>
- encoding_scheme: <base32_or_base8192>
- fields:
- <component_class_name>: <number_of_bits>
- <component_class_name>: <number_of_bits>
_SCHEMA = schema.List(
'pattern list',
'image_ids': schema.List(
'image ids',
'image id', int, choices=ImageId.NUMBER_RANGE),
'encoding_scheme': schema.Scalar(
'encoding scheme', str, choices=['base32', 'base8192']),
'fields': schema.List(
'encoded fields',
'pattern field',
key_type=schema.Scalar('encoded index', str),
value_type=schema.Scalar('bit offset', int,
def __init__(self, pattern_list_expr):
This constructor shouldn't be called by other modules.
self._image_id_to_pattern = {}
for pattern_expr in pattern_list_expr:
pattern_obj = _PatternDatum(pattern_expr['encoding_scheme'], [])
for field_expr in pattern_expr['fields']:
_PatternField(list(field_expr)[0], field_expr.values()[0]))
for image_id in pattern_expr['image_ids']:
if image_id in self._image_id_to_pattern:
raise common.HWIDException(
'One image id should map to one pattern, but image id %r maps to '
'multiple patterns.' % image_id)
self._image_id_to_pattern[image_id] = pattern_obj
def __eq__(self, rhs):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return (isinstance(rhs, Pattern) and
self._image_id_to_pattern == rhs._image_id_to_pattern)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self == rhs
def Export(self):
"""Exports this `pattern` part of HWID database into a serializable object
which can be stored into a HWID database file."""
pattern_list = []
for image_id, pattern in sorted(iteritems(self._image_id_to_pattern)):
for obj_to_export, existed_pattern in pattern_list:
if pattern is existed_pattern:
obj_to_export = yaml.Dict([
('image_ids', [image_id]),
('encoding_scheme', pattern.encoding_scheme),
('fields', [{ field.bit_length}
for field in pattern.fields])])
pattern_list.append((obj_to_export, pattern))
return [pattern for pattern, _ in pattern_list]
def all_image_ids(self):
"""Returns all image ids."""
return list(self._image_id_to_pattern)
def AddEmptyPattern(self, image_id, encoding_scheme):
"""Adds a new empty pattern.
image_id: The image id of the new pattern.
encoding_sheme: The encoding scheme of the new pattern.
if image_id in self._image_id_to_pattern:
raise common.HWIDException(
'The image id %r is already in used.' % image_id)
self._image_id_to_pattern[image_id] = _PatternDatum(encoding_scheme, [])
def AddImageId(self, reference_image_id, image_id):
"""Adds an image id to a pattern by the specific image id.
reference_image_id: An integer of the image id. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
image_id: The image id to be added.
if image_id in self._image_id_to_pattern:
raise common.HWIDException(
'The image id %r has already been in used.' % image_id)
self._image_id_to_pattern[image_id] = self._GetPattern(reference_image_id)
def AppendField(self, field_name, bit_length, image_id=None):
"""Append a field to the pattern.
field_name: Name of the field.
bit_length: Bit width to add.
image_id: An integer of the image id. If not given, the latest image id
would be used.
_PatternField(field_name, bit_length))
def GetEncodingScheme(self, image_id=None):
"""Gets the encoding scheme recorded in the pattern.
image_id: An integer of the image id to query. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
Either "base32" or "base8192".
return self._GetPattern(image_id).encoding_scheme
def GetTotalBitLength(self, image_id=None):
"""Gets the total bit length defined by the pattern.
image_id: An integer of the image id to query. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
A int indicating the total bit length.
return sum([field.bit_length
for field in self._GetPattern(image_id).fields])
def GetFieldsBitLength(self, image_id=None):
"""Gets a map for the bit length of each encoded fields defined by the
pattern. Scattered fields with the same field name are aggregated into one.
image_id: An integer of the image id to query. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
A dict mapping each encoded field to its bit length.
ret = collections.defaultdict(int)
for field in self._GetPattern(image_id).fields:
ret[] += field.bit_length
return dict(ret)
def GetBitMapping(self, image_id=None, max_bit_length=None):
"""Gets a list indicating the mapping target (field name and the offset) of
each bit in the components bitset.
For example, the returned map may say that bit 5 in the components bitset
corresponds to the least significant bit of encoded field 'cpu'.
image_id: An integer of the image id to query. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
max_bit_length: The max length of the return list. If given, it is used
to check against the encoding pattern to see if there is an incomplete
bit chunk.
A list of BitEntry objects indexed by bit position in the compoents
bitset. Each BitEntry object has attributes (field, bit_offset)
indicating which bit_offset of field this particular bit corresponds
to. For example, if ret[6] has attributes (field='cpu', bit_offset=1),
then it means that bit position 6 of the binary string corresponds
to the bit offset 1 (which is the second least significant bit)
of encoded field 'cpu'.
BitEntry = collections.namedtuple('BitEntry', ['field', 'bit_offset'])
total_bit_length = self.GetTotalBitLength(image_id=image_id)
if max_bit_length is None:
max_bit_length = total_bit_length
max_bit_length = min(max_bit_length, total_bit_length)
ret = []
field_offset_map = collections.defaultdict(int)
for name, bit_length in self._GetPattern(image_id).fields:
# Normally when one wants to extend bit length of a field, one should
# append new pattern field instead of expanding the last field.
# However, for some project, we already have cases where last pattern
# fields were expanded directly. See
# Ignore extra bits if we have reached `max_bit_length` so that we can
# generate the correct bit mapping in previous versions whose total
# bit length is smaller.
remaining_length = max_bit_length - len(ret)
if remaining_length <= 0:
real_length = min(bit_length, remaining_length)
# Big endian.
for offset_delta in xrange(real_length - 1, -1, -1):
ret.append(BitEntry(name, offset_delta + field_offset_map[name]))
field_offset_map[name] += real_length
return ret
def _GetPattern(self, image_id=None):
"""Get the pattern by a given image id.
image_id: An integer of the image id to query. If not given, the latest
image id would be used.
The `_PatternDatum` object.
if image_id is None:
return self._image_id_to_pattern[self._max_image_id]
if image_id not in self._image_id_to_pattern:
raise common.HWIDException('No pattern for image id %r.' % image_id)
return self._image_id_to_pattern[image_id]
def _max_image_id(self):
return ImageId.GetMaxImageIDFromList(list(self._image_id_to_pattern))
class Rules(object):
"""A class for parsing rules defined in the database.
The `rules` part of a HWID database consists of a list of rules to be
evaluate. There's two kind of rules:
1. `device_info`: This kind of rules will be evaluated before encoding the
BOM object into the HWID identity. While generating the HWID identity,
we probe the Chromebook to know what components are installed on the
Chromebook and store the component list as a BOM object. But since
some unprobeable information is also needed to be encoded into The HWID
identity (such as `image_id`), the BOM object is "incomplete".
The `device_info` rules then will fill those unprobeable information into
the BOM object so that it can be encoded into a HWID identity.
2. `verify`: This kind of rules will be evaluated when we want to verify
whether a HWID identity is valid (for example, after a HWID identity is
generated). Sometimes we might find that two specific hardware
components living together would crash the Chromebook, then we have to
avoid this combination. That's one example of when to use the `verify`
rules. The `verify` rules allow developers to specify some customized
verifying process.
The format of `rules` part in the HWID database file is:
- name: <name>
evaluate: <expressions>
when: <when_expression> # This field is optional.
otherwise: <expressions> # This field is optional.
<name> can be any string starts with either "device_info." or "verify.".
<expressions> can be a string of python expression, or a list of string of
python expression, see below for detail descrption.
<when_expression> is a string of python expression.
`when:` field is optional, it is used for condition evaluating, the
<expressions> specified in `evaluate:` field will be run only if the
evaluated value of <when_expression> is true.
`otherwise` field is also optional, but shouldn't exist if there's no `when:`
field. <expressions> specified in this field will be run if the evaluated
value of <when_expression> is false.
`cros.factory.hwid.v3.common_rule_functions` and
`cros.factory.hwid.v3.hwid_rule_functions` packages have already defined a
series of functions which can be called in <expressions>.
An example of `rules` part in a HWID database is:
- name: device_info.set_image_id
evaluate: SetImageId('PVT')
- name: device_info.component.has_cellular
when: GetDeviceInfo('component.has_cellular')
evaluate: Assert(ComponentEq('cellular', 'foxconn_novatel'))
otherwise: Assert(ComponentEq('cellular', None))
- name: device_info.component.keyboard
when: GetOperationMode() != 'rma'
evaluate: >
'keyboard', LookupMap(GetDeviceInfo('component.keyboard'), {
'US_API': 'us_darfon',
'UK_API': 'gb_darfon',
'FR_API': 'fr_darfon',
'DE_API': 'de_darfon',
'SE_API': 'se_darfon',
'NL_API': 'us_intl_darfon',
- name:
- Assert(ValidVPDValue('ro', 'serial_number'))
rules: A list of Rule instances, which include both type of rules.
device_info_rules: A list of `device_info` type of rules.
verify_rules: A list of `verify` type of rules.
_RULE_TYPES = type_utils.Enum(['verify', 'device_info'])
schema.Scalar('rule expression', str),
schema.List('list of rule expressions',
schema.Scalar('rule expression', str))])
_RULE_SCHEMA = schema.FixedDict(
items={'name': schema.Scalar('rule name', str),
optional_items={'when': schema.Scalar('expression', str),
'otherwise': _EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA})
def __init__(self, rule_expr_list):
This constructor shouldn't be called from other modules.
if not isinstance(rule_expr_list, list):
raise common.HWIDException(
'`rules` part of a HWID database should be a list, but got %r' %
self._rules = []
for rule_expr in rule_expr_list:
rule = Rule.CreateFromDict(rule_expr)
if not any([ + '.') for x in self._RULE_TYPES]):
raise common.HWIDException(
'Invalid rule name %r; rule name must be prefixed with '
'"device_info." (evaluated when generating HWID) '
'or "verify." (evaluated when verifying HWID)' %
def __eq__(self, rhs):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return isinstance(rhs, Rules) and self._rules == rhs._rules
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self == rhs
def Export(self):
"""Exports the `rule` part into a list of dictionary object which can be
saved to the HWID database file."""
def _TransToOrderedDict(rule_dict):
ret = yaml.Dict([('name', rule_dict['name']),
('evaluate', rule_dict['evaluate'])])
for key in ['when', 'otherwise']:
if key in rule_dict:
ret[key] = rule_dict[key]
return ret
return [_TransToOrderedDict(rule.ExportToDict()) for rule in self._rules]
def device_info_rules(self):
return self._GetRules(self._RULE_TYPES.device_info + '.')
def verify_rules(self):
return self._GetRules(self._RULE_TYPES.verify + '.')
def AddDeviceInfoRule(self, name_suffix, evaluate, **kwargs):
"""Adds a device info type rule.
name_suffix: A string of the suffix of the rule name, the actual rule name
will be "device_info.<name_suffix>".
position: None to append the rule at the end of all rules; otherwise
if the value is N, the rule will be inserted right before the N-th
device_info rule.
other arguments: Arguments needed by the Rule class' constructor.
position = kwargs.pop('position', None)
self._AddRule(self._RULE_TYPES.device_info, position, name_suffix,
evaluate, **kwargs)
def _GetRules(self, prefix):
return [rule for rule in self._rules if]
def _AddRule(self, rule_type, position, name_suffix, evaluate, **kwargs):
rule_obj = Rule(rule_type + '.' + name_suffix, evaluate, **kwargs)
if position is not None:
order = -1
for index, existed_rule_obj in enumerate(self._rules):
if not
order += 1
if order == position:
self._rules.insert(index, rule_obj)