blob: b47a29a37f137ec10f02d7d3d65bafbf1232b827 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Identity class for the HWID v3 framework.
The identity for a Chromebook project is called HWID encoded strings. The
format of a HWID encoded string is
<project_name> [<encoded_configless>] <encoded_components><encoded_checksum>
For human readibility, it's allowed to insert some dash to seperate
`<encoded_components><encoded_checksum>` into multiple parts, but the dash
symbols will be ignored by the program.
The `project_name` is a non-empty string of upper case alphanumeric.
The `encoded_checksum` is the checksum of
`<project_name> [<encoded_configless>] <encoded_components>`.
Given the encoding scheme, the `<encoded_components>` can be decoded into a
binary string which length is greater than 5.
The binary string contains 3 parts:
1. The 1st (left most) digit is the `encoding_pattern_index`,
which value can be either 0 or 1.
2. The 2nd to the 5th digits is a 4-bit big-endian integer of the `image_id`.
3. The reset of the digits is called `components_bitset`. A
`components_bitset` is an arbitrary binary string which ends with '1'.
A `components_bitset` can be decoded into a set of installed components
according to the HWID `Database`. But the actual format of this part is
beyond `Identiy`'s business.
For example, if the binary string is `0 0010 0111010101011`, then we have:
1. `encoding_pattern_index` = 0
2. `image_id` = 2
3. `components_bitset` = '0111010101011'
If <encoded_configless> is given, the `<encoded_configless>` will be included to
the HWID string. See for details.
This package implements the encoding/decoding logic between the binary string
and the encoded string.
import re
from six.moves import xrange
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import base32
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import base8192
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import common
common.ENCODING_SCHEME.base32: base32.Base32,
common.ENCODING_SCHEME.base8192: base8192.Base8192
_HEADER_FORMAT_STR = '{0:01b}{1:0%db}' % common.IMAGE_ID_BIT_LENGTH
class _IdentityConverter(object):
"""Identity converter.
Identity can be represented by two ways:
1. key value pairs::
configless_fields, # optional
2. key value pairs::
(1) and (2) should be an 1-to-1 mapping.
def __init__(self, base):
self._base = base
def FormatComponentsField(self, encoded_string):
"""Insert dash to encoded components string"""
return '-'.join([encoded_string[idx:idx + self._base.DASH_INSERTION_WIDTH]
for idx in xrange(0, len(encoded_string),
def EncodeComponentsBitset(self, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
"""Encode components bitset according to chosen scheme"""
binary_string = _HEADER_FORMAT_STR.format(
encoding_pattern_index, image_id) + components_bitset
binary_string += '0' * self._base.GetPaddingLength(len(binary_string))
return self._base.Encode(binary_string)
def DecodeComponentsFields(self, encoded_string):
"""Decode encodeded components string to components bitset"""
binary_string = self._base.Decode(encoded_string).rstrip('0')
_VerifyPart(lambda val: len(val) > common.HEADER_BIT_LENGTH,
'binary_string', binary_string)
encoding_pattern_index = int(binary_string[0], 2)
image_id = int(binary_string[1:common.HEADER_BIT_LENGTH], 2)
components_bitset = binary_string[common.HEADER_BIT_LENGTH:]
return {
'encoding_pattern_index': encoding_pattern_index,
'image_id': image_id,
'components_bitset': components_bitset,
def GenerateEncodedString(self, project, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
components_bitset, brand_code,
"""Encode components fields and calculate checksum."""
encoded_components = self.EncodeComponentsBitset(encoding_pattern_index,
if brand_code:
project_and_brand_code = project + '-' + brand_code
project_and_brand_code = project
parts = [project_and_brand_code]
if encoded_configless:
checksum = self._base.Checksum(' '.join(parts))
parts[-1] = self.FormatComponentsField(encoded_components + checksum)
return ' '.join(parts)
def DecodeEncodedString(self, encoded_string):
"""Decode components fields and verify checksum."""
parts = encoded_string.split()
if len(parts) == 2:
project_and_brand_code, encoded_components_and_checksum = parts
encoded_configless = None
elif len(parts) == 3:
(project_and_brand_code, encoded_configless,
encoded_components_and_checksum) = parts
raise common.HWIDException('Invalid HWID string: %r' % encoded_string)
project, _, brand_code = project_and_brand_code.partition('-')
# An old HWID string might not have brand code.
brand_code = brand_code or None
encoded_components_and_checksum = encoded_components_and_checksum.replace(
'-', '')
checksum_size = self._base.ENCODED_CHECKSUM_SIZE
_VerifyPart(lambda val: len(val) > checksum_size,
'encoded_body+checksum', encoded_components_and_checksum)
encoded_components = encoded_components_and_checksum[:-checksum_size]
checksum = encoded_components_and_checksum[-checksum_size:]
parts[-1] = encoded_components
lambda val: val == self._base.Checksum(' '.join(parts)),
'checksum', checksum)
result_dict = self.DecodeComponentsFields(encoded_components)
result_dict['project'] = project
result_dict['brand_code'] = brand_code
result_dict['encoded_configless'] = encoded_configless
return result_dict
def _VerifyPart(condition, part, value):
if not condition(value):
raise common.HWIDException('The given %s %r is invalid.' % (part, value))
def _VerifyProjectPart(project):
_VerifyPart(lambda val: re.match(r'^[A-Z0-9]+$', val), 'project', project)
def _VerifyEncodingSchemePart(encoding_scheme):
_VerifyPart(lambda val: val in _ENCODING_SCHEME_MAP,
'encoding_scheme', encoding_scheme)
def GetImageIdFromBinaryString(binary_string):
"""Obtains the image id from a HWID binary string without actually decode it.
This function will not verify whether the given HWID binary string is valid
or not.
binary_string: The HWID binary string to parse.
An integer of the image id.
_VerifyPart(lambda val: (len(val) > common.HEADER_BIT_LENGTH and
not set(val) - set('01')),
'binary_string', binary_string)
return int(binary_string[1:common.HEADER_BIT_LENGTH], 2)
def GetImageIdFromEncodedString(encoded_string):
"""Obtains the image id from a HWID encoded string without actually decode it.
This function will not verify whether the given HWID encoded string is valid
or not.
encoded_string: The HWID encoded string to parse.
An integer of the image id.
(project_and_brand_code, unused_separator,
encoded_body_and_checksum) = encoded_string.partition(' ')
(project, unused_separator,
unused_brand_code) = project_and_brand_code.partition('-')
_VerifyPart(lambda val: len(val) > 2,
'encoded_body+checksum', encoded_body_and_checksum)
components_field = encoded_body_and_checksum.split()[-1]
return common.HEADER_ALPHABET.index(components_field[0]) & 0x0f
class Identity(object):
"""A class to hold the identity of a Chromebook project.
project: A string of the name of the Chromebook project.
encoded_string: A string of the HWID encoded string.
encoding_pattern_index: A integer of the encode pattern index.
image_id: A integer of the image id.
components_bitset: A binary string ends with '1'.
encoded_configless: None or a string of encoded configless fields.
__slots__ = [
def __init__(self, project, encoded_string, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
components_bitset, brand_code=None, encoded_configless=None):
This constructor shouldn't be called by the user directly. The user should
get the instance of Identity by calling either
`Identity.GenerateFromBinaryString` or `Identity.GenerateFromEncodedString`.
self.project = project
self.encoded_string = encoded_string
self.encoding_pattern_index = encoding_pattern_index
self.image_id = image_id
self.components_bitset = components_bitset
self.brand_code = brand_code
self.encoded_configless = encoded_configless
def binary_string(self):
return _HEADER_FORMAT_STR.format(
self.encoding_pattern_index, self.image_id) + self.components_bitset
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return (isinstance(rhs, Identity) and
all(getattr(self, k) == getattr(rhs, k)
for k in self.__slots__))
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self.__eq__(rhs)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Identity(%r)' % {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__}
def Verify(encoding_scheme, project, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
_VerifyPart(lambda val: val in [0, 1],
'encoding_pattern_index', encoding_pattern_index)
_VerifyPart(lambda val: val in range(1 << common.IMAGE_ID_BIT_LENGTH),
'image_id', image_id)
_VerifyPart(lambda val: val and not set(val) - set('01') and val[-1] == '1',
'components_bitset', components_bitset)
def GenerateFromBinaryString(encoding_scheme, project,
encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
components_bitset, brand_code=None,
"""Generates an instance of Identity from the given 3 parts of the binary
This function also verifies whether the given HWID binary string matches
the format or not.
encoding_scheme: The encoding scheme used when this HWID was generated.
project: A string of the Chromebook project name.
encoding_pattern_index: An integer of the encode pattern index.
image_id: An integer of the image id.
components_bitset: A binary string ends with '1'.
encoded_configless: None or a string of encoded configless fields.
brand_code: None or a string of Chromebook brand code.
An instance of Identity.
Identity.Verify(encoding_scheme, project, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
converter = _IdentityConverter(_ENCODING_SCHEME_MAP[encoding_scheme])
kwargs = {
'project': project,
'brand_code': brand_code,
'encoding_pattern_index': encoding_pattern_index,
'image_id': image_id,
'components_bitset': components_bitset,
if encoded_configless:
kwargs['encoded_configless'] = encoded_configless
encoded_string = converter.GenerateEncodedString(**kwargs)
return Identity(project, encoded_string, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
components_bitset, brand_code, encoded_configless)
def GenerateFromEncodedString(encoding_scheme, encoded_string):
"""Generates an instance of Identity from the given HWID encoded string.
This function also verifies whether the given HWID encoded string matches
the format or not.
encoding_scheme: The encoding scheme used when this HWID was generated.
encoded_string: A string of HWID encoded string.
An instance of Identity.
converter = _IdentityConverter(_ENCODING_SCHEME_MAP[encoding_scheme])
return Identity(encoded_string=encoded_string,