blob: e40c3eed4e272c5982af112a27873b9d8d140f1b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import unittest
from testlog_pkg import testlog
from testlog_pkg import testlog_utils
from testlog_pkg import testlog_validator
from testlog_pkg.utils import schema
class TestlogValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
class TestEvent(testlog.EventBase):
"""A derived class from Event that can be initialized."""
'Long': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.Long),
'Number': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.Number),
'String': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.String),
'Boolean': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.Boolean),
'Dict': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.Dict),
'List': (True, testlog_validator.Validator.List),
def GetEventType(cls):
return 'unittest.Event'
def CastFields(self):
def testNonExistedField(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
with self.assertRaises(testlog_utils.TestlogError):
event['CatchMeIfYouCan'] = 'GuessWhat'
def testLongValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Long'] = '3333'
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Long'] = 'aaaa'
event['Long'] = 3333
self.assertEqual(event['Long'], 3333)
def testNumberValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Number'] = '66'
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Number'] = 'aa'
event['Number'] = 33.33
self.assertAlmostEqual(event['Number'], 33.33)
event['Number'] = -1
self.assertAlmostEqual(event['Number'], -1)
event['Number'] = 999999999999999
self.assertAlmostEqual(event['Number'], 999999999999999)
def testStringValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['String'] = 6666
event['String'] = '7777'
self.assertEqual(event['String'], '7777')
def testBooleanValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Boolean'] = None
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Boolean'] = 'False'
event['Boolean'] = True
self.assertEqual(event['Boolean'], True)
def testDictValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
# Feed a wrong format of dicitionary.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Dict'] = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
event['Dict'] = {'key': 'PARA1', 'value': 33}
self.assertEqual(event['Dict'], {'PARA1': 33})
# Feed a duplicated key.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['Dict'] = {'key': 'PARA1', 'value': 'PARA2'}
# Put the second dictionary
event['Dict'] = {'key': 'PARA2', 'value': 'aaa'}
{'PARA1': 33, 'PARA2': 'aaa'})
# Converts to JSON and convert back.
event2 = testlog.EventBase.FromJSON(event.ToJSON(), False)
self.assertEqual(event, event2)
def testListValidator(self):
event = self.TestEvent()
event['List'] = 123
event['List'] = '456'
self.assertEqual(event['List'], [123, '456'])
class StationTestRunFieldsValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Checks the correctness of FIELDS' validator and SCHEMA's"""
def testArgumentValidator(self):
event = testlog.StationTestRun()
# Valid argument
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'KeyIsAString', 'value': {
'value': 'This is a string.'}}
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'KeyIsANumber', 'value': {
'value': '987.654321',
'description': 'G'}}
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'KeyCanBeAnything', 'value': {
'value': 'True'}}
# Wrong top-level type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': 'Google'}
# Wrong key type
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['arguments'] = {'key': 3, 'value': {'value': 'v'}}
# Additional item in Dict
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'value': 'v', 'A': 'B'}}
# Missing item
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'description': 'yoyo'}}
# Empty dict
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['arguments'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {}}
def testFailuresValidator(self):
event = testlog.StationTestRun()
# Valid failure
event['failures'] = {
'code': 'WiFiThroughputSpeedLimitFail',
'details': '2.4G WiFi throughput test fail: ... bla bla bla'}
# Wrong top-level type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['failures'] = 'Google'
# Wrong value type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['failures'] = {'code': 'C', 'details': 3}
# Additional item in Dict
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['failures'] = {'code': 'C', 'details': 'D', 'A': 'B'}
# Missing item
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['failures'] = {'code': 'C'}
# Empty dict
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['failures'] = {}
def testSerialNumbersValidator(self):
event = testlog.StationTestRun()
# Valid serial number
event['serialNumbers'] = {'key': 'mlb', 'value': 'A1234567890'}
event['serialNumbers'] = {'key': 'sn', 'value': None}
# Wrong key type
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['serialNumbers'] = {'key': 3, 'value': 'Google'}
# Wrong value type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['serialNumbers'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {}}
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['serialNumbers'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': 3}
def testParametersValidator(self):
event = testlog.StationTestRun()
# Valid parameter
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'a', 'value': {}}
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'ec_firmware_version', 'value': {
'description': '5G throughput speeds at an interval of 1 per ... .',
'group': 'Still do not know.',
'valueUnit': 'MBit/s',
'data': [
'status': 'FAIL',
'numericValue': 19.8,
'expectedMinimum': 20,
'expectedMaximum': 999
}, {
'numericValue': 2.0,
'status': 'PASS'
# Wrong top-level type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': 'Google'}
# Wrong second-level type, data should be a List
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'data': 'Google'}}
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'data': {}}}
# Wrong key type
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 3, 'value': {}}
# Wrong value type
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'description': 0}}
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {
'data': [{'numericValue': 'Google'}]}}
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {
'data': [{'status': 0}]}}
# Value not in choices(PASS, FAIL)
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'status': 'Google'}}
# Additional item in Dict
with self.assertRaises(schema.SchemaException):
event['parameters'] = {'key': 'A', 'value': {'NonExist': 'Hi'}}
if __name__ == '__main__':
format=('[%(levelname)s] '
' %(threadName)s:%(lineno)d %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(message)s'),
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')