blob: ca0657799d0676e688edee12aa34e13095254ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ChromeOS Factory Software\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-25 13:51+CST\n"
"Last-Translator: ChromeOS Factory Team\n"
"Language-Team: ChromeOS Factory Team\n"
"Language: zh-CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: 1.5\n"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "AC Power"
msgstr "AC 电源"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Accelerometers"
msgstr "加速度计"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Accelerometers Calibration"
msgstr "加速度计校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Accelerometers Lid Angle"
msgstr "加速度计上盖角度"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "音讯"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Audio Basic"
msgstr "基础音源"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Audio Diagnostic"
msgstr "音效诊断"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Audio Loop"
msgstr "音源回放"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Audio Quality"
msgstr "音源品质"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Backlight"
msgstr "背光亮度"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Bad Blocks"
msgstr "毁损扇区"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Battery"
msgstr "电池"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Battery Basic"
msgstr "简单电池测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Battery Current"
msgstr "充电放电电流"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Battery Cycle"
msgstr "电池充放电"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Battery Sysfs"
msgstr "Sysfs 电池"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "BFT Fixture"
msgstr "BFT 治具"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Blocking Charge"
msgstr "充电"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Bluetooth"
msgstr "蓝牙"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Bluetooth Host"
msgstr "蓝牙主机"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "亮度"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Brightness LCD Backlight"
msgstr "萤幕背光亮度"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Brightness LED"
msgstr "LED 亮度"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Button"
msgstr "按钮"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Buzzer"
msgstr "蜂鸣器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "相机"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Cellular Switch Firmware"
msgstr "切换数据机韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Chameleon"
msgstr "Chameleon"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Charger"
msgstr "充电器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Check CR50 Board ID"
msgstr "检查 CR50 版号"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Check Image Version"
msgstr "检查映像版本"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Secdata Version"
msgstr "检查Secdata版本"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Serial Number"
msgstr "检查机器序号"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Compass"
msgstr "罗盘"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Countdown"
msgstr "倒数计时"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "CR50 Write Whitelabel Flags"
msgstr "写入 CR50 Whitelabel Flags"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Display"
msgstr "显示"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Display Images"
msgstr "显示图像"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Display Point"
msgstr "显示点"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "DSM Calibration"
msgstr "DSM 校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Ethernet"
msgstr "网路"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Exec Python"
msgstr "执行 Python"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Exec Shell"
msgstr "执行指令"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "External Display"
msgstr "外接显示"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Factory State"
msgstr "工厂测试状态"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Fan Speed"
msgstr "风扇转速"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Fastboot Flash"
msgstr "烧录 Fastboot"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Finalize"
msgstr "最终程序"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Fingerprint Mcu"
msgstr ""
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Flash Netboot"
msgstr "烧录 netboot 韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "GPS"
msgstr "GPS"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Gyroscope"
msgstr "陀螺仪"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Gyroscope Calibration"
msgstr "陀螺仪校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "HWID"
msgstr "HWID"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Interrupt"
msgstr "中断"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "键盘"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Keyboard Backlight"
msgstr "键盘背光"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Keyboard SMT"
msgstr "SMT 键盘"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "LED"
msgstr "LED"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Lid Switch"
msgstr "上盖开关"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Light Sensor"
msgstr "光感测器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Light Sensor Calibration"
msgstr "光感应器校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Lightbar"
msgstr "光棒"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Line Check Item"
msgstr "项目验证"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "LTE Verify Config"
msgstr "LTE 验证设定"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Memory Size"
msgstr "记忆体大小"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Message"
msgstr "讯息"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Model Sku"
msgstr "组态与样式(SKU)"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Modem Security"
msgstr "调解器安全"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "鼠标"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "MRC Cache"
msgstr "MRC Cache"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Network Setup"
msgstr "网路设定"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Nop"
msgstr "无动作"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Offline Test"
msgstr "离线测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Offline Test Shell Deploy"
msgstr "离线测试部署"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Offline Test Shell Fetch Log"
msgstr "离线测试日志提取"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Partition Table"
msgstr "分区表"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "PD FW Min Version"
msgstr "PD 轫体最小版本"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Ping Test"
msgstr "连线测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Plankton CC2 Pull Test"
msgstr "Plankton CC2 电压测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Plankton CC Flip Check"
msgstr "Plankton CC 翻转检查"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Plankton Charge"
msgstr "Plankton 充电"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Plankton Display"
msgstr "Plankton 显示"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Power Under Stress"
msgstr "压力电源测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Probe"
msgstr "侦测"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Probe Cellular Info"
msgstr "数据机信息"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Probe SIM"
msgstr "侦测 SIM 卡"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Probe SIM Card Tray"
msgstr "探測 SIM 卡卡盘"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Proximity Sensor"
msgstr "距离感测器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Read Device Data From VPD"
msgstr "从 VPD 读机器资料"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Removable Storage"
msgstr "可移除储存装置"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Retrieve Config"
msgstr "载入设定"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Retrieve Parameter"
msgstr "下载档案"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "RF Graphyte"
msgstr "RF Graphyte"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Robot Movement"
msgstr ""
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Sample Customized Test"
msgstr "范例自订测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "扫描机器编号"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Select For Sampling"
msgstr "採样选择"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Serial Echo"
msgstr ""
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Shopfloor Service"
msgstr "Shopfloor"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Shutdown"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Spatial Sensor Calibration"
msgstr "感应器校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Start"
msgstr "开始"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Station Entry"
msgstr "测站开始"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Station Setup"
msgstr "测站名称"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Storage Simple Stress"
msgstr "储存装置压力测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Stressapptest"
msgstr "压力测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Stylus"
msgstr "触控笔"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Stylus Garage"
msgstr "触控笔插槽"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "总结"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Suspend Resume"
msgstr "暂停/恢复"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Suspend Stress"
msgstr "暂停/恢复压力测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Sync Factory Server"
msgstr "同步工厂伺服器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Sync Time"
msgstr "同步时间"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Tablet Mode"
msgstr "平板模式"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Tablet Rotation"
msgstr "平版旋转"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Thermal Load"
msgstr "温度压力"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Thermal Sensors"
msgstr "温度感应器"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Thermal Slope"
msgstr "温度升降速率"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touch Device FW Update"
msgstr "触控轫体更新"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touch Uniformity"
msgstr "触控均一性"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touchpad"
msgstr "触控板"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touchpad Hover"
msgstr "触控板悬浮"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touchscreen"
msgstr "触控面板"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Touchscreen Calibration"
msgstr "触控面板校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "TPM Clear Owner"
msgstr "清除 TPM"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "TPM Diagnosis"
msgstr "TPM 诊断"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "TPM Verify EK"
msgstr "TPM 证书"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update Cbi"
msgstr "更新 CBI"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update CR50 Firmware"
msgstr "更新 CR50 韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update Detachable Base"
msgstr "更新可拆式底座韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update Device Data"
msgstr "更新机器资料"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Update Firmware"
msgstr "更新韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update Fpmcu Firmware"
msgstr "更新 Fpmcu 韧体"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Update Kernel"
msgstr "更新 Kernel"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Urandom"
msgstr "乱数产生"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "USB"
msgstr "USB"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Verify Component"
msgstr "验证元件"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Verify Root Partition"
msgstr "验证根磁区"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Video Playback"
msgstr "音源回放"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "VSWR"
msgstr "VSWR"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Vsync"
msgstr "Vsync"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wait External Test"
msgstr "等待外部測試"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wait Fixture Ready"
msgstr "等待制具"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Webgl Aquarium"
msgstr "WebGL 水族箱"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Whale Check Voltage"
msgstr "Whale 电压测试"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Whale Cover"
msgstr "Whale 压合"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wifi Check Calibration"
msgstr "检查无线校正"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wifi Throughput"
msgstr "无线频宽"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wireless Antenna"
msgstr "无线天线"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Wireless Connect"
msgstr "连线到无线网路"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Write Device Data To VPD"
msgstr "机器资料写入到 VPD"
#: ../build/pytests_label_generated.json
msgid "Write Protect Switch"
msgstr "写入保护开关"
#: ../py/goofy/js/diagnosis_tool.js
msgid "State:"
msgstr "状态:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/diagnosis_tool.js
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "说明/描述:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/diagnosis_tool.js
msgid "Input:"
msgstr "输入:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/diagnosis_tool.js
msgid "Time remaining: "
msgstr "剩余时间: "
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "ENTER"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "ESC"
msgstr "ESC"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Space"
msgstr "空白"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Factory tests stopped"
msgstr "工厂测试已停止"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "{label} ({iterations} times)"
msgstr "{label} ({iterations} 次)"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"An error occurred while starting the factory test system\n"
"Factory testing cannot proceed."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Switch to\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Language"
msgstr "语言"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Iterations"
msgstr "重复次数"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "失败重试次数"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Set iterations and retries of test \"{test}\""
msgstr "设置测试「{test}」的重复次数和失败重试次数"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Iterations must be a positive integer or -1."
msgstr "重复次数必须为正整数或-1。"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Retries must be a positive integer, 0, or -1."
msgstr "失败重试次数必须为正整数,0或-1。"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Iterations or retries is too large.\n"
"Please use -1 to represent infinity."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Press OK to shutdown"
msgstr "按 OK 后将关机"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Rebooting"
msgstr "重开机"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Shutting down"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "once"
msgstr "1次"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "{count} of {total} times"
msgstr "{total}次测试中的第{count}次"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"{action} in {seconds_left} seconds ({times_text}).\n"
"To cancel, press the Escape key."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Shutting down..."
msgstr "关机中..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Critical factory note; cannot run tests"
msgstr "工厂测试已停止"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Not in engineering mode; cannot skip tests"
msgstr "工程模式才能跳过测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Run all {count} tests in \"{test}\""
msgstr "执行所有{count}个在「{test}」里面的测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Run test \"{test}\""
msgstr "执行测试「{test}」"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Restart all {count} tests in \"{test}\""
msgstr "重跑所有{count}个在「{test}」里面的测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Restart test \"{test}\""
msgstr "重跑测试「{test}」"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Restart {count} tests in \"{test}\" that have not passed"
msgstr "重跑{count}个在「{test}」里面未成功的测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Clear status of {count} tests in \"{test}\""
msgstr "清除{count}个在「{test}」里面的测试的状态"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Clear status of test \"{test}\""
msgstr "清除测试「{test}」的状态"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Run {count} untested tests in \"{test}\""
msgstr "执行{count}个在「{test}」里面未测的测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Set {count} tests in \"{test}\" to run multiple times"
msgstr "设置{count}个在「{test}」里面的测试的重复次数"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Set test \"{test}\" to run multiple times"
msgstr "设置测试「{test}」的重复次数"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Stop all tests"
msgstr "停止所有的测试"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Abort {count} active tests in \"{test}\" and continue testing"
msgstr "取消{count}个在「{test}」里面执行中的测试并继续"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Abort active test \"{test}\" and continue testing"
msgstr "取消执行中的测试「{test}」并继续"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Show test UI"
msgstr "显示测试画面"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "System time: "
msgstr "系统时间:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Your Name"
msgstr "你的名字"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Note Content"
msgstr "注记内容"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Severity"
msgstr "严重性"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "新增注记"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Uploading factory logs..."
msgstr "正在上载工厂记录..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Uploading factory logs. Please wait..."
msgstr "正在上载工厂记录 。 请稍等..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Serial Number"
msgstr "序号"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Bug Description"
msgstr "Bug 描述"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Upload Factory Logs"
msgstr "上载工厂记录"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Save Factory Logs to USB"
msgstr "保存工厂记录到 U盘"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Saving factory logs to USB drive..."
msgstr "正在保存工厂记录到 U盘..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Success! Saved factory logs ({size}) bytes) to {dev} as\n"
"{filename}. The drive has been unmounted."
msgstr ""
"保存工厂记录 ({size} bytes) 到 U盘 {dev} 已成功,文件叫\n"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Success! Saved factory logs ({size}) bytes) to {dev} as\n"
msgstr ""
"保存工厂记录 ({size} bytes) 到 U盘 {dev} 已成功,文件叫\n"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Enter an optional identifier for the archive (or press Enter for none):"
msgstr "请输入识别号给工厂记录文件,或按回车键不选:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Include probe result (takes longer time)"
msgstr "加入侦测结果 (需要较久时间)"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Please insert a formatted USB stick and wait a moment for it to be mounted."
msgstr "请插入 U盘后稍等挂载。"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Update factory software"
msgstr "更新工厂软体"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Save note on device"
msgstr "注记"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "View notes"
msgstr "检视注记"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Clear notes"
msgstr "清除注记"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Diagnosis Tool"
msgstr "诊断工具"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Save factory logs to USB drive..."
msgstr "保存工厂记录到 U盘"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Upload factory logs..."
msgstr "上载工厂记录"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "DUT Shutdown"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Reload Test List"
msgstr "重载测试列表"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Toggle engineering mode"
msgstr "切换工程模式"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Switch test list"
msgstr "切换测试列表"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Switch Test List: {test_list}"
msgstr "切换测试列表:{test_list}"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid ""
"Warning: Switching to test list \"{test_list}\" will clear all test state.\n"
"Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Yes, clear state and restart"
msgstr "确定,清除测试状态并重啓"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Switching test list. Please wait..."
msgstr "正在切换测试列表,请稍等..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Software update"
msgstr "更新工厂软体"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Updating factory software. Please wait..."
msgstr "正在更新工厂软体,请稍等..."
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Update succeeded. Restarting."
msgstr "更新已成功,将会在几秒钟之内重新启动。"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "No update is currently necessary."
msgstr "目前不用更新工厂软体"
#: ../py/goofy/js/goofy.js
msgid "Update failed:"
msgstr "更新失败了:"
#: ../py/goofy/js/i18n.js
msgid "currentLocaleName#en-US#English"
msgstr "currentLocaleName#zh-CN#中文"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/
msgid "View /var/log/messages"
msgstr "检视 /var/log/messages"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/
msgid "View /var/log/messages before last reboot"
msgstr "检视上次重开机前的 /var/log/messages"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/
msgid "View dmesg"
msgstr "检视 dmesg"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/
msgid "Device manager"
msgstr "检视硬件"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/static/station_setup.js
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "Update Station Properties"
msgstr "更新测站资讯"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "Station Name"
msgstr "测站名称"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "Manufacture Line Number"
msgstr "产线编号"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "Station Number"
msgstr "测站编号"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "{key} can't be empty!"
msgstr "{key} 的值不能为空!"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/station_setup/
msgid "Station with same {keys!r} found."
msgstr "测站 {keys!r} 已存在。"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "MLB S/N"
msgstr "母板序号"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "S/N"
msgstr "序号"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "阶段"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP 位址"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Test Image"
msgstr "测试系统"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Release Image"
msgstr "出厂系统"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Main Firmware"
msgstr "主轫体"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Kernel"
msgstr "内核版本"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "架构"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "EC"
msgstr "EC"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "PD"
msgstr "PD"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Root Device"
msgstr "根目录装置"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Device ID"
msgstr "装置辨识码"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Factory Toolkit Version"
msgstr "测试工具版本"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "(no update)"
msgstr "(没有更新)"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "HWID Database Version"
msgstr "HWID 资料库版本"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知"
#: ../py/goofy/plugins/status_monitor/static/status_monitor.js
msgid "System time"
msgstr "系统时间"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Test Path"
msgstr "测项路径"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Test Label"
msgstr "测项标籤"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Invocation ID"
msgstr "测试识别号"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "经过时间"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Test Name"
msgstr "测项名称"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Test Arguments"
msgstr "测项参数"
#: ../py/goofy/static/default_test_ui.html
msgid "Show Original"
msgstr "显示原始"
#: ../py/goofy/static/index.html
msgid "Engineering mode"
msgstr "工程模式"
#: ../py/goofy/static/js/default_test_ui.js
msgid "{seconds} seconds"
msgstr "{seconds}秒"
#: ../py/goofy/static/templates.html
#: ../py/test/pytests/countdown_static/countdown.html
msgid "Elapsed time:"
msgstr "经过时间:"
#: ../py/goofy/static/templates.html
msgid "Time remaining:"
msgstr "剩余时间:"
#: ../py/goofy/static/templates.html
msgid "Test Progress:"
msgstr "测试进度:"
#: ../py/goofy/static/templates.html
msgid "Mark Failed"
msgstr "标记失败"
#: ../py/test/fixture/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Pull the lever down."
msgstr "拉下把手"
#: ../py/test/fixture/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Pull the lever up."
msgstr "拉起把手"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Unplug the charger."
msgstr "请移除充电器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Plug in the charger ({type})"
msgstr "请连接充电器 ({type})"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Plug in the charger"
msgstr "请连接充电器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Detected power {watt} W, required power range ({min_watt} W, {max_watt} W)"
msgstr "侦测到电源{watt}瓦,需求的电源范围({min_watt}瓦, {max_watt}瓦)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Probed {times} / {total}"
msgstr "侦测次数 {times} / {total}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "No AC adapter"
msgstr "没有充电器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Identifying AC adapter..."
msgstr "充电器型号识别中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "AC adapter type: {type}"
msgstr "充电器型号: {type}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/probe/
msgid "Press SPACE to continue"
msgstr "按空白键继续"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Test will be started within {secs} seconds. Please do not move the device."
msgstr "测试程序即将于 {secs} 秒后开始,请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Test is in progress, please do not move the device."
msgstr "测试程序进行中,请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please put device on a horizontal plane then press space to start "
msgstr "请将待测物放置于水平面上,并按空白键开始校准。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Calibration will be started within {time} seconds.Please do not move device."
msgstr "校准程序即将于 {time} 秒后开始,请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Calibration is in progress, please do not move device."
msgstr "校准程序进行中,请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please open the lid to {angle} degrees and press SPACE."
msgstr "请将上盖掀开到 {angle} 度并按空白键。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking angle..."
msgstr "正在确认角度……"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Left Channel"
msgstr "左声道"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Right Channel"
msgstr "右声道"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please wait for the {device} playback to finish."
msgstr "{device} 正在播放语音···"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Press the number you hear from {device} to pass the test.<br>Press \"R\" to "
msgstr "请按你从 {device} 输出所听到的数字<br>按 R 重播语音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Internal Speaker"
msgstr "内建喇叭"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please plug headphone in."
msgstr "请接上耳机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please unplug headphone."
msgstr "请拔下耳机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Headset"
msgstr "外接耳机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Start recording"
msgstr "开始录音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Playback sound (Mic channel {channel})"
msgstr "重播录到的声音(麦克风通道{channel})"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Playback sound to channel {channel}"
msgstr "播放范例到通道{channel}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Press 'P' to first play a sample for each channel to ensure audio output "
"works.<br>Press 'R' to record {record_sec} seconds, Playback will follow."
"<br>Press space to mark pass."
msgstr ""
"按 'P' 键播放范例<br>按 'R' 键开始录音{record_sec}秒,之后会重播录到的声音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Tone generator"
msgstr "音频信号发生器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Tone off"
msgstr "关闭音频"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Tone On"
msgstr "播放音频"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Manual record"
msgstr "手动录音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Stop record"
msgstr "停止录音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Start record"
msgstr "开始录音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Stop playback"
msgstr "停止放音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Start playback"
msgstr "开始放音"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Audio loopback"
msgstr "音频回放"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Loopback off"
msgstr "停止回放"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Loopback on"
msgstr "开始回放"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Output Nodes"
msgstr "输出设备"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Input Nodes"
msgstr "输入设备"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Pass"
msgstr "通过"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_diagnostic_static/audio_diagnostic.html
msgid "Fail"
msgstr "失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.html
msgid "Plug in audio jack dongle"
msgstr "请放入音源孔测试置具"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.html
msgid "Hit s to start loopback test"
msgstr "请按下s键开始音源回放测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.js
msgid ""
"Loopback testing...\n"
"Success Rate: {successRate}"
msgstr ""
"成功率: {successRate}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.js
msgid "Loopback testing..."
msgstr "音源回放测试中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.js
msgid ""
"Testing Result: Fail\n"
"Success Rate: {successRate}"
msgstr ""
"测试结果: 失败\n"
"成功率: {successRate}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/audio_loop_static/audio_loop.js
msgid "Testing Result: Success!"
msgstr "测试结果: 成功!"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press 'Space' to start test"
msgstr "按空白键开始测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "已连线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Waiting for command"
msgstr "等待指令中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Audio looping"
msgstr "音源回放中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Speaker on"
msgstr "喇叭开启"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "LCD Dmic on"
msgstr "LCD mic开启"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "MLB Dmic on"
msgstr "MLB mic开启"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Playing tone to left channel"
msgstr "播音至左声道"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Playing tone to right channel"
msgstr "播音至右声道"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Waiting for IP address"
msgstr "等待 IP 设定"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Ready for connection"
msgstr "准备完成,等待链接"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Press Space to change backlight brightness;<br>Press Esc to reset backlight "
"brightness to original;<br>After checking, Enter H if pressing Space changes "
"the backlight to be brighter;<br>Enter L if pressing Space changes the "
"backlight to be dimmer.<br>This test will be executed twice."
msgstr ""
"按空白键调整亮度;<br>按Esc复原亮度;<br>检查后若为提高亮度输入H; 若为降低亮度"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing {test_size_mb} region of storage"
msgstr "正在测试 {test_size_mb} 的 存储 空间"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Phase {current_phase}/{total_phases}: "
msgstr "阶段 {current_phase}/{total_phases}: "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Plug AC to proceed"
msgstr "插上 AC 电源"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing battery charge..."
msgstr "测试电池充电中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Unplug AC to proceed"
msgstr "拔除 AC 电源"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing battery discharge..."
msgstr "测试电池放电中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Waiting for {target_status} current to meet {target_current} mA. (Currently "
"{status} at {current} mA)"
msgstr ""
"等待{target_status}电流大于 {target_current} mA. (目前{status}中:{current} "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "charging"
msgstr "充电"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "discharging"
msgstr "放电"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Insert power to {prompt}({voltage}mV)"
msgstr "请将电源线插入{prompt}({voltage}mV)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Charging to {target}% (Start: {start}%. Current: {current}%.)<br>Time "
"elapsed: {elapsed} Time remaining: {remaining}"
msgstr ""
"充电至 {target}% (起始电量: {start}%. 当前电量: {current}%.)<br>经过时间: "
"{elapsed} 剩余时间: {remaining}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Enable the connection ability of bluetooth device and press Enter"
msgstr "启用蓝牙装置的连接功能然后按输入键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Place the base into the fixture, and press the space key on the test host."
msgstr "请把测试键盘放入测试机具中,然后按下电脑的 space 键'"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please re-attach the magnet, and press the space key on the test host."
msgstr "请重新连结磁铁,然后按下电脑的 space 键'"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Turn on charging by pressing the green button, take the keyboard out and put "
"it back, and press the space key on the test host."
msgstr "请按下绿色键开始充电, 然后取出再放回键盘, 最后按下电脑的 space 键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Press the green button again to stop charging, and press the space key on "
"the test host."
msgstr "请按下绿色键以停止充电,然后按下电脑的 space 键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Read firmware revision string."
msgstr "读取键盘韧体版本"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Check if the battery has charged to a higher percentage"
msgstr "检查充电之后电量是否增加"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Read battery level for the 1st time."
msgstr "第1次读取电池电量"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Read battery level for the 2nd time."
msgstr "第2次读取电池电量"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detect bluetooth adapter"
msgstr "检测蓝牙适配器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Unpairing"
msgstr "取消配对"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "扫描中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press shift-p-a-i-r simultaneously on the base."
msgstr "请在在测试键盘上同时按住 shift-p-a-i-r"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detect RSSI (count {count}/{total})"
msgstr "侦测RSSI (第 {count}/{total} 次)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Enter passkey {key} then press enter on the base."
msgstr "按 {key} 再按回车"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Authentication failed, retrying..."
msgstr "验证失败,重试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Pairing to input device now..."
msgstr "配对到蓝牙输入设备..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Connecting to input device now..."
msgstr "连接到蓝牙输入设备..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please test input. Press Escape to fail and Enter to pass"
msgstr "请测试输入, 如果失败, 请按Esc键,如果成功,请按Enter键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/brightness/
msgid "Please check if backlight brightness is changing from dark to bright."
msgstr "请检查萤幕亮度是否由暗变亮"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press the {name} button"
msgstr "按下{name}按钮"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press the {name} button ({count}/{total})"
msgstr "按下{name}按钮 ({count}/{total})"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Release the button"
msgstr "松开按钮"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "How many beeps do you hear? <br>Press space to start."
msgstr "你听到几声哔声?<br>压下空白键开始测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"How many beeps do you hear? <br>Press the number you hear to pass the test."
"<br>Press 'r' to play again."
msgstr "你听到几声哔声?<br>请按下数字代表你听到几声哔声<br>按下 'r' 重播"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Press 0 if LED is constantly lit, 1 if LED is flickering,\n"
"or ESC to fail."
msgstr "LED 一直亮着请按 0,闪烁请按 1,没亮请按 ESC"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Scanned QR code: \"{text}\""
msgstr "已侦测 QR 码: \"{text}\""
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press ENTER to pass or ESC to fail."
msgstr "摄像头运作正常请按 ENTER,不正常请按 ESC"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running the camera until timeout."
msgstr "运行相机直到超时"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running the camera until expected number of frames captured."
msgstr "运行相机直到给订数量"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Scanning QR code..."
msgstr "侦测 QR 码中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detecting faces..."
msgstr "侦测人脸中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Switching firmware to {target!r}"
msgstr "切换数据机至{target!r}韧体"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please plug in the display to test"
msgstr "请拔下耳机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Testing DUT {dut_port} port on Chameleon {chameleon_port} port using mode "
msgstr ""
"测试 DUT {dut_port} 对 Chameleon {chameleon_port} 外接显示 mode: {mode}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Automated testing on {dut_port} to {chameleon_port} in progress..."
msgstr "{dut_port} 对 {chameleon_port} 自动测试进行中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Captured images mismatch"
msgstr "撷取的图片不相符"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Discharging"
msgstr "放电"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Charging"
msgstr "充电"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"{action} to {target} (Current charge: {charge}, battery current: "
"{battery_current} mA) under load {load}."
msgstr ""
"{action} 至 {target} (目前电量为 {charge}, 电池电流 {battery_current} mA) 负"
"载 {load}."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Time remaining: {timeout:.0f} sec."
msgstr "剩馀时间: {timeout:.0f} 秒."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing discharge"
msgstr "测试放电中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing charger"
msgstr "测试充电中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "OK! Meet {target}"
msgstr "OK! 达到 {target}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please connect to ethernet."
msgstr "请连接到以太网。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Image version is incorrect. Press space to re-image."
msgstr "映像版本不正确,请按空白键重新安装。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flashing {component}..."
msgstr "正在烧录 {component}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Updating {component}...."
msgstr "正在更新 {component}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking Device State"
msgstr "检查机器状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "north"
msgstr "北"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "south"
msgstr "南"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Put the DUT towards {direction}"
msgstr "将机器朝向{direction}方"
#: ../py/test/pytests/compass_static/compass.html
#: ../py/test/pytests/
#: ../py/test/pytests/tablet_rotation_static/tablet_rotation.html
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "成功!"
#: ../py/test/pytests/countdown_static/countdown.html
msgid "Remaining time:"
msgstr "剩余时间:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/countdown_static/countdown.html
msgid "Load:"
msgstr "系统负载:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-gray-170"
msgstr "灰色170"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-gray-127"
msgstr "灰色127"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-gray-63"
msgstr "灰色63"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-red"
msgstr "红色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-green"
msgstr "绿色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-blue"
msgstr "蓝色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-white"
msgstr "白色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-gray"
msgstr "灰色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "solid-black"
msgstr "黑色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "grid"
msgstr "格框"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "rectangle"
msgstr "矩形"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "gradient-red"
msgstr "渐红"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "gradient-green"
msgstr "渐绿"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "gradient-blue"
msgstr "渐蓝"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "gradient-white"
msgstr "渐白"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-complex"
msgstr "影像-复杂"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-black"
msgstr "影像-黑色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-white"
msgstr "影像-白色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-crosstalk-black"
msgstr "影像-方形-黑色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-crosstalk-white"
msgstr "影像-方形-白色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-gray-63"
msgstr "影像-灰色63"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-gray-127"
msgstr "影像-灰色127"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-gray-170"
msgstr "影像-灰色170"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-horizontal-rgbw"
msgstr "影像-水平"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "image-vertical-rgbw"
msgstr "影像-垂直"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Display Test"
msgstr "显示测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "({index}/{total}) Uploading images {name}"
msgstr "({index}/{total}) 正在上传图档 {name}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "All images uploaded."
msgstr "所有图像上传完成"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_images_static/display_images.html
msgid "Press space to show each image on display."
msgstr "按空白键来拨放影像在萤幕上"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_images_static/display_images.html
msgid "Press Enter to PASS after showing all images."
msgstr "拨放完所有影像后,压下Enter表示成功"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_point_static/display_point.html
msgid ""
"Press Space to display;<br>After checking, Enter number of points to pass."
msgstr "按空白键显示;<br>检查后按下正确的点数按键通过。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_static/display.html
msgid "Press Space to display;<br>After checking, Enter to pass; Esc to fail."
msgstr "按空白键显示;<br>检查后按Enter键通过; 按Esc键失败。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_static/display.js
msgid "Untested"
msgstr "未经测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_static/display.js
msgid "Passed"
msgstr "通过"
#: ../py/test/pytests/display_static/display.js
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please plug ethernet cable into built-in ethernet port<br>Press space to "
msgstr "请插入网路线到内建网路埠<br>压下空白键开始测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running shell commands..."
msgstr "正在执行系统指令..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "{display_label} Audio"
msgstr " {display_label} 音讯"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Do you see video on {display}?"
msgstr "外接显示屏 {display} 是否有画面?"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press {key} to pass the test."
msgstr "通过请按 {key} 键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Fixture is checking if video is displayed on {display}?"
msgstr "治具正在测试外接显示屏 {display} 是否有画面?"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Connect external display: {display} and wait until it becomes primary."
msgstr "请接上外接显示屏: {display} 并等待其成为主要显示屏。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Disconnect external display: {display}"
msgstr "移除外接显示屏: {display}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "{fan_spin_direction}: {observed_rpm} -> {target_rpm} RPM."
msgstr "{fan_spin_direction}: {observed_rpm} -> {target_rpm} RPM."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Spin up fan"
msgstr "风扇加速"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Spin down fan"
msgstr "风扇减速"
#: ../py/test/pytests/fan_speed_static/fan_speed.html
msgid "Fan speed (RPM):"
msgstr "风扇转速(RPM):"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Switching device into fastboot."
msgstr "等待待测物进入fastboot"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Switching device back to normal mode."
msgstr "等待待测物正常开机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flashing {file} to {partition}."
msgstr "安装 {file} 至 {partition}."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Build Phase"
msgstr "生产阶段"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Write Protection"
msgstr "写入保护"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Factory Server"
msgstr "工厂伺服器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "停用"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running preflight tasks to prepare for finalization, please wait..."
msgstr "正在准备系统以执行最终程序..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Finalizing, please wait.<br>Do not restart the device or terminate this test,"
"<br>or the device may become unusable."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please put device on a horizontal plane then press space to start testing."
msgstr "请将待测物放置于水平面上,并按空白键开始测试。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please do not move the device."
msgstr "请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please rotate the device."
msgstr "请转动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please put device on a static plane then press space to start calibration."
msgstr "请将待测物放置于静止平面上,并按空白键开始校准。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Calibration will be started within {secs} seconds.Please do not move the "
msgstr "校正程序即将于 {secs} 秒后开始,请勿移动待测物。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Probing components..."
msgstr "正在探索零件..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Generating HWID (v3)..."
msgstr "正在产生 HWID (v3)..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Verifying HWID (v3): {encoded_string}..."
msgstr "正在验证 HWID (v3): {encoded_string}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "(unchanged)"
msgstr "(不变)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Setting HWID (v3): {encoded_string}..."
msgstr "正在写入 HWID (v3): {encoded_string}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "If the keyboard backlight lights up, press ENTER. "
msgstr "检查键盘背光是否亮起,是请按ENTER。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "If the keyboard backlight is off, press ENTER. "
msgstr "检查键盘背光是否熄灭,是请按ENTER。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/keyboard_smt_static/keyboard_smt.html
msgid "Expected keycode sequence:"
msgstr "目标键序:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/keyboard_static/keyboard.html
msgid "Press keys sequentially from top-left to bottom-right."
msgstr "请从左上到右下依序按按键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/keyboard_static/keyboard.html
msgid "Press one key at a time."
msgstr "一次只能按一个键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "黄色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "green"
msgstr "绿色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "red"
msgstr "红色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "white"
msgstr "白色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "blue"
msgstr "蓝色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "amber"
msgstr "琥珀色"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "off"
msgstr "关闭"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "power LED"
msgstr "电源 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "battery LED"
msgstr "电池 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "adapter LED"
msgstr "电源适配器 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "left LED"
msgstr "左侧 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "right LED"
msgstr "右侧 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "recovery hwreinit LED"
msgstr "还原硬件重启 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "sysrq debug LED"
msgstr "系统请求调试 LED"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "If the <strong>{name}</strong> is <strong>off</strong>, press ENTER."
msgstr ""
"请检查 <strong>{name}</strong> 是否 <strong>关掉</strong> 了,关掉了请按 "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"If the <strong>{name}</strong> lights up in <strong>{color}</strong>, press "
msgstr ""
"请检查 <strong>{name}</strong> 是否亮 <strong>{color}</strong>,是请按 "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Test {test_id}"
msgstr "测试 {test_id}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please press number key according to the <strong>{name}</strong> color"
msgstr "请根据 <strong>{name}</strong> 的颜色按下数字键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Result: "
msgstr "测试结果:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Demagnetizing lid sensor"
msgstr "消磁化上盖感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Open the lid"
msgstr "请打开上盖"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Magnetizing lid sensor"
msgstr "磁化上盖感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Close then open the lid"
msgstr "关上接着打开上盖"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Cover light sensor with finger"
msgstr "盖住光感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Remove finger from light sensor"
msgstr "移除遮蔽"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Shine light sensor with flashlight"
msgstr "用强光照射光感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "ALS Sensor Calibration"
msgstr "光感应器校正"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Cleaning up calibration values"
msgstr "清除校正数值"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Sampling {name}"
msgstr "讀取 {name}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking ALS ordering"
msgstr "确认 ALS 顺序"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Calculating calibration coefficients"
msgstr "计算校正参数"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Saving calibration coefficients to VPD"
msgstr "写入校正参数至VPD"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Validating ALS"
msgstr "验证ALS"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Fixture Connected"
msgstr "治具已连线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Fixture Disconnected"
msgstr "治具连线断线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Switching to lighting {name}"
msgstr "切换到 {name}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/light_sensor_static/light_sensor.html
msgid "Use indicated light source to pass each subtest."
msgstr "请依指示通过每个子测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/light_sensor_static/light_sensor.html
msgid "Hit \"space\" to begin..."
msgstr "按 \"空白键\" 开始测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "dark"
msgstr "全暗"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Is the lightbar {color}?<br>Press SPACE if yes, \"F\" if no."
msgstr "光棒是否为{color}?<br>是请按空白键,不是请按 F 。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking memory info..."
msgstr "正在检查内存大小..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"<div>Press <strong>Enter</strong> to continue, or <strong>ESC</strong> if "
"things are not going right.</div>"
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "<div>Press <strong>Enter</strong> to continue.</div>"
msgstr "<div>按<strong>Enter</strong>继续</div>"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please confirm following values"
msgstr "请确认以下结果"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "No physical link on {interface}"
msgstr "{interface} 没有连接网络线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "Interface {interface} not found"
msgstr "找不到网络介面 {interface}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "Interface {interface} not initialized"
msgstr "网络介面 {interface} 未成功初始化"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "Unknown Error on {interface}"
msgstr "网络介面 {interface} 发生未知错误"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "Setting up interface {interface}"
msgstr "正在设定网络介面 {interface}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/network_setup/
msgid "Press space to continue"
msgstr "请按空白键继续"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please remove USB type-C cable in {secs:.1f} seconds"
msgstr "请在 {secs:.1f} 秒内移除 USB type-C 线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "USB type-C port is disconnected in {secs:.1f} seconds"
msgstr "USB type-C port 失去连接 {secs:.1f} 秒"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please attach USB type-C cable in {secs:.1f} seconds"
msgstr "请在 {secs:.1f} 秒内连接 USB type-C 线"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Wait DUT to reconnect"
msgstr "等待 DUT 重新连接"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flip USB type-C cable and plug in again..."
msgstr "将 USB type-C port 头反转后再次插入机器..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "And press Enter key to continue..."
msgstr "并按 Enter 键继续..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Waiting for ADB device connection..."
msgstr "等待机器连线..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking Plankton INA current for protection..."
msgstr "检查电流保护..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing battery {voltage}V charging..."
msgstr "测试电池 {voltage}V 充电中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing battery discharging..."
msgstr "测试电池放电中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Connecting BFT display: {device}"
msgstr "正在连接 BFT 显示屏: {device}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Disconnecting BFT display: {device}"
msgstr "正在移除 BFT 显示屏: {device}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "BFT display {device} is connected. Sending image..."
msgstr "已连接 BFT 显示屏: {device}, 正在传送画面"
#: ../py/test/pytests/plankton_display_static/plankton_display.html
msgid "Caution: monitor may turn black for a short time."
msgstr "注意: 萤幕可能会有短暂黑屏"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Voltage: {voltage} mV"
msgstr "电压: {voltage} mV"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Current: {current} mA"
msgstr "电流: {current} mA"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please insert the SIM card"
msgstr "请插入SIM卡"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detected! Please remove the SIM card"
msgstr "已经侦测SIM卡, 请移除SIM卡"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking SIM card is present or not..."
msgstr "检查SIM卡是否存在"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please insert the SIM card tray"
msgstr "请插入SIM卡卡盘"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detected! Please remove the SIM card tray"
msgstr "已经侦测SIM卡卡盘, 请移除SIM卡卡盘"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please cover the sensor by hand"
msgstr "请用手遮住感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please un-cover the sensor"
msgstr "请将手远离感应器"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Setting the sensor"
msgstr "设定感测器中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Reading device data from {vpd_section} VPD..."
msgstr "正在从 {vpd_section} VPD 读机器资料..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing {device}..."
msgstr "{device} 检查中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Performing r/w test on {count} {bsize}-byte random blocks..."
msgstr "执行 {count} 个 {bsize} 字节区块随机读写测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Performing sequential r/w test of {bsize} bytes..."
msgstr "执行 {bsize} 字节区块连续读写测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Insert {media} drive for read/write test... {extra}<br>WARNING: DATA ON "
msgstr ""
"插入 {media} 存储以进行读写测试... {extra}<br>注意: 插入装置上的资料将会被清"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Wrong USB side, please flip over {media}."
msgstr "USB 方向错误,请将 {media} 反转方向..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Remove {media} drive..."
msgstr "提取 {media} 存储..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Toggle lock switch and insert {media} drive again..."
msgstr "切换写保护开关并再次插入 {media} 存储..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Remove {media} drive and toggle lock switch..."
msgstr "提取 {media} 存储并关闭写保护开关..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/rf_graphyte/
msgid "Executing Graphyte"
msgstr "执行 Graphyte"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Initializing Robot..."
msgstr "正在初始化机器手臂..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please load DUT onto the robot, connect all cables, and press <b>SPACE</b> "
"to continue."
msgstr "将DUT放上机器手臂并接上线路后按下<b>空白键</b>开始。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Prepare for movement."
msgstr "准备开始移动。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Moving to start position..."
msgstr "正在移动至起始位置。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Moving to LOAD / UNLOAD position..."
msgstr "正在移动至卸载位置。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Computing..."
msgstr "校正中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Pushing the result..."
msgstr "储存结果中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "The scanned value is empty."
msgstr "扫描编号是空的。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "The scanned value \"{value}\" does not match the expected format."
msgstr "所扫描的编号「{value}」格式不对。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"The scanned value \"{value}\" does not match the expected value <span "
msgstr ""
"所扫描的编号「{value}」不搭配所期望的编号<span class=test-engineering-mode-"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Writing to VPD. Please wait..."
msgstr "正在写到 VPD,请稍等..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Scan {label}"
msgstr "扫描{label}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please scan the {label} and press ENTER."
msgstr "请扫描{label}后按下 ENTER。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "重试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Invoking shopfloor service"
msgstr "执行 Shopfloor 服务"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Shopfloor exception:"
msgstr "Shopfloor 错误:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "reboot"
msgstr "重新启动"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "full reboot"
msgstr "深度重启"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "halt"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Shutdown Test ({operation})"
msgstr "关机测试 ({operation})"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Remote DUT is performing {operation}, timeout in {delay} seconds."
msgstr "远端测试装置将于 {delay} 秒内{operation}."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Verifying system state after {operation}"
msgstr "{operation}后验证系统状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "System is going to {operation} in {delay} seconds."
msgstr "系统将在 {delay} 秒后{operation}."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Accelerometer"
msgstr "加速度计"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Calibrating {sensor_name}..."
msgstr "正在校正 {sensor_name}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Device not in position"
msgstr "装置位置不正确"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please put the device in face-up position (press Enter to continue)"
msgstr "请将装置面向上(按 Enter 继续)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/ ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Waiting for device..."
msgstr "正在等待装置..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Writing calibration data..."
msgstr "正在写入校正结果..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Enter valid serial number:<br>"
msgstr "请输入有效的序号:<br>"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Hit SPACE to start testing..."
msgstr "按 \"空白键\" 开始测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Plug in external power to continue."
msgstr "请插上外接电源以继续。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Factory install process did not complete. Auto-testing stopped."
"<br><br>Please install the factory test image using factory server<br>rather "
"than booting from a USB drive.<br>"
msgstr ""
"安装过程中失败, 停止自动测试。<br><br>请使用完整的工厂伺服器安装测试程式,"
"<br>不要直接从 USB 碟开机执行。<br>"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Initialize some shared data..."
msgstr "重设旧有共用资料..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Start Station Test"
msgstr "开始测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "End Station Test"
msgstr "结束测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please attach DUT."
msgstr "INSERT 请插入测试装置。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press SPACE to start the test."
msgstr "请按空白键开始测试。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Sending test results to shopfloor..."
msgstr "SENDING 传送测试结果给服务器..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please remove DUT."
msgstr "REMOVE 请移除测试装置。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press SPACE to end the test."
msgstr "请按空白键结束测试。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please extend the green line with stylus to the other end.<br>Stay between "
"the two red lines.<br>Press SPACE to start; Esc to fail."
msgstr ""
"试; Esc 键标记失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "clockwise"
msgstr "顺时针"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "upside down"
msgstr "倒置"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "counterclockwise"
msgstr "逆时针"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please rotate the device: {msg}"
msgstr "请转动待测物: {msg}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Remove stylus"
msgstr "移除触控笔"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Insert stylus"
msgstr "插入触控笔"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Insert or Remove stylus"
msgstr "插入或移除触控笔"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Click or press SPACE to continue"
msgstr "点击或按空白键继续"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Unable to proceed, since some previous tests have not passed."
msgstr "之前所有的测试必须通过才能通过此项目"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.html
msgid "Click or press any key to continue..."
msgstr "点击或按任意键继续"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.js
msgid "passed"
msgstr "良好"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.js
msgid "failed"
msgstr "不良"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.js
msgid "active"
msgstr "正在测"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.js
msgid "untested"
msgstr "未测"
#: ../py/test/pytests/summary_static/summary.js
msgid "Test Status for {testName}:"
msgstr "{testName} 测试结果列表:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Suspend/Resume: {run} of {cycle}"
msgstr "暂停/恢复: {run} / {cycle}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Change URL"
msgstr "变更网址"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please wait few seconds to edit..."
msgstr "请等候几秒即可编辑..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "No factor server URL configured."
msgstr "未指定工厂伺服器服务器网址。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"For debugging or development, enter engineering mode to start individual "
msgstr "若想除错或执行部份测试,请進入工程模式。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Change server URL: "
msgstr "变更伺服器网址: "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Set"
msgstr "设定"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please connect to network..."
msgstr "请连接到网路..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Expected network: {networks}"
msgstr "预期的网路: {networks}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Current networks: {networks}"
msgstr "目前的网路: {networks}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Trying to reach server..."
msgstr "尝试联络工厂伺服器 ..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Trying to check server protocol..."
msgstr "正在检查工厂伺服器..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Server URL: {server_url}"
msgstr "伺服器网址: {server_url}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flush Test Log: Progress = <br>{progress}"
msgstr "同步测试记录(TestLog): 进度 = <br>{progress}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Collecting report data..."
msgstr "收集报告资料..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Getting serial number..."
msgstr "读取序号..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "A software update is available. Press SPACE to update."
msgstr "有可用的更新。按空白键更新。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Preparing..."
msgstr "准备中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Ping"
msgstr "连线测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detect Server URL"
msgstr "侦测伺服器网址 "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Sync time"
msgstr "同步时间"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flush Event Logs"
msgstr "同步事件记录"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flush Test Log"
msgstr "同步测试记录(TestLog)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Create Report"
msgstr "产生报告"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Upload report"
msgstr "上传生产报告"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Upload Reg Codes"
msgstr "上传"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Update Toolkit"
msgstr "更新测试程序"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running task: {label}"
msgstr "執行任务: {label}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Server Task Finished: {label}"
msgstr "完成任务: {label}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Task <b>{label}</b> failed, retry in {time_left} seconds..."
msgstr "<b>{label}</b>任务失败,将在 {time_left} 秒后重试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Flip the lid into tablet mode"
msgstr "把上盖掀开一圈直到贴合下盖"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Confirm tablet mode"
msgstr "确认平板模式"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Open the lid back to notebook mode"
msgstr "把上盖掀开直到正常笔电模式"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press SPACE to confirm notebook mode"
msgstr "请按空白键确认笔电模式"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Failure"
msgstr "失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Rotate the tablet to correctly align the picture, holding it at an upright "
"90-degree angle."
msgstr "竖立平板电脑使其垂直于桌面,并开始旋转到对齐图片。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "PASS"
msgstr "成功"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "FAIL"
msgstr "失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "ERROR: Touch device not found"
msgstr "没有找到触控装置"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Calibrating Touch device"
msgstr "触控装置校正中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Testing {item}..."
msgstr "测试 {item} 中... "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please don't put your third finger on the touchpad.\n"
"If you didn't do that,\n"
"treat this touch panel as a problematic one!!"
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Ghost finger detected!!\n"
"Please treat this touch panel as a problematic one!!"
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Calibrating touchpad..."
msgstr "触控面板校正中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please put the hover-tool into the holder."
msgstr "请将悬停测试用具放入支架中"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please pull out the hover-tool from the holder."
msgstr "请将悬停测试用具从支架移除"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking for false positive..."
msgstr "进行假阳性检查..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchpad_static/touchpad.html
msgid "Please take off your fingers and then press SPACE to start testing..."
msgstr "请先将手指远离触控版後按 空白键 开始测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Serial number"
msgstr "面板序号"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "提交"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Probe goes down"
msgstr "关机前治具下位停俥"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Probe goes up"
msgstr "测试前治具上位预备"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Read sensor data"
msgstr "手动读取待测资料"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Probe self test"
msgstr "手动治具自我测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Controller status"
msgstr "治具连结"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "刷新"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Touchscreen status"
msgstr "待测物连结"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Probe state"
msgstr "治具内部状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "FixtureState"
msgstr "治具状态查询"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Host IP"
msgstr "本机网址"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "BB IP"
msgstr "BB网址"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Shopfloor IP"
msgstr "Shopfloor网址"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.html
msgid "Shutdown the host"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/static/touchscreen_calibration.js
msgid "Please enter SN"
msgstr "请输入序号"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid ""
"Fail to detect the touchscreen.\n"
"Insert the traveler board, and restart the test."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Fail to assign DIRECT_SENSORS_IP in ryu.conf"
msgstr "需要在 ryu.conf 指定 DIRECT_SENSORS_IP"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Disconnected from controller"
msgstr "与治具失去联系"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Probe not in initial position, aborted"
msgstr "治具未就原位, 舍弃"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid ""
"Please check if the USB cable has been connected between the test fixture "
"and the control host.\n"
"Click \"RefreshFixture\" button on screen after connecting the USB cable."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid ""
"The test fixture is not ready.\n"
"(1) It is possible that the test fixure is not powered on yet.\n"
" Turn on the power and click \"RefreshFixture\" button on screen.\n"
"(2) The test fixture is already powered on. The fixture may be in the "
"emergency stop state.\n"
" Press debug button on the test fixture and click \"RefreshFixture\" "
"button on screen."
msgstr ""
"(1) 治具电源尚未开启。请开启电源,并点击萤幕上治具连结的刷新按钮。\n"
"(2) 治具电源已经开启,但是处于紧急停止状态。请按治具左侧的debug按钮一次。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Probe not in the DOWN position, aborted"
msgstr "治具未就下位, 舍弃"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Probe not in the UP position, aborted"
msgstr "治具未就上位, 舍弃"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Wrong serial number!"
msgstr "序号错误!"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid ""
"Fail to detect the touchscreen.\n"
"Remove and re-insert the traveler board. And restart the test."
msgstr ""
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Current calibration has not completed yet"
msgstr "目前校正尚未结束"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_calibration/
msgid "Please enter SN first"
msgstr "请先输入序号"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Please start drawing from upper-left corner."
msgstr "请从左上角开始画格子"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Please leave your finger and restart from upper-left block."
msgstr "请移开手指并从左上角开始重画"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Fails to draw blocks in sequence. Please try again."
msgstr "没依照顺序画格子!请重来"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Test failed! Please test this panel carefully with Gods Touch test."
msgstr "触控面板测试失败. 请以Gods Touch测试软体加以仔细验证"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Finger leaving too early. Please try again."
msgstr "手指太早离开!请重来"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Draw blocks from upper-left corner in sequence; Esc to fail."
msgstr "从左上角开始依序画格子; 按 Esc 键标记失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/touchscreen_static/touchscreen.js
msgid "Draw blocks in any order; Esc to fail."
msgstr "用任意顺序画完全部格子; 按 Esc 键标记失败"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please connect the detachable base."
msgstr "请连接可拆式底座"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Updating base firmware. Do not remove the base."
msgstr "更新韧体中,勿移除底座"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Verifying detachable base information..."
msgstr "验证底座信息..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Device Serial Number"
msgstr "机器编号"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Mainboard Serial Number"
msgstr "主板(MLB)序号"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "VPD Region Code"
msgstr "VPD 地区代码(Region)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "User Registration Code"
msgstr "用户注册码(User ECHO)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Group Registration Code"
msgstr "群组注册码(Group ECHO)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "No valid data on machine for {label}."
msgstr "缺少装置资料: {label}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Invalid value for {label}."
msgstr "输入的{label}不正确"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Select {label}:"
msgstr "选择{label}:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Select with ENTER"
msgstr "按 ENTER 选择"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Enter {label}: "
msgstr "输入{label}: "
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "(ESC to keep current value)"
msgstr "(ESC 保持原值不变)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Plug device into each USB port, {num_usb_ports} to go..."
msgstr "在每个 USB 端口插入装置, 还有 {num_usb_ports} 个待测试..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Unable to pass verify component test."
msgstr "无法通过验证元件测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Number mismatch component classes"
msgstr "数量不符合的元件类别"
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Not supported components"
msgstr "不支援的元件"
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Component"
msgstr "验证元件"
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名字"
#: ../py/test/pytests/verify_component_static/verify_component.html
msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Loading parameters from local disk..."
msgstr "从本地硬盘载入测试参数中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Setting up network..."
msgstr "设定网路环境中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Connecting with the ENA..."
msgstr "与 ENA (E5071C) 连线中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid ""
"Please fully disconnect all the cable.<br> Then press ENTER to continue."
msgstr "请完全移除天线后,按 ENTER 继续"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Checking its calibration status..."
msgstr "验证仪器矫正状态中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "The ENA needs to be calibrated.<br> Please press ENTER to continue."
msgstr "请矫正 ENA 并按 ENTER 重新启动测试。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Please place the LCD panel into the fixture and then press ENTER."
msgstr "请放置 LCD 本体在治具上<br>完成后按 ENTER"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid ""
"Make sure the main WWAN antennta is connected to Port 1<br> Make sure the "
"main WLAN antennta is connected to Port 2<br> Then press key \"A\" to next "
msgstr ""
"连接主 WWAN 天线至 Port 1<br> 连接主 WLAN 天线至 Port 2<br> 完成后按 A 键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Testing..."
msgstr "测试中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Writing log...."
msgstr "记录中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Results are listed below:"
msgstr "测试结果显示如下:"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/static/vswr.html
msgid "Please disconnect the panel and press ENTER to write log."
msgstr "请将 AB Panel 移除, 并按 ENTER 完成测试"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/
msgid "Make sure the {name} antennta is connected to port {port}<br>"
msgstr "连接 {name} 天线至 port {port}<br>"
#: ../py/test/pytests/vswr/
msgid "Then press key \"{key}\" to next stage."
msgstr "完成后按 {key} 键"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Verifying VSync pin... ({count}/{total})"
msgstr "正在验证 VSync pin... ({count}/{total})"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please run external test: {name}"
msgstr "請執行外部測試: {name}"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Power rail"
msgstr "电源"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "voltage (mV)"
msgstr "电压 (mV)"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "expected"
msgstr "期望值"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "status"
msgstr "状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please open the cover!"
msgstr "请开盖"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Please close the cover!"
msgstr "请关盖"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking The Cover"
msgstr "检查上盖状态"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Running, please wait..."
msgstr "测试中,请稍后。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid ""
"Please wait for other DUTs to finish WiFiThroughput test, and press spacebar "
"to continue."
msgstr "请等其它的裝置完成测试后按空白键继续。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Scanning on device {device} frequency {freq}..."
msgstr "在装置 {device} 上扫描频率{freq}..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Done scanning on device {device} frequency {freq}..."
msgstr "在装置 {device} 上扫描频率{freq} 完成"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Detecting wifi chip type..."
msgstr "侦测检测WiFi芯片类型中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Checking frequencies..."
msgstr "检查频率中..."
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Press space to start scanning."
msgstr "请按空白键开始扫描。"
#: ../py/test/pytests/
msgid "Writing device data to {vpd_section} VPD..."
msgstr "机器资料正在写入到 {vpd_section} VPD..."
#: ../py/test/test_lists/base.test_list.json
msgid "Full Reboot"
msgstr "深度重启"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/base.test_list.json
msgid "Halt"
msgstr "关机"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/base.test_list.json
msgid "Reboot"
msgstr "重新开机"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/disable_factory_server.test_list.json
msgid "Has Cellular"
msgstr "有数据机"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/disable_factory_server.test_list.json
msgid "Has LTE"
msgstr "有 LTE"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/disable_factory_server.test_list.json
msgid "Has Touchscreen"
msgstr "有触控面板"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/disable_factory_server.test_list.json
msgid "Set DeviceInfo"
msgstr "设定机器资讯"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Activate Registration Code"
msgstr "激活注册码(ECHO Code)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Point for All Tests"
msgstr "最终确认关卡"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Audio Jack"
msgstr "音源孔"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Barrier"
msgstr "检查关卡"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Camera Tests"
msgstr "相机测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Charge Discharge Current"
msgstr "充放电电流测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Charger Type Detection"
msgstr "充电器型号识别"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Cr50 Board ID Not Set"
msgstr "检查 CR50 版号是否未设置"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Point"
msgstr "确认关卡"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Release Image"
msgstr "检查出厂系统"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Clear factory VPD entries"
msgstr "清除工厂 VPD 资讯"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "EC Cold Reset"
msgstr "EC 冷重启"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Cold Reset"
msgstr "冷重启"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Deprovision CBI"
msgstr "清除 CBI"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Enable EC Write Protect"
msgstr "EC 写入保护"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fat.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fft.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_grt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rma.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_unprovisioned.test_list.json
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "结束"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Front Camera LED"
msgstr "前相机 LED"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Volume Down"
msgstr "音量减"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Volume Up"
msgstr "音量加"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Power Button"
msgstr "电源键"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Hardware Button"
msgstr "按键测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "闲置等待"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Create Cache"
msgstr "产生 Cache"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Verify Cache"
msgstr "验证 Cache"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Model and SKU"
msgstr "组态与样式(SKU)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Notebook Mode"
msgstr "笔电模式"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "未定义测项"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Probe Hardware"
msgstr "侦测硬件"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "QR Scan"
msgstr "扫描 QR 码"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Rear Camera LED"
msgstr "后相机 LED"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "SD Performance"
msgstr "SD 效能"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Screen Rotation"
msgstr "屏幕旋转"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Shopfloor Service (NotifyEnd)"
msgstr "Shopfloor 服务 (NotifyEnd)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Shopfloor Service (NotifyStart)"
msgstr "Shopfloor 服务 (NotifyStart)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Speaker/Microphone"
msgstr "喇叭/麦克风"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Stress App Test"
msgstr "压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Stylus And Garage"
msgstr "触控笔与插槽"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Tablet Rotation Base-Accel"
msgstr "平版旋转-主板加速度计"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Tablet Rotation Lid-Accel"
msgstr "平版旋转-上盖加速度计"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Touchscreen Uniformity"
msgstr "触屏均一性测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Random Number Generation"
msgstr "乱数产生"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB Performance"
msgstr "USB 效能"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB2 TypeA Performance"
msgstr "USB2 TypeA 效能测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB3 TypeA Performance"
msgstr "USB3 TypeA 效能测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Manual Test Left USB TypeA"
msgstr "手动左 USB TypeA 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Manual Test Right USB TypeA"
msgstr "手动右 USB TypeA 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB3 CC1 Performance"
msgstr "USB3 效能测试 CC1"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB3 CC2 Performance"
msgstr "USB3 效能测试 CC2"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB2 Performance"
msgstr "USB2 效能测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "USB3 External Display Test"
msgstr "USB3 外接显示"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "20V Charging"
msgstr "20V 充电"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "5V Charging"
msgstr "5V 充电"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Left USB TypeC"
msgstr "左 USB TypeC Port"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Manual Test Left USB TypeC"
msgstr "手动左 USB TypeC 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Right USB TypeC"
msgstr "右 USB TypeC Port"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Manual Test Right USB TypeC"
msgstr "手动右 USB TypeC 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Update CBI"
msgstr "更新 CBI"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Check Cr50 Firmware Version"
msgstr "检查 CR50 韧体版本"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Update Cr50 Firmware"
msgstr "更新 CR50 韧体"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_unprovisioned.test_list.json
msgid "Update SKU ID"
msgstr "更新样式 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Upload Reg (ECHO) Codes to activate"
msgstr "上传注册码(ECHO)以激活"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Wifi"
msgstr "无线网路"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_common.test_list.json
msgid "Write HWID"
msgstr "硬体代号"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fat.test_list.json
msgid "FAT (Final Assembly Test)"
msgstr "FAT (最终组装测试)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fat.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fft.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_grt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_unprovisioned.test_list.json
msgid "Prepare"
msgstr "准备程序"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_fft.test_list.json
msgid "FFT (Final Functional Test)"
msgstr "FFT (最终功能测试)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_grt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rma.test_list.json
msgid "GRT (Google Required Tests)"
msgstr "GRT (Google 必要测试项目)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_main.test_list.json
msgid "Generic Chromebook"
msgstr "一般 Chromebook 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rf_station.test_list.json
msgid "Generic RF Station"
msgstr "一般射频測試站"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rma.test_list.json
msgid "FFT"
msgstr "最终功能测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rma.test_list.json
msgid "Generic RMA"
msgstr "一般退货授权 (RMA) 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
msgid "Dozing Stress"
msgstr "睡眠内存压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "Check WLAN"
msgstr "检查无线网络"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "Check Bluetooth"
msgstr "检查蓝牙"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "Stress Group"
msgstr "集合压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "Warm Cold Reboot"
msgstr "冷热重新开机"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "RRT"
msgstr "RRT"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_rrt.test_list.json
msgid "Generic Rolling Reliability"
msgstr "一般稳定性测试 (RRT)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
msgid "Run-In Test"
msgstr "Run-In 测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
msgid "Stress Group With Front Camera"
msgstr "前相机集合压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_run_in.test_list.json
msgid "Stress Group With Rear Camera"
msgstr "后相机集合压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "SMT (SA Test)"
msgstr "SMT (SA 测试)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Parallel Test"
msgstr "平行测试群组"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "MLB Serial Number"
msgstr "母板序号"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Scan MLB"
msgstr "扫描母板序号"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Operator ID"
msgstr "作业员 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Scan Operator ID"
msgstr "扫描作业员 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Station ID"
msgstr "测站 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "ScanStationID"
msgstr "扫描测站 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_smt.test_list.json
msgid "Stress Test"
msgstr "压力测试"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_tast.test_list.json
msgid "Test List for Tast Tests"
msgstr "Test List for Tast Tests"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/generic_unprovisioned.test_list.json
msgid "Provision Chromebook with SKU ID"
msgstr "供应 Chromebook 样式 ID"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Connect Device"
msgstr "接上装置"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Disconnect Device"
msgstr "移除装置"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Copy Factory State From DUT"
msgstr "从装置复制测试状态"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Copy Factory State To DUT"
msgstr "复制测试状态到装置"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Merge Factory State On DUT"
msgstr "汇整工厂测试状态"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Pop Factory State On Station"
msgstr "清除暂存测试状态"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Placeholder: AfterDisconnection"
msgstr "离线后测项(未定义)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Placeholder: BeforeConnection"
msgstr "连线前测项(未定义)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Placeholder: Main"
msgstr "主测项(未定义)"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/station_based.test_list.json
msgid "Station-Based Test Template"
msgstr "测试站模板"
#: ../py/test/test_lists/
msgid "Test Group"
msgstr "测试群组"
#: ../py/test/
msgid "Press Enter to pass."
msgstr "通过请按ENTER键。"
#: ../py/test/
msgid "Press ESC to fail."
msgstr "失败请按ESC键。"