blob: da075116509cc56ff8b1596ca4a51cc3ee378e7e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A hacked argparse module."""
import argparse
import inspect
import logging
import re
import sys
from .type_utils import CheckDictKeys
class HackedArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""Replace the usage and help strings to better format command names.
The default formatting is terrible, cramming all the command names
into one line with no spacing so that they are very hard to
copy-paste. Instead format command names one-per-line. For
simplicity make usage just return the help message text.
Reformatting is done using regexp-substitution because the argparse
formatting internals are explicitly declared to be private, and so
doing things this way should be no less fragile than trying to
replace the relevant argparse internals.
def __init__(self, subcommands=None, **kvargs):
self.subcommands = subcommands if subcommands is not None else {}
argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, **kvargs)
def format_sub_cmd_menu(self):
"""Return str with aligned list of 'cmd-name : first-doc-line' strs."""
max_cmd_len = (max(len(c) for c in self.subcommands) if self.subcommands
else 0)
def format_item(cmd_name):
doc = self.subcommands[cmd_name][1]
if doc is None:
doc = ''
doc = (': ' + (max_cmd_len - len(cmd_name)) * ' ' +
return ' ' + cmd_name + doc
return '\n'.join(
format_item(cmd_name) for cmd_name in sorted(self.subcommands))
def format_help(self):
s = argparse.ArgumentParser.format_help(self)
if self.subcommands:
s = re.sub(r'(?ms)\].*{.*}.*\.\.\.', r'] <sub-command>', s)
s = re.sub(r'(?ms)(positional.*)(optional arguments:)',
r'sub-commands:\n%s\n\n\2' % self.format_sub_cmd_menu(), s)
return s
def format_usage(self):
return self.format_help() + '\n'
def CmdArg(*args, **kwargs):
"""Allow decorator arg specification using real argparse syntax."""
return (args, kwargs)
class VerbosityAction(argparse.Action):
"""A function to set logging verbosity."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
logging_level = {4: logging.DEBUG, 3: logging.INFO, 2: logging.WARNING,
1: logging.ERROR, 0: logging.CRITICAL}[int(values)]
setattr(namespace, self.dest, logging_level)
'-v', '--verbosity', choices='01234', default=logging.WARNING,
# Map the caller frame to subcommands
_caller_subcommands_map = {}
def Command(cmd_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Decorator to populate the per-module sub-command list.
Function doc strings are extracted and shown to users as part of the
help message for each command.
CheckDictKeys(kwargs, ['doc'])
caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][1]
def Decorate(fun):
doc = fun.__doc__ if fun.__doc__ else None
# Use the provided doc if any.
doc = kwargs.get('doc') or doc
subcommands = (_caller_subcommands_map[caller] if caller in
_caller_subcommands_map else {})
subcommands[cmd_name] = (fun, doc, args)
_caller_subcommands_map[caller] = subcommands
return fun
return Decorate
def ParseCmdline(top_level_description, *common_args, **kwargs):
"""Return object containing all argparse-processed command line data."""
CheckDictKeys(kwargs, ['args_to_parse'])
caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][1]
subcommands = (_caller_subcommands_map[caller] if caller in
_caller_subcommands_map else {})
root_parser = HackedArgParser(subcommands=subcommands,
common_parser = HackedArgParser(add_help=False)
for (tags, kvargs) in common_args:
root_parser.add_argument(*tags, **kvargs)
no_default = dict(kvargs)
no_default['default'] = argparse.SUPPRESS
common_parser.add_argument(*tags, **no_default)
if subcommands:
subparsers = root_parser.add_subparsers(dest='command_name')
subparsers.required = True
for cmd_name, (fun, doc, arg_list) in subcommands.items():
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(
cmd_name, description=doc,
parents=[common_parser], conflict_handler='resolve')
subparser.set_defaults(command_name=cmd_name, command=fun)
for (tags, kvargs) in arg_list:
subparser.add_argument(*tags, **kvargs)
return root_parser.parse_args(kwargs.get('args_to_parse', sys.argv[1:]))