blob: 37ea006fb361cd5bb801c53622737e03155856cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utils to get various representations of a ChromeOS board name."""
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from . import process_utils
from . import sys_utils
from . import type_utils
def GetChromeOSFactoryBoardPath(board):
# The packages here must be in same order as defined in
# virtual/chromeos-bsp-factory.
package_names = ['factory-board', 'chromeos-factory-board']
for package in package_names:
ebuild_path = process_utils.SpawnOutput(
['equery-%s' % board, 'which', package])
except OSError:
logging.error('Fail to execute equery-%s. Try to run inside chroot'
' and do "setup_board --board %s" first.', board, board)
return None
if ebuild_path:
files_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ebuild_path), 'files')
# Some packages, for example the fallback one in chromiumos-overlay,
# may not have 'files' so we have to check again.
if os.path.exists(files_dir):
return files_dir
logging.warning('no ebuild [%s] for board [%s].', package, board)
logging.warning('cannot find any board packages for board [%s].', board)
return None
class BuildBoardException(Exception):
"""Build board exception."""
class BuildBoard:
"""A board that we build CrOS for.
arch: The architecture of the board, or None if unable to determine
base: The base name. Always set.
variant: The variant name, or None if there is no variant.
full_name: The base name, plus '_'+variant if set. This is
the name used for build directories, like "/build/daisy_spring").
short_name: The variant if set; else the base. This is the
name used in branches (like "spring" in factory-spring-1234.B).
gsutil_name: The base name, plus '-'+variant if set. GSUtil uses
'base-variant' as bucket names.
factory_board_files: A folder to FILESDIR in factory board package
(chromeos-factory-board or factory-board). This is available only
when the module is invoked in chroot.
def __init__(self, board_name=None):
board_name: The name of a board. This may be one of:
"None" or "default": If runs in chroot, uses the user's default
board in $HOME/src/scripts/.default_board (or fails if there is
none). Otherwise tries to find out the board name from
/etc/lsb-release (or fails if the file does not exist).
"foo": Uses the foo board. If runs in chroot, it can also handle
the case where "foo" is a variant (e.g., use "spring" to mean
"base_foo": Uses the "foo" variant of the "base" board.
BuildBoardException if unable to determine board or overlay name.
self.board_name = board_name
if sys_utils.InChroot():
# The following sanity checks are feasible only in chroot.
src = os.path.join(os.environ['CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT'], 'src')
if board_name in [None, 'default']:
default_path = os.path.join(src, 'scripts', '.default_board')
if not os.path.exists(default_path):
raise BuildBoardException('Unable to read default board from %s' %
board_name = open(default_path).read().strip()
# Grok cros-board.eclass to find the set of all boards.
# May the gods forgive me.
eclass_path = os.path.join(
src, 'third_party', 'chromiumos-overlay', 'eclass',
eclass_contents = open(eclass_path).read()
pattern = r'(?s)ALL_BOARDS=\((.+?)\)'
match =, eclass_contents)
if not match:
raise BuildBoardException('Unable to read pattern %s in %s' %
(pattern, eclass_path))
boards =
self.full_name = None
board_name = board_name.lower()
if board_name in boards:
self.full_name = board_name
# User said "daisy-spring" but means "daisy_spring"?
if not self.full_name:
try_board_name = board_name.replace('-', '_')
if try_board_name in boards:
self.full_name = try_board_name
# User said "spring" but means "daisy_spring"?
if not self.full_name:
try_board_names = [x for x in boards
if x.endswith('_' + board_name)]
if len(try_board_names) > 1:
raise BuildBoardException('Multiple board names %s match %r' %
(try_board_names, board_name))
if try_board_names:
self.full_name = try_board_names[0]
if not self.full_name:
# Oh well, we tried
raise BuildBoardException('Unknown board %r' % board_name)
if board_name in [None, 'default']:
# See if we can get the board name from /etc/lsb-release.
LSB_RELEASE_FILE = '/etc/lsb-release'
LSB_BOARD_RE = re.compile(r'^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD=(\w+)$', re.M)
if not os.path.exists(LSB_RELEASE_FILE):
raise BuildBoardException(
'Not in chroot and %r does not exist, unable to determine board' %
with open(LSB_RELEASE_FILE) as f:
self.full_name = LSB_BOARD_RE.findall([0].lower()
except IndexError:
raise BuildBoardException(
'Cannot determine board from %r' % LSB_RELEASE_FILE)
self.full_name = re.sub('-', '_', board_name).lower()
self.base, _, self.variant = self.full_name.partition('_')
self.variant = self.variant or None # Use None, not ''
self.short_name = self.variant or self.base # Ick
self.gsutil_name = re.sub('_', '-', self.full_name)
def factory_board_files(self):
return (GetChromeOSFactoryBoardPath(self.full_name) if sys_utils.InChroot()
else None)
def arch(self):
if sys_utils.InChroot():
if os.environ.get('ROOT'):
# Skip if ROOT env var is set as crossdev does not work with it. This
# can happen while running 'emerge-<board>'. Extract arch from
# 'emerge-<board> --info' instead.
emerge_info = process_utils.CheckOutput(
['emerge-%s' % self.full_name, '--info'])
return'^ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="(.*)"$', emerge_info,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
# Try to determine arch through toolchain.
chromite = os.path.join(os.environ['CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT'], 'chromite')
toolchain = process_utils.CheckOutput(
[os.path.join(chromite, 'bin', 'cros_setup_toolchains'),
'--show-board-cfg=%s' % self.full_name]).split(',')[0].strip()
target_cfg = process_utils.CheckOutput(
['/usr/bin/crossdev', '--show-target-cfg', toolchain])
arch ='^arch=(.*)$', target_cfg, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
return arch if arch != '*' else None
if self.board_name not in [None, 'default']:
return None
# Try to determine arch from 'uname -m'.
uname_machine = process_utils.CheckOutput(['uname', '-m'])
# Translate the output from 'uname -m' to match the arch definition in
# chroot.
machine_arch_map = {
'x86_64': 'amd64',
'arm': 'arm',
'aarch64': 'arm64'
for key, value in machine_arch_map.items():
if uname_machine.startswith(key):
return value
return None