blob: ec0b191eaf43e92219c68874ff6f49522c9411c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Google Cloud Storage utilities."""
import logging
import os
import sys
from . import file_utils
# pylint: disable=import-error, no-name-in-module
from import storage
from google.oauth2 import service_account
except ImportError:
# These lines can be used in a requirements.txt file:
# google-cloud-storage==1.31.0
# google-auth==1.21.1
# Then, to install them:
# pip install -t external_dir -r requirements.txt
_unused_exc_class, _unused_exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
new_exc = ImportError(
'Please install these Python libraries before proceeding: '
'google-cloud-storage==1.4.0 google-auth==1.0.2')
raise new_exc.__class__(new_exc).with_traceback(tb)
_CHUNK_SIZE_MULTIPLE = 256 * 1024 # chunk_size must be a multiple of 256KB
_CHUNK_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 # 4MB
class CloudStorage:
"""Wrapper to access Google Cloud Storage."""
def __init__(self, json_key_path, logger=logging, chunk_size=_CHUNK_SIZE):
"""Authenticates the connection to Cloud Storage.
json_key_path: Path to the private key (in JSON format) on disk.
logger: A logging.logger object to record messages.
chunk_size: Files uploaded to GCS are sent in chunks. Must be a multiple
assert chunk_size % _CHUNK_SIZE_MULTIPLE == 0, (
'chunk_size must be a multiple of %d B' % _CHUNK_SIZE_MULTIPLE)
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.logger = logger
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
json_key_path, scopes=(_GCS_SCOPE,))
# Google Cloud Storage is depend on bucket instead of project, so we don't
# need to put project name to arguments. However, this client is general
# Google Cloud client, so the project can't be None; instead it can be an
# empty string.
self.client = storage.Client(project='', credentials=credentials)
def UploadFile(self, local_path, target_path, overwrite=False):
"""Attempts to upload a file to GCS, with resumability.
local_path: Path to the file on local disk.
target_path: Target path with bucket ID in GCS.
(e.g. '/chromeos-factory/path/to/filename')
overwrite: Whether or not to overwrite the file on target_path.
Raises: if the upload response returns
an error status.
ValueError: if the bucket doesn't exist.
IOError: the uploaded file on GCS doesn't exist or has different
target_path = target_path.strip('/')
bucket_id, _unused_slash, path_in_bucket = target_path.partition('/')
bucket = storage.Bucket(self.client, bucket_id)
if not bucket.exists():
self.logger.error('Bucket (%s) doesn\'t exist! Please create it before '
'you upload file', bucket_id)
return False'Going to upload the file from %s to GCS: [/%s]/%s',
local_path, bucket_id, path_in_bucket)
local_md5 = file_utils.MD5InBase64(local_path)
local_size = os.path.getsize(local_path)
blob = storage.Blob(path_in_bucket, bucket, chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
if blob.exists():
if blob.md5_hash == local_md5 and blob.size == local_size:
self.logger.warning('File already exists on remote end with same '
'size (%d) and same MD5 hash (%s); skipping',
blob.size, blob.md5_hash)
return True
self.logger.error('File already exists on remote end, but size or '
'MD5 hash doesn\'t match; size on remote = %d, '
'size on local = %d; will overwrite',
blob.size, local_size)
if not overwrite:
return False
# Upload requests will be automatically retried if a transient error
# occurs. Therefore, we don't need to retry it ourselves.
if not blob.exists():
self.logger.error('This should not happen! '
'File doesn\'t exist after uploading')
return False
if blob.md5_hash != local_md5 or blob.size != local_size:
self.logger.error('This should not happen! Size or MD5 mismatch after '
'uploading; local_size = %d, confirmed_size = %d; '
'local_md5 = %s, confirmed_md5 = %s',
local_size, blob.size, local_md5, blob.md5_hash)
return False
return True
except Exception:
self.logger.exception('Upload failed')
return False