blob: 3c06c46fb2b3d35ec29611d04b4955d30d07fdf1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for ssh and rsync.
This module is intended to work with Chrome OS DUTs only as it uses Chrome OS
testing_rsa identity.
import logging
import os
from chromite.lib import remote_access
except ImportError:
from . import file_utils
from . import net_utils
from . import process_utils
# The path to the testing_rsa identity file.
testing_rsa = None
def _Init():
"""Initializes ssh identity.
The identity file is created per user in /tmp as testing_rsa.${USER}. We
first create a temp identity file from the reference testing_rsa identity and
change file mode to 0400 so it is only readable by the user. We then move the
temp file to our target /tmp/testing_rsa.${USER}. We do not have race
condition here since the move operation is atomic.
We do not use generated temp files because we do not want to leave dangling
temp files around.
# TODO(hungte) Use testing keys from factory repo.
global testing_rsa # pylint: disable=global-statement
raise RuntimeError('chromite.lib.remote_access does not exist.')
if not testing_rsa:
target_name = '/tmp/testing_rsa.%s' % os.environ.get('USER', 'default')
if not os.path.exists(target_name):
file_utils.AtomicCopy(remote_access.TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, target_name, 0o400)
testing_rsa = target_name
def BuildSSHCommand(identity_file=None):
"""Builds SSH command that can be used to connect to a DUT.
identity_file: if specified, use it as identity file. Otherwise, use
private_key provided by chromite.lib.remote_access (only avaliable
in chroot).
if not identity_file:
identity_file = testing_rsa
return ['ssh',
'-o', 'IdentityFile=%s' % identity_file,
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
'-o', 'LogLevel=ERROR',
'-o', 'User=root',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o', 'Protocol=2',
'-o', 'BatchMode=yes',
'-o', 'ConnectTimeout=30',
'-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=180',
'-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=3',
'-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=4']
def BuildRsyncCommand(identity_file=None):
"""Build rsync command that can be used to rsync to a DUT.
identity_file: if specified, use it as identity file. Otherwise, use
private_key provided by chromite.lib.remote_access (only avaliable
in chroot).
return ['rsync', '-e', ' '.join(BuildSSHCommand(identity_file=identity_file))]
def SpawnSSHToDUT(args, **kwargs):
"""Spawns a process to issue ssh command to a DUT.
args: Args appended to the ssh command.
kwargs: See docstring of Spawn.
return process_utils.Spawn(BuildSSHCommand() + args, **kwargs)
def SpawnRsyncToDUT(args, **kwargs):
"""Spawns a process to issue rsync command to a DUT.
args: Arguments appended to the rsync command.
kwargs: See docstring of Spawn.
return process_utils.Spawn(BuildRsyncCommand() + args, **kwargs)
class SSHTunnelToDUT:
"""A class to establish and close SSH tunnel to a DUT.
>> # Create a SSH tunnel from localhost:8888 on to localhost:9999
>> # on current machine.
>> with SSHTunnel('', 9999, 8888):
>> [do something while the tunnel is established]
>> tunnel = SSHTunnel('', 9999, 8888)
>> tunnel.Establish()
>> [do something while the tunnel is established]
>> tunnel.Close()
remote: The hostname or IP address of the remote host.
bind_port: The local port to bind to.
host_port: The remote port to bind to.
bind_address: The local address to bind to; default to ''.
host: The remote address to bind to; default to ''.
def __init__(self, remote, bind_port, host_port,
bind_address=net_utils.LOCALHOST, host=net_utils.LOCALHOST):
self._remote = remote
self._bind_address = bind_address
self._bind_port = bind_port
self._host = host
self._host_port = host_port
self._ssh_process = None
def Establish(self):
logging.debug('Establishing SSH tunnel to %s with spec %s:%s:%s:%s',
self._remote, self._bind_address, self._bind_port, self._host,
if self._ssh_process:
self._ssh_process = SpawnSSHToDUT(
[self._remote, '-N', '-f', '-L', '%s:%s:%s:%s' %
(self._bind_address, self._bind_port, self._host, self._host_port)],
stderr=process_utils.OpenDevNull(), check_call=True)
def Close(self):
logging.debug('Closing SSH tunnel to %s', self._remote)
if self._ssh_process:
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == 3:
# The process has already been terminated.
self._ssh_process = None
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):