blob: 98a620e60b3f76602d40a59fa584ec336ba3c811 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A collective of system-related functions."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
import os
import re
import stat
import tempfile
from . import file_utils
from . import process_utils
from . import pygpt
from . import sync_utils
from . import type_utils
class MountPartitionException(Exception):
"""Exception for MountPartition."""
def MountPartition(source_path, index=None, mount_point=None, rw=False,
options=None, fstype=None, dut=None):
"""Mounts a partition in an image or a block device.
source_path: The image file or a block device.
index: The index of the partition, or None to mount as a single
partition. If source_path is a block device, index must be None.
mount_point: The mount point. If None, a temporary directory is used.
rw: Whether to mount as read/write.
options: A list of options to add to the -o argument when mounting, e.g.,
['offset=8192', 'sizelimit=1048576'].
fstype: A string to specify file system type.
dut: a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceInterface instance, None for
OSError: if image file or mount point doesn't exist.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: if mount fails.
MountPartitionException: if index is given while source_path is a block
local_mode = dut is None
path = os.path if local_mode else dut.path
if not path.exists(source_path):
raise OSError('Image file %s does not exist' % source_path)
all_options = ['rw' if rw else 'ro']
# source_path is a block device.
if local_mode:
is_blk = stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(source_path).st_mode)
is_blk = dut.CheckOutput(
['stat', '-c', '%F', source_path]) == 'block special file'
if is_blk:
if index:
raise MountPartitionException('index must be None for a block device.')
# Use loop option on image file.
if index:
partitions = PartitionManager(source_path, dut)
sector_size = partitions.GetSectorSize()
offset = sector_size * partitions.GetPartitionOffsetInSector(index)
all_options.append('offset=%d' % offset)
sizelimit = sector_size * partitions.GetPartitionSizeInSector(index)
all_options.append('sizelimit=%d' % sizelimit)
if options:
if not mount_point:
# Put this after all other options, so that no temp directory would be left
# if any above raised exception.
if local_mode:
mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mount_partition.')
mount_point = dut.temp.mktemp(is_dir=True, prefix='mount_partition.')
remove_mount_point = True
remove_mount_point = False
if not path.isdir(mount_point):
raise OSError('Mount point %s does not exist' % mount_point)
for line in file_utils.ReadLines('/proc/mounts', dut):
if line.split()[1] == mount_point:
raise OSError('Mount point %s is already mounted' % mount_point)
command = ['toybox'] if (not local_mode and
dut.Call(['type', 'toybox']) == 0) else []
command += ['mount', '-o', ','.join(all_options)]
if fstype is not None:
command += ['-t', fstype]
command += [source_path, mount_point]
if local_mode:
process_utils.Spawn(command, log=True, check_call=True, sudo=True)
dut.CheckCall(command, log=True)
except Exception:
# Remove temporary directory if mount fail.
if remove_mount_point:
if local_mode:
except OSError:
dut.Call(['rm', '-rf', mount_point])
def Unmounter():
yield mount_point
finally:'Unmounting %s', mount_point)
if local_mode:
umount = lambda: process_utils.Spawn(
['umount', mount_point], call=True,
sudo=True, ignore_stderr=True).returncode == 0
umount = lambda: dut.Call(['umount', mount_point]) == 0
if not sync_utils.Retry(5, 1, None, umount):
logging.warning('Unable to umount %s', mount_point)
if remove_mount_point:
if local_mode:
except OSError:
dut.Call(['rm', '-rf', mount_point])
return Unmounter()
def MountDeviceAndReadFile(device, path, dut=None):
"""Mounts a device and reads a file on it.
device: The device like '/dev/mmcblk0p5'.
path: The file path like '/etc/lsb-release'. The file to read is then
dut: a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceInterface instance, None for
The content of the file.
Exception if mount or umount fails.
IOError if the file can not be read.
# Remove the starting / of the path.
path = re.sub('^/', '', path)
with MountPartition(device, dut=dut) as mount_point:
logging.debug('Mounted at %s.', mount_point)
if dut is None:
content = open(
os.path.join(mount_point, path)).read()
content = dut.ReadSpecialFile(dut.path.join(mount_point, path))
return content
def LoadKernelModule(name, error_on_fail=True):
"""Ensures kernel module is loaded. If not already loaded, do the load."""
loaded = process_utils.Spawn('lsmod | grep -q %s' % name,
call=True, shell=True).returncode == 0
if not loaded:
loaded = process_utils.Spawn('modprobe %s' % name,
call=True, shell=True).returncode == 0
if not loaded and error_on_fail:
raise OSError('Cannot load kernel module: %s' % name)
return loaded
def GetInterrupts():
"""Gets the list of interrupt names and its count.
A dict of interrupt names to their interrupt counts. The interrupt names
are all strings even if some of the names are numbers, e.g. the name for
interrupt 88 is "88" instead of 88.
interrupt_count = {}
lines = file_utils.ReadLines('/proc/interrupts')
if not lines:
raise OSError('Unable to read /proc/interrupts')
# First line indicates CPUs in system
num_cpus = len(lines.pop(0).split())
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines, start=1):
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) < num_cpus + 1:
logging.error('Parse error at line %d: %s', line_num, line)
interrupt = fields[0].strip().split(':')[0]
count = sum(map(int, fields[1:1 + num_cpus]))
interrupt_count[interrupt] = count
logging.debug('interrupt[%s] = %d', interrupt, count)
return interrupt_count
def GetI2CBus(device_names):
"""Lookup I2C Bus by device name(s).
device_names: List of allowed device name.
(Ex: we can list second-source components here)
I2C bus index. None if not found
blankline = re.compile(r'\n\n', flags=re.MULTILINE)
blocks = blankline.split(file_utils.ReadFile('/proc/bus/input/devices'))
matched_blocks = [b for b in blocks if any(d in b for d in device_names)]
if not matched_blocks:
logging.error('GetI2CBus(%r): Device is not found', device_names)
return None
if len(matched_blocks) > 1:
logging.error('GetI2CBus(%r): Multiple devices are found', device_names)
return None
found ='^S: *Sysfs=.*/i2c-([0-9]+)/', matched_blocks[0],
if not found:
logging.error('GetI2CBus(%r): Invalid format', device_names)
return None
return int(
class PartitionInfo:
"""A class that holds the info of a partition."""
def __init__(self, major, minor, blocks, name):
self.major = major
self.minor = minor
self.blocks = blocks = name
def __str__(self):
return ('%5s %5s %10s %-20s' %
(self.major, self.minor, self.blocks,
def GetPartitions():
"""Gets a list of partition info.
Example content of /proc/partitions:
major minor #blocks name
8 0 976762584 sda
8 1 248832 sda1
8 2 1 sda2
8 5 976510976 sda5
8 16 175825944 sdb
8 17 175825943 sdb1
252 0 39059456 dm-0
252 1 870367232 dm-1
252 2 67031040 dm-2
A list of PartitionInfo objects parsed from /proc/partitions.
line_format = re.compile(
r'^\s*(\d+)' # major
r'\s*(\d+)' # minor
r'\s*(\d+)' # number of blocks
r'\s*(\w+)$' # name
results = []
lines = file_utils.ReadLines('/proc/partitions')
for line in lines:
match_obj = line_format.match(line)
if match_obj:
return results
class _GPTTool:
"""Abstraction for tool to manipulate GUID Partition Table."""
def GetPartitionOffsetInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition offset in sectors."""
raise NotImplementedError
def GetPartitionSizeInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition size in sectors."""
raise NotImplementedError
def GetSectorSize(self):
"""Returns logical sector size in bytes."""
raise NotImplementedError
def GetTypeGUID(self, index):
"""Returns the type GUID string."""
raise NotImplementedError
def IsChromeOsKernelPartition(self, index):
"""Check if the partition is a Chrome OS kernel partition."""
return self.GetTypeGUID(index) == 'FE3A2A5D-4F32-41A7-B725-ACCC3285A309'
def IsChromeOsRootFsPartition(self, index):
"""Check if the partition is a Chrome OS rootfs partition."""
return self.GetTypeGUID(index) == '3CB8E202-3B7E-47DD-8A3C-7FF2A13CFCEC'
def GetAttribute(self, index):
"""Returns the Attribute value."""
raise NotImplementedError
def ExtractBits(value, shift, mask):
return (value >> shift) & mask
def GetAttributeSuccess(self, index):
"""Returns the Success attribute."""
return self.ExtractBits(self.GetAttribute(index), 56, 1)
def GetAttributeTries(self, index):
"""Returns the Tries attribute."""
return self.ExtractBits(self.GetAttribute(index), 52, 0xf)
def GetAttributePriority(self, index):
"""Returns the Priority attribute."""
return self.ExtractBits(self.GetAttribute(index), 48, 0xf)
class PartitionManager(_GPTTool):
"""Provides disk partition information.
Implemented as a wrapper for commands (pygpt, cgpt, partx) to access disk
def GetPartitionOffsetInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition offset in sectors."""
return self._runner.GetPartitionOffsetInSector(index)
def GetPartitionSizeInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition size in sectors."""
return self._runner.GetPartitionSizeInSector(index)
def GetSectorSize(self):
"""Returns logical sector size in bytes."""
return self._runner.GetSectorSize()
def GetTypeGUID(self, index):
"""Returns the type GUID string """
return self._runner.GetTypeGUID(index)
def GetAttribute(self, index):
"""Returns the Attribute value."""
return self._runner.GetAttribute(index)
class _PyGPT(_GPTTool):
"""Manipulate GPT using cros.factory.utils.pygpt."""
def __init__(self, image_path):
self._gpt = pygpt.GPT.LoadFromFile(image_path)
def GetPartitionOffsetInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition offset in sectors."""
return self._gpt.GetPartition(index).FirstLBA
def GetPartitionSizeInSector(self, index):
"""Returns the partition size in sectors."""
return self._gpt.GetPartition(index).blocks
def GetSectorSize(self):
"""Returns logical sector size in bytes."""
return self._gpt.block_size
def GetTypeGUID(self, index):
"""Returns the type GUID string."""
return str(self._gpt.GetPartition(index).TypeGUID).upper()
def GetAttribute(self, index):
"""Returns the Attribute value."""
return self._gpt.GetPartition(index).Attributes.raw
class _CGPT(_GPTTool):
"""Wrapper for cgpt."""
def __init__(self, cgpt, check_output, path):
self.cgpt = cgpt
self.check_output = check_output
self.path = path
def GetPartitionOffsetInSector(self, index):
return int(self.check_output(
[self.cgpt, 'show', '-i', str(index), '-b', self.path]))
def GetPartitionSizeInSector(self, index):
return int(self.check_output(
[self.cgpt, 'show', '-i', str(index), '-s', self.path]))
def GetSectorSize(self):
# Currently cgpt always assumes sector size = 512.
return 512
def GetTypeGUID(self, index):
s = str(self.check_output(
[self.cgpt, 'show', '-i', str(index), '-t', self.path]))
return s.strip().upper()
def GetAttribute(self, index):
s = str(self.check_output([self.cgpt, 'show', '-i', str(index), '-A',
v = int(s.strip(), 0)
v = v << 48 # The returned value is only the bits 48-63
return v
class _PartX(_GPTTool):
"""Wrapper for partx."""
def __init__(self, partx, check_output, path):
self.partx = partx
self.check_output = check_output
self.path = path
def GetPartitionOffsetInSector(self, index):
return int(self.check_output([self.partx, '-r', '-g', '-n', str(index),
'-o', 'START', self.path]))
def GetPartitionSizeInSector(self, index):
return int(self.check_output([self.partx, '-r', '-g', '-n', str(index),
'-o', 'SECTORS', self.path]))
def GetSectorSize(self):
# Currently partx always assumes sector size is 512.
return 512
def GetTypeGUID(self, index):
return str(self.check_output([self.partx, '-r', '-g', '-n', str(index),
'-o', 'TYPE', self.path])).strip().upper()
def GetAttribute(self, index):
s = self.check_output([self.partx, '-r', '-g', '-n', str(index),
'-o', 'FLAGS', self.path])
return int(s.strip(), 0)
def __init__(self, path, dut=None):
"""Constructor of PartitionManager.
path: a path to Deivce which the PartitionManager query on.
dut: a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceInterface instance, None for
Exception: If cannot find either cgpt or partx in remote system PATH.
self._path = path
local_mode = dut is None or
self._check_output = (process_utils.CheckOutput if local_mode
else dut.CheckOutput)
# Always use pygpt on local since it has less dependency and best speed.
# For remote, use cgpt over partx since it's more compliant for ChromeOS.
if local_mode:
self._runner = PartitionManager._PyGPT(self._path)
elif dut.Call(['which', 'cgpt']) == 0:
self._runner = PartitionManager._CGPT(
'cgpt', self._check_output, self._path)
elif dut.Call(['which', 'partx']) == 0:
self._runner = PartitionManager._PartX(
'partx', self._check_output, self._path)
raise Exception('Cannot find cgpt or partx on remote DUT.')
def ResetCommitTime():
"""Remounts partitions with commit=0.
The standard value on CrOS (commit=600) is likely to result in
corruption during factory testing. Using commit=0 reverts to the
default value (generally 5 s).
if InChroot():
devices = set()
with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
cols = line.split(' ')
device = cols[0]
options = cols[3]
if 'commit=' in options:
# Remount all devices in parallel, and wait. Ignore errors.
for process in [
process_utils.Spawn(['mount', p, '-o', 'commit=0,remount'], log=True)
for p in sorted(devices)]:
def InChroot():
"""Returns True if currently in the chroot."""
return 'CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT' in os.environ
def IsContainerized():
"""Returns True if currently in a container.
Based on how Moby probes container environment but with some revision:
A bool.
lines = file_utils.ReadFile('/proc/1/cgroup').splitlines()
except Exception:
logging.debug('Probably not inside Docker.')
return False
return any(
line and line.split(':', 2)[2] not in ['/', '/init.scope']
for line in lines)
def GetRunningFactoryPythonArchivePath():
"""Returns path to the python archive that is running, or None.
If factory toolkit is currently run with a python archive, this function will
return path to the python archive, otherwise, return None.
str or None
# If we are running a python archive, __file__ will be a pseudo path like
# '/path/to/factory.par/cros/factory/utils/'
if os.path.exists(__file__): # this script is a real file
return None
# file doesn't exist, check if a python archive is running
par_end_idx = __file__.find('/cros/factory/utils/')
if par_end_idx < 0:
logging.warning('cannot determine the path of python archive.')
return None
factory_par = os.path.realpath(__file__[:par_end_idx])
if not os.path.exists(factory_par):
logging.warning('file %s doesn\'t exist', factory_par)
return None
return factory_par
def InFactoryPythonArchive():
"""Returns True if factory toolkit is run with a python archive."""
return GetRunningFactoryPythonArchivePath() is not None
def InQEMU():
"""Returns True if running within QEMU."""
return 'QEMU' in open('/proc/cpuinfo').read()
def InCrOSDevice():
"""Returns True if running on a Chrome OS device."""
if not os.path.exists('/etc/lsb-release'):
return False
with open('/etc/lsb-release') as f:
lsb_release =
return re.match(r'^CHROMEOS_RELEASE', lsb_release, re.MULTILINE) is not None
def GetVarLogMessages(max_length=256 * 1024,
"""Returns the last n bytes of /var/log/messages.
max_length: Maximum characters of messages.
path: path to /var/log/messages.
dut: a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceInterface instance, None for
return file_utils.TailFile(path, max_length, dut)
def GetVarLogMessagesBeforeReboot(lines=100,
max_length=5 * 1024 * 1024,
"""Returns the last few lines in /var/log/messages before the current boot.
lines: number of lines to return.
max_length: maximum amount of data at end of file to read.
path: path to /var/log/messages.
dut: a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceInterface instance, None for
The last few lines in /var/log/messages before the current boot.
Empty if the marker indicating kernel boot could not be found.
data = file_utils.TailFile(path, max_length, dut)
# Find the last element matching the RE signaling kernel start.
matches = list(re.finditer(
r'^(\S+)\s.*kernel:\s+\[\s+0\.\d+\] Linux version', data, re.MULTILINE))
if not matches:
return ''
match = matches[-1]
tail_lines = data[:match.start()].split('\n')
tail_lines.pop() # Remove incomplete line at end
# Skip some common lines that may have been written before the Linux
# version.
while tail_lines and any(, tail_lines[-1])
for x in [r'0\.000000\]',
r'/proc/kmsg started']):
# Done! Return the last few lines.
output = tail_lines[-lines:] + [
'<after reboot, kernel came up at %s>' %]
return '\n'.join(output) + '\n'