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# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for data types."""
import functools
import inspect
import queue
import re
# The regular expression used by Overrides.
_OVERRIDES_CLASS_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*class([^#]+)\(\s*([^\s#]+)\s*\)\s*\:')
class Error(Exception):
"""Generic fatal error."""
class TestFailure(Exception):
"""Failure of a test."""
class TestListError(Exception):
"""TestList exception"""
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
class TimeoutError(Error):
"""Timeout error."""
def __init__(self, message='Timed out', output=None):
self.message = message
self.output = output
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.message)
class Obj:
"""Generic wrapper allowing dot-notation dict access."""
def __init__(self, **field_dict):
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__dict__)
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return isinstance(rhs, Obj) and self.__dict__ == rhs.__dict__
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self.__eq__(rhs)
class Enum(frozenset):
"""An enumeration type.
To create a enum object:
dummy_enum = type_utils.Enum(['A', 'B', 'C'])
To access a enum object, use:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self:
return name
raise AttributeError
def DrainQueue(q):
"""Returns as many elements as can be obtained from a queue without blocking.
(This may be no elements at all.)
ret = []
while True:
except queue.Empty:
return ret
def FlattenList(lst):
"""Flattens a list, recursively including all items in contained arrays.
For example:
FlattenList([1,2,[3,4,[]],5,6]) == [1,2,3,4,5,6]
return sum((FlattenList(x) if isinstance(x, list) else [x] for x in lst),
def FlattenTuple(tupl):
"""Flattens a tuple, recursively including all items in contained tuples.
For example:
FlattenList((1,2,(3,4,()),5,6)) == (1,2,3,4,5,6)
return sum((FlattenTuple(x) if isinstance(x, tuple) else (x, ) for x in tupl),
def MakeList(value):
"""Converts the given value to a list.
A list of elements from "value" if it is iterable (except string);
otherwise, a list contains only one element.
if (isinstance(value, and
not isinstance(value, str)):
return list(value)
return [value]
def MakeTuple(value):
"""Converts the given value to a tuple recursively.
This is helpful for using an iterable argument as dict keys especially
that arguments from JSON will always be list instead of tuple.
A tuple of elements from "value" if it is iterable (except string)
recursively; otherwise, a tuple with only one element.
def ShouldExpand(v):
return (isinstance(v, and
not isinstance(v, str))
def Expand(v):
return tuple(Expand(e) if ShouldExpand(e) else e for e in v)
if ShouldExpand(value):
return Expand(value)
return (value,)
def MakeSet(value):
"""Converts the given value to a set.
A set of elements from "value" if it is iterable (except string);
otherwise, a set contains only one element.
if (isinstance(value, and
not isinstance(value, str)):
return set(value)
return set([value])
def CheckDictKeys(dict_to_check, allowed_keys):
"""Makes sure that a dictionary's keys are valid.
dict_to_check: A dictionary.
allowed_keys: The set of allowed keys in the dictionary.
if not isinstance(dict_to_check, dict):
raise TypeError('Expected dict but found %s' % type(dict_to_check))
extra_keys = set(dict_to_check) - set(allowed_keys)
if extra_keys:
raise ValueError('Found extra keys: %s' % list(extra_keys))
def GetDict(data, key_path, default_value=None):
"""A simplified getter function to retrieve values inside dictionary.
This function is very similar to `dict.get`, except it accepts a key path
(can be a list or string delimited by dot, for example ['a', 'b'] or 'a.b')
data: A dictionary that may contain sub-dictionaries.
key_path: A list of keys, or one simple string delimited by dot.
default_value: The value to return if key_path does not exist.
if isinstance(key_path, str):
key_path = key_path.split('.')
for key in key_path:
if key not in data:
return default_value
data = data[key]
return data
class AttrDict(dict):
"""Attribute dictionary.
Use subclassed dict to store attributes. On __init__, the values inside
initial iterable will be converted to AttrDict if its type is a builtin
dict or builtin list.
foo = AttrDict()
foo['xyz'] = 'abc'
assertEqual(, 'abc')
bar = AttrDict({'x': {'y': 'value_x_y'},
'z': [{'m': 'value_z_0_m'}]})
assertEqual(bar.x.y, 'value_x_y')
assertEqual(bar.z[0].m, 'value_z_0_m')
def _Convert(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [cls._Convert(val) for val in obj]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return cls(obj)
return obj
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for key, val in self.items():
self[key] = self._Convert(val)
self.__dict__ = self
class Singleton(type):
"""Singleton metaclass.
Set __metaclass__ to Singleton to make it a singleton class. The instances
are stored in:
class C:
__metaclass__ = Singleton
foo = C()
bar = C() # foo == bar
_instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instances[cls]
def Overrides(method):
"""A decorator for checking if the parent has implementation for the method.
Inspired from
Current implementation does not support multiple inheritance.
class A:
def m(self):
return 1
class B(A):
def m(self):
return 2
class C(A):
@Overrides # This will raise exception because A does not have k method.
def k(self):
return 3
When being used with other decorators, Overrides should be put at last:
class B(A):
def m(self):
return 2
frame = inspect.currentframe()
while frame:
info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame)
source = info[3] or ['']
matched = _OVERRIDES_CLASS_RE.match(source[0])
if matched:
current_class =
base_class =
frame = frame.f_back
raise ValueError('@Overrides failed to find base class')
# Resolve base_class in context (look up both locals and globals)
context = frame.f_globals.copy()
for name in base_class.split('.'):
if isinstance(context, dict):
context = context[name]
context = getattr(context, name)
assert hasattr(context, method.__name__), (
'Method <%s> in class <%s> is not defined in base class <%s>.' %
(method.__name__, current_class, base_class))
return method
class CachedGetter:
"""A decorator for a cacheable getter function.
This is helpful for caching results for getter functions. For example::
def ReadDeviceID():
with open('/var/device_id') as f:
The real file I/O will occur only on first invocation of ``ReadDeviceID()``,
until ``ReadDeviceID.InvalidateCache()`` is called.
In current implementation, the getter may accept arguments, but the arguments
are ignored if there is already cache available. In other words::
def m(v):
return v + 1
m(0) # First call: returns 1
m(1) # Second call: return previous cached answer, 1.
def __init__(self, getter):
functools.update_wrapper(self, getter)
self._getter = getter
self._has_cached = False
self._cached_value = None
def InvalidateCache(self):
self._has_cached = False
self._cached_value = None
def Override(self, value):
self._has_cached = True
self._cached_value = value
def HasCached(self):
return self._has_cached
def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
# TODO(hungte) Cache args/kargs as well, to return different values when the
# arguments are different.
if not self.HasCached():
self.Override(self._getter(*args, **kargs))
return self._cached_value
def OverrideCacheableGetter(getter, value):
"""Overrides a function decorated by CacheableGetter with some value."""
assert hasattr(getter, 'has_cached'), 'Need a CacheableGetter target.'
assert hasattr(getter, 'cached_value'), 'Need a CacheableGetter target.'
getter.has_cached = True
getter.cached_value = value
class LazyProperty:
"""A decorator for lazy loading properties.
class C:
def m(self):
print 'init!'
return 3
c = C()
print c.m # see 'init!' then 3
print c.m # only see 3
PROP_NAME_PREFIX = '_lazyprop_'
def __init__(self, prop):
self._init_func = prop
self._prop_name = self.PROP_NAME_PREFIX + prop.__name__
functools.update_wrapper(self, prop)
def __get__(self, obj, ignored_obj_type):
if obj is None:
return self
if not hasattr(obj, self._prop_name):
prop_value = self._init_func(obj)
setattr(obj, self._prop_name, prop_value)
return prop_value
return getattr(obj, self._prop_name)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
raise AttributeError('cannot set attribute, use %s.Override instead' %
def Override(cls, obj, prop_name, value):
obj_class = type(obj)
if not hasattr(obj_class, prop_name):
raise AttributeError('%s has no attribute named %s' % (obj, prop_name))
if not isinstance(getattr(obj_class, prop_name), cls):
raise AttributeError('%s is not a %s' % (prop_name, cls.__name__))
setattr(obj, cls.PROP_NAME_PREFIX + prop_name, value)
class LazyObject:
"""A proxy object for creating an object on demand.."""
def __init__(self, constructor, *args, **kargs):
self._proxy_constructor = lambda: constructor(*args, **kargs)
self._proxy_object = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self._proxy_constructor is not None:
self._proxy_object = self._proxy_constructor()
self._proxy_constructor = None
attr = getattr(self._proxy_object, name)
# We can't do 'setattr' here to speed up processing because the members in
# the proxy object may be volatile.
return attr
class UniqueStack:
""" A data structure very similar to a stack, but objects inside are unique.
- If an object is in the stack already, adding it again to the stack won't
change anything.
- One can remove any object from the stack, no matter where it is.
- One can always get the latest added object that haven't been removed.
def __init__(self):
import threading
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._set = set([])
self._list = list([])
def Add(self, x):
"""Add an object on the top of the stack.
If the object is already in the stack, nothing will happen.
This function should run in O(1)
if x not in self._set:
with self._lock:
if x not in self._set:
def Del(self, x):
"""Remove @x from the stack, no matter where it is.
If @x is not in the stack, nothing will happen.
This function should run in O(1)
if x in self._set:
with self._lock:
if x in self._set:
def Get(self):
"""Returns element at top of the stack.
This function should run in amortized O(1)
with self._lock:
while self._list:
if self._list[-1] in self._set:
return self._list[-1]
return None
def StdRepr(obj, extra=None, excluded_keys=None, true_only=False):
"""Returns the representation of an object including its properties.
obj: The object to get properties from.
extra: Extra items to include in the representation.
excluded_keys: Keys not to include in the representation.
true_only: Whether to include only values that evaluate to
extra = extra or []
excluded_keys = excluded_keys or []
return (obj.__class__.__name__ + '('
+ ', '.join(
extra +
['%s=%s' % (k, repr(getattr(obj, k)))
for k in sorted(obj.__dict__.keys())
if k[0] != '_' and k not in excluded_keys and (
not true_only or getattr(obj, k))])
+ ')')
def BindFunction(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Bind arguments to a function.
The returned function have same __name__ and __doc__ with func.
def _Wrapper():
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _Wrapper