blob: d09c39ab3738a304cde71f1c8e8e6777698dfef6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Allows editing contents of lsb-factory file from a disk image.
. "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/" || exit 1
# Flags
DEFINE_string image "" \
"Path to factory install image: /path/image.bin" "i"
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
on_exit() {
# Param checking and validation
check_file_param() {
local param="$1"
local msg="$2"
local param_name="${param#FLAGS_}"
local param_value="$(eval echo \$$1)"
[ -n "$param_value" ] ||
die "You must assign a file for --$param_name $msg"
[ -f "$param_value" ] ||
die "Cannot find file: $param_value"
check_parameters() {
check_file_param FLAGS_image ""
replace_or_append() {
local key="$1"
local value="$2"
local edit_file="$3"
local current="$(sed -n "/^$key=/p" "$edit_file")"
if [ -z "$current" ]; then
echo "$key=$value" >> "$edit_file"
sed -i "s'^$key=.*'$key=$value'g" "$edit_file"
interaction_menu() {
local src_file="$1"
local edit_file="$2"
local ans
echo ""
echo "Contents of current $lsb_file:"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
cat "$edit_file"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "(1) Modify mini-Omaha server host."
echo "(2) Enable/disable board prompt on download."
echo "(3) Enable/disable RELEASE-ONLY recovery download mode."
echo "(w) Write settings and exit."
echo "(q) Quit without saving."
echo ""
echo -n "Please select an option: "
read choice
case "$choice" in
1 )
local host="$(sed -n 's"^CHROMEOS_DEVSERVER=http://\([^:]*\).*"\1"p' \
echo "- Current mini-Omaha server host/IP: $host"
echo -n "Enter new mini-Omaha server host/IP: "
read ans
[ -n "$ans" ] || return $FLAGS_TRUE
local new_url="http://$ans:8080/update"
replace_or_append "CHROMEOS_AUSERVER" "$new_url" "$edit_file"
replace_or_append "CHROMEOS_DEVSERVER" "$new_url" "$edit_file"
2 )
echo -n "Enable (or 'n' to disable) board prompt? (y/n): "
read ans
case "$ans" in
y )
replace_or_append "USER_SELECT" "true" "$edit_file"
n )
replace_or_append "USER_SELECT" "false" "$edit_file"
* )
warn "Unknown answer: $ans"
3 )
echo -n "Enable (or 'n' to disable) RELEASE-ONLY download mode? (y/n): "
read ans
case "$ans" in
y )
replace_or_append "RELEASE_ONLY" "1" "$edit_file"
n )
replace_or_append "RELEASE_ONLY" "" "$edit_file"
* )
warn "Unknown answer: $ans"
w )
# Make a backup of current (before modification) lsb-factor file so people
# can track what has been changed, and if anything has broken.
sudo cp -pf "$src_file" "${src_file}.bak.$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M')" || true
sudo cp -f "$edit_file" "$src_file" || die "Failed to modify file."
sudo chown root "$src_file"
sudo chmod a+r,u+w,go-w,a-x "$src_file"
info "Successfully Modified $image"
q )
warn "lsb-factory file is NOT modified. All modifications abandoned."
* )
warn "Unknown selection: $choice"
return $FLAGS_TRUE
# Edits lsb-factory in disk image file.
edit_lsb_factory() {
local image="$(readlink -f "$1")"
local temp_mount="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir)"
local edit_file="$(mktemp --tmpdir)"
local lsb_file="/dev_image/etc/lsb-factory"
local src_file="$temp_mount$lsb_file"
image_add_temp "$temp_mount" "$edit_file"
image_mount_partition "$image" "1" "$temp_mount" "rw" "" ||
die "Cannot mount partition #1 (stateful) in disk image: $image"
[ -f "$src_file" ] ||
die "No $lsb_file file in disk image: $image . " \
"Please make sure you've specified a factor installer image."
sudo cat "$src_file" >"$edit_file"
while interaction_menu "$src_file" "$edit_file"; do
image_umount_partition "$temp_mount"
main() {
set -e
trap on_exit EXIT
if [ "$#" != 0 ]; then
exit 1
# TODO(hungte) Handle block device files
# Check required tools.
if ! image_has_part_tools; then
die "Missing partition tools. Please install cgpt/parted, or run in chroot."
edit_lsb_factory "$FLAGS_image"
main "$@"