blob: f5e52af113054d080978bed2ad4550e71e219d93 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Instalog Event flow policy.
Decides whether or not a plugin should process an Event.
import logging
# Name of the key used to specify the rule type in the config dictionary.
_RULE_TYPE_KEY = 'rule'
# Registry to store a NAME => CLASS mapping of all the possible rules.
_rule_registry = {}
class FlowPolicy(object):
"""A flow policy defines a set of allow and deny rules for Events.
An event *must* match one of the allow rules, and not match *any* of the
deny rules in order to match.
def __init__(self, allow=None, deny=None):
allow: A list of dicts, where each dict must contain the key
_RULE_TYPE_KEY ('rule'). The value of 'rule' corresponds to a Rule
class's NAME member. Other key-values are used as arguments for
the particular rule in use.
deny: See allow.
self.allow = [Rule.FromDict(dct) for dct in allow or []]
self.deny = [Rule.FromDict(dct) for dct in deny or []]
def MatchEvent(self, event):
"""Checks an Event against allow and deny rules."""
allow = False
for rule in self.allow:
allow = allow or rule.MatchEvent(event)
deny = False
for rule in self.deny:
deny = deny or rule.MatchEvent(event)
return allow and not deny
def __repr__(self):
"""Implements repr function for debugging."""
return ('FlowPolicy(allow=%r, deny=%r)'
% (self.allow, self.deny))
class RuleMeta(type):
"""Metaclass to collect FlowRule classes into a class registry."""
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict):
"""Called when a class is defined."""
cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict)
if hasattr(cls, 'NAME'):
if cls.NAME in _rule_registry:
raise RuntimeError('Multiple serializable classes with name "%s"'
% cls.__name__)
_rule_registry[cls.NAME] = cls
return cls
class Rule(object):
"""Superclass for rules which may or may not match an Event.
Subclasses should define the constants NAME, KEYS, as well as the
function MatchEvent.
NAME: Defines the name of this rule.
KEYS: Defines the names of arguments which may be provided to this rule.
All arguments are optional.
__metaclass__ = RuleMeta
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Collects arguments into `args' member."""
self.args = {}
for key in self.KEYS:
# All arguments are optional. Ignore any missing ones.
if key in kwargs:
# Currently only the '==' operator is supported.
self.args[key] = RHSOperation(kwargs.pop(key))
if kwargs:
raise ValueError('Extra arguments: %s' % kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
"""Implements repr function for debugging."""
return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Implements == operator."""
return self.args == other.args
def FromDict(cls, dct):
"""Creates a rule from a configuration dict."""
if _RULE_TYPE_KEY not in dct:
raise ValueError('FlowPolicy: No `rule\' key found to specify rule type')
rule_name = dct.pop(_RULE_TYPE_KEY)
if rule_name not in _rule_registry:
raise ValueError('FlowPolicy: No rule called `%s\'' % rule_name)
return _rule_registry[rule_name](**dct)
def MatchEvent(self, event):
"""Checks whether the provided event matches this rule."""
raise NotImplementedError
class AllRule(Rule):
"""Allows any event."""
NAME = 'all'
KEYS = []
def MatchEvent(self, event):
"""Checks whether the provided event matches this rule."""
return True
class HistoryRule(Rule):
"""Checks for a particular entry in the Event's history."""
NAME = 'history'
KEYS = ['node_id', 'orig_time', 'time', 'plugin_id',
'plugin_type', 'target', 'position']
def MatchEvent(self, event):
"""Checks whether the provided event matches this rule."""
for position, process_stage in enumerate(event.history):
logging.debug('%s: %r', position, process_stage)
valid = True
for key, operation in self.args.iteritems():
# Special case for the 'position' key.
if key == 'position':
lhs = position
# If the specified position is negative, we need to
# check against the negated index.
if operation.rhs < 0:
lhs -= len(event.history)
lhs = getattr(process_stage, key)
# Apply the operation to check the lhs.
logging.debug('Checking %s %s...', lhs, operation)
valid = valid and operation.Apply(lhs)
if not valid:
logging.debug('Short-circuit break')
if valid:
logging.debug('Checked all arguments, matches')
return True
logging.debug('All history stages failed, no match')
return False
class RHSOperation(object):
"""Represents an operator and a right-hand operand.
Currently, the only supported operation is equality (==).
def __init__(self, rhs):
self.rhs = rhs
def Apply(self, lhs):
"""Takes a right-hand operand and applies the operation."""
return lhs == self.rhs
def __repr__(self):
"""Implements repr function for debugging."""
return 'RHSOperation(== %r)' % self.rhs
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Implements == operator."""
return self.rhs == other.rhs