blob: e7873b2f345e203469389bf66110a8dd9852bb94 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# pylint: disable=E1101
"""Common Umpire RPC Commands."""
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import time
import urllib
import xmlrpclib
from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.web import xmlrpc
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.umpire.bundle_selector import SelectRuleset
from cros.factory.umpire.common import ParseResourceName, UmpireError
from cros.factory.umpire.service.umpire_service import FindServicesWithProperty
from cros.factory.umpire.umpire_rpc import RPCCall, UmpireRPC
from cros.factory.umpire.utils import Deprecate
from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
VERSION_COMPONENTS = ['firmware_bios', 'firmware_ec', 'hwid', 'rootfs_test',
HASH_COMPONENTS = ['device_factory_toolkit']
# Factory stages in running sequence.
SYNC_URL = '%{scheme}s://%{ip}s:%{port}d/%{path}s/%{toolkit_md5sum}s/'
def Fault(message, reason=xmlrpclib.INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS):
"""Instanciates an XMLRPC Fault() object.
xmlrpc.Fault() notifies the RPC client that remote function was terminated
return xmlrpc.Fault(reason, UmpireError(message))
class RootDUTCommands(UmpireRPC):
"""Root DUT (Device Under Test) remote procedures.
Root commands for v1 and v2 compatiblilities.
def Ping(self):
return {'version': self.env.umpire_version_major}
class UmpireDUTCommands(UmpireRPC):
"""Umpire DUT remote procedures.
def GetTime(self):
return time.time()
def ListParameters(self, pattern):
"""Lists files that match the pattern in parameters directory.
pattern: A pattern string for glob to list matched files.
A list of matched files.
ValueError if caller is trying to query outside parameters directory.
parameters_dir = os.path.join(self.env.base_dir, 'parameters')
glob_pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parameters_dir, pattern))
if not glob_pathname.startswith(parameters_dir):
raise ValueError('ListParameters is limited to parameter directory')
matched_file = glob.glob(glob_pathname)
# Only return files.
matched_file = filter(os.path.isfile, matched_file)
return [os.path.relpath(x, parameters_dir) for x in matched_file]
def GetParameter(self, path):
"""Gets the assigned parameter file.
path: A relative path for locating the parameter.
Content of the parameter. It is always wrapped in a shopfloor.Binary
object to provides best flexibility.
ValueError if the parameter does not exist or is not under
parameters folder.
parameters_dir = os.path.join(self.env.base_dir, 'parameters')
abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parameters_dir, path))
if not abspath.startswith(parameters_dir):
raise ValueError('GetParameter is limited to parameter directory')
if not os.path.isfile(abspath):
raise ValueError('File does not exist or it is not a file')
return xmlrpc.Binary(open(abspath).read())
def _GetResourceTag(component, resource_filename):
"""Gets resource tag and resource hash tuple from name.
Tag can be version or hex MD5SUM value depends on component name is in
component: resource type.
resource_filename: resource file name.
(resource_tag, resource_hash) tuple. Where resource_tag can be version
string or resource MD5SUM hexstring depends on component in VERSION_ or
HASH_ list.
_, resource_version, resource_hash = ParseResourceName(resource_filename)
if component in HASH_COMPONENTS:
return (resource_hash, resource_hash)
if component.startswith('firmware_'):
(bios_version, ec_version) = resource_version.split(':')
if component.endswith('_ec'):
return (ec_version, resource_hash)
return (bios_version, resource_hash)
return (resource_version, resource_hash)
def _IsTagEqual(component, component_tag, resource_tag):
"""Compares component tag and resouce tag."""
if component_tag is None:
return False
if component in HASH_COMPONENTS:
return component_tag.startswith(resource_tag)
return component_tag == resource_tag
def _CanUpdate(stage, range_start, range_end):
return ((range_start is None or FACTORY_STAGES.index(stage) >=
FACTORY_STAGES.index(range_start)) and
(range_end is None or FACTORY_STAGES.index(stage) <=
def GetUpdate(self, device_info):
"""Gets factory toolkit update.
device_info: device info dictionary:
{'x_umpire_dut': {...},
'components': {
'rootfs_test': <test_rootfs_version>,
'rootfs_release': <release_rootfs_version>,
'firmware_ec': <ec_firmware_version>,
'firmware_bios': <bios_firmware_version>,
'hwid': <md5sum_hexstring>,
'device_factory_toolkit': <md5sum_hexstring>}}
A dictionary lists update scheme and URL for each requested component:
{<component_name>: {
'needs_update': boolean flag,
'scheme': update protocol scheme, http, rsync or zsync,
'url': URL to the requested resource,
'md5sum': MD5SUM hex string for the resource},
Or xmlrpc.Fault() on input parsing error.
KeyError: when required key not in dictionary.
All exceptions will be caught by umpire.web.xmlrpc and translate to
proper xmlrpc.Fault() before return.
update_matrix = {}
current_stage = device_info['x_umpire_dut']['stage']
ruleset = SelectRuleset(self.env.config, device_info['x_umpire_dut'])
logging.debug('ruleset = %s', ruleset)
bundle_id = ruleset['bundle_id']
bundle = self.env.config.GetBundle(bundle_id)
resource_map = bundle['resources']
enable_update = ruleset.get('enable_update', {})
for component, component_tag in device_info['components'].iteritems():
if component not in ALL_COMPONENTS:
return Fault('%s is not in update component list %s' %
(component, str(ALL_COMPONENTS)))
resource_type = (component if not component.startswith('firmware_') else
resource_filename = resource_map[resource_type]
resource_tag, resource_hash = self._GetResourceTag(
component, resource_filename)
if resource_tag is None:
return Fault('can not get %s tag from resource %s' %
(component, resource_filename))
if resource_hash is None:
return Fault('can not get %s hash from resource %s' %
(component, resource_filename))
needs_update = False
if not self._IsTagEqual(component, component_tag, resource_tag):
# Check if DUT needs an update.
stage_start, stage_end = enable_update.get(component, (None, None))
if self._CanUpdate(current_stage, stage_start, stage_end):
needs_update = True
# Calculate resource
resource_scheme = None
resource_url = None
if component == 'device_factory_toolkit':
# Select first service provides 'toolkit_update' property.
iterable = FindServicesWithProperty(self.env.config, 'toolkit_update')
instance = next(iterable, None)
if instance:
resource_scheme ='update_scheme', None)
resource_url ='update_url', None)
if resource_url:
resource_url = os.path.join(resource_url, resource_hash)
resource_scheme = 'http'
resource_url = 'http://%(ip)s:%(port)d/res/%(filename)s' % {
'ip': self.env.config['ip'],
'port': self.env.config['port'],
'filename': urllib.quote(resource_filename)}
update_matrix[component] = {
'needs_update': needs_update,
'md5sum': resource_hash,
'scheme': resource_scheme,
'url': resource_url}
return update_matrix
class LogDUTCommands(UmpireRPC):
"""DUT log upload procedures.
def _ReturnTrue(self, unused_result):
"""Returns true."""
return True
def _UnwrapBlob(self, blob):
"""Umwraps a blob object."""
return if isinstance(blob, xmlrpclib.Binary) else blob
def _Now(self):
"""Gets current time."""
return time.gmtime(time.time())
def _SaveUpload(self, upload_type, file_name, content, mode='wb'):
"""Saves log file.
This function saves DUT data. Since file saving is a blocking call,
_SaveUpload() should be called in a separate thread context.
def DUTUpload(...)
d = threads.deferToThread(lambda: self.SaveUpload(type, name, data))
return d
upload_type: one of LogRPCCommand.LOG_TYPES.
file_name: full basename of log file.
content: binary data.
mode: open file mode. 'wb' to write binary file, 'a' to append file.
with file_utils.UnopenedTemporaryFile() as temp_path:
# To support pathes in file_name, the save_dir will be splitted after
# concatenate to full save_path.
save_path = os.path.join(self.env.umpire_data_dir, upload_type,
time.strftime('%Y%m%d', self._Now()),
save_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(save_path))
if mode == 'a' and os.path.isfile(save_path):
shutil.copy2(save_path, temp_path)
open(temp_path, mode).write(content)
# Do not use os.rename() to move file. os.rename() behavior is OS
# depandent.
shutil.move(temp_path, save_path)
def UploadReport(self, serial, report_blob, report_name=None, stage='FA'):
"""Uploads a report file.
serial: A string of device serial number.
report_blob: Blob of compressed report to be stored (must be prepared by
report_name: (Optional) Suggested report file name. This is uslally
assigned by factory test client programs (ex, gooftool); however
server implementations still may use other names to store the report.
stage: Current testing stage, SMT, RUNIN, FA, or GRT.
Deferred object that waits for log saving thread to complete.
RPC returns:
True on success.
ValueError if serial is invalid, or other exceptions defined by individual
modules. Note this will be converted to xmlrpclib.Fault when being used as
a XML-RPC server module.
opt_name = ('-' + report_name) if report_name else ''
file_name = '{stage}{opt_name}-{serial}-{gmtime}.rpt.xz'.format(
stage=stage, opt_name=opt_name, serial=serial,
gmtime=time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', self._Now()))
d = threads.deferToThread(lambda: self._SaveUpload(
'report', file_name, self._UnwrapBlob(report_blob)))
return d
def UploadEvent(self, log_name, chunk):
"""Uploads a chunk of events.
In addition to append events to a single file, we appends event to a
directory that split on an daily basis.
log_name: A string of the event log filename. Event logging module creates
event files with an unique identifier (uuid) as part of the filename.
chunk: A string containing one or more events. Events are in YAML format
and separated by a "---" as specified by YAML. A chunk contains one or
more events with separator.
Deferred object that waits for log saving thread to complete.
RPC returns:
True on success.
IOError if unable to save the chunk of events.
d = threads.deferToThread(lambda: self._SaveUpload(
'eventlog', log_name, self._UnwrapBlob(chunk), mode='a'))
return d
def SaveAuxLog(self, name, contents):
"""Saves an auxiliary log into the umpire_data/aux_logs directory.
In general, this should probably be compressed to save space.
name: Name of the report. Any existing log with the same name will be
overwritten. Subdirectories are allowed.
contents: Contents of the report. If this is binary, it should be
wrapped in a shopfloor.Binary object.
contents = self._UnwrapBlob(contents)
# Disallow absolute paths and paths with '..'.
if os.path.isabs(name):
raise ValueError('Disallow absolute pathes')
if '..' in os.path.split(name):
raise ValueError('Disallow ".." in pathes')
d = threads.deferToThread(lambda: self._SaveUpload(
'aux_log', name, self._UnwrapBlob(contents)))
return d
def GetFactoryLogPort(self):
"""Fetches system logs rsync port."""
return self.env.umpire_rsync_port()