blob: 13498a1d03f32efdb039b73d944a19f7b3ccbe7d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file will be executed when user logins into VT2 or ssh.
is_freon() {
# Currently 'frecon' is only available on boards with Freon enabled.
if [ -x "/sbin/frecon" ]; then
return 0
return 1
is_highres() {
local modes_file="/sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes"
[ -s "${modes_file}" ] || return 2
# Sample output: U:1366x768p-0
local mode_line="$(head -n 1 "${modes_file}")"
local dots="$(echo "${mode_line}" | sed 's/^U://; s/p-.*$//')"
local dots_x="${dots%x*}"
local dots_y="${dots#*x}"
# Try to get physical size by xrandr (via EDID).
local display="$(XAUTHORITY=/home/chronos/.Xauthority \
xrandr -d :0 2>/dev/null |
grep " connected " | head -n 1)"
# Sample output: eDP connected 2560x1700+0+0 (normal left inverted right x
# axis y axis) 272mm x 181mm
local points="$(echo "${display}" | sed 's/.*connected //; s/+.*$//')"
local lengths="$(echo "${display}" |
sed 's/.* \([0-9]*\)mm x \([0-9]*\)mm/\1 \2/')"
# DPI is calculated by dots / length. However, the data (points) from xrandr
# may be altered by Chrome, so we have to use points only if dots (from fb0)
# are not available.
[ -n "${dots_x}" ] || dots_x="${points%x*}"
[ -n "${dots_y}" ] || dots_y="${points#*x}"
local length_x="${lengths% *}"
local length_y="${lengths#* }"
if [ -n "${length_x}" -a -n "${length_y}" ]; then
# 1 mm = 1/25.4 inch.
local dpi_x=$((dots_x * 254 / (length_x * 10) ))
local dpi_y=$((dots_y * 254 / (length_y * 10) ))
# Assume 150dpi needs large fonts.
[ "${dpi_x}" -ge 150 -a "${dpi_y}" -gt 150 ]
# No physical length information.
# Assume 1600x1200 already needs large fonts.
[ "${dots_x}" -ge 1600 -a "${dots_y}" -ge 1200 ]
set_vt_fonts() {
if is_highres; then
(cd /usr/local/share/consolefonts; setfont sun12x22)
main() {
# Frecon by default has cursor and large font enabled.
if ! is_freon; then
# Factory with VT always needs cursor.
setterm -cursor on
# On high-DPI systems, we need large console fonts.
set_vt_fonts || true
# Put '/usr/local/factory/bin' at the head of PATH so that we can run factory
# binaries easily.
export PATH="/usr/local/factory/bin:${PATH}"
main "$@"