blob: ad7c7fd2cdd7ffcd1165eb6809c3fcfc0983a36e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import pipes
import re
from subprocess import PIPE
from subprocess import Popen
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test.env import paths
from cros.factory.utils import sys_utils
from cros.factory.utils.type_utils import Error
from cros.factory.utils.type_utils import Obj
# TODO(hungte) Deprecate this by dut.Shell
def Shell(cmd, stdin=None, log=True, sys_interface=None):
"""Run cmd in a shell, return Obj containing stdout, stderr, and status.
The cmd stdout and stderr output is debug-logged.
cmd: Full shell command line as a string or list, which can contain
redirection (pipes, etc).
stdin: String that will be passed as stdin to the command.
log: log command and result.
if not isinstance(cmd, basestring):
cmd = ' '.join(pipes.quote(param) for param in cmd)
if sys_interface is None:
process = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
process = sys_interface.Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input=stdin)
if log:
logging.debug('running %s' % repr(cmd) +
(', stdout: %s' % repr(stdout.strip()) if stdout else '') +
(', stderr: %s' % repr(stderr.strip()) if stderr else ''))
status = process.poll()
return Obj(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, status=status, success=(status == 0))
def ExecFactoryPar(*args):
"""Use os.execl to execute a command (given by args) provided by factory PAR.
This function will execute "/path/to/factory.par arg0 arg1 ..." using
os.exec. Current process will be replaced, therefore this function won't
return if there is no exception.
>>> ExecFactoryPar(['gooftool', 'wipe_in_place', ...])
will execute /path/to/factory.par gooftool wipe_in_place ...
current process will be replaced by new process.
factory_par = paths.GetFactoryPythonArchivePath()
# There are two factory_par in the argument because os.execl's function
# signature is: os.execl(exec_path, arg0, arg1, ...)
logging.debug('exec: %s %s', factory_par, args)
os.execl(factory_par, factory_par, *args)
class Util(object):
"""A collection of util functions that Gooftool needs."""
def __init__(self): = Shell
def _IsDeviceFixed(self, dev):
"""Check if a device is a fixed device, i.e. not a removable device.
dev: A device string under /sys/block.
True if the given device is fixed, and false if it is not.
sysfs_path = '/sys/block/%s/removable' % dev
return (os.path.exists(sysfs_path) and
open(sysfs_path).read().strip() == '0')
def GetPrimaryDevicePath(self, partition=None):
"""Gets the path for the primary device, which is the only non-removable
device in the system.
partition: The index of the partition on primary device.
The path to the primary device. If partition is specified, the path
points to that partition of the primary device. e.g. /dev/sda1
dev_path ='rootdev -s -d').stdout.strip()
if not self._IsDeviceFixed(os.path.basename(dev_path)):
raise Error('%s is not a fixed device' % dev_path)
if partition is None:
return dev_path
fmt_str = '%sp%d' if dev_path[-1].isdigit() else '%s%d'
return fmt_str % (dev_path, partition)
def GetPartitionDevice(self, path):
"""Returns a device path string from partition path.
/dev/sda1 => /dev/sda.
/dev/mmcblk0p2 => /dev/mmcblk0.
return ''.join(re.findall(
r'(.*[^0-9][0-9]+)p[0-9]+|(.*[^0-9])[0-9]+', path)[0])
def GetDevicePartition(self, device, partition):
"""Returns a partition path from device path string.
/dev/sda, 1 => /dev/sda1.
/dev/mmcblk0p, 2 => /dev/mmcblk0p2.
return ('%sp%s' if device[-1].isdigit() else '%s%s') % (device, partition)
def FindScript(self, script_name):
"""Finds the script under /usr/local/factory/sh
script_name: The name of the script to look for.
The path of the found script.
Error if the script is not found.
# __file__ is in /usr/local/factory/py/gooftool/
factory_base = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..'))
script_path = os.path.join(factory_base, 'sh', script_name)
if not os.path.isfile(script_path):
raise Error('Needed script %s does not exist.' % script_path)
return script_path
def FindAndRunScript(self, script_name, post_opts=None, pre_opts=None):
"""Finds and runs the script with given options.
script_name: The name of the script to look up and run.
post_opts: A list of strings that will be appended in the command after
the script's name.
pre_opts: A list of strings that will be prepended in the command before
the script's name.
The result of execution.
Error if execution failed.
assert not post_opts or isinstance(post_opts, list)
assert not pre_opts or isinstance(pre_opts, list)
script = self.FindScript(script_name)
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (' '.join(pre_opts) if pre_opts else '',
' '.join(post_opts) if post_opts else '')
result =
if not result.success:
raise Error('%r failed, stderr: %r' % (cmd, result.stderr))
return result
def GetReleaseRootPartitionPath(self):
"""Gets the path for release root partition."""
return self.GetPrimaryDevicePath(5)
def GetReleaseKernelPartitionPath(self):
"""Gets the path for release kernel partition."""
return self.GetPrimaryDevicePath(4)
def GetReleaseKernelPathFromRootPartition(self, rootfs_path):
"""Gets the path for release kernel from given rootfs path.
This function assumes kernel partition is always located before rootfs.
device = self.GetPartitionDevice(rootfs_path)
kernel_index = int(rootfs_path[-1]) - 1
return self.GetDevicePartition(device, kernel_index)
def GetReleaseImageLsbData(self):
"""Gets the /etc/lsb-release content from release image partition.
A dictionary containing the key-value pairs in lsb-release.
lsb_content = sys_utils.MountDeviceAndReadFile(
self.GetReleaseRootPartitionPath(), 'etc/lsb-release')
return dict(re.findall('^(.+)=(.+)$', lsb_content, re.MULTILINE))
def GetAllowedReleaseImageChannels(self):
"""Returns a list of channels allowed for release image."""
return ['dev', 'beta', 'stable']
def GetReleaseImageChannel(self):
"""Returns the channel of current release image."""
return self.GetReleaseImageLsbData().get('CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK')
def GetReleaseImageVersion(self):
"""Returns the current release image version."""
return self.GetReleaseImageLsbData().get('GOOGLE_RELEASE')
def GetVBSharedDataFlags(self):
"""Gets VbSharedData flags.
An integer representation of the flags.
return int('crossystem vdat_flags').stdout.strip(), 0)
def GetCurrentDevSwitchPosition(self):
"""Gets the position for the current developer switch.
An integer representation of the current developer switch position.
return int('crossystem devsw_cur').stdout.strip(), 0)
def GetCrosSystem(self):
"""Gets the output of 'crossystem'.
A dict for key-value pairs for the output of 'crossystem'.
e.g. {'flag_name': 'flag_value'}
crossystem_result ='crossystem').stdout.strip().splitlines()
# The crossytem output contains many lines like:
# 'key = value # description'
# Use regexps to pull out the key-value pairs and build a dict.
# Note that value could also contain equal signs.
output = {}
for entry in crossystem_result:
# Any unrecognized format should fail here.
key, value = re.findall(r'\A(\S+)\s+=\s+(.*)#.*\Z', entry)[0]
output[key] = value.strip()
return output
def GetCgptAttributes(self, device=None):
if device is None:
device = self.GetPrimaryDevicePath()
attrs = {}
for line in'cgpt show %s -q' % device).stdout.splitlines():
# format: offset size no name
part_no = line.split()[2]
attrs[part_no] ='cgpt show %s -i %s -A' %
(device, part_no)).stdout.strip()
return attrs
def SetCgptAttributes(self, attrs, device=None):
if device is None:
device = self.GetPrimaryDevicePath()
curr_attrs = self.GetCgptAttributes()
for k, v in attrs.iteritems():
if curr_attrs.get(k) == v:
if not'cgpt add %s -i %s -A %s' % (device, k, v)).success:
raise Error('Failed to set device config: %s#%s=%s' % (device, k, v))
def InvokeChromeOSPostInstall(self, root_dev=None):
"""Invokes the ChromeOS post-install script (/postinst)."""
if root_dev is None:
root_dev = self.GetReleaseRootPartitionPath()'Running ChromeOS post-install on %s...', root_dev)
# Some compatible and experimental fs (e.g., ext4) may be buggy and still
# try to write the file system even if we mount it with "ro" (ex, when
# seeing journaling error in ext3, or s_kbytes_written in ext4). It is
# safer to always mount the partition with legacy ext2. (ref:
# chrome-os-partner:3940)
with sys_utils.MountPartition(root_dev, fstype='ext2') as mount_path:
# IS_FACTORY_INSTALL is used to prevent postinst trying to update firmare.
command = ('IS_FACTORY_INSTALL=1 IS_INSTALL=1 "%s"/postinst %s' %
(mount_path, root_dev))
result =
if not result.success:
raise Error('chromeos-postinst on %s failed with error: code=%s. %s' %
(root_dev, result.status, result.stderr))
def EnableKernel(self, device, part_no):
"""Enables the kernel partition from GPT."""'Enabling kernel on %s#%s...', device, part_no)
r ='cgpt add -i %s -P 3 -S 1 -T 0 %s' % (part_no, device))
if not r.success:
raise Error('Failed to enable kernel on %s#%s' % (device, part_no))
def DisableKernel(self, device, part_no):
"""Disables the kernel partition from GPT."""'Disabling kernel on %s#%s...', device, part_no)
r ='cgpt add -i %s -P 0 -S 0 -T 0 %s' % (part_no, device))
if not r.success:
raise Error('Failed to disable kernel on %s#%s' % (device, part_no))
def IsLegacyChromeOSFirmware(self):
"""Returns if the system is running legacy ChromeOS firmware."""
r ='crossystem mainfw_type')
return not r.success or r.stdout.strip() == 'nonchrome'
def EnableReleasePartition(self, root_dev):
"""Enables a release image partition on disk."""
release_no = int(root_dev[-1]) - 1
factory_map = {2: 4, 4: 2}
if release_no not in factory_map:
raise ValueError('EnableReleasePartition: Cannot identify kernel %s' %
factory_no = factory_map[release_no]
device = self.GetPartitionDevice(root_dev)
curr_attrs = self.GetCgptAttributes(device)
# When booting with legacy firmware, we need to update the legacy boot
# loaders to activate new kernel; on a real ChromeOS firmware, only CGPT
# header is used, and postinst is already performed in verify_rootfs.
if self.IsLegacyChromeOSFirmware():
self.InvokeChromeOSPostInstall(root_dev)'crossystem disable_dev_request=1')
self.DisableKernel(device, factory_no)
self.EnableKernel(device, release_no)
# Enforce a sync and wait for underlying hardware to flush.'Syncing disks...')'sync; sleep 3')'Enable release partition: Complete.')
except Exception:
logging.error('FAIL: Failed to enable release partition.')'crossystem disable_dev_request=0')
self.SetCgptAttributes(curr_attrs, device)