blob: 7ee601617f5e3c522a84defb87f647db7c18bc27 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
import subprocess
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.gooftool import common as gooftool_common
# ChromeOS firmware VPD partition names.
class VPDTool(object):
"""This class wraps the functions supplied by VPD cmdline tool into methods.
_KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$')
def __init__(self, shell=None, raw_file=None):
self._shell = shell or gooftool_common.Shell
self._raw_file = raw_file
def GetValue(self, key, default_value=None, partition=None, filename=None):
"""Gets a VPD value with the specific key.
If the VPD doesn't contain the data with the given `key`, this function will
return `default_value`.
key: A string of the key of the data to get.
default_value: The value to return if the data doesn't exist.
filename: Filename of the bios image, see `vpd -h` for detail.
partition: Specify VPD partition name in fmap.
A string of raw value data or `None`.
return self._InvokeCmd(
self._BuildBasicCmd(partition, filename) + ['-g', key])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if filename is not None:
return default_value
def GetAllData(self, partition=None, filename=None):
"""Gets all VPD data in dictionary format.
filename: Filename of the bios image, see `vpd -h` for detail.
partition: Specify VPD partition name in fmap.
A dictionary in which each key-value pair represents a VPD data entry.
raw_data = self._InvokeCmd(
self._BuildBasicCmd(partition, filename) + ['-l', '--null-terminated'])
result = dict(field.split('=', 1) for field in raw_data.split('\0')
if '=' in field)
if not result and filename is not None:
return result
def UpdateData(self, items, partition=None, filename=None):
"""Updates VPD data.
items: Items to set. A value of "None" deletes the item from the VPD.
filename: Filename of the bios, see `vpd -h` for detail.
partition: Specify VPD partition name in fmap.
cmd = self._BuildBasicCmd(partition, filename)
for k, v in items.items():
cmd += ['-d', k] if v is None else ['-s', '%s=%s' % (k, v)]
def _CheckFileExistence(self, filename):
# This could be CheckCall. However, to reduce API dependency, we are
# reusing CheckOutput.
self._InvokeCmd(['test', '-e', filename])
def _InvokeCmd(self, cmd):
proc_result = self._shell(cmd)
if not proc_result.success:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc_result.status, cmd)
return proc_result.stdout
def _BuildBasicCmd(self, partition, filename):
cmd = ['vpd']
if partition:
cmd += ['-i', partition]
if filename:
cmd += ['-f', filename]
elif self._raw_file:
cmd += ['--raw', '-f', self._raw_file]
return cmd
def _EnsureIfKeyValid(cls, key):
if not cls._KEY_PATTERN.match(key):
raise ValueError('Invalid VPD key %r (does not match pattern %s)' %
(key, cls._KEY_PATTERN.pattern))