blob: d0176a021993b5964fbe8b8453bea7e8e12af633 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import inspect
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.utils import arg_utils
# The index for indicating the situation that there is only one argument.
# The registered function table mapping from the name to the function class.
_function_map = {}
_function_loaded = False # Only load the function classes in 'functions/' once.
def GetRegisteredFunctions():
return list(_function_map)
def GetFunctionClass(func_name):
return _function_map.get(func_name)
def RegisterFunction(name, cls, force=False):
"""Register the function to make it able to be interpreted.
name: the registered function name.
cls: the function class. It should be a derived class of "Function".
force: True to allow overwriting a registered function name.
if not isinstance(cls, type) or not issubclass(cls, Function):
raise FunctionException('"%s" is not subclass of Function.' % cls.__name__)
if name in _function_map and not force:
raise FunctionException('Function "%s" is already registered.' % name)
_function_map[name] = cls
def LoadFunctions():
"""Load every function class in `py/probe/functions/` directory."""
global _function_loaded # pylint: disable=global-statement
if _function_loaded:
_function_loaded = True
def IsFunctionClass(obj):
return isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Function)
from cros.factory.probe import functions
module_path = os.path.dirname(functions.__file__)
for loader, module_name, unused_is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([module_path]):
if module_name.endswith('unittest'):
module = loader.find_module(module_name).load_module(module_name)
func_classes = inspect.getmembers(module, IsFunctionClass)
assert len(func_classes) <= 1
if func_classes:'Load function: %s', module_name)
RegisterFunction(module_name, func_classes[0][1])
def InterpretFunction(func_expression):
"""Interpret a function expression to a callable function instance.
The format of the function expression is:
FUNCTION := "FUNC_NAME" | # Valid if FUNC_ARGS is a empty dict.
"FUNC_NAME:FUNC_ARGS" | # Valid if FUNC_ARGS is a string.
FUNC_NAME := <string> # The function should be already registered.
FUNC_ARGS := <string> | # Valid if there is only one required argument.
For example:
{'file': {'file_path': '/var/log/dmesg'}}
{'file': '/var/log/dmesg'}
These three expressions are equivalent.
func_expression: dict or list of dict.
a Function instance.
if not _function_loaded:
if isinstance(func_expression, list):
# It's syntax sugar for sequence function.
expression = {'sequence': {'functions': func_expression}}
return InterpretFunction(expression)
if isinstance(func_expression, str):
func_name, unused_sep, kwargs = func_expression.partition(':')
func_expression = {func_name: {}} if not kwargs else {func_name: kwargs}
if len(func_expression) != 1:
raise FunctionException(
'Function expression %s should only contain 1 item.' % func_expression)
func_name, kwargs = func_expression.items()[0]
if func_name not in _function_map:
raise FunctionException('Function "%s" is not registered.' % func_name)
if not isinstance(kwargs, str) and not isinstance(kwargs, dict):
raise FunctionException(
'Invalid argument: "%s" should be string or dict.' % kwargs)
if isinstance(kwargs, str):
# If the argument is a string, then treat it the only required argument.
instance = _function_map[func_name](**{_FAKE_INDEX: kwargs})
instance = _function_map[func_name](**kwargs)
return instance
class FunctionException(Exception):
class Function(object):
"""The base function class.
The instance of a function class is callable, which input data and output data
are both list of the dict. Every item in the list means a possible result of
the computation. While the list is empty, it means the computation is failed.
In this case the procedure will not be executed.
# The definition of the required arguments in constructor. Each element should
# be an Arg object. It should be overwritten by each subclass.
ARGS = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Parse the arguments and set them to self.args."""
if len(kwargs) == 1 and _FAKE_INDEX in kwargs:
if not self.ARGS:
raise FunctionException(
'Function "%s" does not require any argument.' %
elif len(self.ARGS) == 1:
kwargs = {self.ARGS[0].name: kwargs[_FAKE_INDEX]}
required_args = [ for arg in self.ARGS if not arg.IsOptional()]
if len(required_args) != 1:
raise FunctionException(
'Function "%s" requires more than one argument: %s' %
(self.__class__.__name__, required_args))
kwargs = {required_args[0]: kwargs[_FAKE_INDEX]}
self.args = arg_utils.Args(*self.ARGS).Parse(kwargs)
def __call__(self, data=None):
if data is None:
if not data:
return NOTHING
return self.Apply(data)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error occurred while applying function "%s.%s"',
self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
return NOTHING
def Apply(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError