blob: 753aad62cad61d7b7ea0e662635ff095957213ff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The module searches the components in generic way.
We provide a generic probe function for each component, which can find most of
common components. The generic probe function for each component is defined at
import logging
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import builder
from cros.factory.probe import common
from cros.factory.probe import function
_generic_statement = None
def _LoadGenericProbeStatement():
"""Loads the generic probe statement once."""
global _generic_statement # pylint: disable=global-statement
if _generic_statement is not None:
return _generic_statement'Load generic statement file.')
_generic_statement = common.LoadGenericStatement()
return _generic_statement
def GetGenericComponentClasses():
"""Gets the list of components classes which have generic probe function."""
return list(_LoadGenericProbeStatement())
def GenerateProbeStatement(comp_cls):
"""Generates the probe statement for the component class."""
if comp_cls not in GetGenericComponentClasses():
return {}
statement = {comp_cls: {}}
func_expression = _generic_statement[comp_cls]['generic']['eval']
logging.debug('Function expression for component [%s]: %s',
comp_cls, func_expression)
results = function.InterpretFunction(func_expression)()
if results:
results = map(dict, set(frozenset(result.items()) for result in results))
for result in results:
comp_name = builder.DetermineComponentName(
comp_cls, result, list(statement[comp_cls]))
statement[comp_cls][comp_name] = {
'eval': func_expression,
'expect': result}
return statement