blob: 393af31bfce46109e862042bfb819bdd092776c4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -Bu
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Base classes for running factory flow tests."""
import collections
import copy
import os
import re
import yaml
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.factory_flow import common
from cros.factory.utils import sys_utils
class InfoParsingError(Exception):
"""Info parsing error."""
class CommandBuilderError(Exception):
"""Command builder error."""
class BaseInfo(object):
"""Base class of test info objects."""
name = None
fields = {}
def __init__(self, info_dict):
self._fields = copy.deepcopy(self.fields)
for k, v in info_dict.iteritems():
if k not in self._fields:
raise InfoParsingError('Invalid %s info field %r' % (, k))
if self._fields[k] is not None:
raise InfoParsingError('Re-defining %s info field %r' % (, k))
self._fields[k] = v
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self._fields:
raise InfoParsingError('Invalid %s info field %r' % (, key))
return self._fields[key]
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.__getitem__(key) or default
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self._fields:
raise InfoParsingError('Invalid %s info field %r' % (, key))
self._fields[key] = value
class RunnerInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Class to hold test runner info."""
name = 'runner'
fields = {
'board': None,
'output_dir': None,
class HostInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Class to hold host info."""
name = 'host'
fields = {
'dhcp_iface': None,
'host_ip': None,
class DUTInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Class to hold DUT info."""
name = 'DUT'
fields = {
'dut_id': None,
'log_dir': None,
'eth_mac': None,
'ip': None,
'servo_host': None,
'servo_port': None,
'servo_serial': None,
'test_list_customization': None,
CommandArguments = collections.namedtuple('CommandArguments', ['duts', 'args'])
class FactoryFlowCommandBuilder(object):
"""Base class of factory flow subcommand builders."""
subcommand = None
module = None
classname = None
def __init__(self):
assert self.subcommand is not None
self.class_obj = getattr(
'cros.factory.factory_flow.%s' % self.module,
self.valid_args = self.class_obj.args
self.factory_flow_path = self.GetFactoryFlowPath()
def GetFactoryFlowPath(self):
if sys_utils.InChroot():
# Running inside chroot.
return os.path.join(os.environ['CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT'], 'src', 'platform',
'factory', 'bin', 'factory_flow')
elif common.GetEnclosingFactoryBundle():
# Running with a factory bundle.
return os.path.join(common.GetEnclosingFactoryBundle(), 'factory_flow',
raise CommandBuilderError(
'Unable to determine the path to factory_flow tool')
def BuildCommand(self, test_item, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
"""Public API for building command from the given info objects.
test_item: A dict of test_item definition.
runner_info: A RunnerInfo instance.
host_info: A HostInfo instance.
dut_info_list: A list of DUTInfo instances.
A list of CommandArguments listing all the commands to run for each DUT.
base_args = copy.deepcopy(test_item)
base_args['board'] = runner_info['board']
dut_args_list = self.BuildArgs(base_args, runner_info, host_info,
return self.GenerateCommand(dut_args_list)
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
"""Per-subcommand function to build subcommand arguments for each DUT."""
raise NotImplementedError
def VerifyArgs(self, dut_args_list):
"""Verifies that all the arguments are valid.
dut_args_list: A list of CommandArguments instances.
CommandBuilderError if verification fails.
arg_names = set()
for names, _ in self.valid_args:
arg_names.update(set([x.lstrip('-') for x in names]))
for dut_args in dut_args_list:
for name in dut_args.args.iterkeys():
if name == 'command':
if name not in arg_names:
raise CommandBuilderError(
'Invalid argument %r of subcommand %s' % (name, self.subcommand))
def GenerateCommand(self, dut_args_list):
"""Generates the final commands for each DUT.
dut_args_list: A list of CommandArguments instances.
A list of CommandArguments listing all the commands to run for each DUT.
result = []
for dut_args in dut_args_list:
command = [self.factory_flow_path, self.subcommand]
for name, value in dut_args.args.iteritems():
if name == 'command' or value is None:
if isinstance(value, bool) and value:
command += ['--%s' % name]
command += ['--%s=%s' % (name, value)]
result.append(CommandArguments(dut_args.duts, command))
return result
class CreateBundleCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for create-bundle."""
subcommand = 'create-bundle'
module = 'create_bundle'
classname = 'CreateBundle'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
# Only create one bundle regardless of the number of DUTs to test.
all_duts = [dut_info['dut_id'] for dut_info in dut_info_list]
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['output-dir'] = runner_info['output_dir']
args['mini-omaha-ip'] = host_info['host_ip']
return [CommandArguments(all_duts, args)]
class StartServerCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for start-server."""
subcommand = 'start-server'
module = 'start_server'
classname = 'StartServer'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
for field in ('dhcp_iface', 'host_ip'):
if not host_info[field]:
raise CommandBuilderError(
'Missing mandatory field %r in host info' % field)
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
for field in ('eth_mac', 'ip'):
if not dut_info[field]:
raise CommandBuilderError(
'Missing mandatory field %r in DUT info of %s' %
(field, dut_info['dut_id']))
result = []
all_duts = [dut_info['dut_id'] for dut_info in dut_info_list]
if len(dut_info_list) == 1 or base_args.get('stop'):
# Just one DUT or shutting down all servers; start/stop all servers in one
# command.
dut_info = dut_info_list[0]
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['dhcp-iface'] = host_info['dhcp_iface']
args['host-ip'] = host_info['host_ip']
args['dut-mac'] = dut_info['eth_mac']
args['dut-ip'] = dut_info['ip']
result.append(CommandArguments(all_duts, args))
elif len(dut_info_list) > 1:
# Multiple DUTs; start TFTP server, Download server, and shop floor server
# in one command.
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['host-ip'] = host_info['host_ip']
args['no-dhcp'] = True
result.append(CommandArguments(all_duts, args))
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
# And one DHCP server for each DUT
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['dhcp-iface'] = host_info['dhcp_iface']
args['host-ip'] = host_info['host_ip']
args['dut-mac'] = dut_info['eth_mac']
args['dut-ip'] = dut_info['ip']
args['no-tftp'] = True
args['no-download'] = True
args['no-shopfloor'] = True
result.append(CommandArguments([dut_info['dut_id']], args))
return result
class NetbootInstallCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for netboot-install."""
subcommand = 'netboot-install'
module = 'netboot_install'
classname = 'NetbootInstall'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
# Run netboot install on all DUTs concurrently.
result = []
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['dut'] = dut_info['ip']
args['servo-host'] = dut_info['servo_host']
args['servo-port'] = dut_info['servo_port']
args['servo-serial'] = dut_info['servo_serial']
result.append(CommandArguments([dut_info['dut_id']], args))
return result
class USBInstallCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for usb-install."""
subcommand = 'usb-install'
module = 'usb_install'
classname = 'USBInstall'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
# Run USB install on all DUTs concurrently.
result = []
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['dut'] = dut_info['ip']
args['servo-host'] = dut_info['servo_host']
args['servo-port'] = dut_info['servo_port']
args['servo-serial'] = dut_info['servo_serial']
result.append(CommandArguments([dut_info['dut_id']], args))
return result
class RunAutomatedTestsCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for run-automated-tests."""
subcommand = 'run-automated-tests'
module = 'run_automated_tests'
classname = 'RunAutomatedTests'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
# Run automated tests on all DUTs concurrently.
result = []
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['dut'] = dut_info['ip']
args['shopfloor-ip'] = host_info['host_ip']
log_dir = dut_info['log_dir']
if log_dir:
args['log-dir'] = os.path.join(log_dir, 'factory_logs')
if args['test-list'] in dut_info.get('test_list_customization', []):
# Generate YAML files and set up automation environment on the DUT.
def CreateTempYAMLFile(suffix, data):
filename = os.path.join(
'%s-%s-%s.yaml' % (dut_info['dut_id'], args['test-list'], suffix))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
return filename
settings = dut_info['test_list_customization'][args['test-list']]
for item in ('device_data', 'vpd', 'test_list_dargs',
data = settings.get(item)
if data:
args[item.replace('_', '-') + '-yaml'] = CreateTempYAMLFile(
item, data)
result.append(CommandArguments([dut_info['dut_id']], args))
return result
class RunHostCommandCommandBuilder(FactoryFlowCommandBuilder):
"""Subcommand builder for run-host-command."""
subcommand = 'run-host-command'
module = 'run_host_command'
classname = 'RunHostCommand'
def BuildArgs(self, base_args, runner_info, host_info, dut_info_list):
REPLACE_ARG_RE = re.compile(r'\$\{(?P<arg_name>.+?)\}')
def ReplaceArg(matchobj, dut_info):
"""Replaces '${<arg_name>}' with appropriate string.
If arg_name is a string without ':', then replace it with the
corresponding value in os.environ. If arg_name is of format
'info_name:arg_name', then replace it with the value get from the info
object specified by info_name using arg_name as key.
matchobj: The python regexp match object.
dut_info: A DUTInfo instance.
The replaced string.
arg_name ='arg_name')
if ':' in arg_name:
info_name, arg_name = arg_name.split(':', 1)
return str({
'runner_info': runner_info,
'host_info': host_info,
'dut_info': dut_info,
return os.environ[arg_name]
result = []
for dut_info in dut_info_list:
args = copy.deepcopy(base_args)
args['cmd'] = REPLACE_ARG_RE.sub(
lambda matchobj: ReplaceArg(matchobj, dut_info),
result.append(CommandArguments([dut_info['dut_id']], args))
return result
CommandBuilder = {
'create-bundle': CreateBundleCommandBuilder(),
'start-server': StartServerCommandBuilder(),
'netboot-install': NetbootInstallCommandBuilder(),
'usb-install': USBInstallCommandBuilder(),
'run-automated-tests': RunAutomatedTestsCommandBuilder(),
'run-host-command': RunHostCommandCommandBuilder(),