blob: fbed3068a6f80049eb1bb8e7cbc79bfa2b3a996f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module provides help functions to write CSV (Comma Separated Values)
import csv
import logging
import pprint
def WriteCsv(target, list_of_dict, key_orders):
'''Writes a list of dict to a CSV file.
The columns' order are assigned by key_orders. For columns that is not
listed in key_orders, their order are not guaranteed.
target: the file path of output csv.
list_of_dict: a list of dicts converts to CSV. Every single dict will
contributed as a single row in the CSV.
key_orders: columns' order from left to right.
# Scaning over list_of_dict to extract all the columns.
fieldnames = set()
for dict_obj in list_of_dict:
# Prepare the fieldnames to pass into DictWriter.
for key in key_orders:
for key in fieldnames:
logging.debug('Determined key_orders = \n%s\n', pprint.pformat(key_orders))
with open(target, 'wb') as fd:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fd, key_orders)
# Workaround for python before 2.7 that doesn't have a writer.writeheader
header_dict = dict()
for key in key_orders:
header_dict[key] = key
for dict_obj in list_of_dict: