blob: 93ab3dd4c985716da3bbcfa424d72e390339593c [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Checks the communication between DUT and SMT test fixture.
SMT has a test fixture, which communicates with DUT via serial port.
This test is to make sure that the serial port works as expected.
It can also be used to send a command to the fixture before/after a test.
serial_param: a dict of parameters for a serial connection. Should contain
'port'. For other parameters, like 'baudrate', 'bytesize', 'parity',
'stopbits' and 'timeout', please refer pySerial documentation.
send_recv: A tuple (send, recv). send is a char for the DUT to send to
a fixture. And recv is the expected one-char response from the fixture.
import serial
import unittest
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test.utils import serial_utils
from cros.factory.utils.arg_utils import Arg
class SerialEchoTest(unittest.TestCase):
ARGS = [
Arg('serial_param', dict,
'a dict of parameters for a serial connection. Should contain '
'"port". For other parameters, like "baudrate", "bytesize", '
'"parity", "stopbits" and "timeout", please refer pySerial '
Arg('send_recv', tuple,
'A tuple (send, recv). send is a char for the DUT to send to a '
'fixture MCU. And recv is the expected one-char response from the '
default=(chr(0xE0), chr(0xE1)))]
def setUp(self):
self._serial = None
self._send = None
self._recv = None
if (len(self.args.send_recv) != 2 or
not all(isinstance(a, str) for a in self.args.send_recv)):'Invalid dargs send_recv: %s' % str(self.args.send_recv))
self._send, self._recv = self.args.send_recv
# Will raise exception if OpenSerial fails.
self._serial = serial_utils.OpenSerial(**self.args.serial_param)
def tearDown(self):
if self._serial:
def testEcho(self):
self.assertTrue(self._serial is not None, 'Invalid RS-232 connection.')
self.assertEqual(1, self._serial.write(self._send), 'Write fail')
except serial.SerialTimeoutException:'Write timeout')
self.assertEqual(self._recv,, 'Read fail')
except serial.SerialTimeoutException:'Read timeout')