blob: 241354434f3295194e6e5413058d4ea15e35ef5f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test import state
from cros.factory.test.test_lists import test_list as test_list_module
from cros.factory.test.test_lists import test_object
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
class PickableFrame(object):
"""Represent a frame of call stack.
This object is used to store a frame of recursive call, for example:
def compute_gcd(a, b):
if b != 0:
return compute_gcd(b, a % b)
return a
The call stack when this function is called by a=10, b=5 will be:
compute_gcd(5, 10)
compute_gcd(10, 5)
compute_gcd(5, 0)
return 5
Each recursive call will create a new frame and the frame will store necessary
variables to allow interrupting and resuming.
node: the argument of this frame, the meaning of each frame.node should be
the same, for example, in `compute_gcd`, all of them will be a tuple of
next_step: the recursive function can have several checkpoints. This
variable represents the current checkpoint (i.e, the next step in
recursive function)
locals: all other variables that need to be stored should be saved here.
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.next_step = TestListIterator.OnEnter.__name__
self.locals = {}
class TestListIterator(object):
"""An iterator of test list.
* The iterator will return the test to be run next when "next()" is called.
* A status filter can be applied to skip some tests according to their states.
* The iterator is loosely bind to FactoryTestList, that is you can change the
test list object of the iterator. If the iterator can find the last test it
just returned, the iterator will continue on next test in the new test list.
Otherwise, a StopIteration exception will be raised.
* This object must implement pickle protocol to be able to save and reload by
python shelve.
The iterator will go through each test in the test list, starting from a given
node in depth first search order.
self.stack is the execution stack of the iterator. Each element of self.stack
is a PickableFrame object.
For example, consider a test list like this:
root (path='')
A (path='a')
G (path='G')
B (path='G.b')
H (path='G.H')
C (path='G.H.c')
If we start at root, then `self.stack = [Frame('')]` initially. And the stack
will become `self.stack = [Frame(''), Frame('G'), Frame('G.H'),
Frame('G.H.c')]` when we reach test C.
If we start at test G, then `self.stack = ['G']` initially. And the stack
will become `self.stack = [Frame('G'), Frame('G.H'), Frame('G.H.c')]` when we
reach test C.
TestListIterator implements the behavior of following depth first search
def dfs(node):
if not OnEnter(node):
while CheckContinue(node):
Frame = PickableFrame
_SERIALIZE_FIELDS = ('stack', 'status_filter', 'teardown_only')
"""fields in self.__dict__ that should be serialized."""
RETURN_CODE = type_utils.Enum(
"""Represents how state transistion should be done to the state machine.
Each transition function should return a tuple of (return_code, value).
TestListIterator will call a transition function (decided by next_step of top
frame) and receive a tuple. And the TestListIterator will do the following
according to the return_code:
POP_FRAME: the top frame should be popped, `value` is ignored. The state
machine should try to make transition again.
NEW_FRAME: a new frame is pushed according to `value`. The state machine
should try to make transition again.
CONTINUE: don't push or pop a frame, just try to make another transition.
`value` is ignored.
RETURN: return `value`
def __init__(self, root=None, status_filter=None, test_list=None):
"""Constructor of TestListIterator.
root: the root of the subtree to iterate. The iterator will only iterates
tests that is in the subtree. Use 'test_list' object as root will make
this iterator walks entire tree.
status_filter: if given, only tests with these statuses will be returned.
The filter only applies on leaf tests (tests without subtests) or
parallel tests, doesn't apply on test groups.
test_list: a FactoryTestList object this iterator should iterate. Can be
updated by `SetTestList()` function.
self.stack = []
self.test_list = test_list
self.status_filter = status_filter or []
self.teardown_only = False
if isinstance(root, test_object.FactoryTest):
elif isinstance(root, basestring):
elif isinstance(root, test_list_module.ITestList):
elif root is None:
self.stack = []
raise ValueError(
'root must be one of ITestList, FactoryTest, string or None '
'(got %r)' % root)
# define __getstate__ and __setstate__ to make this object pickable
def __getstate__(self):
return {key: self.__dict__[key] for key in self._SERIALIZE_FIELDS}
def __setstate__(self, pickled_state):
for key in self._SERIALIZE_FIELDS:
self.__dict__[key] = pickled_state[key]
self.test_list = None # we didn't serialize the test_list, set it to None
def Push(self, node):
def Pop(self):
def Top(self):
return self.stack[-1]
def next(self):
"""Returns path to the test that should start now.
The returned test could be a leaf factory test (factory test that does not
have any subtests), or a parallel test (a factory test that has subtests but
all of them will be run in parallel).
a string the is the path of the test (use test_list.LookupPath(path) to
get the real test object).
if not self.stack:
raise StopIteration
frame = self.Top()
# check if frame.node is still a valid test in self.test_list
if not self._GetTestFromFrame(frame):
raise StopIteration
func = getattr(self, frame.next_step)
returncode, value = func()
if returncode == self.RETURN_CODE.POP_FRAME:
if returncode == self.RETURN_CODE.NEW_FRAME:
if returncode == self.RETURN_CODE.CONTINUE:
if returncode == self.RETURN_CODE.RETURN:
return value
raise AssertionError
# Exposed Functions #
def Get(self):
"""Get current test.
Returns current test, which should be the same value returned by previous
next() call. If next() is never called before, the return value is
if not self.stack:
return None
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(self.Top())
return test.path
def SetTestList(self, test_list):
"""Set test list of iterator.
Since we are not serializing test list when pickling TestListIterator, users
need to invoke SetTestList to set current test list of the runner.
assert isinstance(test_list, test_list_module.ITestList)
self.test_list = test_list
def Stop(self, subtree_root=None):
"""Stops all tests under `subtree_root`.
for example, a test list looks like:
when the TestListIterator is running 'G.a', and calling Stop('G'), the next
test to run will be 'H.b'.
if subtree_root is None:
subtree_root = ''
if isinstance(subtree_root, basestring):
subtree_root = self.test_list.LookupPath(subtree_root)
while self.stack:
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(self.Top())
if test.HasAncestor(subtree_root):
def GetPendingTests(self):
if not self.stack:
return []
root = self._GetTestFromFrame(self.stack[0])
return [test.path for test in root.Walk() if test.IsLeaf()]
def RestartLastTest(self):
# if next step is not CheckContinue, then there are something wrong during
# the shutdown / reboot process. For example, the iterator state is not
# properly written back to file system. Or the system crashed during boot
# up, thus the next_step is changed, but the active test is still shutdown
# test.
next_step = self.Top().next_step
self.Top().next_step = self.Body.__name__
if next_step != self.CheckContinue.__name__:
return 'test_list_iterator: unexpected next_step %r' % next_step
return None
# State Machine Functions #
def OnEnter(self):
frame = self.Top()
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(frame)
if self.CheckSkip(test):
return self.RETURN_CODE.POP_FRAME, None
status = test.GetState().status
if state == state.TestState.SKIPPED:
raise ValueError('SKIPPED test should be skipped by `CheckSkip`')
if (status == state.TestState.PASSED and
self.status_filter and
state.TestState.PASSED not in self.status_filter):
# We are sure we don't need to run this again.
return self.RETURN_CODE.POP_FRAME, None
frame.next_step = self.CheckContinue.__name__
if test.IsTopLevelTest():
# We definitely need to rerun everything.
return self.RETURN_CODE.CONTINUE, None
def CheckContinue(self):
frame = self.Top()
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(frame)
if frame.locals.get('executed', False):
success = self._DetermineSuccess(test)
if success:
test_state = test.UpdateState(decrement_retries_left=1)
if test_state.retries_left >= 0:
# since you allow try, let's reset teardown_only flags
self.teardown_only = False
frame.locals.pop('teardown_only', None)
test_state = test.GetState()
if test_state.iterations_left > 0 and test_state.retries_left >= 0:
# should continue
frame.next_step = self.Body.__name__
if frame.locals.get('executed', False):
return self.RETURN_CODE.CONTINUE, None
# should not continue
frame.next_step = self.OnLeave.__name__
return self.RETURN_CODE.CONTINUE, None
def Body(self):
frame = self.Top()
frame.locals['executed'] = True
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(frame)
if self._IsRunnableTest(test):
frame.next_step = self.CheckContinue.__name__
return self.RETURN_CODE.RETURN, test.path
subtest = frame.locals.get('subtest', None)
if subtest is None:
next_subtest = test.subtests[0]
subtest = self.test_list.LookupPath(subtest)
next_subtest = subtest.GetNextSibling()
# result of previous subtest
success = self._DetermineSuccess(subtest)
if not success:
# create an alias
if subtest.action_on_failure == ACTION_ON_FAILURE.NEXT:
pass # does nothing, just find the next test
elif subtest.action_on_failure == ACTION_ON_FAILURE.PARENT:
# stop executing normal tests under this test, only teardown tests can
# be run.
frame.locals['teardown_only'] = True
elif subtest.action_on_failure == ACTION_ON_FAILURE.STOP:
# stop executing normal tests under *root*, only teardown tests can be
# run.
frame.locals['teardown_only'] = True
self.teardown_only = True
while next_subtest:
# if we can only run teardown tests, skip next_subtest until we find a
# teardown test.
if self.teardown_only or frame.locals.get('teardown_only', False):
if not next_subtest.teardown:
next_subtest = next_subtest.GetNextSibling()
# okay, this is a valid test (any test when teardown_only == False,
# teardown test when teardown_only == True). Let's update local variable
# and create a new frame (recursive call).
frame.locals['subtest'] = next_subtest.path
return self.RETURN_CODE.NEW_FRAME, next_subtest.path
# no next subtest, go to CheckContinue to check if we need to run again
frame.next_step = self.CheckContinue.__name__
# unset local variable subtest
frame.locals.pop('subtest', None)
return self.RETURN_CODE.CONTINUE, None
def OnLeave(self):
# Before we leave current frame, if this is a group, we need to compute
# overall status again.
test = self._GetTestFromFrame(self.Top())
return self.RETURN_CODE.POP_FRAME, None
# Helper Functions #
def CheckSkip(self, test):
# status filter only applies to leaf tests
if (self._IsRunnableTest(test) and
not self.CheckStatusFilter(test)):
logging.debug('test %s is skipped because its status '
'%s (status_filter: %r)', test.path,
test.GetState().status, self.status_filter)
return True # we need to skip it
if not self.CheckRunIf(test):'test %s is skipped because run_if evaluated to False',
return True # we need to skip it
elif test.IsSkipped():
need_retest = False
# All of the subtests are either skipped or passed, let's check if all of
# them are still skipped now.
for t in test.Walk():
if t.IsSkipped():
# For test groups, they need retest if their run_if are set, and
# evaluate to True.
# For leaf tests, they need retest if their run_if are not set, or
# evaluate to True.
# (If run_if is not set, default return value of CheckRunIf is True).
if self.CheckRunIf(t) and (t.IsLeaf() or t.run_if):
need_retest = True
if need_retest:
# check again (for status filter)
return self.CheckSkip(test)
# this test is still skipped
return True
return False
def CheckStatusFilter(self, test):
if not self.status_filter:
return True
status = test.GetState().status
# An active test should always pass the filter (to resume a previous test).
# A skipped test should always pass the filter and let CheckSkip to decide.
return (status == state.TestState.ACTIVE or
status == state.TestState.SKIPPED or
status in self.status_filter)
def CheckRunIf(self, test):
return test_list_module.ITestList.EvaluateRunIf(test, self.test_list)
def _ResetIterations(self, test):
def _GetTestFromFrame(self, frame):
"""Returns test object corresponding to `frame`.
:rtype: cros.factory.test.test_lists.test_object.FactoryTest
return self.test_list.LookupPath(frame.node)
def _IsRunnableTest(self, test):
return test.IsLeaf() or test.parallel
def _DetermineSuccess(self, test):
"""Determines success / fail of a test.
A test is considered fail iff. it really FAILED. All other statuses
return test.GetState().status != state.TestState.FAILED
def _ResetSubtestStatus(self, test):
for subtest in test.Walk():