blob: 1b603c8e2e35881b58f8fec3813e602357e1f21b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Android family boards."""
import pipes
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from import utils as audio_utils
from cros.factory.device import types
from cros.factory.device import memory
from cros.factory.device import path
from cros.factory.device import storage
from cros.factory.device import temp
from cros.factory.device import vpd
from cros.factory.device.boards import linux
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class AndroidBoard(linux.LinuxBoard):
"""Common interface for Android boards."""
TMPDIR = '/data/local/tmp'
def Popen(self, command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, log=False):
# On Android, TMPDIR environment variable is only specified when
# /system/etc/mkshrc was executed. When we access to Android via ADBLink or
# SSHLink ("adb shell" or "ssh host cmd"), ${TMPDIR} will be empty and
# causing most tools, including mktemp, to fail. We have to always provide
# the environment variable because programs invoked indirectly (for
# instance, flashrom) may need TMPDIR.
# To make sure TMPDIR is applied on all sub commands (for instance, "a; b"
# or "(a; b)" we want to make sure the command is quoted before invocation.
if not isinstance(command, basestring):
command = ' '.join(pipes.quote(param) for param in command)
command = ['TMPDIR=%s' % self.TMPDIR, 'sh', '-c', command]
return super(AndroidBoard, self).Popen(command, stdin, stdout, stderr, log)
def audio(self):
return audio_utils.CreateAudioControl(
self, controller=audio_utils.CONTROLLERS.TINYALSA)
def memory(self):
return memory.AndroidMemory(self)
def temp(self):
return temp.AndroidTemporaryFiles(self)
def _RemotePath(self):
return path.AndroidPath(self)
def storage(self):
return storage.AndroidStorage(self)
def vpd(self):
return vpd.AndroidVitalProductData(self)