blob: 660d33d4ec60ccbe22b244ec207203a5419ac656 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Input HTTP Testlog plugin.
Receives events from HTTP requests.
Can easily send one Testlog format event by curl:
$ curl -i -X POST \
--form-string 'event={Testlog JSON}' TARGET_HOSTNAME:TARGET_PORT
$ curl -i -X POST \
--form-string '{
"status": "PASSED",
"stationInstallationId": "92228272-056e-4329-a432-64d3ed6dfa0c",
"uuid": "8b127476-2604-422a-b9b1-f05e4f14bf72",
"stationDeviceId": "e7d3227e-f12d-42b3-9c64-0d9e8fa02f6d",
"type": "station.test_run",
"testName": "webcam_test",
"apiVersion": "0.1",
"testRunId": "8b127472-4593-4be8-9e94-79f228fc1adc",
"startTime": {
"__type__": "datetime",
"value": "2017-01-05T13:01:45.489000Z"},
"time": {
"__type__": "datetime",
"value": "2017-01-05T13:01:45.503000Z"},
"testType": "vswr",
"seq": 8202191,
"attachments": {
"front_camera.png": {
"description": "Image captured by the front camera.",
"path": "/var/factory/log/attachments/front_camera.png",
"mimeType": "image/png"
}' \
--form 'front_camera.png=@/path/to/front_camera.png' \
Also can send multiple events by adding header through curl:
$ curl -i -X POST \
--form-string 'event={Testlog JSON}' \
--form-string 'event=[{Testlog JSON}, {Attachments}]' \
--form-string 'event=[{Testlog JSON}, {"0": "att_0"}]' \
--form 'att_0=@/path/to/attachment_name' \
-H 'Multi-Event: True' \
(See Event.Deserialize for details of event format.)
from __future__ import print_function
import instalog_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from instalog import plugin_base
from instalog.plugins import input_http
from instalog.testlog import testlog
class InputHTTPTestlog(input_http.InputHTTP):
def _CheckFormat(self, event):
"""Checks the event is following the Testlog format and sets attachments.
Exception: the event is not conform to the Testlog format.
if 'attachments' in event:
if len(event.attachments) != len(event['attachments']):
raise ValueError("event['attachment'] are not consistent with "
'attachments in requests.')
for key in event['attachments'].iterkeys():
if key not in event.attachments:
raise ValueError("event['attachment'] are not consistent with "
'attachments in requests.')
elif event.attachments:
raise ValueError("event['attachment'] are not consistent with "
'attachments in requests.')
# This will raise exception when the event is invalid.
event['__testlog__'] = True
if __name__ == '__main__':