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Test API
This document describes how to write new factory tests and integrate
them into the testing framework.
Factory tests are implemented as Python unit tests. Each factory test
is a subclass of the `unittest.TestCase
class, and may make full use of the Python ``unittest`` API (e.g., all
the ``assert`` methods, ``fail``, ``setUp``, ``tearDown``, etc.). The
factory SDK also provides APIs that can be used to parse test
arguments (see `Test arguments`_), and to interact with the test UI
running in the browser (see :ref:`test-ui-api`).
Each factory test should at minimum contain
* a ``runTest`` method
containing the test implementation (see `Test implementation`_), and
* an ``ARGS`` attribute describing the arguments that may be used
by the test list when invoking the test (see `Test arguments`_).
Where to put your test
Each factory has a name (like ``bad_blocks`` or ``lcd_backlight``).
For simple tests containing only a Python file, put the test code
Alternatively, if your test has accompanying files (such as HTML or
JavaScript files), you may create a directory for it and put the code
:samp:`py/test/pytests/{name}/{name}.py`. [*]_
Within this file, there should be a single subclass of `unittest.TestCase`.
There can be only one test class per module, so if you need to have different
test cases, you need to separate them into different modules. But you can create
a directory for them, for example:
- :samp:`py/test/pytests/{dir_name}/{test1}.py`
- :samp:`py/test/pytests/{dir_name}/{test2}.py`
- :samp:`py/test/pytests/{dir_name}/{test3}.py`.
In this case, the name of your tests are :samp:`{dir_name}.{test1}`,
:samp:`{dir_name}.{test2}` and :samp:`{dir_name}.{test3}`.
To know more about how we load a pytest from name, please refer to
.. [*] Since the ```` of a package will be loaded whenever its
submodule is imported. We recommand keeping ```` empty to
prevent longer loading time if ```` is too large.
Test implementation
Your test should contain a ``runTest`` method containing the body of
the test. (As with all Python unittests, it may also contain a
``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` method. ``setUp`` is run first, and
``tearDown`` is run after the test passes or fails; although note
that ``tearDown`` may not be run if the test is forcibly stopped.)
The test is considered to have succeeded if the ``runTest`` method
returns. The test will fail if:
* your test calls any of the ``unittest.TestCase.assertXXX`` methods,
such as `assertTrue
and the assertion fails. For example, this will cause your test to
fail with a good error message if a file does not exist as expected:
'File %r does not exist' % self.args.path)
* your test calls `
which tells the Python unit test framework to raise an exception.
* your test directly raises an exception with ``raise``.
* code that you call directly or indirectly raises an exception. For
example, if you call ``subprocess.check_call``, and ``check_call``
raises a ``CalledProcessError`` that you do not catch, your test
will fail. If you want such a failure in ``check_call`` to cause
your test to fail, you can choose to not catch the exception and let
it propagate out of your ``runTest`` method.
There are several key APIs you will need to understand to write your
* `Test arguments`_ allow your test to handle arguments specified
in test lists.
* :ref:`test-ui-api` allows your test to provide a UI to interact with
the operator or show status messages. If your test is simple and
does not require interaction with the user, you may choose not to
provide a UI.
Test arguments
Test lists need to customize the behavior of tests in various
situations, e.g., to specify different limits or parameters or to
enable/disable various checks. To allow this sort of customization,
you can declare test arguments in your test case by adding an ``ARGS``
attribute describing the supported set of arguments. ``ARGS`` is a
list of items of type :py:class:`cros.factory.utils.arg_utils.Arg`.
For example::
import unittest
from cros.factory.utils.arg_utils import Arg
class BadBlocksTest(unittest.TestCase):
ARGS = [
Arg('path', str, 'The path to a temporary file to use for testing.'),
Arg('max_bytes', int, 'Maximum size to test, in bytes.',
This declares two arguments: ``path`` is a required string, and
``max_bytes`` is an optional number defaulting to 16 megabytes.
The test list might contain an entry like::
"pytest_name": "bad_blocks",
"args": {
"path": "/usr/local/foo",
"max_bytes": 8388608
The factory test runner will check that:
* all the arguments in the test list are valid arguments (e.g.,
you don't accidentally specify a ``filename`` argument, since
``filename`` is not declared in ``ARGS``).
* all required arguments (in this case ``path``) are specified.
* all the arguments are of the correct type (e.g., you don't say
``max_bytes='foo'``, since ``max_bytes`` must be an ``int``).
.. py:module:: cros.factory.utils.arg_utils
.. autoclass:: Arg
.. automethod:: __init__
Once you have declared the arguments used by your test,
you can use ``self.args`` anywhere in your test implementation
to refer to the value of that argument. For example::
class BadBlocksTest(unittest.TestCase)::
... # see above for ARGS = [...] declaration
def runTest(self):'path=%s, max_bytes=%d',
self.args.path, self.args.max_bytes)
.. py:module:: cros.factory.test.utils.pytest_utils
.. autofunction:: LoadPytestModule