blob: b12b58d63a7b9063917ab3137441e53824270e38 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A simple XML RPC server manipulating sys fs data.
Note: this module does not have any dependency on factory stuffs so that
it could be run as a pure server e.g. on a Beagle Bone.
from __future__ import print_function
import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import re
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import sys
import time
import touchscreen_calibration_utils as utils
# List the supported boards below
SAMUS = 'samus'
RYU = 'ryu'
RUSH_RYU = 'rush_ryu'
class Error(Exception):
'-i', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.test_rsa'),
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
def SshCommand(ip, cmd, output=True):
"""Execute a remote command through ssh."""
remote_args = ['ssh', 'root@%s' % ip] + REMOTE_COMMAND_FLAGS + [cmd]
cmd_str = ' '.join(remote_args)
if output:
return utils.SimpleSystemOutput(cmd_str)
return utils.IsSuccessful(utils.SimpleSystem(cmd_str))
def ScpCommand(ip, filename, remote_path):
"""Execute a remote command through ssh."""
remote_args = (['scp'] + REMOTE_COMMAND_FLAGS +
['-p', filename, 'root@%s:%s' % (ip, remote_path)])
return utils.IsSuccessful(utils.SimpleSystem(' '.join(remote_args)))
class TSConfig(object):
"""Manage the touchscreen config data."""
def __init__(self, board):
config_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'boards', board, '%s.conf' % board)
if not os.path.isfile(config_filepath):
raise Error('The config file does not exist: ' + config_filepath)
self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
with open(config_filepath) as f:
except Exception:
raise Error('Failed to read config file: %s.' % config_filepath)
def Read(self, section, option):
"""Read config data."""
if (self.parser.has_section(section) and
self.parser.has_option(section, option)):
return self.parser.get(section, option)
return None
def GetItems(self, section):
"""Get section items."""
return self.parser.items(section)
class BaseSensorService(object):
"""A base class to provide sensor relalted services."""
def __init__(self, board, log=None):
self.board = board
self.config = TSConfig(board)
self.log = log
kernel_module_name = self.config.Read('Misc', 'kernel_module_name')
self.kernel_module = utils.KernelModule(kernel_module_name)
self.delta_lower_bound = int(
self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'DELTA_LOWER_BOUND'))
self.delta_higher_bound = int(
self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'DELTA_HIGHER_BOUND'))
self.delta_untouched_higher_bound = int(
self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'DELTA_UNTOUCHED_HIGHER_BOUND'))
self.normalized_deviation_threshold = float(
self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'NORMALIZED_DEVIATION_THRESHOLD'))
self.normalized_edge_deviation_threshold = float(
self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'NORMALIZED_EDGE_DEVIATION_THRESHOLD'))
def CheckStatus(self):
"""Checks if the touchscreen sensor data object is present.
True if the sensor data object is present.
raise NotImplementedError(
'Should implement the CheckStatus() method in the subclass.')
def Read(self, category):
"""Implementation of sensor reading method.
Sensor data: a list of lists of row sensor data
raise NotImplementedError(
'Should implement the Read() method in the subclass.')
def VerifyRefs(self, data):
"""Verify sensor refs data.
This checks the uniformity of the refs data.
mean = the sum of all refs data divided by the number of sensors
deviation = ref_value_of_a_sensor - mean
normalized_deviation = abs(deviation) / mean
True if the sensor refs data are legitimate.
def IsEdge(row, col):
return (row == 0 or row == max_row_number or
col == 0 or col == max_col_number)
test_pass = True
failed_sensors = []
min_value = float('inf')
max_value = float('-inf')
mean = (float(sum([sum(row_data) for row_data in data])) /
sum([len(row_data) for row_data in data]))
max_row_number = len(data) - 1
max_col_number = len(data[0]) - 1
for row, row_data in enumerate(data):
for col, value in enumerate(row_data):
min_value = min(min_value, value)
max_value = max(max_value, value)
normalized_deviation = abs(value - mean) / mean
if IsEdge(row, col):
threshold = self.normalized_edge_deviation_threshold
threshold = self.normalized_deviation_threshold
if normalized_deviation > threshold:
failed_sensors.append((row, col, value))
test_pass = False
return test_pass, failed_sensors, min_value, max_value
def VerifyDeltasUntouched(self, data):
"""Verify sensor deltas data before the panel is touched.
True if the sensor deltas data are legitimate.
test_pass = True
failed_sensors = []
min_value = float('inf')
max_value = float('-inf')
for row, row_data in enumerate(data):
for col, value in enumerate(row_data):
min_value = min(min_value, value)
max_value = max(max_value, value)
if abs(value) > self.delta_untouched_higher_bound:
failed_sensors.append((row, col, value))
test_pass = False
return test_pass, failed_sensors, min_value, max_value
def _VerifyDeltasTouched(self, data, touched_cols):
"""Verify sensor deltas data when the panel is touched.
True if the sensor deltas data are legitimate.
test_pass = True
failed_sensors = []
min_value = float('inf')
max_value = float('-inf')
for row, row_data in enumerate(data):
for col in touched_cols:
value = row_data[col]
min_value = min(min_value, value)
max_value = max(max_value, value)
if value < self.delta_lower_bound or value > self.delta_higher_bound:
failed_sensors.append((row, col, value))
test_pass = False
return test_pass, failed_sensors, min_value, max_value
def PreRead(self):
"""An optional method to invoke before reading sensor data.
True if execution is correct.
return True
def PostRead(self):
"""An optional method to invoke after reading sensor data.
True if execution is correct.
return True
def PreTest(self):
"""A method to invoke before conducting the test."""
if not self.kernel_module.IsLoaded():
return True
def PostTest(self):
"""An optional method to invoke after conducting the test."""
return True
class SensorServiceSamus(BaseSensorService):
"""Sensor services for Samus.
On Samus, the sensor data are manipulated through sys fs and kernel debug fs.
def __init__(self, log=None):
super(SensorServiceSamus, self).__init__(SAMUS, log=log)
self.num_rows = int(self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'NUM_ROWS'))
self.num_cols = int(self.config.Read('TouchSensors', 'NUM_COLS'))
# Get sys/debug fs data (1) from samus.conf, or (2) parsing sys fs.
self.sysfs_entry = self.config.Read('Sensors', 'sysfs_entry')
if self.sysfs_entry is None:
self.sysfs_entry = utils.GetSysfsEntry()
self.debugfs = self.config.Read('Sensors', 'debugfs')
if self.debugfs is None:
self.debugfs = utils.GetDebugfs()
def PreRead(self):
"""A method to invoke before reading sensor data."""
return self.WriteSysfsSection('PreRead')
def PostRead(self):
"""A method to invoke after reading sensor data."""
return self.WriteSysfsSection('PostRead')
def PostTest(self):
"""A method to invoke after conducting the test."""
return self.kernel_module.Remove()
def _Make_Symlink(self, target, link_name):
"""Make the symlink to the target."""
if not os.path.isfile(target):
self.log.error('The target does not exist: %s' % target)
return False
cmd_make_symlink = 'ln -s -f %s %s' % (target, link_name)
return utils.IsSuccessful(utils.SimpleSystem(cmd_make_symlink))
def _TouchFileUpdate(self, config_filename, link_name, update_fw=True):
"""Update touch firmware or configuraiton per update_fw flag."""
target_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
'boards', self.board, config_filename)
link_path = os.path.join('/lib/firmware', link_name)
filename = 'update_fw' if update_fw else 'update_config'
sysfs_update_interface = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.sysfs_entry),
cmd_update = 'echo 1 > %s' % sysfs_update_interface'Begin touch auto update: %s' % cmd_update)
if self._Make_Symlink(target_path, link_path):
result = utils.IsSuccessful(utils.SimpleSystem(cmd_update))
return result
return False
def WriteSysfsSection(self, section):
"""Write a section of values to sys fs."""'Write Sys fs section: %s', section)
try:'Write Sys fs section: %s', section)
section_items = self.config.GetItems(section)
except Exception:'No items in Sys fs section: %s', section)
section_items = []
return False
for command, description in section_items:' %s: %s', command, description)
if command.startswith('update_'):
if description == 'None':
# Try to auto update the touch firmware/configuration
config_filename, link_name = description.split()
if not self._TouchFileUpdate(config_filename, link_name,
self.log.error('Failed to update touch fw/cfg: ', str(section_items))
return False
elif not self.WriteSysfs(command):
# Try to update the configuration registers.
return False
return True
def CheckStatus(self):
"""Checks if the touchscreen sysfs object is present.
True if sysfs_entry exists
return bool(self.sysfs_entry) and os.path.exists(self.sysfs_entry)
def WriteSysfs(self, content):
"""Writes to sysfs.
content: the content to be written to sysfs
with open(self.sysfs_entry, 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:'WriteSysfs failed to write %s: %s' % (content, e))
return False
return True
def Read(self, category):
"""Reads touchscreen sensors raw data.
category: could be 'deltas' or 'refs'.
the list of raw sensor values
debugfs = '%s/%s' % (self.debugfs, category)
with open(debugfs) as f:
# The debug fs content is composed of num_rows, where each row
# contains (num_cols * 2) bytes of num_cols consecutive sensor values.
num_bytes_per_row = self.num_cols * 2
out_data = []
for _ in range(self.num_rows):
row_data =
values = []
for i in range(self.num_cols):
# Correct endianness
s = row_data[i * 2 + 1] + row_data[i * 2]
val = int(s.encode('hex'), 16)
# Correct signed value
if val > 32768:
val = val - 65535
return out_data
def Verify(self, data):
"""Verify sensor data.
True if the sensor data are legitimate.
# There are 3 columns of metal fingers on the probe. The touched_cols are
# derived through experiments. The values may vary from board to board.
touched_cols = [1, 35, 69]
return super(SensorServiceSamus, self)._VerifyDeltasTouched(data,
class SensorServiceRyu(BaseSensorService):
"""Sensor services for Ryu.
On Ryu, the sensor data are provided by a user-level program f54test.
# Refer to the vendor developer guide for details of the various report types.
REPORT_TYPE = {'deltas': 2, 'refs': 3,
'trx_opens': 24, 'trx_gnd_shorts': 25, 'trx-shorts': 26}
[0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00],
[0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00],
[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]}
def __init__(self, ip, dut, remote_bin_root='', remote_data_dir='', tool='',
fw_update_tool='', hid_tool='', fw_file='', install_flag=True,
super(SensorServiceRyu, self).__init__(RYU, log=log)
self.ip = ip
self.dut = dut
self.remote_bin_root = remote_bin_root
self.remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir
self.tool = tool
self.fw_update_tool = fw_update_tool
self.hid_tool = hid_tool
self.fw_file = fw_file
self.remote_tool_bin_dir = os.path.join(self.remote_bin_root, 'bin')
self.src_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'boards', self.board)
self.read_cmd_prefix = '%s -r ' % self._GetToolPath(tool)
self.check_cmd = 'test -e %s'
self.num_rows = None
self.num_cols = None
if install_flag:
self.dut.Call('mount -o remount,rw ' + self.remote_bin_root)
if self.InstallFiles():'Sucessfully installed files.')
self.log.error('Failed to install files.')
self.status_flag = self.num_rows is not None and self.num_cols is not None
self.status_flag = True
def _GetToolPath(self, filename):
"""Return the filepath of a binary tool."""
return os.path.join(self.remote_tool_bin_dir, filename)
def _GetDataPath(self, filename):
"""Return the filepath of a data file."""
return os.path.join(self.remote_data_dir, filename)
def _CheckFileExistence(self, filepath):
"""Check if the file exists in the DUT."""
return utils.IsSuccessful(self.dut.Call(self.check_cmd % filepath))
def InstallFiles(self):
"""Install the tools and the data file on the remote machine."""
return (self._InstallFile(self.remote_tool_bin_dir, self.tool) and
self._InstallFile(self.remote_tool_bin_dir, self.fw_update_tool) and
self._InstallFile(self.remote_tool_bin_dir, self.hid_tool) and
self._InstallFile(self.remote_data_dir, self.fw_file))
def _InstallFile(self, dst_dir, filename):
"""Install the file on the remote machine."""
dst_filepath = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename)
# If the filename is '' or the dst_filepath already exists, just return.
if not filename or self._CheckFileExistence(dst_filepath):
return True
src_filepath = os.path.join(self.src_dir, filename)
with open(src_filepath) as f:
return True
def CalibrateBaseline(self):
"""Do baseline calibration."""
return len(self.Read('deltas')) > 0
def CheckStatus(self):
"""Checks whether it could read the sensor data or not.
True if could read sensor deltas values.
return self.status_flag
def GetSensorDimensions(self):
"""Get the numbers of rows and columns.
(num_rows, num_cols): the numbers of rows and columns
return (self.num_rows, self.num_cols)
def _ReadRawData(self, category):
"""Read the output from execution on DUT()."""
read_cmd = self.read_cmd_prefix + str(self.REPORT_TYPE[category])
return self.dut.CheckOutput(read_cmd)
def Read(self, category):
"""Reads touchscreen sensors raw data.
The sensor data look like
tx = 36
rx = 51
-4 -2 0 -1 -2 -2 ...........
-1 5 1 -3 1 -1 ...........
Reset completed.
out_data = []
for line in self._ReadRawData(category).splitlines():
if line.startswith('tx'):
_, value = line.split('=')
self.num_rows = int(value)
elif line.startswith('rx'):
_, value = line.split('=')
self.num_cols = int(value)
elif line.startswith('Reset'):
elif self.num_cols is None:
values = line.split()
if len(values) == self.num_cols:
out_data.append(map(int, values))
return out_data
def VerifyDeltasTouched(self, data):
"""Verify sensor data when the panel is touched.
True if the sensor data are legitimate.
touched_cols = range(self.num_cols)
return super(SensorServiceRyu, self)._VerifyDeltasTouched(data,
def ReadTRx(self, category):
"""Read TRx test data.
Report type 24: TRx opens.
Report type 25: TRx-Gnd shorts.
Report type 26: TRx shorts.
Refer to the vendor's developer guide for details.
category: correspoding to the report type of f54test
a list of bytes
out_data = []
for line in self._ReadRawData(category).splitlines():
if ':' in line:
_, value_str = line.split(':')
out_data.append(int(value_str, 16))
return out_data
def VerifyTRx(self, data, category):
"""Condcut TRx open/short tests.
Report type 24: TRx opens. All bits should read '1' to pass.
Report type 25: TRx-Gnd shorts. All bits should read '1' to pass.
Report type 26: TRx shorts. All bits should read '0' to pass.
The correct output of the report types 24 and 25 should look like
000: 0x00
001: 0x00
002: 0xfc
003: 0xff
004: 0xff
005: 0xff
006: 0xff
007: 0xff
008: 0x1f
009: 0x00
010: 0x00
The correct output of the report type 26 should look like
000: 0x00
001: 0x00
002: 0x00
003: 0x00
004: 0x00
005: 0x00
006: 0x00
007: 0x00
008: 0x00
009: 0x00
010: 0x00
Refer to the vendor's developer guide for details.
True if the data are legitimate.
expected_values = self.EXPECTED_VALUES.get(category)
if expected_values is None:
raise Error('The "%s" is not supported in EXPECTED_VALUES.' % category)
return data == expected_values
def FlashFirmware(self, fw_version, fw_config):
"""Flash a touch firmware to the device.
Flashing a new firmware must be followed by resetting the
touch device. Otherwise, the touch device does not work.
existing_fw_version, existing_fw_config = self.ReadFirmwareVersion()
if existing_fw_version == fw_version and existing_fw_config == fw_config:
msg = 'Existing fw %s:%s is already the target one. No flashing needed.' % (existing_fw_version, existing_fw_config))
return True
cmd_update = '%s -f -d /dev/hidraw0 %s' % (
self._GetDataPath(self.fw_file))'flashing a new firmware %s:%s...' % (fw_version, fw_config))
return utils.IsSuccessful(self.dut.Call(cmd_update))
def ReadFirmwareVersion(self):
"""Read whether the firmware version and config are correct."""
fw_version = None
fw_config = None
read_cmd = '%s -o /dev/hidraw0' % self._GetToolPath(self.hid_tool)
for line in self.dut.CheckOutput(read_cmd).splitlines():
if ':' in line:
name, value = [elm.strip() for elm in line.split(':')]
if name == 'Build ID':
fw_version = value
elif name == 'Config ID':
fw_config = value
return (fw_version, fw_config)
def PostTest(self):
"""A method to invoke after conducting the test.
Re-calibrate the baseline after the metal mesh is lifted up.
flag = self.CalibrateBaseline()'Calibrate the baseline: %s' % str(flag))
return flag
def GetSensorServiceClass(board):
"""Get the proper SensorService subclass for the specified board."""
SAMUS: SensorServiceSamus,
RYU: SensorServiceRyu,
RUSH_RYU: SensorServiceRyu,
board_sensors = SENSORS_CLASS_DICT.get(board)
if board_sensors:
return board_sensors
raise Error('Failed to get sensor service subclass for %s.' % board)
def RunXMLRPCSysfsServer(addr, board, log=logging):
"""A helper function to create and run the xmlrpc server to serve sensors
def _IsServerRunning():
"""Check if the server is running."""
filename = os.path.basename(__file__)
# Exclude the one with 'sudo python ....' which is only a shell.
re_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!sudo)\s+python.+' + filename)
count = 0
for line in utils.SimpleSystemOutput('ps aux').splitlines():
result =
if result:
count += 1
return count > 1
_, port = addr
if _IsServerRunning():
print('XMLRPCServer(%s) has been already running....' % str(addr))
if not utils.IsDestinationPortEnabled(port):
utils.EnableDestinationPort(port)'The destination port %d is enabled.' % port)
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(addr)
# Set allow_dotted_names=True since SensorService has an object,
board_sensors = GetSensorServiceClass(board)
# i.e. kernel_module, as its member. This flag helps register
# the functions in kernel_module as well.
server.register_instance(board_sensors(log), allow_dotted_names=True)
print('XMLRPCServer(%s) serves sys fs data forever....' % str(addr))
def _ParseAddr(addr_str):
"""Parse the address string into (ip, port) pair."""
result ='(.+):(\d+)', addr_str)
if not result:
ip =
port = int(
return (ip, port)
def _Usage():
"""Print the usage."""
prog = sys.argv[0]
print('Usage: ./%s ip:port board' % prog)
print('E.g.: ./%s ryu' % prog)
print(' ./%s localhost:8000 samus' % prog)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
RunXMLRPCSysfsServer(_ParseAddr(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2])