blob: 0d679ba86002423de59bb58338e2ffde4a9f9857 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class Option(object):
"""Utility class for generating and manipulating HTML option tag.
value: Text value of the option. This is the value inside option tag.
display: Displayed value of the option. This is the value shown on page.
selected: Boolean value indicating whether this option is selected.
def __init__(self, value, display, selected=False):
self._value = value
self._display = display
self._selected = selected
def SetSelected(self, value):
"""Set selected attribute
value: A boolean value indicating the selected status.
self._selected = value
def GenerateHTML(self):
"""Generate HTML tag."""
attrs = 'value="%s"' % self._value
if self._selected:
attrs += ' selected'
return ['<option %s>' % attrs, self._display, '</option>']
class SelectBox(object):
"""Utility class for generating and manipulating HTML select box and options.
id: ID of the select box.
size: The size of the select box.
style: CSS style to apply on the select box.
def __init__(self, element_id, size=10, style=None):
self._element_id = element_id
self._size = size
self._style = style
self._option_list = []
def AppendOption(self, value, display):
"""Appends a option into the select box.
value: Text value of the option. This is the value inside option tag.
display: Displayed value of the option. This is the value shown on page.
self._option_list.append(Option(value, display))
def SetSelectedIndex(self, index):
"""Set the given index as selected."""
if len(self._option_list) < index:
def GenerateHTML(self):
"""Generate HTML tags."""
html = ['<select id="%s" size=%d style="%s">' % (
self._element_id, self._size, self._style)]
for option in self._option_list:
return html
class Table(object):
"""Utility class for generating HTML table.
This class allows us to easily set the content of each cell. For example:
table = Table(element_id='example_table', rows=2, cols=2)
for r in xrange(2):
for c in xrange(2):
table.SetContent(r, c, 'row %d col %d' % (r, c))
return table.GenerateHTML()
element_id: ID of the table.
rows: Number of rows.
cols: Number of columns.
style: CSS style to apply on the table.
def __init__(self, element_id=None, rows=1, cols=1, style=None):
self._element_id = element_id or ''
self._style = style or ''
self._content = {}
self.rows = rows
self.cols = cols
def SetContent(self, row, col, content):
"""Sets HTML content of specified row and column."""
self._content[(row, col)] = content
def GenerateHTML(self):
"""Generates HTML tags."""
html = ['<table id="%s" style="%s">' % (self._element_id, self._style)]
for r in xrange(self.rows):
for c in xrange(self.cols):
if (r, c) in self._content:
html.append(self._content[(r, c)])
return html