log_writer: library for writing testlog json to disk

log_writer is in large part borrowed code from event_log, since
their functions are very similar.  However, log_writer accepts
testlog Event objects, and writes them to disk in JSON format.

The old event_log and log_writer will exist in parallel while
event_log is phased out.

TEST=Manually on DUT

Change-Id: I2d6fa067bd11dcebd4b77d97d1b8e51c57be20fb
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/340160
Commit-Ready: Joel Kitching <kitching@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joel Kitching <kitching@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Chun-ta Lin <itspeter@chromium.org>
diff --git a/py/test/log_writer.py b/py/test/log_writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be8037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/py/test/log_writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Write testlog JSON logs to disk."""
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+import factory_common  # pylint: disable=W0611
+from cros.factory.test import factory
+from cros.factory.utils import platform_utils
+from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
+from cros.factory.utils import sys_utils
+FileLock = platform_utils.GetProvider('FileLock')
+# The location to store the device ID file should be a place that is
+# less likely to be deleted.
+DEVICE_ID_PATH = os.path.join(factory.get_factory_root(), 'testlog_device_id')
+WLAN0_MAC_PATH = '/sys/class/net/wlan0/address'
+MLAN0_MAC_PATH = '/sys/class/net/mlan0/address'
+# TODO(kitching): Add CPUID for Intel devices?
+STATE_DIR = factory.get_state_root()
+# Path to use to persist image ID.
+REIMAGE_ID_PATH = os.path.join(STATE_DIR, 'testlog_reimage_id')
+# File containing the number of times Goofy has been initialized.
+INIT_COUNT_PATH = os.path.join(STATE_DIR, 'init_count')
+# The /var/factory/log directory (or equivalent if in the chroot).
+LOG_DIR = factory.get_log_root()
+# The main JSON file. It will be ingested by a local Instalog instance.
+TESTLOG_PATH = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'testlog.json')
+# The /var/run directory (or something writable by us if in the chroot).
+RUN_DIR = os.path.join(
+    factory.get_factory_root('run') if sys_utils.InChroot() else '/var/run',
+    'factory')
+# File containing the next sequence number to write. This is in
+# /var/run so it is cleared on each boot.
+SEQUENCE_PATH = os.path.join(RUN_DIR, 'testlog_seq')
+# Each boot, the sequence number increases by this amount, to try to
+# help ensure monotonicity.
+# For example, say we write events #55 and #56 to the event file and
+# sync them to the Shopfloor server, but then we have a power problem
+# and then lose those events before they are completely flushed to
+# disk. On reboot, the last event we will find in the events file is
+# #54, so if we started again with #55 we would violate monotonicity
+# in the Shopfloor server record. But this way we will start with
+# sequence number #1000055.
+# This is not bulletproof: we could write and sync event #1000055,
+# then have a similar power problem, and on the next reboot write and
+# sync event #1000055 again. But this is much more unlikely than the
+# above scenario.
+# Cache the DEVICE_ID and REIMAGE_ID after being read from disk or
+# after being generated (if they do not yet exist).
+_device_id = None
+_reimage_id = None
+# A global log writer. Since each test is invoked separately as a
+# process, each test will have their own "global" log writer with
+# correct context. Goofy will also have its separate log writer.
+# Use the lock to avoid two threads creating two LogWriters.
+_global_log_writer = None
+_log_writer_lock = threading.Lock()
+def Log(event):
+  """Logs the event using the global log writer.
+  This function is essentially a wrapper around LogWriter.Log(). It
+  creates or reuses the global log writer and calls the LogWriter.Log()
+  function. Note that this should only be used in pytests, which are
+  spawned as separate processes.
+  """
+  GetGlobalLogWriter().Log(event)
+def GetGlobalLogWriter():
+  """Gets the singleton instance of the global log writer.
+  The global log writer obtains the current running test's uuid from the
+  environment variable CROS_FACTORY_TEST_PARENT_INVOCATION and initializes
+  LogWriter appropriately.
+  Raises:
+    ValueError: if the test path is not defined
+  """
+  global _global_log_writer  # pylint: disable=W0603
+  if _global_log_writer is None:
+    with _log_writer_lock:
+      if _global_log_writer is None:
+        test_run_id = os.environ.get(
+        _global_log_writer = LogWriter(test_run_id=test_run_id)
+  return _global_log_writer
+def GetDeviceID():
+  """Returns the device ID.
+  The device ID is created and stored when this function is first called
+  on a device after imaging/reimaging. The result is stored in
+  DEVICE_ID_PATH and is used for all future references. If DEVICE_ID_PATH
+  does not exist, it is obtained from the first successful read from
+  DEVICE_ID_SEARCH_PATHS. If none is available, the ID is generated.
+  Note that ideally a device ID does not change for one "device". However,
+  in the case that the read result from DEVICE_ID_SEARCH_PATHS changed (e.g.
+  caused by firmware update, change of components) AND the device is reimaged,
+  the device ID will change.
+  """
+  with _log_writer_lock:
+    global _device_id  # pylint: disable=W0603
+    if _device_id:
+      return _device_id
+    # Always respect the device ID recorded in DEVICE_ID_PATH first.
+    if os.path.exists(DEVICE_ID_PATH):
+      _device_id = open(DEVICE_ID_PATH).read().strip()
+      if _device_id:
+        return _device_id
+    # Find or generate device ID from the search path.
+    for path in DEVICE_ID_SEARCH_PATHS:
+      if os.path.exists(path):
+        _device_id = open(path).read().strip()
+        if _device_id:
+          break
+    else:
+      _device_id = str(uuid4())
+      logging.warning('No device_id available yet: generated %s', _device_id)
+    # Save the device ID to DEVICE_ID_PATH for future reloading.
+    file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(DEVICE_ID_PATH))
+    with open(DEVICE_ID_PATH, 'w') as f:
+      f.write(_device_id)
+      f.flush()
+      os.fsync(f)
+    return _device_id
+def GetReimageID():
+  """Returns the reimage ID.
+  This is stored in REIMAGE_ID_PATH; one is generated if not available.
+  """
+  with _log_writer_lock:
+    global _reimage_id  # pylint: disable=W0603
+    if not _reimage_id:
+      if os.path.exists(REIMAGE_ID_PATH):
+        _reimage_id = open(REIMAGE_ID_PATH).read().strip()
+      if not _reimage_id:
+        _reimage_id = str(uuid4())
+        logging.info('No reimage_id available yet: generated %s', _reimage_id)
+        # Save the reimage ID to REIMAGE_ID_PATH for future reloading.
+        file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(REIMAGE_ID_PATH))
+        with open(REIMAGE_ID_PATH, 'w') as f:
+          f.write(_reimage_id)
+          f.flush()
+          os.fsync(f)
+    return _reimage_id
+def GetInitCount():
+  """Returns the current init count (or -1 if not available)."""
+  try:
+    return int(open(INIT_COUNT_PATH).read())
+  except (IOError, ValueError):
+    return -1
+def IncrementInitCount():
+  """Increments the init count.
+  Creates the init count file if it does not already exist.
+  """
+  init_count = GetInitCount() + 1
+  logging.info('Goofy init count: %d', init_count)
+  file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(INIT_COUNT_PATH))
+  with open(INIT_COUNT_PATH, 'w') as f:
+    f.write('%d' % init_count)
+    f.flush()
+    os.fsync(f.fileno())
+class LogWriter(object):
+  def __init__(self, test_run_id=None, seq=None):
+    self.test_run_id = test_run_id
+    self.json_log = JSONLogFile(TESTLOG_PATH)
+    self.seq = seq or GlobalSeq(
+        SEQUENCE_PATH, recovery_fn=self.json_log.RecoverSeq)
+  def Log(self, event):
+    with self.json_log:
+      self._LogUnlocked(event)
+  def _LogUnlocked(self, event):
+    event.Populate({
+        'seq': self.seq.Next(),
+        'stationDeviceId': GetDeviceID(),
+        'stationReimageId': GetReimageID()})
+    if self.test_run_id:
+      # Currently ignored for events which don't have this field.
+      # TODO(kitching): Figure out a way to add this field only when
+      # necessary.
+      event.Populate({'testRunId': self.test_run_id})
+    line = event.ToJSON() + '\n'
+    self.json_log.Log(line)
+    return line
+class ReentrantFileLock(object):
+  """Represents a reentrant file lock.
+  Uses a file on disk to keep track of a lock, and provides __enter__ and
+  __exit__ functions for use in `with` statements.
+  File handle is exposed as self.file for a subclass to use.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, path, mode):
+    self.path = path
+    self.mode = mode
+    self.opened = False
+    self.file = None
+    self._lock_count = 0
+    self._lock = threading.Lock()
+  def __enter__(self):
+    """Locks the associated log file."""
+    with self._lock:
+      self._lock_count += 1
+      if self._lock_count > 1:
+        return
+      self._OpenUnlocked()
+      FileLock(self.file.fileno(), True)
+  def __exit__(self, ex_type, value, tb):
+    """Unlocks the associated log file."""
+    del ex_type, value, tb
+    with self._lock:
+      self._lock_count -= 1
+      if self._lock_count > 0:
+        return
+      FileLock(self.file.fileno(), False)
+  def Close(self):
+    """Closes associated log file.  Removes any outstanding locks."""
+    if self.file:
+      with self._lock:
+        self.opened = False
+        self.file.close()
+        self.file = None
+        self._lock_count = 0
+  def _OpenUnlocked(self):
+    parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.path)
+    if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
+      try:
+        os.makedirs(parent_dir)
+      except OSError:
+        # Maybe someone else tried to create it simultaneously
+        if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
+          raise
+    if self.opened:
+      return
+    self.file = open(self.path, self.mode)
+    self.opened = True
+class JSONLogFile(ReentrantFileLock):
+  """Represents a JSON log file on disk."""
+  def __init__(self, path=TESTLOG_PATH):
+    super(JSONLogFile, self).__init__(path=path, mode='a')
+  def Log(self, data):
+    with self:
+      self.file.write(data)
+      self.file.flush()
+      os.fsync(self.file.fileno())
+    return data
+  def RecoverSeq(self):
+    """Finds the next sequence number based on the log file.
+    This is the current maximum sequence number (or 0 if none is found). Takes
+    the last line as the most recent event.
+    """
+    try:
+      if not os.path.exists(self.path) or os.path.getsize(self.path) == 0:
+        # There is no log file, or it is empty. It's safe to start at 0.
+        return 0
+    except os.error:
+      # If the size can't be accessed for some reason, let's still try to
+      # continue to the recovery phase.
+      pass
+    try:
+      with open(self.path) as f:
+        last = None
+        for last in f:
+          pass
+        max_seq = json.loads(last)['seq']
+        return max_seq + 1
+    except (os.error, ValueError):
+      # This should really never happen; maybe the events file is
+      # so corrupted that a read operation is failing.
+      return None
+class GlobalSeq(object):
+  """Manages a global sequence number in a file.
+  FileLock is used to ensure atomicity.
+  Args:
+    path: Path to the sequence number file (defaults to SEQUENCE_PATH).
+    recovery_fn: Function to call when sequence number needs to be recovered.
+    _after_read: A function to call immediately after reading the
+                 sequence number (for testing).
+    _after_write: A function to call immediately after writing the
+                  sequence number (for testing).
+  """
+  def __init__(self, path=SEQUENCE_PATH, recovery_fn=None,
+               _after_read=lambda: True, _after_write=lambda: True):
+    self.seq_path = path
+    self.recovery_fn = recovery_fn
+    self._after_read = _after_read
+    self._after_write = _after_write
+    self._Create()
+  def _Create(self):
+    """Creates the file if it does not yet exist or is invalid."""
+    # Need to use os.open, because Python's open does not support
+    # O_RDWR | O_CREAT.
+    file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(self.seq_path))
+    fd = os.open(self.seq_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
+    with os.fdopen(fd, 'r+') as f:
+      FileLock(fd, True)
+      contents = f.read()
+      if contents:
+        try:
+          _ = int(contents)
+          return  # It's all good.
+        except ValueError:
+          logging.exception(
+              'Sequence number file %s contains non-integer %r',
+              self.seq_path, contents)
+      value = self._FindNextSequenceNumber()
+      f.write(str(value))
+      f.flush()
+      os.fsync(fd)
+    logging.info('Created global sequence file %s with sequence number %d',
+                 self.seq_path, value)
+  def _NextOrRaise(self):
+    """Returns the next sequence number, raising an exception on failure."""
+    with open(self.seq_path, 'r+') as f:
+      # The file will be closed, and the lock freed, as soon as this
+      # block goes out of scope.
+      FileLock(f.fileno(), True)
+      value = int(f.read())
+      self._after_read()
+      f.seek(0)
+      f.write(str(value + 1))
+      f.flush()
+      os.fsync(f.fileno())
+    self._after_write()
+    return value
+  def _FindNextSequenceNumber(self):
+    """Recover the sequence number using our recovery_fn."""
+    if self.recovery_fn is None:
+      logging.info('No recovery function specified; resetting to 0')
+      return 0
+    recovery_seq = self.recovery_fn()
+    if recovery_seq is None:
+      # This should really never happen; maybe the events file is
+      # so corrupted that a read operation is failing.
+      logging.exception('Unable to find next sequence number from '
+                        'events file; using system time in ms')
+      return int(time.time() * 1000)
+    elif recovery_seq == 0:
+      # There is no log file. It's safe to start at 0.
+      return recovery_seq
+    else:
+      return recovery_seq + SEQ_INCREMENT_ON_BOOT
+  def Next(self):
+    """Returns the next sequence number.
+    This needs to be run in the context of the log file being locked.
+    Otherwise, there's a chance that the same `seq` number will be produced
+    by two separate processes.
+    """
+    try:
+      return self._NextOrRaise()
+    except (IOError, OSError, ValueError):
+      logging.exception('Unable to read global sequence number from %s; '
+                        'trying to re-create', self.seq_path)
+    # This should really never happen (unless, say, some process
+    # corrupts or deletes the file). Try our best to re-create it;
+    # this is not completely safe but better than totally hosing the
+    # machine. On failure, we're really screwed, so just propagate
+    # any exception.
+    file_utils.TryUnlink(self.seq_path)
+    self._Create()
+    return self._NextOrRaise()
diff --git a/py/test/log_writer_unittest.py b/py/test/log_writer_unittest.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..154ac0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/py/test/log_writer_unittest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Unittest for log_writer.py."""
+import json
+import os
+import Queue
+import threading
+import time
+import unittest
+import factory_common  # pylint: disable=W0611
+from cros.factory.test import log_writer
+from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
+def Reset():
+  """Deletes state files and resets global variables."""
+  # pylint: disable=W0212
+  log_writer._device_id = log_writer._reimage_id = None
+  log_writer._global_log_writer = None
+  for f in [log_writer.DEVICE_ID_PATH, log_writer.REIMAGE_ID_PATH,
+            log_writer.INIT_COUNT_PATH, log_writer.TESTLOG_PATH,
+            log_writer.SEQUENCE_PATH]:
+    file_utils.TryUnlink(f)
+class MockEvent(object):
+  def __init__(self, string):
+    self.data = {'$string': string}
+    self.seq = None
+  def Populate(self, data):
+    self.data.update(data)
+    self.seq = data.pop('seq', self.seq)
+  def ToJSON(self):
+    """Format an ad-hoc string as a JSON event for testing."""
+    return json.dumps(self.data)
+class LogWriterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Unittests for LogWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    Reset()
+  def testRecoverSeq(self):
+    """Test seq recovery functionality."""
+    writer = log_writer.LogWriter()
+    writer.Log(MockEvent('event0'))  # event 0
+    writer.Log(MockEvent('event1'))  # event 1
+    writer.Log(MockEvent('event2'))  # event 2
+    # Delete the sequence file to simulate corruption.
+    os.unlink(log_writer.SEQUENCE_PATH)
+    writer.Log(MockEvent('event3'))
+    line = None
+    for line in open(log_writer.TESTLOG_PATH):
+      pass
+    seq = json.loads(line)['seq']
+    # Sequence file should be re-created, starting with 3 plus
+    self.assertEquals(seq, 3 + log_writer.SEQ_INCREMENT_ON_BOOT)
+  def testIds(self):
+    """Test that IDs are properly getting set."""
+    test_run_id = 'bfa88756-ef2b-4e58-a4a2-eda1408bc93f'
+    log_writer.GetDeviceID()
+    log_writer.GetReimageID()
+    writer = log_writer.LogWriter(test_run_id=test_run_id)
+    event = MockEvent('event0')
+    writer.Log(event)
+    self.assertEquals(event.data['testRunId'], test_run_id)
+    self.assertEquals(event.data['stationDeviceId'], log_writer.GetDeviceID())
+    self.assertEquals(event.data['stationReimageId'], log_writer.GetReimageID())
+class JSONLogFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Unittests for JSONLogFile."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    Reset()
+  def testRecoverSeq(self):
+    """Test that RecoverSeq is returning the proper value."""
+    json_log = log_writer.JSONLogFile()
+    self.assertEquals(json_log.RecoverSeq(), 0)
+    json_log.Log('corrupted_data\n')
+    self.assertEquals(json_log.RecoverSeq(), None)
+    json_log.Log('{"seq": 3333}\n')
+    self.assertEquals(json_log.RecoverSeq(), 3334)
+  def testLock(self):
+    """Test reentrant file lock functionality."""
+    json1 = log_writer.JSONLogFile()
+    # pylint: disable=W0212
+    json1._OpenUnlocked()
+    json2 = log_writer.JSONLogFile()
+    json2._OpenUnlocked()
+    self.assertNotEquals(json1.file.fileno(), json2.file.fileno())
+    recovered_seq = Queue.Queue()
+    def GetRecoverSeq():
+      with json1:
+        recovered_seq.put(json1.RecoverSeq())
+    t = threading.Thread(target=GetRecoverSeq)
+    with json2:
+      t.start()
+      for i in range(5):
+        event = MockEvent('test')
+        event.Populate({'seq': i})
+        json2.Log(event.ToJSON() + '\n')
+        time.sleep(1)
+    t.join()
+    self.assertEquals(recovered_seq.get(), 5)
+class GlobalSeqTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Unittests for GlobalSeq."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    Reset()
+  def testBasic(self):
+    seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq()
+    for i in range(3):
+      self.assertEquals(i, seq.Next())
+    del seq
+    # Try again with a new sequence file
+    seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq()
+    for i in range(3, 6):
+      self.assertEquals(i, seq.Next())
+    del seq
+  def testMissingSequenceFile(self):
+    json_log = log_writer.JSONLogFile()
+    # Generate a few sequence numbers.
+    seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq(recovery_fn=json_log.RecoverSeq)
+    self.assertEquals(0, seq.Next())
+    self.assertEquals(1, seq.Next())
+    # Log an event; will have sequence number 2.
+    log_writer.LogWriter().Log(MockEvent('bar'))
+    with open(log_writer.TESTLOG_PATH) as f:
+      assert '"seq": 2' in f.readline()
+    # Delete the sequence file to simulate corruption.
+    os.unlink(log_writer.SEQUENCE_PATH)
+    # Sequence file should be re-created, starting with 3 plus
+    self.assertEquals(3 + log_writer.SEQ_INCREMENT_ON_BOOT,
+                      seq.Next())
+    # Delete the sequence file and create a new GlobalSeq object to
+    # simulate a reboot. We'll do this a few times.
+    for i in range(3):
+      # Log an event to record the new sequence number for "reboot"
+      log_writer.LogWriter().Log(MockEvent('bar'))
+      del seq
+      os.unlink(log_writer.SEQUENCE_PATH)
+      seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq(recovery_fn=json_log.RecoverSeq)
+      # Sequence file should be re-created, increasing by 1 for the logged
+      # event, and SEQ_INCREMENT_ON_BOOT for the reboot.
+      self.assertEquals(
+          5 + (i * 2) + (i + 2) * log_writer.SEQ_INCREMENT_ON_BOOT,
+          seq.Next())
+  def _testThreads(self, after_read=lambda: True):
+    """Tests atomicity by doing operations in 10 threads for 1 sec.
+    Args:
+      after_read: See GlobalSeq._after_read.
+    """
+    values = []
+    start_time = time.time()
+    end_time = start_time + 1
+    def target():
+      seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq(_after_read=after_read)
+      while time.time() < end_time:
+        values.append(seq.Next())
+    threads = [threading.Thread(target=target) for _ in xrange(10)]
+    for t in threads:
+      t.start()
+    for t in threads:
+      t.join()
+    # After we sort, should be numbers [1 .. len(values)].
+    values.sort()
+    self.assertEquals(range(len(values)), values)
+    return values
+  def testThreadsWithSleep(self):
+    values = self._testThreads(after_read=lambda: time.sleep(.05))
+    # There should be about 20 to 30 values (1 every 50 ms for 1 s, plus
+    # a number less than the number of threads).
+    # Significantly more or less than that and something went wrong.
+    self.assertTrue(len(values) > 10, values)
+    self.assertTrue(len(values) < 30, values)
+  def testThreadsWithoutSleep(self):
+    values = self._testThreads()
+    # There should be lots of values (I get over 35000 on my desktop); we'll
+    # just make sure there are >1000.
+    self.assertTrue(len(values) > 1000, values)
+  def testOutOfOrderThreads(self):
+    """Check that events are written down to the JSON log file in order."""
+    def LogThread(thread_name, sleep_time, iterations=10):
+      seq = log_writer.GlobalSeq(_after_write=lambda: time.sleep(sleep_time))
+      lw = log_writer.LogWriter(seq=seq)
+      for i in xrange(iterations):
+        lw.Log(MockEvent('{}: {}'.format(thread_name, i)))
+    threads = [threading.Thread(
+        target=LogThread,
+        args=('p{}'.format(i), 0.01 * i)) for i in xrange(5)]
+    for t in threads:
+      t.start()
+    for t in threads:
+      t.join()
+    # Collect the events from the JSON log.
+    f = open(log_writer.TESTLOG_PATH, 'r')
+    last_seq = -1
+    for line in f:
+      seq = json.loads(line)['seq']
+      self.assertEquals(last_seq + 1, seq)
+      last_seq = seq
+  def _testGetIDLock(self, fn):
+    # 50 seemed like the necessary threshold to get this to fail most of
+    # the time.
+    ids = None
+    for _ in xrange(50):
+      Reset()
+      ids = set()
+      def AddID():
+        ids.add(fn())
+      threads = [threading.Thread(target=AddID) for _ in xrange(3)]
+      for t in threads:
+        t.start()
+      for t in threads:
+        t.join()
+      self.assertEqual(len(ids), 1)
+  def testDeviceIDLock(self):
+    self._testGetIDLock(log_writer.GetDeviceID)
+  def testReimageIDLock(self):
+    self._testGetIDLock(log_writer.GetReimageID)
+class GlobalLogWriterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Unittests for GetGlobalLogWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    # Reset the global log writer.
+    log_writer._global_log_writer = None  # pylint: disable=W0212
+  def testGlobalInstanceNoEnv(self):
+    writer = log_writer.GetGlobalLogWriter()
+    self.assertEqual(None, writer.test_run_id)
+  def testGlobalInstanceWithEnv(self):
+    stub_uuid = 'bfa88756-ef2b-4e58-a4a2-eda1408bc93f'
+    os.environ['CROS_FACTORY_TEST_PARENT_INVOCATION'] = stub_uuid
+    writer = log_writer.GetGlobalLogWriter()
+    self.assertEqual(stub_uuid, writer.test_run_id)
+  def testSingleton(self):
+    # pylint: disable=W0212
+    self.assertEquals(None, log_writer._global_log_writer)
+    writer1 = log_writer.GetGlobalLogWriter()
+    writer2 = log_writer.GetGlobalLogWriter()
+    self.assertTrue(writer1 is writer2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()