blob: ad9d6814db03bae7f04d435bed494caf374e5648 [file] [log] [blame]
By default, when starting local server by `./ runserver`, Minijack
read datas from local sqlite3 database named minijack_db, search in current
directory, frontend/, /var/db/factory/.
* Instructions for deploying on Google App Engine:
Copy app.yaml.TEMPLATE to app.yaml, and change the application name to the
real application name deploying to.
- Using BigQuery as backend:
We need a Google API Service Account's PEM key on GAE.
Generate and download the PKCS12 format private key from API console, and
execute `openssl pkcs12 -in privatekey.p12 -nodes -nocerts > privatekey.pem`
to convert the key from PKCS12 to PEM. Then manually delete anything before
"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" from privatekey.pem.
Use to dump all datas to json files, and upload them with schemas
in the directory schemas/ to Google BigQuery tables. The tables must be named
Device, Test, Event, Component (case sensitive)
The script for progressive adding data is not available yet.
Copy to, and set the
settings accordingly.
- Using Google Cloud SQL as backend:
Google Cloud SQL is a MySQL server, which may run faster than BigQuery when
the data size is small, but it can't be run as backend for local server.
The script for dumping data to Google Cloud SQL is not available yet, but
basically it is sqlite3 to MySQL. Some point to notice:
1. MySQL can only use VARCHAR rather than TEXT when the column is indexed or
used as primary key, so the CREATE TABLE command needs to be changed
2. Sqlite3 doesn't escape \ in string, and use '' for ' in string, but MySQL
use \\ for \, \' for ' in string. This can cause problems when the Event
file contains serialized json. Replace all \'' to \\\' may solve the
3. By default, MySQL database seems to use case-insensitive compare for
primary key, which may cause duplicate key error. Adding "CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin" to "CREATE DATABASE" solves the problem.
The commands that can be used to create database and tables are located in
Set permission of Google Cloud SQL for the application deploying to.
Copy to, and set the
settings accordingly.