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#!/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""HWID v3 utility functions."""
import collections
import logging
import re
import yaml
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.gooftool import crosfw
from cros.factory.gooftool import probe
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import builder
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import common
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import database
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import decoder
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import encoder
from cros.factory.hwid.v3 import rule
from cros.factory.utils import process_utils
from cros.factory.utils import sys_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
def _HWIDMode(rma_mode):
if rma_mode:
return common.HWID.OPERATION_MODE.rma
return common.HWID.OPERATION_MODE.normal
def BuildDatabase(database_path, probed_results, board, image_id,
add_comp, del_comp, region, customization_id):
db_builder = builder.DatabaseBuilder(board=board)
db_builder.Update(probed_results, image_id, add_comp,
del_comp, region, customization_id)
def UpdateDatabase(database_path, probed_results, old_db, image_id=None,
add_comp=None, del_comp=None, region=None,
db_builder = builder.DatabaseBuilder(db=old_db)
db_builder.Update(probed_results, image_id, add_comp,
del_comp, region, customization_id)
def GenerateHWID(db, probed_results, device_info, vpd, rma_mode):
"""Generates a HWID v3 from the given data.
The HWID is generated based on the given device info and probed results. If
there are conflits of component information between device_info and
probed_results, priority is given to device_info.
db: A Database object to be used.
probed_results: A dict containing the probed results to be used.
device_info: A dict of component infomation keys to their corresponding
values. The format is device-specific and the meanings of each key and
value vary from device to device. The valid keys and values should be
specified in board-specific component database.
vpd: A dict of RO and RW VPD values.
rma_mode: Whether to verify components status in RMA mode.
The generated HWID object.
hwid_mode = _HWIDMode(rma_mode)
probed_results_yaml = yaml.dump(probed_results)
# Construct a base BOM from probe_results.
device_bom = db.ProbeResultToBOM(probed_results_yaml)
hwid = encoder.Encode(db, device_bom, mode=hwid_mode, skip_check=True)
# Update unprobeable components with rules defined in db before verification.
context = rule.Context(hwid=hwid, device_info=device_info, vpd=vpd)
db.rules.EvaluateRules(context, namespace='device_info.*')
return hwid
def DecodeHWID(db, encoded_string):
"""Decodes the given HWID v3 encoded string and returns the decoded info.
db: A Database object to be used.
encoded_string: An encoded HWID string to test.
The decoded HWIDv3 context object.
return decoder.Decode(db, encoded_string)
def ParseDecodedHWID(hwid):
"""Parses the HWID object into a more compact dict.
This function returns the board name and binary string from the HWID object,
along with a generated dict of components to their probed values decoded in
the HWID object.
hwid: A decoded HWID object.
A dict containing the board name, the binary string, and the list of
output_components = collections.defaultdict(list)
components =
db_components = hwid.database.components
for comp_cls in sorted(components):
for (comp_name, probed_values, _) in sorted(components[comp_cls]):
if not probed_values:
probed_values = db_components.GetComponentAttributes(
comp_cls, comp_name).get('values')
{comp_name: probed_values if probed_values else None})
return {'board': hwid.database.board,
'binary_string': hwid.binary_string,
'image_id': hwid.database.image_id[],
'components': dict(output_components)}
def VerifyHWID(db, encoded_string, probed_results, vpd, rma_mode,
"""Verifies the given encoded HWID v3 string against the component db.
A HWID context is built with the encoded HWID string and the board-specific
component database. The HWID context is used to verify that the probed
results match the infomation encoded in the HWID string.
RO and RW VPD are also loaded and checked against the required values stored
in the board-specific component database.
Phase checks are enforced; see cros.factory.hwid.common.VerifyPhase for
A set of mandatory rules for VPD are also forced here.
db: A Database object to be used.
encoded_string: An encoded HWID string to test.
probed_results: A dict containing the probed results to be used.
vpd: A dict of RO and RW VPD values.
rma_mode: True for RMA mode to allow deprecated components. Defaults to
current_phase: The current phase, for phase checks. If None is
specified, then phase.GetPhase() is used (this defaults to PVT
if none is available).
HWIDException if verification fails.
hwid_mode = _HWIDMode(rma_mode)
hwid = decoder.Decode(db, encoded_string, mode=hwid_mode)
context = rule.Context(hwid=hwid, vpd=vpd)
db.rules.EvaluateRules(context, namespace='verify.*')
mandatory_rules = [
{'name': '',
'evaluate': ['Assert(ValidVPDValue("ro", "%s"))' % field for field in
('region', 'serial_number')]},
{'name': '',
'evaluate': ['CheckRegistrationCode(GetVPDValue("rw", "%s"))' % field
for field in ('gbind_attribute', 'ubind_attribute')]},
def VerifyComponents(db, probed_results, component_list):
"""Verifies the given component list against the given HWID database.
This function is to ensure the installed components are correct. This method
uses the HWID v3 component database to verify components.
db: A Database object to be used.
probed_results: A dict containing the probed results to be verified.
component_list: A list of components to verify. (e.g., ['cpu', 'video'])
A dict from component class to a list of one or more
ProbedComponentResult tuples.
{component class: [ProbedComponentResult(
component_name, # The component name if found in the db, else None.
probed_string, # The actual probed string. None if probing failed.
error)]} # The error message if there is one.
return db.VerifyComponents(yaml.dump(probed_results), component_list,
def WriteHWID(encoded_string):
"""Writes the given encoded version 3 HWID string to firmware GBB section.
encoded_string: An encoded HWID string to write.
main_fw = crosfw.LoadMainFirmware()
process_utils.Spawn(['gbb_utility', '--set', '--hwid=%s' % encoded_string,
'%s' % main_fw.GetFileName()], check_call=True, log=True)
def ListComponents(db, comp_class=None):
"""Lists the components of the given component class.
db: A Database object to be used.
comp_class: An optional list of component classes to look up. If not given,
the function will list all the components of all component classes in
the database.
A dict of component classes to the component items of that class.
if not comp_class:
comp_class_to_lookup = db.components.components_dict.keys()
comp_class_to_lookup = type_utils.MakeList(comp_class)
output_components = collections.defaultdict(list)
for comp_cls in comp_class_to_lookup:
if comp_cls not in db.components.components_dict:
raise ValueError('Invalid component class %r' % comp_cls)
# Convert defaultdict to dict.
return dict(output_components)
def EnumerateHWID(db, image_id=None, status='supported'):
"""Enumerates all the possible HWIDs.
db: A Database object to be used.
image_id: The image ID to use. Defaults to the latest image ID.
status: By default only 'supported' components are enumerated. Set this to
'released' will include 'supported' and 'deprecated'. Set this to
'all' if you want to include 'deprecated', 'unsupported' and
'unqualified' components.
A dict of all enumetated HWIDs to their list of components.
def _GenerateEncodedString(encoded_fields):
"""Generates encoded string by encoded_fields
encoded_fields: This parameter records indices of encoded fields
encoding_pattern = 0
pass_check = True
components = collections.defaultdict(list)
component_list = []
logging.debug('EnumerateHWID: Iterate encoded_fields %s',
','.join(map(str, encoded_fields.values())))
for field, index in encoded_fields.iteritems():
# pylint: disable=W0212
attr_dict = db._GetAttributesByIndex(field, index)
comp_items = []
for comp_cls, attr_list in attr_dict.iteritems():
if attr_list is None:
None, None, common.MISSING_COMPONENT_ERROR(comp_cls)))
for attrs in attr_list:
if status == 'supported' and attrs.get('status') in (
pass_check = False
logging.debug('Ignore %s.%s: %r', comp_cls, attrs['name'],
if status == 'released' and attrs.get('status') in (
pass_check = False
logging.debug('Ignore %s.%s: %r', comp_cls, attrs['name'],
attrs['name'], attrs['values'], None))
component_list.append(' '.join(comp_items))
if pass_check:
bom = common.BOM(db.board, encoding_pattern, image_id, components,
binary_string = encoder.BOMToBinaryString(db, bom)
encoded_string = encoder.BinaryStringToEncodedString(db, binary_string)
hwid_dict[encoded_string] = ','.join(component_list)
def _RecursivelyGenerate(index=None, encoded_fields=None):
"""Recursive function to generate all combinations.
index: This parameter means the index of pattern fields
encoded_fields: This parameter records index of components
if index >= len(fields_list):
field = fields_list[index]
if field not in fields_bits.keys():
encoded_fields[field] = 0
_RecursivelyGenerate(index + 1, encoded_fields)
for i in xrange(0, len(db.encoded_fields[field])):
if i >= 2 ** fields_bits[field]:
encoded_fields[field] = i
_RecursivelyGenerate(index + 1, encoded_fields)
def _ConvertImageID(image_id=None):
"""Gets image ID.
image_id: The image ID. It can be a number, a string, or None:
1. If it's a number then return the number.
2. If it's a string then look up the image ID in the database with it.
3. If it's None, return the latest image ID.
An integer of the image ID as defined in the database.
max_image_id = max(db.image_id.keys())
if not isinstance(image_id, int):
if image_id is None:
image_id = max_image_id
elif image_id.isdigit():
image_id = int(image_id)
for k, v in db.image_id.iteritems():
if image_id == v:
image_id = k
assert image_id in range(0, max_image_id + 1), 'Invalid Image ID'
return image_id
hwid_dict = {}
encoded_fields = collections.defaultdict(int)
image_id = _ConvertImageID(image_id)
fields_bits = collections.defaultdict(int)
for field in db.pattern.GetPatternByImageId(image_id)['fields']:
comp, bit_width = field.items()[0]
fields_bits[comp] += bit_width
fields_list = db.encoded_fields.keys()
# Recursively generate all combinations of HWID.
_RecursivelyGenerate(0, encoded_fields)
return hwid_dict
def GetProbedResults(infile=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get probed results either from the given file or by probing the DUT.
*args and **kwargs are passed down to the Probe() function.
infile: A file containing the probed results in YAML format.
A dict of probed results.
if infile:
with open(infile, 'r') as f:
probed_results = yaml.load(
if sys_utils.InChroot():
raise ValueError('Cannot probe components in chroot. Please specify '
'probed results with an input file. If you are running '
'with command-line, use --probed-results-file')
kwargs['probe_vpd'] = True
probed_results = yaml.load(probe.Probe(*args, **kwargs).Encode())
return probed_results
def GetDeviceInfo(infile):
"""Get device info from the given file.
infile: A file containing the device info in YAML format. For example:
component.has_cellular: True
component.keyboard: US_API
A dict of device info.
with open(infile, 'r') as f:
device_info = yaml.load(
return device_info
def GetHWIDString():
"""Get HWID string from GBB on a DUT."""
if sys_utils.InChroot():
raise ValueError('Cannot read HWID from GBB in chroot')
main_fw_file = crosfw.LoadMainFirmware().GetFileName()
gbb_result = process_utils.CheckOutput(
['gbb_utility', '-g', '--hwid', '%s' % main_fw_file])
return re.findall(r'hardware_id:(.*)', gbb_result)[0].strip()
def GetVPD(probed_results):
"""Strips VPD from the given probed results and returns the VPD.
probed_results: A dict of probed results. On a DUT, run
gooftool probe --include_vpd
to get the probed results with VPD values on it.
A dict of RO and RW VPD values.
vpd = {'ro': {}, 'rw': {}}
if not probed_results.get('found_volatile_values'):
return vpd
for k, v in probed_results['found_volatile_values'].items():
# Use items(), not iteritems(), since we will be modifying the dict in the
# loop.
match = re.match(r'^vpd\.(ro|rw)\.(\w+)$', k)
if match:
del probed_results['found_volatile_values'][k]
vpd[][] = v
return vpd
def ComputeDatabaseChecksum(file_name):
"""Computes the checksum of the give database."""
return database.Database.Checksum(file_name)