blob: c41ffb7818ecc41d9e1056182f463ba6161ef664 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import time
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test import factory
from cros.factory.test.fixture import bft_fixture
class DummyBFTFixture(bft_fixture.BFTFixture):
"""A dummy class for BFT fixture.
It is used when we want to verify a BFT test case without BFT fixture.
For methods asking the fixture to do something, we place a timer for
tester to act like the fixture.
For methods getting status, like GetFixtureId, we returns a default value.
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# For EngageDevice/DisengageDevice, it sleeps _delay_secs for user to mimic
# fixture's action.
_delay_secs = 3
def GetSystemStatus(self, probe):
del probe # Unused.
return bft_fixture.BFTFixture.Status.ON
def Init(self, **kwargs):
del kwargs # Unused.
def Disconnect(self):
def SetDeviceEngaged(self, device, engage):
'Please %s device: %s' % ('engage' if engage else 'disengage', device))
def Ping(self):
self._Log('ping back.')
def CheckPowerRail(self):
self._Log('power rail okay.')
def CheckExtDisplay(self):
self._Log('external display okay.')
def GetFixtureId(self):
self._Log('fixture ID: 1.')
return 1
def ScanBarcode(self):
self._Prompt('Please type a barcode.')
def SimulateKeystrokes(self):
self._Prompt('Please input keystoke sequence.')
def IsLEDColor(self, color):
self._Log('Sees color: %s' % color)
return True
def SetStatusColor(self, color):
self._Log('Status color is set: %s' % color)
def delay_secs(self):
return self._delay_secs
def delay_secs(self, delay_secs):
self._delay_secs = delay_secs
def _Log(self, message):'Dummy BFT: ' + message)
def _Prompt(self, prompt):
"""Asks user to do something to ack like a real fixture.
It sleeps for _delay_secs for user to complete the action.
prompt: The prompt message.
class SpringDummyBFTFixture(DummyBFTFixture):
"""A dummy class for Spring BFT fixture.
It mimics Spring specific fixture, like
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# Will be set when the first GetSystemStatus(SystemStatus.BACKLIGHT) is
# called. And the value would be: now + _backlight_waiting_off_secs seconds.
_backlight_off_time = None
_backlight_waiting_off_secs = 10
def GetSystemStatus(self, probe):
if probe == bft_fixture.BFTFixture.SystemStatus.BACKLIGHT:
now = time.time()
status = bft_fixture.BFTFixture.Status.ON
if not self._backlight_off_time:
self._backlight_off_time = now + self._backlight_waiting_off_secs
elif self._backlight_off_time < now:
status = bft_fixture.BFTFixture.Status.OFF
self._Log('Backlight status: %s' % status)
return status
self._Log('Backlight status: %s. Will turn off after %.1f seconds.' %
(status, self._backlight_off_time - now))
return status
raise bft_fixture.BFTFixtureException(
'Fixture does not support %s' % probe)