blob: 44ac17bf992842b76464a5a05db7b9bcd7c73e9d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import hashlib
import optparse
import os
import flashrom_util
import fmap
import gft_common
from gft_common import WarningMsg, VerboseMsg, DebugMsg, ErrorMsg, ErrorDie
def GetBIOSReadOnlyHash(file_source=None):
Returns a hash of main firmware (BIOS) read only parts,
to confirm we have proper keys / boot code / recovery image installed.
file_source: None to read BIOS from system flash rom, or any string
value as the file name of firmware image to read.
# hash_ro_list: RO section to be hashed
hash_src = ''
hash_ro_list = ['RO_SECTION']
flashrom = flashrom_util.FlashromUtility(exception_type=gft_common.GFTError)
flashrom.initialize(flashrom.TARGET_BIOS, target_file=file_source)
image = flashrom.get_current_image()
fmap_obj = fmap.fmap_decode(image)
if not fmap_obj:
ErrorDie('GetBIOSReadOnlyHash: No FMAP structure in flashrom.')
# TODO(hungte) we can check that FMAP must reside in RO section, and the
# BSTUB must be aligned to bottom of firmware.
hash_src = hash_src + fmap.fmap_encode(fmap_obj)
# New firmware spec defined new "RO_SECTION" which includes all sections to
# be hashed. Legacy firmware uses a list of BSTUB, GBB, and DEV.
if hash_ro_list[0] not in flashrom.layout:
WarningMsg("Warning: firmware_hash: working on legacy firmware")
hash_ro_list = ['BOOT_STUB', 'GBB', 'RECOVERY']
for section in hash_ro_list:
src = flashrom.read_section(section)
if not src:
ErrorDie('GetBIOSReadOnlyHash: Cannot get section [%s]' % section)
hash_src = hash_src + src
if not hash_src:
ErrorDie('GetBIOSReadOnlyHash: Invalid hash source from flashrom.')
return hashlib.sha256(hash_src).hexdigest()
def GetECHash(file_source=None):
Returns a hash of Embedded Controller firmware parts,
to confirm we have proper updated version of EC firmware.
file_source: None to read BIOS from system flash rom, or any string
value as the file name of firmware image to read.
flashrom = flashrom_util.FlashromUtility(exception_type=gft_common.GFTError)
flashrom.initialize(flashrom.TARGET_EC, target_file=file_source)
# to bypass the 'skip verification' sections
image = flashrom.get_current_image()
if not image:
ErrorDie('GetECHash: Cannot read EC firmware')
hash_src = flashrom.get_verification_image(image)
return hashlib.sha256(hash_src).hexdigest()
def UpdateGBB(old_bios, db_file, in_place=False):
Updates firmware image GBB data according to given components database file.
Returns a new bios file that is changed its GBB values from old_bios
according to the fields in components.
old_bios: BIOS file to be changed its GBB values.
components: hardware component list to be referred.
base = gft_common.GetComponentsDatabaseBase(db_file)
components = gft_common.LoadComponentsDatabaseFile(db_file)
ErrorDie('UpdateGBB: Invalid components list file: %s' % db_file)
for key in ['part_id_hwqual', 'data_bitmap_fv', 'key_root', 'key_recovery']:
if len(components[key]) != 1 or components[key][0] == '*':
ErrorDie('Components list should have a valid value for %s: %s' %
(key, db_file))
cmd = 'gbb_utility --set'
cmd += ' --hwid="%s"' % components['part_id_hwqual'][0]
cmd += ' --bmpfv="%s"' % os.path.join(base, components['data_bitmap_fv'][0])
cmd += ' --rootkey="%s"' % os.path.join(base, components['key_root'][0])
cmd += ' --recoverykey="%s"' % os.path.join(base,
cmd += ' %s' % old_bios
new_bios = old_bios
if not in_place:
new_bios = gft_common.GetTemporaryFileName()
cmd += ' %s' % new_bios
cmd += ' >/dev/null'
VerboseMsg("WriteGBB: invoke command: " + cmd)
return new_bios
# Console main entry
def _main():
usage = 'Usage: %prog --target=BIOS|EC --image=IMAGE [--gbb=COMPONENTS]'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('--target', dest='target', metavar='BIOS|EC',
help='hash target, BIOS or EC')
parser.add_option('--image', dest='image',
help='firmware image file, or empty to read from system')
parser.add_option('--gbb', dest='gbb', metavar='COMPONENTS',
help='component db file for replacing GBB data in BIOS')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
image = options.image
if image is None:
parser.error("Please specify --image to a firmware image file or ''")
if args:
parser.error("Unknown param(s): " + ' '.join(args))
target = and
if target not in ['bios', 'ec']:
parser.error("Please specify either BIOS or EC for --target")
modified_image = None
if options.gbb:
if target != 'bios':
parser.error("Please set --target=BIOS if replace GBB")
if image == '':
parser.error("Please specify --image to a file if replace GBB")
modified_image = UpdateGBB(image, options.gbb, in_place=False)
if target == 'bios':
print GetBIOSReadOnlyHash(modified_image or image)
elif target == 'ec':
print GetECHash(image)
# Remove the temporary GBB-modified file.
if modified_image:
if __name__ == "__main__":